Sports in great britain

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НазваниеSports in great britain
Дата публикации14.04.2015
Размер16.98 Kb.
ТипДокументы > Спорт > Документы
1. England is a sports-loving nation. Sports in England take a lot of forms: organized sports which attract huge crowds to encourage their favourite team to victory, athletic games played for recreation and others. Some sports are called spectator sports when the number of spectators is greater than the number of people playing the game. Other sports are called participant – sports attracting large crowds only on special occasions such as tournaments.

2. The game peculiarly associated with England is cricket. Many other games, too, are English in origin, but were accepted with enthusiasm in other countries. Cricket is slow, and a spectator can have a little sleep for half an hour. Cricket is making no progress in popularity. Traditional football or soccer is very popular. Nearly 49 million spectators each year attend matches between the great professional teams organized by the Football League. The biggest event in England is the Cup Final played at the Empire Stadium, Wembley, in a London suburb. Rugby football is played with an egg-shaped ball which may be carried and thrown. Rugby is played mainly by the amateurs.

3. The games of golf and tennis are played by great numbers of people. Golf is played in the countryside. There are a lot of tennis clubs, but every town provides tennis courts in public parks. The world championship tennis matches are held at Wimbledon in London during June and July.

4. Next to football, the chief spectator sport in Britain is horse-racing. A lot of people are interested in the races and risk money on the horse which they think will win. Britain is also famous for motor-car racing, boat-racing, dog-racing, and even races for donkeys. The famous boat-race between the teams of Oxford and Cambridge attracts large crowds of people.

5. Various forms of athletics, such as running, boxing, jumping, swimming are wide-spread in England. The English weather is not always cold enough to ski, skate, or toboggan, but winter is a good season for hunting and fishing. Indeed sport forms an essential part of daily life in Britain.
Topical Vocabulary

a sports-loving nation ─ нация любителей спорта

organized sports ─ организованный спорт

to attract crowds ─ привлекать большое количество зрителей

to encourage one's favourite team to victory ─ болеть за любимую команду

an athletic game ─ спортивная игра

to play a game for recreation ─ играть во что-либо ради отдыха

a spectator sport ─ «зрительский» вид спорта

a participant sport ─ массовый вид спорта

a tournament ─ турнир

cricket ─ крокет

to be English in origin ─ быть английским по происхож­дению

to be accepted with enthusiasm ─ приниматься с энтузиазмом

the Commonwealth ─ Британское Содружество

to make no progress in popularity ─ не становиться более популярным

association football (soccer) ─ традиционный футбол

to attend matches ─ посещать матчи

a professional team ─ профессиональная команда

to be organized by the Football League ─ организовываться Футбольной Лигой

the Cup Final ─ Финал Кубка

rugby football (rugger) ─ регби

amateur ─ любитель

1. What forms does sport in England take?

2. What game is associated with Great Britain?

3. What kind of game is golf?

4. What are other spectator sports popular in Britain?

5. What forms of athletics are wide-spread in England?
Translate into English

1. В Англии, стране любителей спорта, распространены различные виды спорта и спортивные соревнования.

2. Крупные соревнования по многим видам спорта привлекают огромное число зрителей.

3. Регби – в основном непрофессиональный вид спорта.

4. Среди англичан популярность завоевали не только спортивные игры, но и различные виды спорта, в том числе различные виды легкой атлетики.

5. Спорт, в той или иной разновидности, играет важную роль в повседневной жизни англичан.

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