Stars: Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Zooey Deschanel, Geoffrey Arend

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НазваниеStars: Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Zooey Deschanel, Geoffrey Arend
Дата публикации21.04.2015
Размер28.21 Kb.
Viva Lingua KinoClub

“500 Days of Summer”

Year: 2009

Country: US

Director: Marc Webb

Stars: Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Zooey Deschanel, Geoffrey Arend

Awards: 10 wins & 22 nominations

Tagline: “Boy meets girl. Boy falls in love. Girl doesn't.”


the disintegration of her parents’ marriage – букв. распад, разрушение

Tom believed that he'd never truly be happy until the day he met "the one." – та самая, единственная

But you should know up front this is not a love story. – in advance; beforehand

# Living in a den of thieves # - логово

# And it's contagious # - заразный

All we do is argue. :: That is bullshit. = nonsense

What do you know about P.M.S? – premenstrual syndrome

I mean, we've been like Sid and Nancy for months now. – a 1986 British biopic directed by Alex Cox. The film portrays the life of Sid Vicious (Gary Oldman), bassist of the seminal punk rock band the Sex Pistols, and his relationship with girlfriend Nancy Spungen (Chloe Webb)

You'll get over her. There's plenty of other fish in the sea. = to recover from love lost or love never had; = there are a lot of other women

For all intents and purposes, Summer Finn is just another girl. – по всем основным параметрам

To wit, in 1998, Summer quoted a song by the Scottish band Belle and Sebastian in her high school yearbook. "Color my life with the chaos of trouble." а именно; a book published by the graduating class of college, containing photographs of class members and commemorating school activities

This spike in Michigan sales of their album The Boy with the Arab Strap continues to puzzle industry analysts. – резкий рост

And her round-trip commute to work averaged 18.4 double takes per day. – a regular journey of some distance to and from your place of work; оценивающий взгляд

Maybe she's an uppity, "better than everyone" super skank. – наглый; a dirty or promiscuous female

I know. She's pretty hot. = sexy and attractive

Why is it that pretty girls think they can treat people like crap and get away with it? :: Centuries of reinforcement. – подкрепление (навыка, условного рефлекса)

You know what? Screw her. I don't care. – a crude way to express anger

"Today you're a man. Mazel tov on your bar mitzvah." – (Yiddish) used to express congratulations; a ceremony for admitting a boy of 13 as an adult member of the Jewish community

They used to call me Anal Girl. I was very neat and organized. – дотошный, занудный

She likes Magritte and Hopper. We talked about Banana fish for like 20 minutes. We're so сompatible, it's insane. – Magritte and Hopper are painters; a classic Japanese manga (comics); совместимый

Just 'cause some cute girl likes the same bizarre crap you do, that doesn't make her your soul mate, Tom. = strange; = rubbish

Skank. Whatever. I'm over it. – a dirty or promiscuous female

I'm comfortable. I'm unhassled. = not bothered

Okay. Let me break it down for you. = (informal) explain

Holy shit. You're a dude. She's a dude. – here Tom’s friend is saying that Summer’s way of thinking is more typical for men than for women

Me thinks the lady doth protest too much. = (from Shakespeare's “Hamlet”) one insists so passionately about something not being true that people suspect the opposite of what one is saying

He drinks, and he sings and just loses his shit. = (slang) to go crazy

The girl you said was out of your league, that you'd never have a chance with. – an expression that is used when a girl is too hot for the guy and he has absolutely no chance with her

Did you bang her? = have sex with her

Your best friend who tolerated you whining about this girl for weeks on end. You were essentially stalking her! – ныть, плакаться; недели напролет; преследовать

What, hum job? Hand job? :: Man, no. No jobs. I'm still unemployed. – note that the whole line has a sexual connotation

What are we looking for again? :: Uh, trivets. – подставка (для блюда, кастрюли); таган (треножник, круг на ножках, под которым разводится огонь)

Well, I'm famished. Let's eat. = very hungry

Bald eagle. – a large eagle of North America that has a white head and dark wings and body

Your girl is losing it. – (informal) to lose control of one's emotions

You know what? That looks pretty doable. = possible to do

It's kind of messy. – зд. у меня не прибрано

What, like, are we going steady? – (dated) to date smb

Shoot. – ср. блин (a mild way to express disappointment)

Just some guy she met at the gym with Brad Pitt's face and Jesus' abs. – пресс

Just don't be a pussy. – (informal) a man regarded as weak, timid, or unmanly

I was thinking about getting a butterfly tattoo about yea big on my ankle. – about this big (used with a hand gesture for an image)

Come on! Friends, my balls! – a crude way do express disbelief

Look, we don't have to put a label on it. That's fine. I get it. But, you know, I just need some consistency. – зд. определенность

Quarterback-slash-homecoming king? :: No. He was a rower. – a way to describe a very good baseball player; гребец

Sorry. Tourette's. You know how it is. Penis! She has it too. Penis! Penis! – а severe neurological disorder characterized by multiple facial and other body tics, accompanied by grunts and compulsive utterance of obscenities

Look, I don't mean to pry, but does this have something to do with Summer leaving? – совать нос

I hate her crooked teeth. I hate her knobby knees. And I hate her cockroach-shaped splotch on her neck. – кривые зубы; букв. шишковатый, бугристый; an irregularly shaped spot, stain

I actually majored in English in college, but what are you gonna do with that degree? – ср. моя специальностьанглийский язык

She never cheated on you? :: No. Never. :: She ever take advantage of you in any way? – изменять; использовать в своих интересах, воспользоваться

And your feet reek. = stink

We just clicked, you know? – (informal) to function well together, to hit it off

Love? Shit, I don't know. As long as she's cute and she's willing, right? I'm flexible on the cute, so… - a funny line

I think technically the "girl of my dreams" would probably have, like, a really bodacious rack, you know. = remarkable breasts

Get a room! Really. – an expression used to make fun of couples who are overly (and inappropriately) affectionate in public, and hopefully get them to stop

You know what? I say, to hell with it! Let's level with America. – (informal) to be frank and open

You're sketching again. :: Yeah, well, just doodling. – делать наброски; рисовать каракули, чиркать

I think I'm just gonna call it a day. = end what I’m doing for the day

I like your suit. :: Ah, thanks. :: You look sharp. – (informal) attractive or stylish

If Tom had learned anything, it was that you can't ascribe great cosmic significance to a simple earthly event. – приписывать

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