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«Усинский политехнический техникум»


«Экологические проблемы»

(урок с применением ИКТ)

Круглова Тансылу Фанзавиевна,
преподаватель английского языка

Тема: «Экологические проблемы» (урок с применением ИКТ)

Предмет: иностранный язык
Группа: группа РЭНГМ (3 курс)
Цель урока:  формирование обобщенных знаний по теме и оперирование ими.


  • Обучающая: систематизация, обобщение и закрепление пройденного материала по теме. Закрепление грамматических навыков говорения.

  • Развивающая: развитие личностной активности учащихся, развитие способности к анализу, обобщению и формированию собственных выводов.

  • Воспитательная: учить обучающихся бережно относиться к окружающей среде, формировать потребности и способности к сотрудничеству и взаимопомощи.

Необходимое техническое оборудование:

компьютерный класс, подключенный к сети Интернет, тематические картинки, презентация Power Point


  1. Организационный момент.

Teacher: Good morning, children! I am glad to see you! I hope you are OK. We’re going to discuss some urgent problems today – problems of ecology and environment. Today we’ll try to raise the problems of pollution in its many forms: air pollution, water pollution, pollution of soil. We’ll speak about destruction of wildlife and countryside beauty and shortage of natural resources, about noise from different vehicles. During the lesson I want you to think about the problem “Nobody will help us and our planet, if we don’t help ourselves.” And we shall find out who is in Charge of Our Planet?

Речевая зарядка: Now remember how beautiful our nature is … and answer the questions, please!

1. Do you like nature?

2. Have you ever walked barefoot on the young green grass in summer?

3. Each of you prefers to breathe in fresh air, don’t you?

4. Do you like to watch clouds? What do they remind you of?

5. Do you like to watch sparkling stars in the sky at night?

6. Do you like to walk in the forest or in the field?

Teacher: Look at the screen! You can see picturesque scenery of our nature, birds, and flowers. Well, our land is full of beautiful flowers, plants and trees which grow and blossom in the meadows, on the bank of the rivers and lakes, in the forests and gardens. But many flowers and insects have become rare and vanish, because of excessive radiation and transport, the man’s interference in nature. The intensive development of sciences, industry and chemistry has made the pollution of our environment a global problem which should be solved by all means. Well, this problem is widely spread by TV, radio and the press. The pictures are beautiful, aren’t they? I think that technology must bring apology to ecology. How do you understand “to live in harmony with environment”?

Student:  I think it is clean rivers, blue sky, and green grass.

Student: Clean air and water, shining sun, fresh fruit from the trees, green trees and bushes, flowers and insects, fish and birds.

Teacher: But with the development of the civilization, man’s interference in nature began to increase and now our planet is in danger. What problems do we face?


– Air pollution

– Water pollution

– Global warming

– Trash

– Cruelty to animals        


– Nuclear pollution

– Destruction of ozone layer

– Poisons in food

– Wars

Тeacher: Now let’s check your home task. You were to make projects about ecological problems. Let’s listen to you and watch these projects. Who will be the first?

Презентация 1- Student 1, Student 2

Student 1: Since ancient times Nature has served Man, being the source of his life. For thousands of years people lived in harmony with environment

Student 2: But with the development of civilization man's interference with nature began to increase. Large cities with thousands of smoky industrial enterprises appear all over the world today. They pollute the air we breathe, the water we drink, the land we live in.

Student 1: That is why serious measures to create a system of ecological security should be taken. Some progress has been already made in this direction. As many as 159 countries-members of UNO- have set up environmental protection agencies. The accident at Chernobyl nuclear power station in April 1986 caused radioactive pollution of a vast area.

Student 2: The international organization Greenpeace is also doing much to preserve the environment. The Earth is our home. We must take care of it for next generations and ourselves. (Приложение 1)

Презентация 2 – Student 3, Student 4

Student 3: I see trees of green, red roses too,

I watch them bloom for me and you.

And I think to myself, what a wonderful world!

Student 4: I hear babies cry, I watch them grow,

They'll learn much more, than I'll ever know.

And I think to myself, what a wonderful world!

Student 3: We should not hurt wild animals.

We must keep off the grass.

Student 4: We should not throw litter on the ground.

We should have picnics in special places.

Student 3: We mustn’t leave a fire in the forest.

We must think about our blue planet.

Презентация 3 – Student 5, Student 6

Student 5: The poisoning of the world's land, air, and water is the fastest-spreading disease of civilization. It probably produces fewer headlines than wars, earthquakes and floods, but it is potentially one of history's greatest dangers to human life on earth. If present trends continue for the next several decades, our planet will become uninhabitable. Overpopulation, pollution and energy consumption have created such planet-wide problems as massive deforestation, ozone depletion, acid rains and the global warming that is believed to be caused by the greenhouse effect.


Student 7: Ecology is a science about nature and about relations of man with it. We are really one with nature, our planet and the Universe. This feeling of being one with nature is very ancient. It is expressed in many old books and myths of different countries. For instance, an Indian of North America said: “We are part of the earth and it is part of us. The perfumed flowers are our sisters; the deer, horse, the great eagle – these are our brothers.” 6: The seas are in danger. They are filled with poison: industrial and nuclear waste, chemical fertilisers and pesticides. The Mediterranean is already nearly dead; the North Sea is following. The Aral Sea is on the brink of extinction. If nothing is done about it, one day nothing will be able to live in the seas.

Student 5: Every ten minutes one kind of animal, plant or insect dies out for ever. If nothing is done about it, one million species that are alive today will have become extinct twenty years from now. Air population is a very serious problem.

Student 6: In Cairo just breathing the air is life threatening- equivalent to smoking two packs of cigarettes a day. The same holds true for Mexico City and 600 cities of the former Soviet Union. Industrial enterprises emit tons of harmful substances. These emissions have disastrous consequences for our planet. They are the main reason for the greenhouse effect and acid rains.

Student 5: An even greater environmental threat is nuclear power stations. We all know how tragic the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster are. People begin to realize that environmental problems are not somebody else’s.

Student 6: They join and support various international organizations and green parties. If governments wake up to what is happening- perhaps we'll be able to avoid the disaster that threatens the natural world and all of us with it.

Презентация 4 – Student 7, Student 8

The same feeling was always typical for Russian people in old times. Every Russian village had the images of nature everywhere in the house-the flowers on the cups, bed covers and clothes, the leaves on the towels as if reflecting that time when our ancestors were wiping their faces and hands after washing with green foliage of birch tree.

 Student 8: Unfortunately, our technical civilization thinking only of material goods succeeded in destroying Nature and creating the ecological crisis on our planet.

These are the names of the main environmental problems of today: littering, air pollution, water pollution, endangered animals, and destruction of natural resources.


Let’s play a little. You see some Russian words on the blackboard. Find their English equivalents. ( На экране учащиеся должны найти перевод для некоторых русских слов и соединить их)

English words: Environment, pollution, wildlife, nature, ecology, to protect, to reuse, to reduce, cut down, litter, recycling.

Russian words: экология, природа, дикий мир, использовать еще раз, загрязнение, окружающая среда, уменьшать, защищать, мусор, вырубать.



From the work we have done we can see that pollution is a complicated problem. Automobiles are polluting the air but they provide transportation for the people. Factories pollute the air and the water but they provide jobs for people and produce necessary goods. Fertilizers and pesticides are important for growing crops but they can ruin soil.

  We must understand that science itself can’t be good or bad. Another thing is how people use its achievements. People must reduce pollution from their own activity.

  So the problem is to protect life on the Earth, to save our planet for people.

What should we do to prevent environmental catastrophe?

Student: We should make cars and plants run cleaner.

Student: We should recycle used materials.

Student: We should clear trash from lakes and rivers.

Student: We should plant more trees and feed birds in winter.

Student: We should protect crops without pesticides.

Student: We should save energy.

Student: We should do all possible to keep our planet clean.

Student: We should start planting flowers, trees and bushes in our yards.

Teacher: we all live on the tiny planet. Our life and health are closely connected with the environment. I think, such lessons teach my students to understand and protect nature.

At the end of the lesson you will see the music video and listen to the song by L. Armstrong “What a Wonderful World”

Приложение 1


1. «The enviromental protection»

Чупрова О., Чупрова О.

2. «We must protect our environment»

Хайрутдинов Р., Урьялов А.

3. «Ecological problems»

Павлов А., Агафонов В.

4. «Ecology»

Новиков И., Рогочий С.

Приложение 2

Видеоролик What A Wonderful World With David Attenborough -- BBC One [FULL HD]

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