Методические указания для студентов заочников факультета дик

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НазваниеМетодические указания для студентов заочников факультета дик
Дата публикации12.01.2015
Размер185.69 Kb.
ТипМетодические указания
100-bal.ru > Литература > Методические указания
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Task V. Изучите слова и выражения. Ответьте на вопросы.

newsstand; bookstall

bookshop /bookseller's



local library

lending library

rental shelves

private library

reference hall
to lend books

to borrow books from the library

to select /choose/ pick out

to order /check out

to renew a book

to exchange a book

to be on the waiting list

газетный киоск, книжный лоток

книжный магазин

продавец книг

книга, пользующаяся большим спросом

захватывающая книга

местная (районная) библиотека


отдел выдачи книг на дом

личная библиотека

зал справочной реферативной литературы

выдавать книги

брать книги из библиотеки

выбирать /книги, журналы/

заказать /книгу, журнал/

продлить срок пользования книгой

обменять книгу

быть в списке /в очереди/

Phrases to remember:

What's your field of interest?

I'm interested in science fiction.
Could you give some advice


His latest book is a great hit /success.
As a matter of fact...

Чем вы интересуетесь?

Меня интересует научная


Не могли бы вы мне что-нибудь

посоветовать /предложить?

Его новая /последняя/ книга имеет

большой успех.

Дело в том, что...

Answer the questions:

  1. What is a thriller?

  2. Where do you usually buy books?

  3. Do you often buy books?

  4. What is a bestseller? Have you read any bestseller lately?

  5. What library are you a subscriber to?

  6. Is it a lending library?

  7. Is the Gorky library a lending one?

  8. Is your private library big?

  9. How many books are there in it?

  10. What library do you borrow books from?

  11. Who helps you to select books in the library?

  12. How often do you go to the library to exchange books?

Task VI. Изучите список слов. Напишите эссе о любой библиотеке, в которую вы записаны.




main bookstock

collection of books



rare books










current periodicals

annual sets of newspapers


interlibrary loan system

international book exchange

6. to seat 700 readers

7. an open shelf collection

8. to lend ... books annually

9. reference collection

bibliographical department

the archives

10. the staff of librarians

фонд книг

фонд книг

фонд книг

фонд книг
редкие книги

редкие книги





текущая периодика

годовая подшивка

международный книжный обмен

помещать 700 читателей

открытый доступ к книгам

выдавать ... книги ежегодно


отдел библиографии



Task VII. Прочтите диалог, переведите его и дайте ответы на вопросы.
Dan: Can you tell me who the most popular authors are today? Perhaps, you

can Ronald. You see so many people in the train to and from London.

Ronald: Yes, I do. People read newspapers mostly. But if it's a novel, it's certainly a paper back and usually a detective story or a spy thriller of James Bond type. But I myself prefer some travel-book or a biography.

Colin: I think novels are for women. They have so much more time and they can't do without romance.

Ronald: I agree. Most of the men prefer to read newspapers or books about politics, history or do-it-yourself manuals. This give them a purpose in life which novel-reading doesn't. If they want light entertainment they've always got a telly.
1. What do people in the train to and from London read?

2. Do they often read novels?

3. What kind of novels do they mostly read?

4. What books does Ronald prefer to read?

5. Comment on Colin's words: "I think, novels are for women".

6. Do you agree that novels are for women?

7. What do most of men read?

8. What do men do for light entertainment?

9. What do you think about men's tastes in literature?
Task VIII. Прочтите диалог, переведите его и дайте ответы на вопросы.
Fred Likes Long Novels.

Fred: Have you read the "Forsyte Saga"?

Tom: I've been reading it for two weeks now, but I haven't finished it yet. It's a very long novel.

Fred: I like long novels. I've just finished an "American Tragedy" by Dreiser.

Tom: That's too long for me. I prefer shorter novels and I like plays too.

Fred: Have you seen Henry IV?

Tom: No, I haven't. I read a review of it the other day. It said it was very good. I'd like to see it. I've read most of the plays by W. Shakespeare, but I haven't seen Henry IV. Have you?


1. Does Tom like long novels?

2. What does Tom like to read besides novels?

3. What play by Shakespeare are they speaking about?

4. What do you like to read?

5. What book are you reading now?

6. What is it about?
Task IX. Прочтите диалог. Переведите его. Напишите аналогичный диалог о своем визите в библиотеку.
A.: Where are you going, Bob?

B.: To the Foreign Languages library.

A.: So I am. Let's go together. I'd like to get some English books there. Can you advise me anything?

B.: Oh, you can take Hemingway's novel "The Old Man and the Sea". I'm sure you will enjoy it.

A.: But I've read it in Russian. And I did enjoy it greatly. .

B.: Then take something by Scot Fitzgerald an American writer. "The Great Gatsby" or his stories.

A.: But I've read them in Russian too.

B.: I try to read books in the original. Why do you read translations?

A.: My English was not good enough up till now. But I've been working hard for some years. Now I've able to read books in the original too.

B.: Then ask some book by Cronin. I have read many of his books and enjoyed them.

A.: Thank you. I will.
Task X. Прочтите шутку и переведите ее.

Mrs. Smith / to a librarian/ :

- "Will you, please; look into my card and say if I've read "Martin Eden" by Jack London?
Task XI. Прочтите диалог. Переведите его. Ответьте на вопросы:
1. What is Susan studying in class?

2. What books does she want to take out from the library?

3. Does she want to take any serious book on art?

4. What does she ask the librarian to give her for her mother?

5. What book does the librarian recommend?
Susan: Good afternoon.

Librarian: Good afternoon. What book do you want to take out today.

Susan: In class we are studying English. I should like to have a look through the last issues of the magazines.

Librarian: Just I minute, please. I know what you want... Here you are. Look at these ones. They have just been returned. Very good magazines.

Susan: Oh, thank you. It's exactly what I need. Besides, I should like to take a novel for my mother. She wants something thrilling.

Librarian: I can suggest "The Moonstone" by W. Collins. It is a great success with the readers.

Susan: Thank you. I am sure she will enjoy it.
II семестр.
Task I. Прочитайте текст. Переведите его. Используя слова и выражения текста, напишите рассказ о том, как Вы ходили в библиотеку.
I am a subscriber to our library.

About every fortnight I go there to exchange books.

I enter the library and go to the Lending Department.

Here I first of all look through the Catalogue.

Sometimes I look through the Author Catalogue.

Sometimes I look through the Subject Catalogue.

Best of all I like fiction, travel books and biographies.

I find the name of the author and the title of a book I am interested in.

I fill in a slip and hand it to the librarian.

She goes to the repository to see if the book is there.

Soon she comes back and says: "Here is the book you want".

Sometimes however she returns with the words: "I am sorry, the book is taken. What other book would you like?".

In such cases I suggest some other book.

The librarian then gives me the book I have chosen.

I thank her and go home.

It's always a fine thing to get an interesting new book to read!
Task II. Прочитайте диалог. Переведите его. Расскажите о читателе, его предпочтениях в чтении.

Librarian: Good morning! How do you do? You have come to exchange books, I suppose.

Subscriber: Yes, I have. Could you recommend something interesting?

Librarian: Of course I can, but wouldn't you like to look through the catalogue yourself? Subscriber: I rely on your choice. You have already suggested me quite a number of interesting books which I have read with greatest interest.

Librarian: To tell you the truth. I have forgotten your special interests. There are so many subscribers to our library that it is difficult to remember the taste of each.

Subscriber: In fact I am interested in everything: fiction, biography, history, travel books.

Librarian: If you care for fiction, here are some of the latest novels on the counter. I have read most of them, and after you have chosen a writer and a title, I can tell you what it's all about. By the way , do you like short stories? If so, I can recommend to you a collection of short stories by Paustovski.

Subscriber: I think I'll choose that book right away.

Librarian: And which is the second book? You have a right to take two books home, you know?

Subscriber: It seems to me that the biography of Lermontov by Irakli Andronnikov is what I should like to take.

Librarian: And perfectly right you are in deciding upon that book. In fact it's a feature book, it is very much in demand.

Subscriber: Well, let me have it then, I think these two books are just the thing for me.

Librarian: You are welcome to them. Please fill in this slip and I shall write down the books in your reader's card.

Subscriber: Thank you very much for your kind advice. Now I've got something to read for at least a fortnight.
Task III. Прочтите слова и выражения. Запишите их в словарь. Напишите транскрипцию этих слов.



card file

title page

books on philosophy





contents (table of masters)




publishing house








to edit






reference book

children's books

Заполните пропуски в предложениях.

  1. … is a book on philosophy.

  2. … is an educational edition.

  3. … are books on physics and chemistry.

  4. Books on… and … are not for me.

  5. Tales and nursery rhymes are … books.

  6. A … is usually at the end of the book, but may be at the beginning as well.

Task IV. Прочитайте текст. Переведите его. Напишите письменно ответы на вопросы. Напишите два списка выражений с глаголами:

Что делает читатель?

Что делает библиотекарь?

A librarian plays an important part in the cultural life of our country. People seek after knowledge. Books satisfy their desire.

Librarians help readers to choose books. .They help to cultivate the tastes and reading habits of the readers. Reading books plays an important part in our education. But we often read books for pleasure.

People go to the library to read there or to borrow books home. You can find all kinds of books in the library. There you can get novels, biographies, science fiction, short stories, books on traveling, history, science. In some libraries you can find books in many languages.

When a new reader comes to a lending department he fills in his library card: his full name, the date of his birth, his address and telephone number, the place of his work and his speciality.

Many libraries have open access to the bookshelves where the readers can choose any book they like. The librarians can help the readers to choose a book or can advise to read this or that interesting book. All libraries have catalogues; the reader can consult them to find the books he wants to read.

Then a librarian puts the books down to the reader's card. The reader can take the books for two weeks. If he needs some more time for reading them, he may prolong the books.

The reader must obey the rules of using library books. It means: not to damage them, not to make notes on pages and not to dogear the pages.

Many libraries have reference departments. You can get necessary information from catalogues and reference books there. A library assistant will help you in finding what you need.

The reading rooms are opened to all readers. You can get periodicals, newspapers and different magazines there. Many people come to reading room to prepare material for their reports and test papers or to read a rare book.
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