Урок 48. Виды сми цели: формирование навыков аудирования по теме «сми»

НазваниеУрок 48. Виды сми цели: формирование навыков аудирования по теме «сми»
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VII. Подведение итогов урока

- Say what changes we make in the reported speech. Was it difficult to define the reported sentences in the dialogue? That is all for today. We will continue at the next lesson.

Домашнее задание

Уч.: упр. 79, стр. 78 (выучить, составить таблицу); упр. 33, пр. 88; РТ: упр. 2, стр. 47.

Урок 68. Глаголы, вводящие косвенную речь

Цель: тренировка в употреблении грамматики: косвенная речь. Оборудование: записи на доске; магнитофон; таблицы, приго-i пиленные дома детьми.

Ход урока

l Организационный момент

- We continue working on the reported speech. You will learn to use the reported statements and verbs that are used to report speech.

II. Фонетическая разминка

- Learn to pronounce the ending -ed correctly. Listen to the tape and repeat the verbs in ex. 83, p. 79. Now you try to do it yourselves. Read the verbs in a chain.

  • Р1-Р2-Ч-РЗ.

Say how we pronounce -ed. {Wepronounce it in three ways: [t], [d] and [id].)

III. Речевая разминка

- Now open your books at p. 89. Do ex. 34. Use your tables and the example and make the necessary changes. Do the task orally in pairs.


John asked Alice to make herself at home. He said that he would be a minute later.

Alice answered that she thought John liked reading horror books.

John asked why.

Alice answered there were a lot of them on his desk.

John told Alice those were the books of his younger brother. He said that he seldom read that kind of books. He said that he really preferred books on photography and history.

Alice said that was all right. She said that she would bring him some more historical CD books the next day.

IV. Совершенствование грамматических навыков

- Look back at Pamela's, Margaret's and Andy's letters in ex. 63, p. 75. Choose one of them and report what the author said about reading books. Do the task in writing, please. Work individually. Now if you are ready read what you've got.

- At home get ready to retell the text in the reported speech. Let's have a rest. Stand up.

V. Физкультминутка

VI. Развитие грамматических навыков

- You know there are some verbs that are used to report speech. Open ex. 84 on p. 79. Read the examples and name such verbs. (They are to explain, to suggest, to think, to offer, to advise, to remind, to ask.)

- Learn to use them. Read the story in ex. 85, p. 80. Say why it is called "A Bad Memory". (It is called "A Bad Memory" as the professor was thinking only about his lectures and forgot he was talking to his wife.)

- Your task is to write a gist of the story using given reported verbs. Then you will compare your texts in groups of three and choose the best one. At home you will continue working on the reported speech.

VII. Подведение итогов урока

  • - How is ending -ed pronounced? What verbs are used to report speech? Thank you for your work. The lesson is over.

Домашнее задание

Уч.: упр. 81, стр. 79 (подготовить рассказ); упр. 34, 35, стр. 89 i письменно).

Урок 69. Вопросы в косвенной речи

Цель: введение грамматики: трансформация вопросительных предложений в косвенную речь.

Оборудование: записи на доске; таблицы.

Ход урока

- Today you will learn to transform questions into the reported speech. But before it we will revise the previous rule and check up your homework.

II. Фонетическая разминка

- Let's start with pronunciation. Open your books at p. 78. Follow the dialogue and repeat after the actors. Mind the stresses and intonation.

Учитель просит класс повторять хором. Начиная с середины дна-юга, повторяют за актерами только те учащиеся, которых просит \'1итель.

III. Речевая разминка. Проверка домашнего задания

- At home you prepared to retell texts about reading books. Tell the class your story. Other pupils must open the text and follow the sentences. Be ready to correct mistakes if the speaker has any.

IV. Введение грамматики

- I see that you can use statements in the reported speech. Today you will learn to use questions. Study the rale in ex. 86, p. 80. Compare the examples.

- It's time for you to have a drill. Use the rale and your tables. Do the task of ex. 87, p. 81. Think of the questions for a while and write them down.

- Now go around and ask your classmates questions about their collections of books at home. Report on the results of your interviews. See the example.

Примерный ответ:

What authors have you got at home? (I asked B. what authors he had got at home. He answered that he had got...)

  • Is your collection of books large? (I asked B. if his collection of hooks was large. He answered that it was/wasn't very large.)

Who in your family reads more often? (I asked B. who in his family read more often. He answered that his... did.)

How often do you read the books from your home collection? (I asked B. how often he read the books from his home collection. He answered that he read them...)

How many books from your collection have you read? (I asked B. how many books from his collection he had read. He answered that he had read... books.)

What is your favourite book from the collection? (I asked B. what his favourite book from the collection was. He answered that his favourite book was...)

Will you buy more books to your collection? (I asked B. if he would buy more books to his collection. He answered that he would/ wouldn't.)

- I see that you are a bit tired. Let's have a rest.

V. Физкультминутка

VI. Совершенствование грамматических навыков

- Continue your work. Report the conversation in ex. 88, p. 81. (BoyIan asked Rudolph if his sister had found a job. Rudolph answered that he didn't know, he hadn't heard from her recently. Boylan asked Rudolph if he thought that she would be successful and if she had talent. Rudolph answered that he thought so, she had something.)

- Now do ex. 36 on p. 89 orally. Discuss it in pairs first. Keys:

Lion asked mouse what was going on and who was there. Mouse asked if lion saw her. Lion asked who she was.

Mouse answered she was his friend. She asked if she could help him. Lion answered yes. He asked how she would do that. Mouse told lion not to worry. She said she could gnaw the net. Lion asked why she wanted to help him. He asked if she was afraid of him.

Mouse answered no. She said she was just his friend.

- At home do some tasks in writing to learn the rale.

VII. Подведение итогов урока

- Who told the story in a most interesting way? What is the word order in the reported questions? Learn the rale at home. Be ready to explain it at the next lesson. Now you may be free.

Домашнее задание

  • Уч.: упр. 36, 39, стр. 89; упр. 86, стр. 80 (выучить).

Урок 70. Просьбы и команды в косвенной речи

Цель: формирование грамматических навыков: просьбы и команды в косвенной речи.

Оборудование: записи на доске; таблицы; карточки.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент

- Today you will learn to give commands and use them in the reported speech. At the next lesson you will have a test on the theme "Reported Speech".

II. Фонетическая разминка

- Begin with pronunciation. Look at the blackboard. Listen to my reading first.

Запись на доске:

Hickety, pickety, my black cat Likes to sit in my black hat. Hickety, pickety, my black cat.

- Translate the tongue twister. Read it slowly. Then read the tongue twister in a natural manner. And then read it as quickly as you can. Who is the winner?

- What sounds do you hear more often? ([k], [t], [i].)

- Name other words with these sounds. Примерный ответ:

[k] — confess, climb, work, create, clever, etc. [t] - take, tornado, true, tree, etc. [i] — wisdom, sit, win, him, etc.

ill. Речевая разминка

- Let's revise the grammar rales about the reported statements and questions. Take the cards on your desks. Fulfill the task. Discuss the sentences in pairs.

На карточках:

Report the following sentences. Mind the word order and tenses.

I. Nick said: "1 will get up at 5 o'clock tomorrow."

2.1 said to him: "Are you sure about it?"

3. The teacher asked: "Are you ready for the test, children?"

4. The weather forecast said: "There will be a tornado in 3 hours."

5. The police officer asked: "Mr Black, where did you see this man last?"

  • 6. The librarian said: "They have taken your book, but you may borrow another one."

7. She said: "I don't want to be a doctor, I want to be a teacher."

8. Mother asked: "What were you reading yesterday?" Keys:

1. Nick said he would get up at 5 o'clock the next day. 2.1 said him if he was sure about that.

3. The teacher asked children if they were ready for the test.

4. The weather forecast said there would be a tornado in 3 hours, j

5. The police officer asked Mr Black where he had seen that man before.

6. The librarian said they had taken my book but I might borrow another one.

7. She said she didn't want to be a doctor, she wanted to be a teacher.

8. Mother asked what I had been reading the day before. IV. Обучение грамматике

— We are going to discuss one more case connected with the reported speech. Open your books at p. 81. In ex. 89 you can see the rule. Read it and remember.

— Have a drill now. Open your books at p. 89. In ex. 37 you have to complete each sentence in the reported speech. Work in pairs.


1. My mother reminded me not to leave my keys.

2. Our fans asked us to win the game.

3. She ordered him to answer the phone call.

4. The woman told her children not to speak so loudly.

- Give a command to your partner who will report it then. For example:

Vova says: "Olga, open the window, please." Olga says: "Vova asked me to open the window."

- Let's have a rest. Stand up, please.

V. Физкультминутка

VI. Совершенствование грамматических навыков

- In ex. 90, p. 81 you see four parts of the text. Arrange them to make up the text. Different variants are possible. First work individually. Then we shall decide what variants to choose.

So, what do you think the order of the passages is?


1)3; 1;2;4.



  • — Give a title to the text.

— What new facts have you learnt from the text? (/ have learnt that...)

— What do you usually read: books, CD books or newspapers and magazines?

— Work in pairs. Continue interviewing each other. Use ex. 91, p. 81. Say how you will start your questions. (Was it new for you that...?)

— Report on the results of your interview. Use the example in ex. 92.

Примерный ответ:

a) Did you know that books were first printed in the 15th century?

b) Have you heard that printers started printing books in three countries at the same time?

c) Have you known that these days anyone can read books on CDs?

d) Did you know that Columbus discovered America five centuries ago?

e) Do you know that the Internet provides us with access to any library all over the world?

0 Have you heard that not long ago people living in one part of the world didn't know much about the life of people in their neighbouring countries?

— At home do some tasks in writing. Repeat the rules of the reported speech and get ready to write a test on the theme.

VII. Подведение итогов урока

— Remind me the tongue twister we have learnt today. Have you got any questions on the reported speech? Ask me now, at the next lesson you will write a test.

Домашнее задание

Уч.: упр. 39, стр. 89; упр. 79, стр. 78; упр. 86, стр. 89; упр. 89, стр. 81 (повторить); подготовиться к тесту.

Урок 71. Читать или не читать?

Цели: письменный контроль грамматики по теме «Косвенная речь»; совершенствование навыков монологической речи.

Оборудование: записи на доске; распечатки с заданиями.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент

  • — We are going to begin with the test on the reported speech. Then you will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of books.

I. Самостоятельная работа

— Take the cards. Write the variant and start doing the test. На карточках*: Variant 1

1) Use the verb in the principle clause in the Past tense and make all the necessary changes.

1. She says she learns two foreign languages. 2. We know she is talking to the dean. 3. She says she has known the Smiths for a long time.

4. They say they received the letter yesterday. 5. I suppose my friend will come to the party.

2) Make the following questions indirect. Use "He wanted to know".

1. Does Jane live in Moscow? 2. Did your brother study at Oxford University? 3. What are you talking about? 4. Where can I see you next time? 5. How long will it take us to go there by car?

Variant 2

1) Use the verb in the principle clause in the Past tense and make all the necessary changes.

1. My friend says he works only three days a week. 2. He thinks his parents are sleeping. 3. Kate says she has been to Britain several times. 4. She writes they moved into the new flat a month ago.

5. I'm sure our team will win the game.

2) Make the following questions indirect. Use "He wanted to know".

1. Do you play tennis every day? 2. Did they teach English literature at school? 3. What is he doing now? 4. When may I borrow the book? 5. When will you come next time?


Variant 1

1) 1. She said she learnt two foreign languages. 2. We knew she was talking to the dean. 3. She said she had known the Smiths for a long time. 4. They said they had received the letter the day before. 5.1 supposed my friend would come to the party.

2) 1. He wanted to know if Jane lived in Moscow. 2. He wanted to know if my brother had studied at Oxford University. 3. He wanted to know what we were talking about. 4. He wanted to know where he could see me next time. 5. He wanted to know how long it would take us to go there by car.

  • * Выборова Г. Е., Махмурян К. С. Сборник упражнений по английской грамматике к базовому курсу «Easy English»: учебное пособие для учащихся средней школы и студентов неязыковых вузов. - М.: ACT-ПРЕСС КНИГА, 2005. - 176 с. -(Easy English).

Variant 2

1)1. My friend said he worked only three days a week. 2. He thought his parents were sleeping. 3. Kate said she had been to Britain several times. 4. She wrote they had moved into the new flat a month before. 5. I was sure our team would win the game.

2) 1. He wanted to know if I played tennis every day. 2. He wanted to know if they had taught English literature at school. 3. He wanted to know what he was doing then. 4. He wanted to know when he might borrow the book. 5. He wanted to know when I would come next time.

- Let's have a rest. Stand up, please.
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