Конспект открытого урока по английскому языку в 7 классе Тема : English-speaking countries

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Конспект открытого урока

по английскому языку в 7 классе

Тема: English-speaking countries

Цель: 1. Закрепление страноведческого материала по теме

«Страны. Национальности».

2. Тренировка навыков аудирования и чтения.

3. Совершенствование навыков монологической речи.

Коммуникативные задачи:

– называть континенты, страны и города, языки, на которых говорят на нашей планете

– на слух воспринимать информацию, передаваемую при помощи несложного текста, и выражать свое понимание в требуемой форме / заполнить таблицу, назвать родину участников конференции

– отвечать на вопросы по карте

– соотносить вопросы и ответы

– рассказывать об англоговорящих странах с опорой на текст и краткий план
Грамматический материал для двустороннего овладения:

– “The” with the names of places (continents, cities, countries)

– “The” with nationality adjectives

– Adjectives referring to languages

– Clauses with who / that / which

Лексические единицы для двустороннего овладения:

Nouns: continent, Europe, Asia, Africa, South America, North America, population, nationality, language, success, award, knowledge


Verbs: award, collect

Adjectives: foreign, official, exciting, successful

Expressions and word combinations: mother tongue, first / second language, have a success, be situated
Воспитательный аспект:

– учить участвовать в совместной деятельности ;

– учить осознавать важность изучения английского языка как средства общения между жителями разных стран;

– расширять представления учащихся о странах изучаемого языка;

– углублять лингвострановедческие знания.

Оборудование: компьютер, проектор, интерактивная доска ActivBoard, флипчарт “English-speaking countries”, аудиоприложение к учебнику “Enjoy English” для 7 класса, обучающее видео “Window on Britain 1” , презентация песни “Trees and rocks”.

Учитель: Терехова Л.Н.

МБОУ СОШ с. Стегаловка


Ход урока
I. Приветствие и организационный момент
Good morning, children. I’m glad to see you. Sit down, please.

How are you? Are you fine? Are you OK?

Let’s start our work.

Today we’ll have a talk about different countries and what they are famous for.
II. Фонетическая зарядка
Open your textbooks on page 35, ex. 4. Listen to the recording and read the list of the countries.
III. Совершенствование речевых навыков

  1. Drag the words in two columns (countries, cities). Read them. /flipchart, page 2/

(Turkey, Greece, London, Beijing, China, Canberra, Rome, Norway, Sydney, France)

  1. Where are the following cities? Tick the right box. /flipchart, page 3/

For example: Berlin is in Germany.

Berlin – in Germany, in Hungary, in Russia

Sydney– in Japan, in Australia, in France

Beijing–in Portugal, in Switzerland, in China

Los Angeles–in Italy, in Spain, in the USA

Oslo–in Finland, in Norway, in Sweden

Wellington–in Canada, in New Zealand, in Denmark

Amsterdam–in Belgium, in Greece, in the Netherlands

  1. Translate from English into Russian. /flipchart, page 4/

the Great Wall of China




  1. Translate from Russian into English. /flipchart, page 5/



Олимпийские игры


  1. What are the following places famous for? /flipchart, page 6-7/

(Russia, the USA, Italy, China, Antarctica, Australia, Greece, Egypt)

  1. 1). Open your workbooks, p. 31 ex. 2a).

Write if the information is true or false. If the sentence is false, give the true information.
2). Match the person, his / her occupation, and the country where he / she is from. /flipchart, page 8/


(Mark Twain, Elizabeth II, Vladimir Putin, Joseph Turner, Ludwig van Beethoven)


(composer, painter, the Queen, writer, president)


(the UK, the USA, England, Germany, Russia)
3). Mark Twain is a famous American writer. What else do you know about the USA? (высказывания уч-ся с опорой на текст, p. 40-41 ex. 31)
/For example

The USA is one of the most powerful and advanced countries in the world. The capital of the USA is Washington. New York is the financial and cultural center of the USA. The USA has the third largest population in the world. It’s a real melting pot.
English is the official language in the USA. But the English language spoken in the USA is known as American English. There some differences between British and American English. But people speaking British English can be easily understood in the US. The second important language in the United States is Spanish. The motto of the country is “In God We Trust”./

  1. 1). Listen to what the conference participants Alison, Sam and Melissa say about their countries. Try to guess which country they are from. Say why you think so. /flipchart, page 9/

2). What do you know about Australia? (высказывания уч-ся с опорой на текст, p. 40-41 ex. 31)
/For example

Australia is the biggest island and the smallest continent in the world. Australia is the only country in the world which occupies a whole continent and some islands around it. It’s a large country, but it’s population is only 18.3 million people. Most of population came to Australia from Britain, Ireland and other countries years ago. At present in Australia there are a lot of people from Russia.

The capital of Australia is Canberra. English is the official language in Australia. But English spoken in Australia is a bit different from British English and American English. Sometimes Australia is called “Oz” or “the Lucky Country”./

  1. Guess what country they have been to? Complete the sentences. /flipchart, page 10-14/

  • I saw the Niagara Falls. They are beautiful. Sam was in …(Canada)

  • I saw Red Square. It’s one of the most beautiful squares in the world. Alex was in …(Russia)

  • I saw the Coliseum. It was impressive. George was in …(Italy)

  • I saw the pyramids. I can’t understand how the ancient people built them without modern mashines. Alison was in … (Egypt)

  • I saw the Tower Bridge. It is more than 100 years old. Steve was in … ( Great Britain)

  1. 1). Match the flags and the English-speaking countries. /flipchart, page 15/

(the UK, the USA, New Zealand, Canada, Australia)
2). What do you know about Canada? (высказывания уч-ся с опорой на текст, p. 40-41 ex. 31)
/For example

Canada is the second largest country in the world. Canada shares with the USA seven of the world’s largest lakes and also has three of the world’s longest rivers. The maple leaf is the official emblem of Canada.

The capital of Canada is Ottawa. In Canada there people of many nationalities. There two official languages in the country, English and French. English spoken in Canada is a bit different from British English: there some pronunciation and grammatical differences./
IV. Физкультминутка

Let’s have a rest. Sing together!
Trees and rocks

My country's bigger than most,

And if asked I boast.

Cause i'm really proud,

So I shout it loud.

Though our numbers are few,

We will welcome you.

Although we don't have history,

Gold medal winning teams,

Heroes or prisoners,

world famous volcanoes,

Still what we've got's glorious.

Cause we've got rocks and trees, and trees and rocks,

and rocks and trees, and trees and rocks,

and rocks and trees, and trees and rocks,

and rocks and trees, and trees and rocks,

and water.

We've got rocks and trees, and trees and rocks,

and rocks and trees, and trees and rocks,

and rocks and trees, and trees and rocks,

and rocks and trees, and trees and rocks,

and water.

In Canada, Canada, Canada, Canada, Canada, Canada,

Ca-an-a-da, Can-a-da.

  1. 1). Open your workbooks, p. 32 ex. 2c).

Write if the information is true or false. If the sentence is false, give the true information.
2). Correct the mistakes. /flipchart, page 16/

Canada is a real melting pot.

Great Britain is a “Lucky country”.

The USA is Italy upside down.

Australia is an island state.

New Zealand is the second largest country in the world.
3). What do you know about New Zealand? (высказывания уч-ся с опорой на текст, p. 40-41 ex. 31)
/For example
New Zealand

New Zealand is a small and quit country in the Pacific Ocean. It consists of two main islands and some smaller islands. New Zealand looks like Italy upside down. When it’s summer in Europe, it’s winter in New Zealand. When it’s time to go to bed in Europe, it’s time to go to work in New Zealand.

The capital in New Zealand is Wellington. The population of the country is mixed. The official languages are English and Maori. But English is spoken in a very unusual way in New Zealand. It is often called Kiwi English. New Zealand is sometimes called “The World’s Biggest Farm”. It is famous for its products: butter, cheese, meat./

  1. What do you know about Britain? (video “Window on Britain 1”)

What’s the capital city?

What means the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Nothern Ireland?

/flipchart, page 17/

(That means England, Scotland, Wales and Nothern Ireland.)

How many people live here?
Look at the screen and welcome to Window on Britain.

  1. 1). Open your workbooks, p. 32 ex. 2d).

Write if the information is true or false. If the sentence is false, give the true information.
2). What are these towns and cities famous for? /flipchart, page 18/

(London is the capital of the UK.

Stratford–upon–Avon is the birthplace of W. Shakespeare.

Cambridge is a university town.

Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland.

Liverpool is the home of the Beatles.

Oxford is a university town.)
3). What can you tell us about the UK? (высказывания уч-ся с опорой на текст, p. 40-41 ex. 31)
/For example
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is an island state. Usually it is shortened to the United Kingdom or UK or Great Britain. It’s one of the world’s smallest countries. However, London is the world’s seventh biggest city.

In Britain you can meet people of many different nationalities. The capital of the UK is London. The official language is English. It also includes a lot of words from Greek and other languages, even Russian./
IV. Подведение итогов

Write down your homework. WB, P. 32, Ex. 3

You have got very good marks today.

The lesson is over.

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