Вильданова Раушания Мусовна

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Вильданова Раушания Мусовна
Учитель английского языка
МБОУ "Старочурилинская СОШ" Арского муниципального района РТ

Тема: «Проблемы окружающей среды»
Оборудование : интерактивная доска, раздаточный материал, презентация
    совершенствовать умение говорить по теме в монологической речи. 
    развивать логическое мышление, творческую мыслительную деятельность, наблюдательность, кругозор, память учащихся.

    воспитывать доброту, внимательное отношение друг к другу, к окружающей среде

 Ход урока:
I.  Организационный момент.

Today at the lesson we will continue discussing the ecological problems and the ways out of the situation. Look at the screen, please. You can see a proverb there. Read and translate the proverb. Describe the meaning of the proverb: ”A danger forseen is half avoided”.

II. Речевая разминка.

Name the most serious dangerous problems for our planet. (Дети выходят к доске и пишут на экране интерактивной доски свои варианты) (Приложение 1)

Yes, you are right. And you know that one of the most dangerous problems is pollution. What kind of pollution do you know? (Water pollution, litter pollution, noise pollution, air pollution)

And today we are going to discuss the theme “The litter pollution”
III. Активизация лексики по теме

We know, almost everybody throw away the rubbish. Answer the questions please:

-What does your family do with rubbish?

-What kind of rubbish do you throw away?

-Do you know that the most rubbish is recyclable?

-Do you know about the recycling? Учащимся раздаются карточки. По карточкам учащиеся рассказывают , из какого продукта какой продукт получается после переработки (Приложение 2)

Look at the cards and tell me, please how trash becomes new products
IV. Развитие навыков ознакомительного чтения

You can see that plastic become packaging. What is it “packaging”? Is packaging necessary? Why does packaging become litter? Open your books at page 51. Let’s read the text “Packaging” and try to find answerы to these questions in the text. (Учащиеся работают по тексту, отвечают на вопросы) What is the main idea of the text?

(Примерные ответы учащихся):

The main idea of the text “Packaging” is that some packaging is not necessary. Packaging is paper or plastic containers used to pack food. People produce about 57 kilograms of plastic waste. To solve the problem we must throw the packaging into the bins and clear the rubbish away. It is expensive but it help to protect the environment.
V. Развитие навыков монологической речи Imagine … you bought some bananas and going home you decided to eat some banana, and of course you drop the banana’s peel. How do you think how long the litter lasts on the ground? Let’s do the test

(Приложение 3) Учащиеся работают по карточкам

Are you ready? Let’s check up. Look at the screen (Проверяют по карточкам и на экране) (Приложение 4)

VI. Тренировка грамматических навыков

You already know two types of the conditionals: second and the third. Say what period of time the second conditionals refers to? Yes, you are right. What about the third conditionals? And now go to the blackboard and continue the sentences using the second and the third conditionals

(Задание на доске. Учащиеся работают у доски и в тетрадях)Complete the sentences.

If people took care of our planet,…

If people avoided buying packaging goods,…

If people didn’t drop the litter,…

VII. Подведение итогов.

Remember the proverb “Better safe than sorry!” I think you agree with the meaning of this proverb.It seems to me that the pollution becomes more and more dangerous. Look around, we live among the litters. It becomes global problem. Look at these photos at the screen. I gave them in the Internet. You can see that pollution becomes the problem number 1 all over the world. And what can we do to save our planet from this problem? How can we protect it?

-We mustn’t throw away the rubbish

-We mustn’t drop litter.

-We must throw as much rubbish as we can into the bins.

-We must avoid buying packaging goods

-We must clear up litter outside our home, offices and schools.
Thank you for your work. The lesson is over.

(Приложение 1)

(Приложение 2)

(Приложение 3)

(Приложение 4)

Дополнительная литература :

Иллюстрации взяты из учебника «Happy English 2» K.I.Kaufman

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