Учебное пособие по английскому языку для студентов специальности хтнв очной и очно-заочной формы обучения I часть березники 2003

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НазваниеУчебное пособие по английскому языку для студентов специальности хтнв очной и очно-заочной формы обучения I часть березники 2003
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ТипУчебное пособие
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Part B

  1. Read the words and expressions and guess what this text is about?

the surface of the planet – поверхность планеты,

to descend [di`send] – спускаться,

to breathe [bri:ð] – дышать,

oxygen (nitrogen) – кислород (азот),

helmets – шлемы,

intelligent life – разумная жизнь,

to rescue – спасать.


The spaceship flew around the new planet several times. The planet was blue and green. They couldn't see the surface of the planet because there were too many white clouds. The spaceship descended slowly through the clouds and landed in the middle of a green forest. The two astronauts put on their space suits, opened the door, climbed carefully down the ladder, and stepped onto the planet.

The woman looked at a small control unit on her arm. It's all right she said to the man. We can breathe the air ... it's a mixture of oxygen and nitrogen. Both of them took off their helmets and breathed deeply.

They looked at everything carefully. All the plants and animals looked new and strange. They couldn't find any intelligent life.

After several hours, they returned to their spaceship. Everything looked normal. The man switched on the controls, but nothing happened. “Something's wrong”, – he said. “I don't understand ... the engines aren't working”. He switched on the computer, but that didn't work either. “Eve”, – he said. “We're stuck here ... we can't take off!”

“Don't worry, Adam”, – she replied. “They'll rescue us soon”.

  1. Read the text and answer the following questions:

  1. What kind planet was it?

  2. What were the names of the astronauts?

  3. What was the air on that planet?

  4. Was there any intelligent life on it?

  5. What happened then?

  1. What is your opinion about the end of this story? Think over and write down about the fate of the astronauts.

  1. Render the contents of the last paragraph into Indirect Speech.

Unit II.


Part A

1. Learn the following words and word-combinations:
artificial – искусственный

carbon – углерод

composition – состав

compound – смесь, соединение

condition - условие

deposition - осаждение

hydrogen – водород

liquid - жидкость

matter – материя

measurement - измерение

molten – расплавленный, жидкий

pressure – давление

property – свойство

solution – раствор

solid – твердое тело

substance – вещество

volume – объем

to be concerned with – касаться, иметь отношение к

to be composed of – состоять из

to be linked with – быть связанным с

to change – изменять

to convert into – превращать, преобразовывать

to create – создавать

to deal with – иметь дело с, рассматривать

to decompose – разлагать, разложить

to discover – открывать, обнаруживать

to introduce – вводить

to obtain – получать, добывать

to occur in nature – встречаться в природе

to result in – приводить к

to undergo – подвергаться

on the one hand – с одной стороны

on the other hand – с другой стороны

as well as – так же, как и

since – так как

whereby – посредством чего

  1. Translate the words without dictionary.

absorption, accompany, analytical, automation, colloidal, concept, electrochemistry, electronics, energy, form, manufacture, material, man-made, metal, method, mineral, organic, plastics, reaction, synthesis, transformation, structure, typical.

  1. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the different meanings of the word "matter":




matter содержание

предмет (обсуждения)

вопрос, дело

иметь значение

as a matter of fact - фактически, на самом деле; в сущности

1. Mass is the quantity of matter in a special specimen (образец). 2. Chemistry is the branch of science which deals with different substances or varieties of matter. 3. It is a matter of common observation (наблюдение) that matter exists in three states. 4. Though this substance is of organic origin it is still a matter of some doubt (сомнение) whether it is of animal or vegetable origin. 5. As a matter of fact this discovery was not a new one, but still-it was very interesting. 6. No matter what results we get we shall continue our work. 7. It doesn't matter when he comes, we shall begin our experiments without him, and later we shall show him the results. 8. Changes in matter can't be without changes in energy. 9. Matter is that which makes up the universe (мир, вселенная), matter is the reality. 10. It is known that mass is a quantity of matter that makes a body. 11. The concentration of mineral matter in sea water slowly increases. 12. Sea water contains approximately 3.6 per cent of mineral matter in solution. 13. The forms of motion of matter are diverse.

  1. Read the text and answer the following questions.

1. What does chemistry study?

2. What does chemistry deal with?

3. Why is chemistry one of the fundamental sciences?

4. What sciences is chemistry linked with?

5. When did sufficient facts about chemistry appear?

6. When did modern chemistry begin?

7. Who was the first to study quantitatively the relationship between the volume of a gas and the external pressure upon it?

8. What did Lavoisier introduce?

9. Who discovered regularities in the properties of the elements?

10. How many branches of chemistry are there now? What are they?

11. What do you know about the future of chemistry?


Chemistry is the science which deals with materials, their properties and the transformations they undergo. So chemistry is the study of the composition and properties of matter, their changes, the conditions under which such changes take place, and the energy which accompany them.

Chemistry is concerned with the nature of fire and the structure of water, it deals with colours, catalysis and crystal structure, with physical properties and chemical reactivity.

Chemistry is one of fundamental sciences. On the one hand chemistry is linked with biology through biochemistry, and on the other with physics through physical chemistry. It plays an important part in the development of biochemistry, physics, geology, and many other fields of science.

Chemistry's origin goes back to ancient times, with the manufacture of bronze, iron, ceramics, glass. At the end of the sixteenth century sufficient facts, entirely free of magic which surrounded the work of alchemists appeared.

In the seventeenth century modern chemistry began with the work of Robert Boyle. He was the first one who studied quantitatively the relationship between the volume of a gas and the external pressure upon it. Later A. Lavoisier introduced the concept of the chemical elements.

In the 19th century A. Avogadro introduced the formulation of molecules. He stated that equal volumes of gases under the same conditions of temperature and pressure contain the same number of molecules.

F.A. Kekule and A.M. Butlerov introduced the structural theory of organic chemistry.

In 1869 D.I. Mendeleyev discovered regularities in the properties of the elements. D.I. Mendeleyev's discovery was the greatest one in chemistry.

Many great scientists devoted their life to the development of chemistry among them Bohr whose theory of the hydrogen atom was very important, the Curies who in 1934 announced the preparation of artificially radio-active elements, Marie Curie who discovered radium, and the element polonium.

Many great Russian chemists made a great contribution to world science. Among them, the outstanding Russian chemists M.V. Lomonosov, D.I. Mendeleyev, A.M. Butlerov, Academician N.N. Semenov, and many others.

Everyone now understands the importance of chemistry. The future of chemistry is practically unlimited. Rapid development of chemical industry will make it possible to create many new goods, machines, plastics, polymers, it will help to understand many new phenomena.

* * *

Now there are more than 30 different branches of chemistry. Some of them are: inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, physical chemistry, analytical chemistry, nuclear chemistry, colloidal chemistry, and electrochemistry.

Inorganic chemistry deals with substances obtained directly or indirectly from minerals, ores and similar sources.

Organic chemistry deals with substances which are composed in part of carbon, and many of which are associated in some ways with living bodies, plants, and animals.

Physical chemistry is concerned with those parts of chemistry which are closely linked with physics. Physical chemistry includes many of the principles of physics as well as those of chemistry. The knowledge of this division of the science is particularly important in all fields of chemistry, since its fundamental laws are the bases all the different divisions are established upon.

Analytical chemistry is concerned with the identification, separation, and quantitative measurement of the composition of different substances that occur in nature.

Nuclear chemistry deals with the identifications of atomic nuclei and with reactions which take place between them.

Colloidal chemistry is concerned with special properties of substances in a finely dispersed condition.

Electrochemistry is concerned with the relation between electrical energy and chemical change. Electrolyses is the process whereby electrical energy causes a chemical change in the conducting medium, which usually is a solution or a molten substance. The process is generally used as a method of deposition of metals from a solution.

  1. Translate the words in the brackets into English.

1. Chemistry is the science which (рассматривает) materials and their properties. 2. The connection of chemistry with energy (связана с изменениями энергии) that accompany chemical transformations of matter. 3. All changes of one kind of matter into another (сопровождаются) by the absorption or liberation of energy. 4. Physical chemistry (рассматривает) those parts of chemistry (которые тесно связаны с физикой). 5. This scientist (внес большой вклад) both in chemistry and physics. 6. All his life he worked in the field of chemistry, and we can say that he (посвятил) his life to science. 7. All the changes which (сопровождали) this reaction play a very important role. 8. Later Lavoisier (ввел) the concept of the chemical elements. 9. This article (касается) the development of our industry.

  1. Ask questions to the words in bold type:

1. Chemistry is linked with biology. 2. Chemistry is concerned with different forms of matter. 3. Now there are more than 30 different branches of chemistry. 4. Substances may be obtained directly or indirectly from minerals, ores and other sources. 5. In 1869 D.I. Mendeleyev discovered regularities in the properties of the elements. 6. Many great Russian chemists made a great contribution to world science. 8. Rapid development of chemical industry will help to understand many new phenomena.

  1. Write a plan in form of questions to the text and retell the text according to it.

  1. Translate the text into English.

Наука химия имеет дело со свойствами, составом и структурой веществ (material), из которых состоит наш мир, изменениями, при которых эти вещества превращаются в другие вещества, и с сопровождающими их энергетическими изменениями. Химия имеет отношение к различным формам материи. Материя существует как твердые вещества, жидкости или газы. Соединение - это вещество, которое может быть разложено на два или более веществ. Химические реакции - это процессы, которые превращают вещества в другие вещества.

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