Методические рекомендации по проведению олимпиады по английскому языку 7-8 классы 2012

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ТипМетодические рекомендации
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Муниципальный этап всероссийской олимпиады школьников по английскому языку, 2012 г.

7-8 классы
Part 1. Reading Comprehension

Task 1. Read the following text and decide whether the statements (1 - 9) are True (T) or False (F). Write your answers in the box given below.

Laura wouldn’t have noticed, if Tara hadn’t leaned forward in her pushchair, pointed and said, ‘Te-ddy, teddy!’

Laura looked up and saw a small bear dangling from the park railings, along with a collection of mittens and socks that people had lost. She reached up and touched its soft fur. Still dry, so it couldn’t have been there long.

‘It looks a bit like I feel,’ she observed, noting the tightly-embroidered mouth, as if its creator had run out of wool and had to economise. Its lips were pursed as if it felt down in the dumps.

There were lots of other things Laura would prefer to be doing that damp afternoon instead of pushing her niece to the park. Practising her driving was one of them. She could hardly believe it last Tuesday when the examiner told her she’d passed her test. Even Connor, who always seemed so confident, had failed his first test and was waiting for a retake. As an early birthday present, her mother added Laura onto her car insurance, but she hadn’t driven her mother’s car yet and needed to get in some practice before she went out alone. To tell the truth, the thought of driving alone in all that heavy traffic scared her to death, but she supposed she’d get used to it in time.

She also hoped to go into town and meet her friend Chelsey and browse around the shopping centre. Laura had plenty of other things to occupy her time.

If only her older sister hadn’t phoned to say the child-minder had let her down. It wasn’t fair that her mum was so quick to volunteer Laura to help out. It was time her mum realized that at seventeen she had a life of her own, which didn’t just revolve around babysitting Tara.

‘Poor, lost bear,’ said Laura, hooking it back on the railings. If it was still there after they’d fed the ducks, she’d take it home. It would soon look bedraggled if it began to rain. There was a heart embroidered on its tummy with the letter L inside it. L for lost.

‘Ducks,’ said Tara, straining forward in her buggy. ‘Feed ducks.’

‘Off we go then,’ replied Laura. ‘Bye, bye, bear.’

  1. Laura thought that the bear hadn’t been on the railings for a long time.

  2. Laura didn’t quite like the idea of going to the park with her niece.

  3. Her mother presented Laura with a new car on her birthday.

  4. Laura was used to driving her mother’s car.

  5. Laura wanted to go shopping with her mother.

  6. It was Laura’s idea to offer her help with babysitting.

  7. Her mother didn’t understand that Laura had a life of her own and a lot of other things to do.

  8. Laura felt pity for the bear at once but put it back on the railings as she wanted to feed the ducks with Tara.

  9. Laura did not intend to take the bear home.










Task 2. Match the questions that have been prepared for the crime novelist Peter Lovesey and his answers to them. Write your answers in the box given below.

  1. How did you become a crime writer?

  2. Where do you get your ideas for characters?

  3. Where did you get the idea for your detective, Peter Diamond?

  4. Where do you get your ideas for plots?

  5. How do you write?

  6. Which of your books was hardest to write?

  7. Which of the books was easiest to write?

  8. What do you like about writing short stories?

  9. Which fictional character do you wish you’d created?

  10. Which writer has inspired you most?

  11. What is your all-time favourite book?

  1. With short stories I have the chance to take risks, experiment and have fun, and sometimes surprise myself. With a novel, it’s a much bigger commitment, so I can’t always take those chances.

  2. It was all a bit unexpected. Writing was my hobby, but I hadn’t thought about doing it full-time. Then, in 1969, I was lucky enough to win a thousand-pound competition for a first crime novel. I’d written one book on long-distance running and used that as the basis for Wobble To Death, but I was panic-stricken to discover the publishers wanted more books, I had to go home and think fast. With the active support of my wife Jax, who knew more about crime writing than me, I started on a forty-year career. I was a teacher at the time. Then, in 1975, when Granada decided to adapt my books for television, I thought I might be able to make a go of writing full-time.

  3. I make an outline and then write the book in one draft. I work slowly and take pleasure in finding the right words. Other writers say, ‘I couldn’t possibly work the way you do, it wouldn’t be exciting for me.’ It is slow progress. If I’ve done three hundred words in a day, that’s a good achievement.

  4. Initially I base them on people I know, but as the stories develop then so do the characters and they begin to change. So, happily, no one has yet said, ‘That’s me in your book.’

  5. Decline And Fall by Evelyn Waugh is a comic masterpiece that makes me smile every time I return to it. I was in the Air Force when I first read it and needed a bit of cheering up.

  6. I think Sherlock Holmes is still the greatest of all the detectives. I’ve read the series right through more than once, and he still stands up very well.

  7. Usually, I start with a setting. The city of Bath, where Peter Diamond works, is elegant and respectable; by contrast, Peter is rough round the edges and prone to making some gaffs. My last book, Stagestruck, was set in Bath’s Theatre Royal, which gave me the opportunity to use all the things that go with the theatre. Occasionally, my plots are triggered by a real case. For The False Inspector Dew, I reworked the story of Dr Crippen, who murdered his wife, buried her in the cellar and then tried to escape to America with his mistress.

  8. He is a reflection of my own character to some extent, although I try to make him look physically different – I’m rather slim, he’s a portly figure, younger than I am and more brusque. But, at the same time, a lot of my thoughts and attitude to life come out in his character. He’s an endurance man, he’s very persistent. We also share a sense of humour.

  9. Richmal Crompton, who wrote the William books. I love those books. As a child, they showed me that mischief and mayhem (беспорядок) can make an irresistible story.

  10. The latest one Cop To Corpse, has a fast-moving plot which made the writing more of a breeze.

  11. The Last Detective, the first of the Peter Diamond series. I was just getting to know my character and his knack of springing surprises, when he surprised me by resigning form the police in a fit of anger! I’d plotted the book very carefully, but there came a moment when he was in trouble with his superior and I realized his character wasn’t going to just take it meekly but was going to storm out. So I had to find a way for him to solve the mystery even though he wasn’t still in the police. Then it took me two books to return him to the force.












Part 2. Use of English
Task 3. Complete the text with the grammatically correct forms of the words given on the right.

How many teenage girls 1. ______ you ______ who will be interested in the Olympics? Chances are it 2. ________ many. That’s bad news for the future of Team GB but even 3. ____________ news for girls’ health, according to new research from the 4. _____________ Sport and Fitness Foundation. The study shows that most teenage girls 5. _______________ enough exercise at present. That’s a big worry, since being a couch potato 6. ______________to a variety of concerns including obesity, low self-esteem and poor exam results. Girls think that traditional sport is too competitive, they 7._________ to look sweaty and ‘unfeminine’. Another problem is that the fun factor is missing from school sport. Parents can help solve this problem. Some of them 8. ________ already _____________ their children to join gyms, sport clubs or dance classes. Nowadays more and more Physical Education teachers are thinking about how to give school sport more girl appeal. ‘Boys will try things,’ they say, ‘but girls are more interested in 9. ____________ appearance and 10. ________________ confident about their bodies than boys.’ They offer all sorts of activities that girls might like.










Task 4. Match the direct speech with the report.

1. I’ll give you a lift.

A. He threatened …

2. I’ll write to you every day.

B. They warned me not …

3. No, I won’t do it.

C. She offered …

4. I’ll tell the head teacher about your bad behaviour at school.

D. He refused …

5. You’d better not touch that.

E. She just asked me …

6. Could you give me some advice?

F. She begged me …

7. Couldn’t you possibly help me to finish this work on time, please?

G. He apologized …

8. Why don’t we talk to Jim together?

H. She invited …

9. Will you come to my place tomorrow?

I. They suggested …

10. I’m really sorry for what I’ve done.

J. He promised …











Task 5. Solve the crossword puzzle.





















1. the day between Tuesday and Thursday

2. a motor vehicle for carrying sick or wounded people

3. a book that gives a list of words in alphabetical order, with their meanings in the same or another language

4. a piece of cloth or thin soft paper for drying the nose, eyes, etc.

5. a room where food is cooked

6. public transport vehicle

7. a weighing machine

8. an occasion when food, usually cold food, is taken to be eaten somewhere outdoors, especially in the country

9. a piece of land surrounded by water

10. children’s toy which flies in the sky

11. something that weighs very little is said to be as light as a …

11. American English for autumn

12. a spoken or written test of knowledge

13. a large black-and-white seabird, especially of the Antarctic, which cannot fly but uses its wings for swimming

14. a place with water and trees in a desert

15. a pointed stick of ice formed when water freezes as it runs down in small drops

16. a place of education for children

17. a public official who has the power to decide questions brought before a court of law

18. a large bird, kept on farms, which is eaten at Christmas and Thanksgiving

19. the union of a man and woman by a legal ceremony

Task 6. Write a description of a robot which in your opinion will be very useful for people. Use the following outline:

    1. describe a robot;

    2. speak about its functions;

    3. explain in what spheres (education, work, entertainment, home, travel, medicine, space exploration etc.) it can be useful;

    4. say how it can be developed in the future.

Write between 180-200 words.

1   2   3   4


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