Литература; русский язык Контрольная работа по иностранному языку (английскому)

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Профиль подготовки – литература; русский язык
Контрольная работа по иностранному языку (английскому)

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Методические рекомендации по выполнению контрольных заданий и оформлению контрольных работ:

  1. Все задания контрольной работы выполняются поочередно, в той последовательности, в которой они представлены в работе.

  2. Письменные контрольные задания оформляются в отдельной тетради. На обложке тетради проставляется фамилия студента, номер контрольной работы.

  3. Контрольная работа должна быть выполнена чернилами, аккуратно, четким почерком. В тетради для замечаний, объяснений и методических указаний преподавателя необходимо оставить широкие поля.

  4. В конце работы должна быть поставлена подпись студента и дата выполнения задания.

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  1. Для проверки и рецензирования выполненную контрольную работу необходимо направить в университет в установленные сроки.

  2. Если контрольная работа выполнена без соблюдения указаний и неполностью, она возвращается студенту без проверки.

  1. Прочитайте и переведите письменно текст контрольной работы на русский язык. При переводе пользуйтесь англо-русским словарём.

Chaucer: the First English Poet

Geoffrey Chaucer was a soldier and a diplomat, a courtier and a poet. These days he seems to be treated mostly as a playwright. Five of his not-for-the-children Canterbury Tales are currently roistering around the stage of the newly revitalized Young Vic theatre.

Another Canterbury Tales, the musical version which was a long-running success, is being revived at another London theatre.

Chaucer’s 20 surviving tales are lusty stories supposedly told by pilgrims whiling away the miles as they trek to the shrine of Thomas a’Becket in Canterbury cathedral. They’re the fist true poems in English, and these days collaborators flock to give Chaucer a helping hand in climbing the footlights.

So at the Young Vic an actor robed as the local vicar shakes hands with arriving patrons, welcoming them to the annual Geoffrey Chaucer storytelling competition.

The contest is held on the tented vicarage lawn. The vicar turns host and introduces the ‘finalists’, who step forward one by one and tell their chosen tales. Ladies of the parish serve mulled wine and mince pies to the audience between stories.

Each of the five selected tales, acted by a versatile cast of seven, bears the mark of inventive direction. The Knight’s tale is acted almost in slow motion to convey the haunting flavour of courtly romantic love. The Cook’s tale becomes a short and simple song.

The others, however – the Reeve’s tale, the Wife of Bath’s tale and the Miller’s tale – are rough and ready knockabout, an innocent celebration of what critics labelled ‘classically sanctioned dirt’.

Earthy old Chaucer probably would recognize little of it. There was no English theatre when Chaucer was born about 1340, and no English-language literature either. For him to write in English was revolutionary.

No one knows when Chaucer began The Canterbury Tales, but he worked on them for a quarter-century. They were still unfinished when he died in 1400, to be buried in Westminster Abbey as the first occupant of what we now call Poet’s Corner.

(Gregory Jensen)

  1. Письменно ответьте на вопросы.

    1. What was Geoffrey Chaucer?

    2. When was he born?

    3. What is his most well-known work?

    4. How many tales does it contain?

    5. When sis Chaucer die?

    6. Where is he buried?

  2. Выпишите из текста существительные в единственном числе и образуйте от них форму множественного числа.

  3. Выпишите из текста все прилагательные и наречия, переведите их на русский язык и образуйте степени сравнения, если это возможно.

  4. Выпишите из текста предложения, в которых употреблены местоимения. Укажите, к какому разряду они относятся (личные, притяжательные, указательные, вопросительные, относительные).

  5. Выпишите из текста все неправильные глаголы, переведите их и запишите три основные формы.

  6. Выпишите из текста предложения, сказуемые которых употреблены в Present Simple. Напишите эти предложения в вопросительной и отрицательной форме.

  7. Выпишите из текста предложения, сказуемые которых употреблены в Past Simple. Напишите эти предложения в вопросительной и отрицательной форме.

  8. Выпишите из текста три предложения, сказуемые которых употреблены в страдательном залоге. Переведите их на русский язык.

George Bernard Shaw
One of the greatest realistic writers in world literature was Ber­nard Shaw. He had close connections with English socialism. His life as a writer began in the eighties of the 19th century and lasted till the middle of our century. A great publicist and dramatist, he was always in the midst of political life in Britain. He took an active part in solving human problems, and he was deeply moved by ques­tions of war and peace.

Bernard Shaw was born in 1856 in Dublin, the capital of Ire­land. As a boy he seldom saw his parents. His father was occupied in a business which was almost bankrupt because it could not stand up against competition, and his mother devoted all her time to musical interests.

Shaw had a well-educated uncle, a clergyman with whom he read the classics. So when he entered school at the age of ten, he was much advanced and did better than all the other pupils in English compo­sition. But the school course of studies was so dull for him that he soon grew tired of it and took refuge in idleness.

His parents made him change schools. He left one school for anoth­er, and then another, and again another, but everywhere the old­-fashioned dull textbooks were the same, and they could not rouse the boy’s interest. He educated himself by reading, and by studying foreign languages. His mother, who had a very good voice, taught her son singing. This voice culture helped him later in his speeches, because his wonderful voice held people spell-bound.

At the age of fifteen Shaw went to work as a clerk. He came in contact with the common people and saw all the stages of poverty into which the Irish peasants had fallen. Many years later Shaw treated this subject in the play John Bull’s Other Island.

Shaw took a great interest in social movements and politics. He called himself an Irish proletarian. When the first socialist organi­zations appeared, he joined the Socialists.

In 1876 Bernard Shaw moved to London, where his mother had been making a living by giving music lessons. While in Dublin, Shaw had wanted to go in for art and study music, but in London he gave up this idea and decided to try his hand at writing. He had ripened to a new understanding of literature, and realized that the object of literature was to form people’s minds, to solve human problems, to lead people in social struggles.

Shaw took to reading literature on social subjects. In the eighties he read Capital by Karl Marx in the French translation. The works of Marx helped him to see the injustice of the capitalist system.

At the end of the century youth began to search for a new creed. When the Fabian Society was being organized, Shaw took an active part in it. He wrote the manifesto for the Society and many pamphlets and articles on Socialism. But Shaw failed to see what the oppressed classes had to do in order to win liberty.

Yet in his writings he satirized all the faults of the British system of government so brilliantly, and ridiculed the imperialist policy with such wit that he gained tremendous popularity, and the Eng­lish people nicknamed him ‘the bad boy of the nation’.

Along with political articles Shaw also wrote novels. By the end of the century he had written five novels. The best of these was An Unsocial Socialist in which he criticized capitalism very wittily.
Life of Charles Dickens
Charles Dickens was born in 1812 near Portsmouth on the southern coast of England. His father was a clerk at the office of a large naval station there, and the family lived on his small salary. They belonged to the lower middle class. The father was often transferred from place to place and there was always talk between the parents about money, bills and debts.

Charles was very young when the family moved to the naval port of Chatham, which is near the ancient town of Rochester, where pilgrims used to stop on their way to Canterbury. There Charles and his eldest sister first went to school.

After school Charles loved to run to the docks where ships went for repairs. He liked to watch people at work. There he saw sailors and brave old sea-captains; and farther out were the ships, and among them the black prison-ships on which convicts with clanking chains moved heavily about the decks. Many pictures were stored away in his memory, which the writer used later in his novels.

Charles’s first teacher was a kind young man from Oxford, under whose influence Charles grew fond of books. At ten he read Defoe, Fielding, Smollett, Goldsmith and translations of some European and other authors. His favourite books were Don Quixote and the Arabian Nights. The great comfort he found in the world of books was later described in the novel David Copperfield.

Charles had a nurse called Mary Weller, who used to say about him that ‘he was a terrible boy to read’ and that he and his sister were fond of singing, reciting poems and acting.

The happy days at Chatham came to an end in 1822 when the fa­ther was moved to London. The Dickenses rented a house in one of the poorest parts of London.

Charles loved to walk about the busy streets and watch the lively street scenes. Charles was the eldest son, but he was not sent to school again. The father made no plans for the education of his children. He was an easy-going man who always spent more money than he could afford. Soon he lost his job and was imprisoned for debt.

All the property the family had was sold, even Charles’s favourite books, and the boy was put to work in a blacking factory. He worked hard washing bottles for shoe-polish and putting labels on them, while his father, mother, sisters and brothers all lived in the Marshalsea debtors’ prison.

The long working hours at the factory, the poor food, the rough boys and their treatment of him he could never forget. He later described this unhappy time in David Copperfield.

Dickens visited his parents in the prison on Sundays. There he saw many other prisoners, and learned their stories. The debtors’ prison is described in the Pickwick Papers and in the novel Little Dorrit.

In about a year the Dickenses received a small sum of money after the death of a relative, so all the debts were paid.

Charles got a chance to go to school again. This time he was sent to a very old-fashioned school called Wellington House Academy. The master was a rough, ignorant man. He knew nothing about children or teaching except the art of beating them regularly with a cane. The class studied nothing but Latin.

To make their lessons more cheerful the boys kept small pet animals in their desks. White mice ran about everywhere, and Charles remembered the regret of the pupils when the cleverest mouse, who lived on the cover of a Latin book, one day drowned itself in an inkpot.
Life of Oscar Wilde

Oscar Wilde was born in Dublin on October 16, 1854. His father was a famous Irish surgeon. His mother was well known in Dublin as a graceful writer of verse and prose.

At school, and later at Oxford, Oscar displayed a considerable gift for art and the humanities. The young man received a number of classical prizes, and graduated with first-class honours.

While at the University Wilde became one of the most prominent personalities of the day; he wore his hair long, decorated his rooms with peacock's feathers, lilies, sunflowers, blue china and other beautiful things. His affected paradoxes and witty sayings were quoted on all sides.

Under the influence of his teacher, the writer John Ruskin, Wilde joined the then young Aesthetic Movement, which came into being as a protest against bourgeois hypocrisy and bigotry, but later turned idealistic and reactionary. The future writer became a most sincere supporter of this movement.

After graduating from the University, Wilde turned his attention to writing, travelling and lecturing. The Aesthetic Movement became popular, and Oscar Wilde earned the reputation of being the leader of the movement, and an apostle of beauty.

In 1882 he went to America to lecture on the Aesthetic Move­ment in England. His lecture tours were triumphantly success­ful.

The next ten years saw the appearance of all his major works. The most popular of them are The Happy Prince and Other Tales (1888), The Picture of Dorian Gray (1891) and his comedies Lady Windermere's Fan (1892), A Woman of No Importance (1893), An Ideal Husband (1895), The Importance of Being Earnest (1895). The wit and brilliance of these plays helped to keep them on the stage, and they are still occasionally revived.

Wilde also wrote poems, essays, reviews, political tracts, letters and occasional pieces on every subject he considered worthy of atten­tion – history, drama, painting, etc. Some of these pieces were se­rious, some satirical; the variety of themes reflected a personality that could never remain inactive. At home and abroad Wilde attracted the attention of his audiences by the brilliance of his conversation, the scope of his knowledge, and the sheer force of his person­ality.

At the height of his popularity and success tragedy struck. He was accused of immorality and sentenced to two years’ imprisonment. When released from prison in 1897 he lived mainly on the Continent and later in Paris. In 1898 he published his powerful poem, Ballad of Reading Gaol. He died in Paris in 1900.

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