Describing a personality

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НазваниеDescribing a personality
Дата публикации26.06.2014
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Describing a personality

(урок № 3)

Английский язык, 6
Герасимова Ирина Владимировна,

учитель английского языка

МОУ лицея №2

Краснооктябрьского района г. Волгограда
Учебник: Pacesetter Pre-Intermediate

Цель: Обучение устной речи по теме “Describing a personality” на основе прочитанного и прослушанного текста.

Задачи урока: уметь вести беседу на основе прочитанного текста описывать картинки на основе прослушанного текста
The topic of the lesson is” Describing a personality”. Today we’ll speak about people’s appearance, listen to the text, read the advertisement and describe people in the pictures, how they look, what they feel and why.


I T: Is appearance very important? Why?

What can tell about a personality?

Ch: The way we




our behaviour




T: Let’s revise the following rule:

II After the verbs:



feel adjectives are used ( not adverbs)




T: Fill in the verbs to complete the sentences:

III Work in pairs.

Учащиеся в парах обсуждают варианты

ответа. Идёт проверка в режиме T-P1P2



T: Fill in the adjectives to complete the sentences:

IV Work in pairs.

Учащиеся в парах обсуждают варианты ответа. Идёт проверка в режиме T-P1P2 P3P4

(сл. 5)

V T: Do you agree that handwriting can tell us something about a person?

What can it say about It can tell us if a person is neat, careful etc.
Look at these peaces of handwriting, try to comment it according to the analysis p.119 SB

Учащиеся дают варианты ответа:

Каждой группе даётся отдельная картинка для комментирования. (сл.6)

(сл. 6)

VI Write down a word and comment your handwriting according to the analyses. Say how it looks like and how it characterizes you

Уч-ся комментируют свой почерк

Pre-listening task:

  1. Look at the pictures at page 45 ex 6 and try to predict

how these people feel. For example: I think the person feels good

(сл 7)

While-listening task:

Listen to the people in an interview and match the speakers with the pictures:

Speaker 1 Picture C

Speaker 2 Picture D

Speaker 3 Picture A

Speaker 4 Picture B


Listen to the text once again and say how the speakers (см. Tapescript) sound and why

T: Look at page 45 ex 8. There is an advertisement. The four model

people are applied for a job. Read the text and say what the age

job is and which of these qualities are important for the job. appearance


T: Look at the pictures in ex 6.

Which person do you think is best for the job

Уч-ся дают свои варианты ответов

  1. T: Very often people look and feel strange and unusual.

It happens when they are afraid of smth or have an

unreasonable fear- a phobia.

Look at the list of phobias and say what you are afraid

of and why. Eg: I am afraid of wild animals. They are very dangerous.

How do you look and feel when you see a snake

a spider

a big dog

when you fly a plane?

P1 P2 P3

X. T: Now I’d like you to describe pictures. Say how the people

look and feel and why. P1P2P3


XI. Homework: P45 ex 6 Describe one of the pictures in written form.

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