История Великий Шелковый путь. Его важнейшая роль в истории Казахстана Абдибек А. С

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Использованные источники

  1. Адрианов А.В. Очерки Минусинского края. Томск, 1904.

  2. Бутанаев В.Я. Социально-экономическая история хакасского села. Абакан, 1987.

  3. Государственно-правовое регулирование торговли Енисейской губернии. Под ред. Александрова Ю.Л. Красноярск, 2003.

  4. Гусейнов Р.А. История экономики России. Новосибирск, 1998.

  5. Земля Минусинская. Под ред. Статейнова. Красноярск, 1998.

  6. История Сибири. Под ред. Окладникова. Ленинград, 1968.

  7. История Хакасии: с древнейших времен до 1917 года. Под ред. Кызласова Л.Р. М., 1993.

  8. Конотопов М.В. и Сметанин СИ. История экономики России. М, 2003.

  9. Красноярский край в истории Отечества. 2 тома. Под ред. Григорьева А.А Красноярск, 1996.

  10. Латкин Н.В. Енисейская губерния, ее прошлое и настоящее. Красноярск, 1964.

  11. Мешалкин П.Н. Енисейская губерния на всемирных выставках. Красноярск, 1997.

  12. Мешалкин П.Н. Мещанство и благотворительность сибирских купцов-предпринимателей. Красноярск, 1995.

  13. Поселкова Е.Г. Винокуренная промышленность Минусинского уезда. АМКМ. Минусинск, 1998.

  14. Рабинович Г.Х. Крупная буржуазия и монополистический капитал в экономике Сибири конца XIX - начала XX вв. Томск, 1975.

  15. Список винокуренных заводов Российской империи 1886-1887 гг. СПб., 1890.

  16. Тимошина Т.М. Экономическая история России. М, 1998.

  17. Хонина О.А. Иванова Р.Л. Красноярский край. Красноярск, 1984.

  18. Шибаева Г. Социально-экономическая обстановка в Минусинском уезде конца XIX века (1895-1900гг.). АМКМ. Минусинск, 1976.

Democratization. Transition to democracy in South Korea
Kulich E.O.

Kiev Slavonic University

(International relations, 4 academic year)
Course coordinator: О.М. Verhovcova, associate professor
The aim of study is to trace a transition from the authoritarian regime to the democratic system in South Korea.

This work depicts such main problems as:

  • Studying of a problem of reforming SK on a background of the general modernization process

  • Revealing of the form and motive forces of democratization process in the country

  • Depicting of liquidation process of authoritarian regime and establishing of the modern political system

In the work the author was limited with such time frameworks, as the second half of 80th years – the second half of 90th years. The author chose this period because exactly at this time we can observe clear process of transition to democracy in SK & successful attempts to establish new democratic political system in the country.

There are 5 types of political regime. Three of them are main: authoritarianism, partial democracy and liberal democracy. The other is direct democracy and participatory democracy.

Authoritarianism is a political regime where political leader strictly controls society, without considering to people’s opinion.

Actually there are a lot of definitions of term “democracy”. According to Aristotle, democracy is the rule by many (opposed to monarchy or oligarchy). R. Dahl gave such definition as “Democracy is form of government exhibiting high levels of contestation and participation.” Democracy is a form of government in which “who rules” is decided by elections (by Przeworski)

Partial democracy is a mixed regime where exists limited accountability of government to citizens through elections, where unfair competitive elections take place.

Liberal democracy differs from partial one. There is an accountable government and free and fair competitive elections. It characterized by open society, pluralism, tolerance and by competition of various points of views. But actually liberal democracy can’t be equated with democracy as such. Liberal democracy in some way is limited type of democracy, although not as limited as partial democracy.

Participatory and direct democracy mark that liberal democracy is fairly limited [1].

The word “democratization” refers to political changes moving in a democratic direction

There are three main stages of democratization:

  • Liberalization – the dictatorial system in authoritarian or totalitarian system , is going through a process of opening, relaxation and differentiation which enhances social pluralism in the socioeconomic and the political field.

  • Transition – the continuation of liberalization, opening up for electoral democracy: the right to vote for competitive parties in free and fair elections.

  • Consolidation – a discernible process by which the institutions, rules and attitudes come to constitute “the only game in town”, the one legitimate framework for seeking and exercising political power.

Scholars differentiate 3 main approaches of researching the democratization process

  • The modernization approach emphasizing a number of social and economic requisites either associated with existing liberal democracies or necessary for successful democratization.

  • The transition approach emphasizing political processes and elite initiatives and choices that account for moves from authoritarian rule to liberal democracy.

  • The structural approach emphasizing changing structures of power favorable to democratization [1].

To consideration was taken the period of transition of democracy in SK. Because during this stage there were substantial changes, which had an influence on formation of consolidated democracy

For writing of this work the author used a structural method, accenting attention on the change of political structure, forming of new social classes, and also forming of the multiparty system in the country of morning freshness. Also a little was used transition method, concentrating on the role of political leaders and their programs.

On the basis of analysis of historical material, related both to becoming of the democratic modes and with their temporal (although an extent in time could be enough considerable) defeat, S. Huntington selects the followings waves of democratization:

First long wave of democratization – 1828-1926 years

First reverse wave – 1922-1942 years.

Second short wave of democratization – 1943-1962 years.

Second reverse wave – 1958-1975 years.

Third wave of democratization – from 1974 [1].

In this work the author examines the process of transition of democracy on the example of one country – South Korea. SK became the subject of work because it is one of the Asian countries, which passed the process of democratization and was able to save a new political system, serving an example for other states in the Asian region. Therefore on author’s opinion it is interesting to trace the stage of democracy transition in such country.

In this work author has used different kind of material, including books, journal articles, and internet resources. To write theory “Democratization” by David Potter, David Goldblatt, Margaret Kiloh, Paul Lewis was used. Especially the first chapter “Explaining democratization” has been used. Brief history of SK & activity of Korean presidents and some articles were taken from Internet. On these materials author based the analysis of his work.

Due to the Russian-Japanese war (1904-1905) South Korea had been a Japanese colony since 1910. And over a period of about 40 years SK had been completely the authoritarian state. Accordingly it had been fully following politic and economic courses of the mother country. There was no hint on democracy. The Koreans were compelled to speak in Japanese language, schoolboys were attached to Shinto. Various mass antigovernment performances were immediately stopped and suppressed. A land class was weak and unorganized, small bourgeoisie and working class had no rights to protect their interests. [2]

However close ties with the Country of the Rising Sun lead to the integration of Korea to the East Asian imperialistic market. Capitalist industrialization and commercialization accelerated its paces.

After WWII the situation has cardinally changed. The Korean peninsula was divided into two occupation zones. The Soviet Union took area north of the 38th parallel. The United States took the southern half of the peninsula. There a military government under general Hodge was set. In 1948 the First republic was formed at the head with President Syngman Ree, activist and leader of movement for liberation during the period of Japanese occupation. Though South Korea escaped from the Japanese yoke and followed the path of democratization in opened way, since the second half of 50th democracy had been existing there only nominally. Military elite always had been in power, whose positions were very strong. Due to enormous investments of the USA and the land reforms that were carried out in view of getting rich land owners’ support, in South Korea capitalism have taken a turn for the best after WWII. Chaebols began to receive influence in an economy. Forming and strengthening of middle class (White-collars workers) also took place. [3]

The authoritarian regime in Korea was supported by the totalitarian states as China and North Korea.

An industrialization and high economy growth in SK led to the appearing of early stages of economic and social pluralism in the first half of the eighties.

Middle class, which strengthened its positions during the rule of Chuan (1981-1987) and ordinary Korean people begun to realize disadvantage of the authoritarian regime. In the second half of the eighties trade unions were strong enough and militant, if to compare with previous years (especially with 1980). The unions of white-collars have appeared in insurance companies, broker houses, banks, government et cetera. So the basic push to process of democratization was made by a middle and working class.[3] A crisis was obviously set in the political system. A production began to reduce its rates. This resulted in a growth of mistrust of foreign investors.

A climax of crisis took place on June, 1987, which was marked by the mass riots of workers et al. against Chuan authoritarian rule. By that time in the political system the wing of soft liners had already formed in the counterbalance of hardliners. Roh Tae Woo who did not wish more bloodshed, similar to a situation in Kwangju massacre (cruelly suppressed of protest actions by governmental forces), saw the compromise as one of the suitable outputs from this situation. As a result, on June, 29 1987 Roh Tae Woo announced his political program of actions on peaceful transformation from the authoritarian regime to the democratic system of sixth republic (‘Declaration of Democratization and Reforms’).[4] Basic rights for the citizens, deviation from the hard centralized control were guaranteed in the document. The declaration was announced before the presidential elections. In the elections of December 1987, which defined the country’s transition to democracy, students, intellecuals, human and labour rights activists, clergymen, professionals, and other civic groups supported two leading opposition candidates, Kim Young Sam and Kim Dae-jung, against the government candidate, Roh Tae-woo. But as the opposition vote was not organized and due to The Declaration of Democratization and Reform, the ruling party got a slim victory. Roh Tae-Woo won with 35.9 percent of the votes, while Kim Young-sam and Kim Dae-jung received 27.5 and 26.5[5]. Chuan practically avoided act of force in suppression of democratic movement, in connection with the imminent Olympic games of 1988. This fact favorably influenced on unimpeded taking power by Roh Tae Woo.

These presidential elections have signified also the beginning of the establishing of multiparty system in South Korea. Such parties as DPS, Democratic Party for freedom (DPF) and Party of the world and democracy (PWD) have received strong power.

On April, 1988 elections in National assembly were held. DPS received 124 places out of 199, PWD – 71, DPF – 59[2]

A new government promised to extend the autonomy of universities, to allow the creation of student organizations, to liberalize the laws of a press and facilitate the journeys of citizens for a border.

Naturally besides the internal reasons, such as economic factors and formation of social consciousness, external factors also influenced on the beginning of transition to democracy in SK.

The USA had a direct relation to one of the international factors. Exactly this state invested huge amount of money in the economy of a country of the morning freshness. During about 30 years United States mainly had been having no objections to the existence of the authoritarian rule in Korea. However at the end of the eighties the USA supported democratic movement in SK. What is reason of this step? An answer lies, as well as in political as in economic dimension. Since the second half of seventies the USA in the person of Jimmy Carter had been zealously defending rights of people at the international arena. As the result, the White house began to put pressure on a government of South Korea. With the coming of Reagan in 1987 the USA sent its representative, who passed the desire of The White House to see the policy of Seoul as «more opened». Also the authoritarian regime began to hurt economic interests of the USA. The regime decreased wages, making Korean exports to the USA competitive. So the democratization could lead to increasing of wages, becoming of the export to the USA less threatening, and also to the opening of the Asian markets for American products.

In the middle of 80th bourgeoisie began to understand that influence of democratic conditions and changes of international context are important demands on a way to membership in a highly developed and prestige international club.

Japanese democratic tendencies put pressure on the authoritarian state in Asia. For Korea Japan became even more important ally than the USA. So, this also influenced on the beginning of democratic process.[3]

Had taken power Roh Tae Woo carried out the constitutional reform that foresaw liquidation of authoritarian legacy. A next step was the forming of organs of local self-government, which had been absent in SK since May 1961.

The beginning of the 90th was marked with the movement for wider privileges of legislative power and implementing of basic parliamentary forms of rule.

During the last 2 years Roh Tae Woo had been carrying out socio-economic reforms in a sphere of labour and agrarian relations. Also in 1990 the opposition party joined the party of power, and was created new party, called LDP. Previous leader of democratic opposition Kim Young-Sam became the chairman of the LDP and official successor of Roh Tae Woo.

Mister Kim was the author of a new conception of development of the South Korean state, which was named “New Korea” -the idea of the advance of the democratic system.

This conception and the coalition with the power helped Kim Young-Sam to win the elections in 1999.

Using political program of Japanese LDP president Kim Young-Sam chose model «a state of general prosperity » and the doctrine of liberal democracy as main principles of the state policy. Experience of the eastern neighbour had an enormous value, but for practical realization Kim Young-Sam created the own program of concrete political actions. It was formulated in the doctrine of New Korea. The main goal of the program was to create in the country political system, based on the ideals of liberal democracy and free market economy, and also on achievement high level of welfare.

Perhaps the most memorable case of the Kim Young-sam administration was the public trial of former presidents Chun and Roh. They were accused of political corruption, amassing illegal wealth through bribes, complot for their participation in the 1979 coup and the 1980 Kwangju massacre.

Kim Young-Sam concentrated basic efforts on deepening of the political reform, completed liquidation of authoritarian legacy. His administration undertook an attempt to restrain a corruption within the framework of ethics reform in financial sphere, successfully decided the task of depolarisation of military powers. The legislation of country was reorganized in accordance with democratic norms. Practically all spheres of Korean society were exposed to serious reformation. At the same time Kim Young-Sam did not give up the strong institute of presidential power, that had been formed within the authoritarian period. It undermined potential of parliamentary democracy substantially, but it was needed for successful realization of the program of democratization.

New presidential elections were held on December, 18th, 1999. They brought a victory to the leader of the oppositional National congress for new policy Kim Dae-jung and provided peaceful transition of authority from party in power to the opposition for the first time within all semi-centennial history of South Korea.

The elections showed that democracy had passed its first ‘turnover test’. The South Korean democratization process demonstrated a remarkable ability to incorporate radicalized elements into the mainstream of the SK political process.[3]

So, the author have analysed the process of transition of democracy in SK and now it’s possible to draw a conclusion, that success, sequence and irreversibility of process of Korea’s democratization depended on combination of a number of factors which can be grouped as:

1) External (introduction of basic democratic institutes by the efforts of occupation authorities of the USA; transition of SK into the leading strategic partner of the United States; permanent threat aggression outside DPRK);

2) Internal (appearing of socio-economic and political conditions; forming of pre-conditions and motive forces of political modernization; insufficient level of development of political culture et cetera).

It is necessary to consider a foreign help (credits and investments of the developed countries in its economy). Foreign-policy pressure and constantly operating factor of economic and political transformations of SK (world context of socio-economic and political development, world public opinion) are also important. On the democratic evolution of the Korean state undeniable influence was rendered by its close connection with the USA and Japan as with basic political and strategic allies.

These changes had been taking place from 1987 (liquidation of authoritarian rule) – 1997. During this period constitutional & social reforms had been held, which had influenced on the forming of democratic system in the country. Of course, this political system is different from western type of democracy, because of national values, traditions (especially because of Shinto religion, where supremacy of master/head of the state is supported). Nevertheless, this is a huge step from authoritarian period, which exemplified to other Asian countries.
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