Конкурс «Педагог года 2011» Тема: Free Time

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Урок на конкурс «Педагог года - 2011»

Тема: Free Time

Цель урока: развитие коммуникативной компетенции учащихся на основе изученных лексических единиц, новых лексических единиц и речевых и грамматических структур по теме “Свободное время”.

Задачи урока

Познавательный аспект:

  • знакомство с популярными способами проведения досуга в англоговорящих странах;

Развивающий аспект:

  • формирование и развитие учебно-организационных умений и навыков (взаимоконтроль, навыки самостоятельной работы, групповой работы).

Воспитательный аспект:

  • акцентирование внимания учащихся на способах проведения досуга;

  • создание ситуаций успеха и самореализации личности в различных видах деятельности.

Учебный аспект:

  • введение нового лексического материала (to be keen on, to be interested in, to be mad about, to be bored with) и отработка его употребления в речи;

  • формирование навыков говорения по теме “Свободное время”;

  • совершенствование навыков чтения;

  • совершенствование грамматических навыков в употреблении The Present Simple Tense;

Оборудование урока

Мультимедийный проектор, экран, презентация (PowerPoint), учебник “Spotlight 6”, перфокарты для внесения вариантов ответов, карточки с новой лексикой, картинки по теме, DVD диск с фрагментом мультфильма, зашифрованная пословица с кодом для расшифровки.

Twice happy is the man who has a hobby.

Ход урока

Организационный момент (slide 1).

Teacher (T): Good morning, boys and girls! Sit down, please. Good morning, dear guests! You are welcome to the lesson.

By the way, nice to meet you, children! I’ m a teacher of English & my name is Olga Yevguenyevna. I’ m happy to be here & have a lesson with you. You are so smart & friendly. Let’s try to do our best at the lesson.

Сообщение целей урока, его темы.

T: Who knows what we are going to speak about at the lesson? Nobody knows. Then I’d like you to look attentively at these pictures & watch just a little fragment from a very famous cartoon. Then I think you can guess what we are speaking about today.

P: I think we’ll speak about favorite activities, hobbies or holidays. (Если ученики не догадаются, задаю наводящие вопросы: When do you do all these things? Do you do them at school, during the lessons or after classes? How do we call time when we don’t need to go to school or to work?)

T: You are right. So the topic of our lesson is “Free time” (slide 2). We’ll speak about pastime activities, read, play & try to write about our hobby.

Фонетическая зарядка.

T: But first of all let’s warm up! Let’s pronounce the words you will need this lesson (slide 3).

Say after me:

[-] – gardening, dancing, basketball, pastime

[-] – club, rugby, hunting, jumping, running

[-] – horse riding, sport, drawing, walk

[-] – jogging, fond, hobby, popular, watching

[-] – reading, sleeping, keeping, free, keen

[-] – activity, fishing, interested, windsurfing, swimming

[-] – time, like, bike, cycling, diving

[-] – playing, games, crazy, favorite, famous, paint

T: Well done!

Речевая зарядка + презентация новых лексических единиц.

T: They say tastes differ. Different people have different habits. Open your textbooks on p. 56 & find ex. 1. Look at the pictures, listen to me & repeat after me. Do you know the meaning of all these phrases? Very well.

Say, which of these you do or don’t do every day, every week, every weekend, on holiday. Look at the example (slide 4).

e. g.: I meet my friends every week. I don’t go windsurfing when I’m on holiday.

T: …, tell your partner about me, please.

P: She meets her friends every week. She doesn’t go windsurfing when she is on holiday.

T: This is the correct variant (slide 4 щелкнуть ещё раз). Please, mind all the changes in the third person singular in the Present Simple Tense. Now it’s your turn.

P-s: выполняют упражнение.

T: You’ve just used such phrases, as “every week, every day”, etc. What other special words for the Present Simple do you know?

P-s: usually, sometimes, always, often, seldom.

T: Thank you.

T: Let’s see what the most popular pastime activities are. Look at the screen (slide 5), match the words and make up word combinations. Then write the answers in these cards (см. приложение 1). Use the model.

Model: 1 – c

  1. going

  2. playing

  3. eating

  4. going

  5. collecting

  6. watching

  7. listening

  8. meeting

  9. reading

  10. keeping

  1. cycling

  2. to music

  3. windsurfing

  4. computer games

  5. books

  6. TV

  7. pets

  8. ice-cream

  9. friends

  10. stamps

T: Are you ready? Please, exchange your works, check them on your own and give a mark. You may use the keys ( slide 6) На экране появляются ключи. Учащиеся обмениваются работами, проверяют их, выставляют отметки.

T: Now hand in your works. I shall see them later.


T: Are you tired? Let’s make a pause & do some physical exercises. Just imagine that you are swimming, playing volleyball, working in the garden, painting, dancing, cycling (ученики выполняют действия).


Презентация новых лексических единиц.

T: Children, look at the screen (slide 7) You can see a man there. He is very famous. Do you know him? Who is he? (He is a creator of the Microsoft corporation. He is famous in computing sphere).

P1: He is Bill Gates.

T: Good for you! (slide 8). What is he?

P2: He is a computer wizard (гений, волшебник).

T: Would you like to know about his favorite pastime activities? Then read the text, please.

P-s: чтение текста вслух (slide 9).

T: Brilliant! and now find in the text 5 word combinations which mean увлекается.

Bill Gates is a very busy man. But he likes doing a lot of things. First, he is keen on traveling. Second, he is interested in playing golf and discussing the latest news in computing. Then, he is mad about flying a delta plane and he is fond of extreme sports. He is never bored with riding a snowboard.

Учащиеся работают самостоятельно, затем читают выписанные выражения вслух.

T: Right you are. Good work. (slide 10) Check yourself. Take these cards with the new expressions, they will help you now..

Приложение 2: to like / to enjoy doing something:

To be keen on

To be interested in

To be mad about

To be fond of

To be never bored with

Закрепление НЛЕ.


T: Now answer my questions.

Is Bill Gates keen on travelling?

Is he interested in playing golf?

Is he interested in discussing the latest news in computing?

Is he mad about flying a delta plane?

Is he fond of extreme sports?

Is he bored with riding a snowboard?


T: Look at the screen and meet an English family (slide 11). They are the Browns. Say how they spend their free time.

Учащиеся высказываются об увлечениях семьи Браунов по картинкам.

T: Perfect! You are such active pupils.

Проектная работа + ролевая игра

(slide 12) And now I’d like you to carry out a survey about your classmates’ favorite free-time activities & make a graph. Let’s make a little project. It’s very simple. Who would like to be an interviewer?

…, you are a brave person! Come here, please. All the rest pupils will be interviewees. Your task is to ask them what they like doing in their free time. Like this… (slide 13):

e. g.: What do you like / enjoy doing in your free time?

And the interviewees will answer your questions, using our new phrases (на экране slide 13).

You should put down the results into this sheet of paper. Is it clear, let’s go!

P 1: What do you like doing in your free time?

P 2: I’m keen on …

(ответы записываются учеником и мною).

T: So, you are a group of …

How many pupils are fond of…?

How many guys are keen on…?

How many children are interested in…?

How many persons are mad about…?

How many pupils are never bored with…?

T: Let’s make a graph. (составление графика)

T: The conclusion is the following… Make the conclusion by yourself!

P 1: The most popular past time activity in your group is …

T: Thank you very much!

Чтение и корректировка текста.

T: Children, I have a surprise for you. (slide 14) Meet Vicky and Ken. They are editors of an interesting Internet-magazine which is called “In-Touch”. I have their e-mail letter, but something is wrong with it. Read and correct it, please.


We are very kene on learning about you. We are fdno of any information about your school, friends, families and hobbies. Please write to us! We are inrtetesed in everything about you! We’ll never berod with your e-mails and letters.

Vicky and Ken

Учащиеся читают электронное письмо редакторов Интернет-журнала “In-Touch” и исправляют ошибки. Выполнив корректировку электронного письма, учащиеся проверяют себя по slide 15 и могут сами предложить написать ответ.

Домашнее задание.

T: I have an e-mail address of the magazine. You can write a letter to “In-Touch Magazine”. Do it at home, please. Now let’s see what you can write.

Дается опора для неуверенных учеников (slide 16).

Dear Vicky and Ken!
My name is…
I am from…
I am interested in…
I am good at… and I am fond of…
Sometimes I am bored with…
My best friend is…
He is keen on…

Игра “Угадай самые популярные хобби” (дополнительное задание)

T: Now I suggest you to play a game “Guess the most popular hobbies”. Well, I have a list of three most popular pastime activities in Russia and Britain. Let’s divide in three teams. Work in groups and make up your own list of three hobbies for each country. Then we’ll read them aloud and if you guess you’ll get some points. Let’s see which team will win.

Учащиеся работают в группах, составляют свои списки самых популярных, на их взгляд, видов проведения досуга в этих странах.

За каждый правильный ответ команда получает определенное количество баллов в зависимости от того, на каком месте по популярности стоит названное слово. Если названного слова в списке нет, то происходит переход хода. Выигрывает та команда, которая наберет больше всего очков по сумме.

Результат по России – (slide 17)

Результат по Британии – (slide 18)

Список самых популярных хобби в Британии и России.


reading 25

gardening 20

fishing 15


gardening 25

shopping 20

watching TV 15

T: team … is the winner. Clap your hands for them, please.

Работа с пословицей (дополнительное задание)

T: Pupils, you are supposed to decode this inscription (выдается шифровка) (slide 19)

P-s: Our best friend is our hobby.

T: Find the Russian equivalent.

Учащиеся выбирают русский эквивалент английской пословицы из следующих вариантов:

На вкус и цвет товарища нет.
Люби хобби – мастером будешь.
Хобби – наш лучший друг.

Подведение итогов урока.

T: Very good children! Now it’s time to sum up. Did you like our lesson? Say, what you’ve learnt and how you’ve worked (slide 20).

Учащиеся сообщают, что они узнали на уроке, и дают оценку своей деятельности.



I’ve worked



quickly and nicely


new words

I’ve learnt

about famous man’s hobbies

about the most popular hobbies in Britain (America)


pastime activities

I’ve spoken about

different hobbies

my hobby

I’ve written / spoken with mistakes

T: (slide 21) Thank you for being industrious at the lesson. P1, your mark is a…etc. The lesson is over. You may be free. Good-bye, children.

Внеклассное мероприятие на английском языке "Своя игра"

Семенова Ольга Александровна, учитель английского языка

Статья отнесена к разделу: Преподавание иностранных языков


  • Обобщение страноведческих знаний.

  • Стимулирование интереса учащихся к изучению английского языка.

  • Расширение кругозора учащихся, развитие воображения, внимания и креативности подростков.

Оборудование: интерактивная доска, постеры по каждой стране.


  • Знакомство с материалом по трем странам: США, Соединенному Королевству и Австралии.

  • Деление ребят на три команды. Распределение основных функций внутри групп.

  • Подготовка презентаций и постеров.


Организационный момент.

Hello, everybody! I'm glad to see you. Do you like to play games? Today you will have a chance to take part in our game. It's about English-speaking countries: the UK, the USA and Australia. Before playing we are going to look at your presentations about these countries. So it's time you started.

Просмотр презентаций.

Ориентировочное время на выступление каждой команды - 5 минут.

Игра "Своя игра"

- In a couple of minutes we'll play "Your Game". Some words about the rules. You can't choose your country, only from other two. There three topics and six questions on each topic. Each question has its price. The team will try to get as many points as possible.



General information







Famous people







Places to visit








General information


What's the capital of the UK?



What's the complete name of the country?

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland


How many parts does the UK consist of? What are they?

Four: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland


What's the national symbol of England?

A rose


What's the nickname of the national flag of the UK?

Union Jack


What separates the UK from the European continent?

The English Channel (La Manche)


Famous people


Who is the head of the state?

H.M.Queen Elisabeth II


Who's the author of "Romeo and Juliet"?

William Shakespeare


They sang famous "Yesterday".

"The Beatles"


She was Prince Charles's wife

Princess Diana


This famous English actor played in black and white comedy films.

Charlie Chaplin


He was the British Prime-Minister during World War II.

Winston Churchill


Places to visit


It is the large bell in the clock tower of the Houses of Parliament.

Big Ben


Where does the British Prime Minister live?

10 Downing Street


Where does the monarch of Great Britain live?

Buckingham Palace


You can see a lot of waxworks of famous people here.

Madame Tussaud's museum


A ring of 4,000-year-old stones



One of London's greatest museums

The Natural

History Museum



General information







Famous people







Places to visit








General information


What's the capital of the USA?

Washington, D. C.


Who's the head of the state?

The President


Who are the natives of the USA?



How many states does the USA consist of?

50 states


Who discovered America?

Christopher Columbus


Which holiday is on the forth Thursday of November?

Thanksgiving Day


Famous people


Who was the first president of the USA?

George Washington


He was the King of Rock-n-Roll.

Elvis Presley


What actor is known as "Terminator"?

Arnold Schwarzenegger


What's the President's name?

Barack Obama


Who was famous for his animated cartoons?

Walt Disney


Who wrote "Adventures of Tom Sawyer"?

Mark Twain


Places to visit


Where's the Statue of Liberty?

New York


The official residence of the American President.

The White House


What place is it?

Grand Canyon


Where do a lot of famous actors and actresses live?



What memorial is situated on the hill behind the White House?

A monument to George Washington


What building is the central point of Washington from which the city's streets are numbered?

The Capitol



General information







Famous people







Animals and places to visit








General information


Who are the natives of Australia?



Which season do Australians celebrate Christmas in?

In summer


What's the capital of Australia?



What's the largest and oldest city?



What's the full name of Australia?

The Commonwealth of Australia


What's the most favourite name of the country?

The Lucky Country


Famous people


Who is the head of the state?

H.M.Queen Elisabeth II


Who said Australia belonged to Britain.


Captain Cook


In 2003 she won the best film award for "Hours".

Nicole Kidman


In 1996 he won the best film award for "Braveheart".

Mel Gibson


He died from a drug overdose in January 2008.

Heath Ledger


He was an Australian Bushranger

Ned Kelly


Animals and Places to visit


This animal is a national symbol.

A Kangaroo


They live, eat and sleep in the branches of eucalyptus trees

A koala


What is this building called?

Sydney Opera House


What place is special for Aborigines?


(Ayers Rock)


Where can you see a lot of species of fish?

Great Barrier Reef


The flat, hot centre of Australia.

The outback

Подведение итогов

Our game is over. Thank you for your work. I hope it was interesting to answer the questions and you could find a lot of new information. The pupils of this team are the winners today.

Победителям вручаются именные сертификаты "Certificate of Membership::::: Welcome to school English club"

Приложение 2.

Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку "Умники и умницы"

Миннахметова Римма Фаридовна, учитель английского языка

Статья отнесена к разделу: Преподавание иностранных языков

Clever boys and girls

The aims:

Приблизить речевую деятельность учащихся к естественным нормам”

Помочь учащимся развить навыки общения;

Обеспечить практическую направленность обучения.

Повысить интерес учащихся к изучению английского языка;

Расширить кругозор учащихся.

Ведущий: Dear guests! Dear friends! Today we are going to have the quiz “Clever boys and girls”. We do hope that you know English well and our quiz is going to be a contest of erudite.

We invited the pupils of the senior forms to have part in the competition.

The scores of our participants will be recorded by our respectable Areopagus .

They are: ……. – an English teacher, …., …, ..

Now let’s begin our competition We wish all the participants. “Good luck!”.

The first trigonal is called selective. Answer my questions! If you know the answer raise you hand. (Жюри смотрит, кто первый поднял руку, если ответ верен, ему дается медаль).

  1. What is the official name of Britain? (The UK of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)

  2. Where is the UK situated? (on the British Isles)

  3. What parts does the UK consist of ? (England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland)

  4. What is the capital of Britain? (London)

  5. What river is the British capital situated? (On the Thames)

  6. What is the symbol of England? (the red rose)

  7. What is the symbol of Scotland? (the thistle)

  8. What is the symbol of Wales? (the daffodils)

  9. What is the symbol of Northern Ireland? (the red hand and the shamrock)

  10. What is the national costume of Scotland? (the kilt)

  11. When do British people celebrate Christmas? (on the 25th of December)

  12. What is the most famous forest in England? (Sherwood Forest)

  13. Who lived in Sherwood Forest? (Robin Hood and his Merry Men)

  14. Where did most of the English kings and queens have their coronation ceremonies? (in Westminster Abbey)

  15. What was the tower of London in the past? (It was a fortress, a palace, a prison)

  16. What is the Tower of London now? (It’s a museum)

  17. What birds live in the Tower of London now? (Ravens)

  18. What is the in the center of Trafalgar Square? (Nelson’s Column)

  19. What is Big Ben? (the bell of the clock)

  20. What is Madame Tussaud’s famous for? (for it max figures of famous people)

  21. What in Scotland Yard? (the police in London)

  22. What in the town of Oxford famous for? (its university)

  23. What is Wimbledon associated with? (with tennis championship)

  24. How many detective stories did Agates Christie write? (75)

  25. What are the colours of the British flag? (blue, red, white)

That’ll do. The respectable Areopagus will you tell us the representatives of the second trigonal? (Слово жюри). Let’s applaud them. You can stand here.

It’s high time to begin the second trigonal. Answer only one question in order to choose a path:

You are Mark Twain. You came to an unknown town to read a lecture. You went to a shop and asked a shop-girl: “Where can I go tonight?”. She answered: “Mark Twain a famous writer is going to read a lecture. But you’ll have to stay because there are no tickets”. What will you answer? Let’s relax and listen to a song “Love story” performed by a pupil of the 9th form…

The participant who answered in a right way – choose the path. ( The correct answer is: When this person speak I always have to stand). The red path has got only 2 steps, but you can’t make a mistake. The yellow path has got 3 steps, you can make 1 mistake. The green path has got 4 steps, you can make 2 mistakes. What path will you choose?

The 1st question to the red participant: Now you’ll see the episode from the novel, which has become one of the most popular books for children. Who wrote it? What is the name of the book? Where did he write?

The pupils show the episode. (Mark Twain – Samuel Clemens “The adventures of Tom Sawyer”, on board of a ship when he was a sailor). You’re right. You’ll pass to the second question.

The 1st question to the yellow participant: On Christmas there is a tradition of a first-footer. What 3 things is he required to carry? (a piece of coal as a symbol of warmth, a piece of money as a symbol of wealth, a piece of bread as a symbol of happiness).

The 1st question to the green participant: Who told “To be or not to be. That is the question”. (Prince Hamlet in Shakespeare’s play).

The second question to the red participant: A beautiful but silly lady once said to Bernard Shaw. “Just imagine if we get married what wonderful children we would have. They would be as clever as you and as beautiful as me”. What did the great humorist reply? (What will we do – if they would be as clever as you and as beautiful as me?). The game is over for you. Or you are the winner. Or you’ve lost the game! Cheer up!

The second question to the yellow participant: Are all people of Great Britain English?

The second question to the green participant: a top hat, a magnifying glass, a violin (рисунок). Whose things are these? (Sherlock Holmes).

The third question to the yellow participant: When the mistress of this building is at home the Royal Standard is flying. Every day at 11.30 they change the guard. It is the London home of the Queen. (Buckingham Palace).

The third question to the green participant: On the column in the center there is a statue of the great English seaman who defeated the French in 1805. this column with a statue of Admiral Nelson on its top is located in …? (Trafalgar Square).

I’d like to give the word to our respectable Areopagus. Now the game is over. Let me thank all the participants of the competition. Good-bye!

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Муниципальный конкурс «Педагог года» это не столько соревнование, сколько возможность общения на профессиональном уровне, возможность...
Конкурс «Педагог года 2011» Тема: Free Time iconПоложение о порядке проведения муниципального конкурса «Педагог года города Югорска»
Югры от 01 марта 2013 года №159, определяет порядок проведения муниципального конкурса «Педагог года города Югорска» (далее Конкурс),...
Конкурс «Педагог года 2011» Тема: Free Time iconТема: «Древнегреческий праздник. Олимпийские игры в Древней Греции»
Провести в период с мая по сентябрь 2011 года среди учреждений дополнительного образования детей Курской области областной конкурс...
Конкурс «Педагог года 2011» Тема: Free Time iconЛитература Класс : 5 Тема урока: М. Ю лермонтов. Анализ стихотворения «Бородино»
Провести в период с мая по сентябрь 2011 года среди учреждений дополнительного образования детей Курской области областной конкурс...
Конкурс «Педагог года 2011» Тема: Free Time iconСодержание разделов дисциплины. Часть I. Анатомия растений Тема Введение
Провести в период с мая по сентябрь 2011 года среди учреждений дополнительного образования детей Курской области областной конкурс...
Конкурс «Педагог года 2011» Тема: Free Time iconПроцедура проведения аттестации, введенной с 1 января 2011 года
В 2011 году на первую квалификационную категорию написали заявлений 2 учителя начальных классов и 1 социальный педагог
Конкурс «Педагог года 2011» Тема: Free Time iconГородской конкурс «Педагог года в дошкольном образовании» корнева
Теоретические аспекты изучения развития детей старшего дошкольного возраста
Конкурс «Педагог года 2011» Тема: Free Time iconКонкурс «Педагог года 2012»
Место работы: моу «Средняя общеобразовательная школа №7 города Лениногорска» Лениногорского района Республики Татарстан
Конкурс «Педагог года 2011» Тема: Free Time icon4. Конкурс проводится в период с апреля по июнь 2011 года
Конкурс организуется Министерством образования и науки Республики Дагестан в рамках реализации республиканской целевой программы...
Конкурс «Педагог года 2011» Тема: Free Time iconКонспект урока литературы, проведенного в 5 «А» классе, по теме «М....
Провести в период с мая по сентябрь 2011 года среди учреждений дополнительного образования детей Курской области областной конкурс...

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