Российской Федерации Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования

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НазваниеРоссийской Федерации Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования
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Тематика деловых игр и дискуссий

Модуль 3

Lesson 1. Этика бизнеса

Lesson 2. Сокращение штатов

Lesson 3. Переговоры

Lesson 4. Программа обучения

Lesson 5. Межличностные конфликты

Lesson 6. Юридические аспекты бизнеса
Модуль 4

Lesson 1. Обязанности менеджера

Lesson 2. Как стать успешным руководителем

Lesson 3. Основные виды бизнеса

Lesson 4. Роль менеджера в производстве

Lesson 5. Как написать заявление на работу правильно

Lesson 6. Как пройти собеседование успешно

Lesson 7. Управление исполнением работы

Lesson 8. Обучение персонала
Образец задания для деловой игры ( Модуль 3)

a) Spafit Company was contracted by a Portuguese- based building corporation .It was to supply show units and other bathroom items for a number of hotels. It was potentially a very large order, their sales director, Alex Born, failed to go to Portugal by himself because of the previous business arrangements. Alex is calling David Crooks who is in Portugal.

b) All sales representatives were away on holiday at that time. Only you, David Crooks, could make a trip to the corporation as you are in Portugal now.

Образец деловой игры по теме: юридические аспекты бизнеса

Two businessmen meet at the office to clear out problems connected with the guarantee period for machines.

А. – Good morning, Mr. Kelly. I’m glad to see you. Will you sit down?

В. – Thank you. Well, Mr. Sergeev, today I’d like to bring up the matter of the guarantee period. What guarantee period do you offer for your machines?

А. – It is usually 12 months from the date of putting them into operation, and not more than 14 months from the delivery date.

B. – You see, Mr. Sergeev, it is going to be our first experience with your machines. We’ll feel much better if the period during which you can help us is longer.

A. – Have your operators much experience with this type of equipment?

B. – We have a very efficient staff and I don’t think anything can go wrong through their fault.

A. – I’ll have to look into the matter carefully and I’ll give you my reply next Monday.

B. – I’m looking forward to our next meeting.
10. Оценочные средства

10.1 Оценочные средства для текущего контроля

2 теста в течение каждого модуля (всего 4 в процессе обучения) для текущего контроля

Модуль 3 (2 курс 3 семестр)
Test 1

Consolidation Units 9-10

I. Complete the sentence using the right item.

1. What is the … news?

a) today b) current c) last

2. He … to agree with us.

a) appeals b) enjoys c) tends

3. Three companies are … in this business.

a) involved b) produced c) housed

4. He was … by the new model of car.

a) enjoyed b) impressed c) stressed

5. Prices are … by demand.

a) affected b) impressed c) used

6. This method of sales is … for our company.

a) generous b) suitable c) long-lasting

7. They have … all the contract terms.

a) covered b) ensured c) decided

8. This specialized exhibition … last year.

a) took part b) took place c) held

9. What do you know about market … ?

a) economics b) volume c) economy

10.I’d like to buy an … car.

a) economical b) economic c) extensive

11. We can … the quality of our goods.

a) persuade b) ensure c) support

12. I have known my … for three years.

a) counterpart b) waiter c) consumer

13. They will … us on Tuesday.

a) come b) return c) join

14. The executive promised to … him in a month.

a) promote b) affect c) support

15. We thanked the host for his … .

a) services b) goods c) generosity

II. Put the following sentences into the Reported Speech.

1. He said: “Your generosity impressed me greatly.”

2. She asked: “When was this exhibition held?”

3. I wondered: “Is there any demand for these goods?”

4. He told me: “Don’t promote this employee.”

5. Mr Jones said: “We have covered all the tasks.”

6. He stressed: “This deal will be profitable for our company.”

7. My counterpart wanted to know: “Do you support my idea?”

8. He asked: “What did you write in reply to his letter?”

9. She said: “Our volume of sales was high last year.”

10. Ann asked: “Don’t give up.”

11. My friend wondered: “Who is the CEO of your company?”

12. Her colleague wanted to know: “How much did we spend on

sales promotion?”

13. He asked: “Are you involved in this business?”

14. She said: “My new laptop is good value for money.”

15. My boss ordered: “Clinch this deal immediately.”

III. Insert the right preposition.

1. Our goods are not … great demand.

2. What is he involved … ?

3. The flight was delayed due … bad weather.

4. The city centre made a great impression … me.

5. It doesn’t affect … me.

6. He sold his car … a profit.

7. … reply … your letter … the 22nd … March we would like to inform

you that your terms are suitable … us.

8. Their help is … great value … us.

9. Could you come … … a new plan?

10. He spoke … support … our proposal.

IV. Form nouns from the following verbs.

1. cover 6. persuade

2. house 7. promote

3. impress 8. support

4. reply 9. value

5. demand 10. return

Consolidation Units 13, 14

I. Complete the sentence using the right item.

1. He was … for breaking the law.

a) employed b) fired c) appreciated

2. She was … by the failure at the exam.

a) pleased b) glad c) upset

3. What was the … of the conflict?

a) cause b) reason c) item

4. The car is so … it can hardly move.

a) failed b) loaded c) fulled

5. The … of the negotiations has made the situation worse.

a) success b) situation c ) failure

6.One of the factors that we should … is the size of the market.

a) take into account b) presume c) arrange

7. I have made all the … for my journey.

a) responses b) arrangements c) items

8. You can’t … a word he says.

a) realize b) afford c) trust

9. Different … are said to be effective in resolving conflicts.

a) techniques b) responses c) problems

10.She finally … her goal.

a) adopted b) resolved c) realized

II. Open the brackets using conditionals.

1. If he (work) better, he (fire).

2. The conflict (not occur) if both sides (make) compromises.

3. I (be) upset if they (not come) tomorrow.

4. If you (can afford) to hire a professional lawyer when you started

your business, you (not have) financial problems.

5. If this company (use) new sales techniques, the volume of sales

(be) higher.

6. If you (make) all the arrangements in advance, you business trip

(be) a failure.

7. If they (take into account) his ideas every time he expresses

them, they (resolve) this problem more quickly.

8. If this company (use) more expensive advertising, it (cause) the

increase in prices.

III. Put the verbs into the right form.

1. We expected him (take) the blame.

2. We watched the ship (load).



3. She would like the Sales Manager (make) arrangements for the


4. He was made (adopt) a new method.

5. The manager let the employee (realize) his plan.

6. They made him (cut down) the expenses.

7. We want the conflict (resolve) as soon as possible.

8. I saw her (fail) the exam.

IV. Rewrite the following sentences using Complex Subject.

1. We appreciated their help. (to say)

2. This task is feasible. (to think)

3. Now they are making arrangements for the trip. (to believe)

4. Two people were fired last month. (to know)

5. The expenses are rather high. (to estimate)

6. They have already implemented the agreement. (to suppose)

7. The private enterprise was a failure. (to say)

8. Conflicts occur at all levels of interaction. (to know

10.2 Оценочные средства для промежуточной аттестации ( ОК 11 ) Зачет.

Зачет проводится в форме беседы преподавателя со студентом на одну или несколько тем пройденного курса. Результаты контрольных работ, написанных студентом в течение семестра, также учитываются. Программой предусмотрены 1 зачет (3 модуль). На зачет выносятся вопросы по пройденным темам:
1.What should be done to increase company profits ?

2.What are the advantages and disadvantages of new technologies ?

3. Why is unethical to employ people illegally ?

4.What methods do multinational companies use to save on operating costs ?

5.How is corruption encouraged by some unethical businesses ?

6.What type of discrimination are women often confronted with ?

7. What kind of advertising is treated as illegal and unethical and why ?

8.Why is misleading advertising especially dangerous in the case of health-related products ?
9. Why are a lot of companies starting to focus more on ethical issues ?

10. What is the aim of a contemporary business that wants to stay competitive in the long run ?

11. What is negotiating ?

12. Where are negotiations used ?

13. What are the basic steps of a negotiation process ?

14. What does planning start with ?

15. What is the aim of exchanging information on crucial issues ?

16. Why will most companies choose a neutral site for discussing matters of great significance ?

17.What are the differences in the negotiating styles of the Americans and the Arabs ?

18.Where do conflicts occur ?

19. Why is conflict dangerous ?

20. What are the benefits of the conflict ?

21. What are the non-productive ways to handle the conflict ?

22. Why is avoidance of the conflict unproductive in solving a conflict situation?

23. How can empathy help a person to find a way out of a conflict situation ?

24.Why should one let the other party express what is on their minds ?

24. What is the purpose of developing several possible solutions to one problem?

26.What is the final stage of a problem – solving process that makes it conflict-free and acceptable to all ?

27.Have you ever tried to apply any of these techniques to settle a conflict situation? If yes ,what were the results?

28. Why is the knowledge of legal aspects necessary for any business ?

29. What legal mistakes could business avoid to be a success ?
Примерные задания для самостоятельной работы ( Модуль 4 )
Задание № 1
Подготовьте выступления для учебного телевизионного ток-шоу на тему

« Как стать успешным руководителем» .

Во время совместной подготовки проработайте следующие вопросы :

- продумайте список вопросов для обсуждения ;

- определите список выступающих и распределите роли ;

- выберите ведущих, чья роль будет заключаться в распределении последовательности выступления участников, ведении дискуссии и подведении итогов после ее завершения.

Рекомендуем записать ваше мероприятие на видео для последующего совместного просмотра и обсуждения.

Задание №2
Напишите подробную историю о том, как вы проходили интервью перед приемом на работу в компанию. Объясните причины по которым вы выбрали именно это объявление о вакансии. Как вы сообщили компании о своем желании работать у них , что вы думаете о их офисе. Какое впечатление произвела на вас квалификация служащего по набору персонала . Какого рода вопросы вам задавались, какие ответы вы давали. В чем причина вашего успеха или неуспеха.

Экзамен ( 2 модуль ) ОК -11

1) Прочитать и перевести текст с английского языка на русский, ответить на вопросы к тексту.

2) Сделать сообщение на предложенную в билете тему.

(Темы в билетах совпадают с темами пройденных уроков)
Пример экзаменационного билета
Card № 1

1. Read the text and answer the questions.

2. Speak about negotiations..

Пример экзаменационного текста


Marketing plays a major role in our daily lives. Each day is filled with consuming products. We pay for marketing each time we buy a product. Marketing is responsible for satisfying customers, which in turn increases our standard of living and quality of life.

In today’s competitive environment, a strong focus on customer satisfaction is essential to the success of any organization. Rapid globalization means that companies now compete in markets all over the world. Foreign and domestic organizations are realizing that profit will only be achieved through the use of marketing. Marketing is the business function that focuses on satisfying the needs and wants of customers through exchange processes. It is the only revenue-producing activity for the organization.

Many people think that marketing is just selling and advertising. The American Marketing Association (AMA) defines marketing as the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational goals. The definition of the marketing describes the nature of the process. Marketing is a continuous cycle that involves satisfying customer needs and wants by creating mutually beneficial exchanges.

The desire for a product together with the ability to pay for it is known as demand, it comes from new customers and repeat customers.

The basis of marketing is exchange, a way to satisfy a want. Exchange is to give or receive something of value for another thing. Value is the worth of a product, usually in money.

The customer is the individual or organization that actually makes the exchange or purchase. The consumer is the person or organization that actually uses or consumes the product. Even though customer and consumer are differentiated, he or she can be one and the same person. Existing or potential customers can be considered a market. A market is a group of customers who have the need, the ability, and the authority to purchase a specific product. Buyers constitute a market.
1. Why does marketing play a major role in our life?

2. What is essential to the success of any organization?

3. How does the American Marketing Association (AMA) define marketing?

4. What is known as demand?

5. What is value?

6. Who constitutes a market?

11. Самостоятельная работа студентов

Самостоятельная работа студента как вид учебной деятельности осуществляется без непосредственного наблюдения со стороны преподавателя и поэтому ведущая роль здесь принадлежит учебным материалам. Характер учебных материалов должен находиться в соответствии с видом самостоятельной работы, каждый из которых имеет свою специфику. Подбор учебных материалов проводится в рабочем порядке, в соответствии с потребностями студентов.

Задачами самостоятельной работы студентов как вида учебной деятельности являются: углубленное усвоение теоретических языковых знаний; закрепление практических речевых умений; формирование навыков исследовательской работы; развитие творческой инициативы.

Самостоятельная работа выполняется студентами без непосредственного руководства преподавателя: дома, в читальном зале, в лингафонном кабинете, в видеоклассе. Ведущая роль в данном случае принадлежит учебным материалам. Участие преподавателя в данном виде учебной деятельности заключается в выборе заданий для самостоятельной работы, в рекомендациях учебных материалов, в объяснениях по выполнению заданий и в контроле самостоятельной работы. Специфика каждого из видов самостоятельной работы обуславливает тип заданий, характер рекомендуемого учебного материала, а также формы контроля.
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Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования
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Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования
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Г. Г., Авдеева Е. В., Шеховцев Л. Н., Шибаев С. В., Орлов Е. К., Уманский С. А. Калининград: Федеральное государственное бюджетное...
Российской Федерации Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования iconПравительство Российской Федерации Государственное образовательное...
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Российской Федерации Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования iconМинистерство образования и науки Российской Федерации Федеральное...
Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования
Российской Федерации Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования iconМинистерство образования и науки российской федерации федеральное...
Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования
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Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования

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