Тезисы докладов участников Школы 68

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V.V. Kozhinov

My name will be mentioned in every language…”
Notes on Russian Spiritual Peculiarities1[60]

… Let’s turn to the problem of Asia, a deep comprehension of which is a particularly hard, vital and urgent issue. The thing is that for 200 years of active “europenism” our awareness was influenced by European perception of Asia. Dostoevskii anxiously spoke about it before the death. It is distinctly reflected in Russian perception of Tatar-Mongolians that was formed in the 18-19th centuries. Tatar-Mongolians were considered to be the core of Baty-khan Empire and his descendents, under vassal bondage of which Russia was from 13th till 15th century. As a matter of fact there is no distinct difference between this empire and Charles the Great Empire, who subordinated European territories from Pyrenean to Danube, people from Arabs to Czechs (the later Charles V Empire can also serve as an example). But according to Europeans’ opinion Asian Empire was something different, something fragrant, and what is more, disgraceful, just because it dealt with Asians.

Since 18th century this perception of Asians has to a certain extend influenced Russian awareness. Russia had never before had such a specific attitude towards Asians, particularly towards Mongolians.

It is significant that in “The Tale of Ryazan Devastation by Baty-khan” which is penetrated with piercing pain the image of Mongolian chief is not deprived of human features… nevertheless, it doesn’t mean that the conqueror is justified. “The Tale of Ryazan Devastation by Baty-khan” is permeated with endless struggle against conquerors, as well as other works of Russian literature of 13-15th centuries that describe Mongolian invasion. But at the same time Russians didn’t divide nations into European and Asian; all the invaders were unacceptable, it didn’t matter whether they were German knights or Mongolian bagaturs. The attitude towards invaders was determined in Russian mind by the fact that they were invaders, but it didn’t lead to hostility or detachment of any nation and its representatives.

It is also remarkably revealed in the fate of Baty’s descendents in Russia. As we know Russia had become completely free from Tatar-Mongolian regime by 1480, after Ahmat, a Grand Khan of Golden Horde, escaped from the Ugra riverside. And just in 50 years Shah-Ala (Shigalei), who was the son of Ahmat’s nephew, became a prominent Russian commander of the whole army during Libonese and Lithuanian wars. Ahmat’s great-grandson Sain-Bulat (Simeon Bekbulatovich) was appointed the Head of Boyard Duma and obtained a title of “Grand Prince of Russia”. These are just two most vivid examples. Such fate is quite typical for representatives of non-Russian nations. Kabardinian prince Cherkasskii, for instance, practically ruled the country in the times of Mihail Fyodorovich. Nikita Minov, a Mordvinian, was Russian patriarchy Nikon, Yusupov, a Nogaien, was the Head of Russian Military Board at the beginning of 18th century. The fate of Russian bitterest enemies’ descendents vividly reveals the human nature of Russian character. <…>

Let’s turn to more considerable issue such as the interpretation of the greatest historical battle of Kulikovo in literature and publications. Quite often it is depicted as a fatal and inevitable feud between Russia and Asia, as “a battle between continents”. It is only recently that the historical importance of the impact and the true character of the battle have received a broad understanding.

In his excellent book “Dmitri Donskoi” (from a series “Life of outstanding People”) Yuri Loshin points out that the battle of the 8th of September 1380 wasn’t a battle between two nations, but had a world-wide historical importance. It was a struggle of already multinational Russia against aggressive cosmopolitan armada that had no right to act on behalf of any Russian neighbouring nations... We shouldn’t forget that commanding officers of two out of six regiments were Andrei Cherkizovich and Semyon Melik, Tatars who served Dmitri Donskoi and heroically fell in action.

L.N. Gumiliov also made an attempt to solve various problems that are somehow connected with the battle of Kulikovo. He reveals that Horde’s policy was based on “the patronage of slavery and merchants of different races…. and the principle of pure profit”, that Mamai was practically guided not by the Golden Horde’s upper ten but “by merchant civilization, to put it bluntly, by international profiteers who established trade routes to deliver slaves to intermediary Genoese offices”. First of all it concerns “Genoese colony Kafe (todays Feodosia), a gigantic slave-trade centre of those times, that hosted thousands of slaves. It is quite reasonable why Mamai escaped to Kafe after he was devastated. But he was robbed and annihilated by his own inspirers and creditors, who had no moral values.

To sum up, the battle of Kulikovo, which is usually considered to be a Russian resistance to a specifically Asian attack, was primarily the struggle of Russian people against the world-wide cosmopolitan aggression. The aggressive Mamai’s policy was greatly determined by interests and policy of “international profiteers” from Genoa and Kafe (who as we know didn’t send their high quality mercenary infantry to support Mamai).

So there is no reason to view the battle of 1380 as a fight against Mongolians. The battle of Kulikovo was not against a certain nation, but against “dark” powers of those times.

J.V. Popkov


Problems of the Present-day
Ethnosocial Development of Siberian Nations1[61]

In 1999 members of ethnosocial research branch of Philosophy and Law Institute (Siberian department) together with colleagues from Siberian republics launched a megaproject “Eurasian nations in the Context of Present-days Reforms”.

Siberia reflects Russian Eurasian character in full measure. That is why the results of research on social changes, which take place in the region due to present-day market reforms that involve ethnosocial development, can be considered to represent the situation in the whole country.

The development of Russia for the past 13 years can be on the whole estimated as “westernasation”, to be more precise “americanisation” of the country. Meanwhile ethnosocial processes in Siberia are of a destructive character.

The quality of population has decreased as a result of high sickness rate, alcoholism, drug addiction, tuberculosis, nervous and psychological disorders. Suicide rate is also high. A family crisis has arisen. We witness more divorces, illegitimate births, the number of one parent families has increased. More mentally or physically disabled children are born. The number of work places has been considerably reduces, which resulted in unemployment increase. The variety of employment fields narrowed up to such traditional economic activities as gathering wild plants, stocking up raw materials, hunting, fishing and cattle breeding. In socio-cultural development alongside with the growth of national consciousness, reinforcement of national concern in national languages, culture and nation history, one can observe the display of nationalism and separatism, ethno phobias and ethnocentrism, national nihilism and intolerance.

It influenced not only financial and social position of inhabitants but the public awareness state, its system of values and mental structures. Research workers’ opinions on the correlation between different types of values in the public awareness structure differ. For instance V. N. Tishkov, Ethnology and Anthropology Institute of Russian Academy of Science Director, considers that now individualistic and liberal values are dominating in Russian national awareness. Analyzing the results of certain investigations, V.E. Semionov comes to the conclusion that individualistic values take only 3% in the mentality of present-day Russian youth.

The results of our investigation also show that individualistic values do not prevail nowadays. The majority of the population place collectivism above individualism. They prefer community property to private one, sense of collectivism and mutual aid as a factor of nation development to individualism and personal private business, public order to extension of personal liberties. Representatives of inquired nations prefer government’s interest in public welfare to personal enterprise, constancy and stability to changes and novelty, controlled market to unrestricted competition and planned economy. Entrepreneurship and business were marked as an ethnic separation factor.


The Perspectives
of the Altai-Sayan Mountain Territory.
Social, Political and Ecologycal Problems

S. Magmasuren

Hovd State University, Mongolia

The Results of Research in Physical
Aspects of Natural Phenomena in the Altai Region

In July 2003 scientists and professors of Hovd State University organized a research expedition within a scientific and technical project “Ecological and Geographical Estimation of Mountain Mongolian Altai Region”. The following route was taken: Snow Tsambagarav (4193m) — mountain Sayr (3984m) — Huyten peak (4374m) — the Tabin-Bogdo-Ula mountains — Legendary Potanin glacier and the White river — mountain Bayan (3442m) — the Big Turgen mountain ridge (3507m) — Tsengel Hairhan (3943m) — Hag pass (3100m). All in all the expedition members overpassed 1500 km in Western Mongolia.

During our expedition we managed to explore ecological and climatic condition of the Altai mountain zone, to collect rich scientific and educational material on Mongolian Altai naturo-phisical and ecological processes.

Natural processes that are observed on Potanin glacier are of a particular interest nowadays. Having overpassed a difficult 15km way in mountain tundra zone on foot we managed to reach the glacier (3244m) that originates from Huyten peak of the Tabin-Bogdo-Ula Mountains (4374m). The glacier valley stretches for 20 km and turns into a river, the water of which is as white as snow. That might be the reason why it is called “White”.

Potanin glacier is being subjected to heavy erosion. Water is the main factor of erosion process. Showers and snow melting cause irreversible glacier erosion. The ice resembles a complicated architectural construction that can be seen only in the movies. I find glacier very much like a human being. Like man’s hair gets thinner in the course of time, glacier’s surface dissolves and as a result of enduring climatic effects it gradually turns into a sieve. The dust coverage of glacier surface is another interesting phenomenon. The glacier suffers from this dust coverage as the dust powder accumulates warmth that in its turn accelerates erosion process.

With the assistance of local Kazakh inhabitants we were lucky to view one of the most beautiful waterfalls on the river Malii Turgen (Tsengel samon territory, Bayan-Ulguy aymak). The water falls from 33m hight, making two-stage whirls. To be more precise it forms 2 waterfalls: a big one and a small one. The water shimmers in the air with the whole range of rainbow colours. The river Malii Turgen runs through a geologically unique rocky gorge, which is rich in various rare plants and animals. Malii Turgen falls are one of the biggest waterfalls in our country.

We are planning new interesting investigations and routes for new expeditions that are supposed to make incredible discoveries in such scantily explored and unique part of the world as Western Mogolia.

U. Beket

Social-Economic Research Institute of Mongolian Academy of Science

Flora of Mongolian Altai.
Problems of its rational use and preservation

Although a range of books on flora of Mongolian Altai have been published1[62], Mongolian Altai is still among the regions the flora of which hasn’t been adequately explored yet. Our studies made it possible to fill the gaps, to trace general geographical mechanisms of flora allocation in Mongolian Altai, to reveal taxonomic variety of flora classes, to ascertain a zonal structure of flora and its peculiarity in different parts of the region, to execute cartographical works, to work out a detailed mean scale geobotanic map of Mongolian Altai, to make a list of plants.

The research showed that regions flora is heterogeneous. The territory can be easily divided into 4 parts, each characterized by particular altitude and peculiar number of structures. There are 1501 species (including 50 endemic and 82 subendemic) superior vascular plants that belong to 89 families and 440 genera.

As far as investigated ecological groups of species are concerned the flora is rather diverse. This fact is caused by the variety and contrast of ecotopes (from cold and humid mountains to arid and torrid intermountain troughs).

In many parts of Mongolian Altai we observed anthropogenic destruction of top-soil; especially where pastures are degradationing and man-caused disturbance of land tenure occurs. These negative after-effects indicate that it is of great importance to optimize land tenure to preserve rare endangered species and especially valuable phytocenosis. In view of the aforesaid we insist on taking the following actions on preservation and rational use of flora resources of Mongolian Altai:

To join efforts of Mongolia, the Russian Federation, China and the Republic Altai governments to establish transboundary preserves and game reserves with botanic garden;

To ban cutting down and logging trees and shrubs.

Besides it is important to work out a draft “On Rational Use and Preservation of Natural Pasture” on parliament level, taking into account the interests of all the states of Big Altai.


The Culture and History
of the Altaic people

A.V. Startsev

Altai State University, Barnaul

Altai and Mongolia:
From the History of Frontier Cooperation

The history of economic relations between Altai and Mongolia goes back as far as 200 years. They started in the second half of the 18th century when a group of enterprising Russian migrators went up to the Altai Mountains to carry out a barter trade with local nomads. By the end of the century a marked had been established in Chuya valley. There collaborated Russian traders, Altaians, Tuvinians, Mongolian frontier guards and Chinese merchants’ salesmen. In 20-30s of the 19th century merchants built a few cabins in Chuya valley to keep their goods. That is how Kosh-Agach settlement started.

Until the middle of the 19th century trade in Kosh-Agach was semi-legal since it was not officially covered by Russian-Chinese agreements. Beijing agreement (1860) and “The Rules of Land Trade” (1862) signed by Russian and Chinese officials let Russian citizens travel abroad and transfer their trade into the cities of North-western Mongolia — Cobdo and Ulyasutai.

This trade was immediately recognized by the locals, and Russian goods (fabric, metal articles, dressing leather, etc.) were in great demand. Very soon Chinese merchants couldn’t compete with Russians in textiles trade. Copper and metal articles were also widely popular. The trade with locals was mainly bartering. In 70-80s of 19th century the main barter article was furs, predominantly marmot fells. Along side with furs Biysk merchants also imported livestock and wool from Mongolia.

The fact that there were no convenient roads hampered trade expansion. Chuya high road, that was used to deliver goods, ran in almost impassible uninhabited region. The most difficult part was between Ongudai and Kosh-Agach. It was just a narrow trail that spun along steep beetling over the river mountainsides. It was only in 1920 that a bridle-path was turned into vehicle road, but it still didn’t solve the problem of big consignment transportation.

In spite of all these difficulties trade along Chuya high road was dramatically developing. According to the official documents its turnover increased 7 times from1870 to 1885. Chuya merchants actively traded not only on the territory of North-Western Mongolia, but tried to get into Inner China market.

Unlike Chinese merchants who, as I.Y. Korostovetz put it, “look upon Mongolians as an inferior race, made to be exploited”, Chuya merchants developed their business contacts with Mongolians into informal friendly relations.

Biysk merchants’ interests went beyond their own welfare; they also contributed significantly to the studies of Mongolia. They assisted in launching scientific expeditions, accompanied them as guides and interpreters, carried out different scientists’ commissions, supplying Russian museums with exhibits and even full collections. In their dairies and reports Russian orientalists N.M. Przhevalski, G.N. Potanin, A.M. Pozdneev, P.K. Kozlov and others thanked Biysk merchants for help and assistance. Some entrepreneurs were members of scientific societies. I.P. Kotelnikov, a merchant, was a full member of Russian Geographic Society. Another Chuya merchant N.I. Assanov had been a Corresponding Member of Imperial Academy of Sciences since 1901, and in 1902 was awarded a medal “For eagerness ” for his assistance in D.A. Klement’s scientific expedition.

The above mentioned facts prove that trade-economic and cultural bonds between Altai and North-Western Mongolia were constantly developing and getting richer. It is significant to mention that the initiative for its development belonged not to state government or local administration, but to inhabitants who lived near borders and were searching for better ways of mutually beneficial cooperation.

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