Устные темы I семестр

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Устные темы


My Biography

My name is… . I am……… years old. I was born on ……(the fifteenth of May) in 19… . I went to school at the age of seven and left it in 19…… After finishing school I served in the Army (worked at a plant, factory, at the office). Now I am a first – year student of Samara State Technical University, Correspondence department. In six years I’ll be an engineer.

My family is (not) large. I have my father, mother, (sister, brother). I am single. (I am married)

I have a daughter (a son). Her (his) name is… She (he ) is … years old.

I don’t have much free time, but when I have it I like to watch TV, read books and newspapers or log in the Internet.


1. to be born - родиться

2. at the age – в возрасте

3. to serve – служить

4. single – одинокий

5. married – замужний (женатый)

My Daily Routines

My every day activities are quite routine. My working day begins at 7 o’clock in the morning. I get up, wash, brush my teeth. Then I have breakfast. After breakfast I leave for work.

I work (not) far from home. Usually I get to my office (plant, factory) on foot (by bus, by car, on foot). It takes me … minutes to get there.

My working day begins at 8 a.m. and is over at 5 p.m. At midday I have a break. During the break I have lunch in the canteen or in the café.

After work I go home. On my way home I do some shopping. In the evening I have dinner. After dinner I watch TV, read books and newspapers or log in the Internet.

I usually go to bed late.

As a rule I have no much free time on weekdays. So by the end of the week I get very tired. I try to stay at home and do some work about the house. Sometimes I go to see my friends.

1. usually - обычно

2. to get up – вставать

3. to wash – умываться

4. to clean one’s teeth – чистить зубы

5. to have breakfast (lunch, dinner) – завтракать (обедать, ужинать)

6. to leave – уходить

7. far – далеко

8. to get to – добираться

9. on foot (by bus) – пешком (на автобусе)

10. It takes me … minutes to get there. – Мне требуется …, чтобы добраться туда.

11. to be over – заканчиваться

12. a break – перерыв

13. a canteen – столовая

14. to watch TV – смотреть телевизор

15. to do shopping – делать покупки

16. to do work about the house – делать работу по дому

17. to go to see smb. – навестить кого-либо

18. to go to bed – ложиться спать

19. to get tired – уставать


Our town was founded in 1586. At first it was a small wooden fortress called Samara.

Due to its favourable geographical position the town developed quickly. By the end of the 19th century Samara became one of the main commercial centres on the Volga.

In 1935 Samara was named after V.V.Kuibyshev, who proclaimed the Soviet power in our town.

During the Great Patriotic War Samara became the second capital of our country. The Soviet government lived and worked here. Many plants and factories from Moscow and western regions of the Soviet Union were evacuated to our town.

Now the town is one of the largest in Russia. It’s a great industrial, commercial and educational centres on the Volga. It occupies the territory of 330,square kilometres. Its population is over 1.5 million people.

In 1990 the historical name of Samara was returned to our town.


  1. to be founded – быть основанным

  2. a wooden fortress- деревянная крeпость

  3. due to- благодаря

  4. favourable - благоприятный

  5. to develop - развиваться

  6. main – главный , основной

  7. commercial – торговый, коммерческий

  8. to be named after – быть названным в честь

  9. to proclaim - провозглашать

  10. government - правительство

  11. to evacuate- эвакуировать

  12. educational center – образовательный центр

  13. to occupy - занимать

  14. population - население

  15. to return – возвращать


Our University

Our University was founded in 1930. At first it was called Samara Industrial (later Politechnical ) Institute. There were only 3 departments in it: Mechanical, Chemical and Electrical-Engineering.

Now the University is one of the largest in the Volga region. There are 11 departments in it now. I study at Correspondence department.

More than 10 thousand students from our country and foreign countries attend lectures and tutorials every day. The academic year is divided into 2 terms. At the end of each term students take exams. They conduct research work in labs equipped with modern instruments . There is a good library at our University which has books both in Russian and in foreign languages. Many well-known scientists lecture at our University.

In 1980 the Politechnical Institute was awarded the Order of the Labour Red Banner for its scientific achievements.

In 1992 our institute became the State Technical University


  1. to be founded – быть основанным

  2. department - факультет

  3. to attend – посещать, присутствовать

  4. academic year – учебный год

  5. tutorials – практические занятия

  6. a term - семестр

  7. to take exams – сдавать экзамены

  8. a scientist - учёный

  9. achievements - достижения

  10. to award - награждать

  11. the Order of the Labour red Banner – орден трудового красного знамени

  12. to conduct research work- проводить научно - исследовательскую работу

  13. to equip - оборудовать

  14. modern – современный

Great Britain.
In the west of the continent of Europe lie 2 large islands called the British Isles.

Great Britain consists of 4 parts: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

The population of Great Britain is about 60 million people. Today Britain is a highly developed industrial country. The main branches of industry are textile, metal-working, ship-building and electronics.

London is the capital of Great Britain, its political, economic and cultural centre. London is more than 20 centures old.

Great Britain is a constitutional monarchy. Its government is King or Queen and the Parliament. It consists of the House of Commons and the House of Lords. Now the Queen of Great Britain is Elizabeth II. Prime Minister is usually the leader of the party that has the majority in the House of Commons.

There are several political parties in Great Britain now, but the main and the oldest parties are the Labour and the Conservative ones.


  1. an island - остров

  2. to consist of – состоять из

  3. a branch - отрасль

  4. metal-working - металлообрабатывающая

  5. ship-building- кораблестроение

  6. century - век

  7. monarchy - монархия

  8. the House of Commons – палата общин

  9. leader - лидер

  10. majority - большинство

  11. several - несколько

  12. Labour party – лейбористская партия

  13. Conservative party – консервативная партия

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