Я рамочная программа европейского сообщества ленинский проспект, д. 33, корп. 1, комн. 246, Москва, 119071, Россия

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International Conference on Safe production and use of nanomaterials

[Event Date: 2008-11-(03-07)]
Minatec, Grenoble, France
Сайт: http://www.nanosafe.org


[Event Date: 2008-11-(04-09)]
Ljubljana, Slovenia

The First European Food Congress will bring together food and nutrition professionals from academia and industry throughout Europe and from non-European food related societies to review, exchange and disseminate knowledge and experience in current food science, technology, policy and nutrition.

A stimulating five-day programme will be comprised of plenary lectures, symposia, sessions, workshops, round tables, exhibition, posters and also informal meetings to encourage networking and future opportunities for work in the food area.

Abstracts are invited on the following themes for oral and poster presentation at the congress:

Food policy: scenarios for the future
Food patterns – from food to health
Environmental concepts in food
Cultural experiences
Food processing – from substrate to food
New methods in food production
Food distribution
New food concepts in the European food industry
Food packaging
Food safety & hygiene

For further information and to submit an abstract visit www.foodcongress.eu

The First European Food Congress is organized by EFFoST – the European Federation of Food Science and Technology and is supported by the following international organizations: BEUC, Copa-Cogeca, ETP Food for Life, EuCheMS-FCD, EUFIC, UN FAO, FEMS, FENS, IUFoST, IUNS, WHO. Conference administration is provided by Elsevier, publisher of the EFFoST affiliated journals.

Congress Organizing Board
Peter Raspor, EFFoST President
Dietrich Knorr, Chair of Programme Committee
Huub Lelieveld, Chair of Ambassadors Committee
Knuth Lorenzen, Chair of Exhibitors Committee
Brian McKenna, Chair of International Organizations Committee
David Napper, Chair of Sponsors Committee
Tatjana Zagorc, Chair of Organizing Committee

Congress Secretariat:
Richard Hart, European Food Congress
Tel: +44 (0) 1460 259776 | Email: info@event-logistics.co.uk

Conference of the European Partnership for Alternative Approaches to Animal Testing

[Event Date: 2008-11-03]
Brussels, Belgium

The annual conference of the European Partnership for Alternative Approaches to Animal Testing (EPAA) will take place on 3 November in Brussels, Belgium. The conference is jointly organised by the European Commission's Directorate-General for Research, the Directorate-General for Enterprise and partners from industry.

Under the title 'Research into alternative approaches: are we on the right track?', the conference will be dedicated to research into 3Rs (Replace, Reduce, Refine). In addition to reporting EPAA's progress and achievements in the past 12 months, presentations and expert panel discussions will address:
- current research in the area of 3Rs;
- new research perspectives on alternatives to animal testing;
- international collaboration on 3Rs research;
- future directions in 3Rs.

Science and Research Commissioner Janez Potocnik will speak at the opening of the event, while Günter Verheugen, Commissioner for Enterprise and Industry and Vice-President of the European Commission, will close the conference.

For further information and registration, please visit:

Category: Events
Data Source Provider: European Commission
Document Reference: Based on an event announcement
Subject Index: Research ethics; Life Sciences; Medicine, Health; Safety; Scientific Research; Social Aspects; Veterinary and animal sciences

Course in reproductive and developmental toxicology

[Event Date: 2008-11-03]
Berlin, Germany

A course in reproductive and developmental toxicology will be offered in Berlin, Germany, from 3 to 7 November.

The objective of the course is to:
- provide an overview of basic aspects of embryology, female and male reproductive systems and regulatory toxicology;
- discuss experimental evaluation of the reproductive systems and interpretation of possible results and present some of the guidelines of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD);
- give an overview of virtual and in vitro methods and teratological studies to evaluate developmental toxicity;
- provide the participants with practical demonstrations regarding some of the methods employed.

The course is intended for PhD students, post docs, senior scientists and other professionals.

The course is organised by RA-COURSES, a project funded by European Union Marie Curie Actions, in collaboration with CASCADE Network of Excellence.

For further information, please click:
here - http://www.cascadenet.org/projectweb/4667c4853b2a6/Courses.html

Remarks: Registration deadline: 5 September 2008

Category: Events
Data Source Provider: CASCADE Network Office
Document Reference: Based on an event announcement
Subject Index: Agriculture; Coordination, Cooperation; Education, Training; Food; Information, Media; Medicine, Health; Regional Development; Safety; Scientific Research; Social Aspects

Conference on biodiversity and agricultures

[Event Date: 2008-11-04]
Montpellier, France

The French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA) is organising a conference on 'Biodiversity and agricultures: today's challenges, tomorrow's research for more sustainable farming' which will take place on 4 and 5 November in Montpellier, France.

This international conference, aimed at European and international decision-makers and stakeholders will address the strategic importance of research on the impact of agriculture and biodiversity. It will assess the consequences of biodiversity loss for agricultural activities as well as the impact of agriculture on biodiversity.

Four main topics will be discussed:
- ecosystem services and agriculture;
- 'Agriculture, biodiversity and society - the footprint and the drivers';
- 'Agriculture and biodiversity in complex landscapes - pointers towards new policies';
- 'The way forward for science - what we need to know and how to apply knowledge to improve the situation'.

The conference is organised under the aegis of the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the French Ministry for Higher Education and Research and the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries.

For further information, please visit:

Category: Events
Data Source Provider: French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA)
Document Reference: Based on an event announcement
Subject Index: Agriculture; Biotechnology; Food; Life Sciences; Policies; Scientific Research; Sustainable development ; Social Aspects

Conference on systems and synthetic biology

[Event Date: 2008-11-07]
Heidelberg, Germany

A joint EMBL/EMBO (European Molecular Biology Laboratory/European Molecular Biology Organization) conference entitled ' Systems and synthetic biology: scientific and social implications' will take place on 7 and 8 November in Heidelberg, Germany.

Systems and synthetic biology are emerging inter-related frontiers in early 21st century biology. While these new fields have generated much attention both within and outside the world of science, time now seems ripe for a concerted effort towards clarification of their scientific scope and relevance to society. This calls for an organised effort in collective thinking, among scientists and non-scientists alike, about the significance of work being done in systems/synthetic biology, the environment within which that work is done, and the nature of any specific problem that may arise.

Potential benefits, as well as societal, ethical and safety concerns of systems/synthetic biology should be addressed from the start, so that these new fields of science can further develop in an environment of public trust. These are some of the main issues that will be the focus of the conference.

For further information, please click:
here - http://www.embl.org/aboutus/sciencesociety/conferences/2008/index.html

Remarks: The total number of participants is limited to 230.

Category: Events
Data Source Provider: European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL)
Document Reference: Based on an event announcement
Subject Index: Biotechnology; Life Sciences; Scientific Research; Social Aspects

International conference on poverty-related diseases

[Event Date: 2008-11-13]
Brussels, Belgium

The European Commission's Research Directorate General is organising an international conference on poverty-related diseases (PRDs) in Brussels, Belgium, on 13 and 14 November.

Entitled 'Challenges for the future - research on HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis', the aim of the conference is to increase the impact of EU-funded research on controlling PRDs. Leading scientists, research managers, decision-makers, funding agencies and representatives of relevant international non-governmental organisations (NGOs) will attend, with significant participation from disease-endemic countries in order to discuss strategies for the future of poverty-related infectious diseases research.

The conference will also include reflection on the results obtained in the Sixth Framework Programme (FP6) and consider possible future lines of research on HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis in the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) and beyond.

For further information, please visit:

Category: Events
Data Source Provider: European Commission
Document Reference: Based on an event announcement
Subject Index: Coordination, Cooperation; Medicine, Health; Policies; Scientific Research; Social Aspects

Course on 'Communicating research to the public and to media'

[Event Date: 2008-11-17]
Stockholm, Sweden

The CASCADE Network of Excellence ('Chemicals as contaminants in the food chain: an NOE for research, risk assessment and education') is organising a course entitled 'Communicating research to the public and to media' in Stockholm, Sweden, from 17 to 21 November.

The objective of the course is to further an understanding of the importance of communicating science to the public and the media and to give practical tools for written and oral popular science communication and for contacts with media.

The course will include theoretical and practical sessions on communication theory, communicating science, media, popular science writing and presentation skills.

The course is intended for PhD students and post docs. A few places for senior scientists are also available.

For further information, please visit: http://www.cascadenet.org/

Remarks: Deadline for application: 10 October 2008

Category: Events
Data Source Provider: CASCADE Network Office
Document Reference: Based on an event announcement
Subject Index: Agriculture; Coordination, Cooperation; Education, Training; Food; Medicine, Health; Safety; Scientific Research

Workshop on integrated testing strategies for REACH

[Event Date: 2008-11-17]
Brussels, Belgium

OSIRIS, a project funded under the Sixth Framework Programme (FP6), will hold a workshop on integrated testing strategies for REACH ('Registration, evaluation, authorisation and restriction of chemicals') on 17 November in Brussels, Belgium.

This workshop will provide stakeholders with in-depth knowledge of the integrated testing strategies in relation to REACH. Experts from industry, academia and government will present the available testing methods and explain how they can be used in REACH. The pros and cons of the approaches taken by the REACH team are open to discussion.

At the same time, the workshop is designed to give an overview of the preliminary results of OSIRIS and its contributions to the REACH characterisation and risk assessment process.

For further information, please visit:

Category: Events
Data Source Provider: DIALOGIK non-profit corporation for communication and cooperation research
Document Reference: Based on an event announcement
Subject Index: Industrial Manufacture; Legislation, Regulations; Life Sciences; Scientific Research; Sustainable development

European Scientific Conference on Applied Infectious Disease Epidemiology

[Event Date: 2008-11-19]
Berlin, Germany

The 2nd European Scientific Conference on Applied Infectious Disease Epidemiology (ESCAIDE) will take place in Berlin, Germany from 19 to 21 November.

A combination of plenary sessions and parallel session will be dedicated to the following topics:
- 'Migration and communicable diseases in Europe';
- 'Special needs in communication: How to reach the hard-to-reach?'
- 'The expansion of vector-borne infections in Europe: Are we prepared for it?'
- 'Old and new vaccines, old and new challenges';
- zoonoses;
- evolving influenza strains;
- international health;
- HIV/STI (sexually transmitted infections) risk behaviour;
- respiratory diseases;
- vector-borne diseases;
- healthcare-associated infections;
- HIV/STI epidemiology;
- outbreaks;
- novel methods for epidemiological investigations;
- AMR (antimicrobial resistance);
- influenza: seasonal and pandemic;
- environmental and occupational health;
- surveillance;
- vaccine-preventable diseases;
- food- and water-borne diseases;
- contribution of modelling to applied epidemiology;
- intervention and policy;
- surveillance: novel methods.

For further information, please visit:

Category: Events
Data Source Provider: ESCAIDE website
Document Reference: Based on an event announcement
Subject Index: Life Sciences; Medicine, Health; Scientific Research

GA2LEN-EAACI Allergy School

[Event Date: 2008-11-25]
London, UK

The EU-funded GA2LEN 'Network of excellence' (NoE) and the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI) are organising an introductory course on the epidemiology of allergy and respiratory diseases from 25 to 28 November in London, UK.

The aim is to equip junior and senior clinicians and researchers with skills to understand and undertake epidemiological research in the field of allergy and respiratory diseases and to provide standardised training in basic epidemiology for integrated research projects across Europe.

The course will comprise a combination of lectures and group work, delivered by experts in the field, aiming to help students to apply the information presented during lectures, and to establish contact with colleagues and tutors, which may be useful for future work. Topics to be covered include:
- study designs: cross-sectional surveys, questionnaire design and sampling, ecological and case-control studies, cohort studies, randomised controlled trials (RCTs), systematic reviews and meta-analysis;
- practical aspects and interpretation issues;
- keynote lectures on the Hygiene Hypothesis, environment and asthma, Vitamin D, asthma and allergies and genetic epidemiology.

For further information, please visit:

Category: Events
Data Source Provider: GA2LEN 'Network of excellence'
Document Reference: Based on an event announcement
Subject Index: Agriculture; Biotechnology; Coordination, Cooperation; Education, Training; Environmental Protection; Evaluation; Food; Life Sciences; Medicine, Health; Safety; Scientific Research; Resources of the Sea, Fisheries; Standards

'Bio meets nano and IT' conference

[Event Date: 2008-12-09]
Oulu, Finland

The 'Bio meets nano and IT (information technology)' conference will be held in Oulu, Finland, from 9 to 11 December. Registration is until 15 November.

Composed of seminars, exhibitions, partnering events and company visits, the conference aims to increase cross-technology interaction and business between life sciences, nanotechnology and IT. It is intended to help companies, as well as academic and clinical research groups, to develop an understanding of present and emerging customer needs, new offers and market trends. Lectures will address topics such as:
- biomolecular recognition;
- services for drug discovery and development;
- the efficient production of biomolecules;
- information and communication (ICT) boost for life sciences;
- e-health;
- wellness;
- 'Potato North - plant biotech';
- business and market news.

In addition to the lectures in these specific fields, the conference will also provide the possibility for guided visits to local companies and research facilities in the fields of technology, drug discovery and development, plant biotech and wellness.

For further information, please visit:

Category: Events
Data Source Provider: 'Bio meets nano and IT' conference website
Document Reference: Based on an event announcement
Subject Index: Biotechnology; Economic Aspects; Information and communication technology applications ; Life Sciences; Nanotechnology and Nanosciences; Scientific Research

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