Программа дисциплины: иностранный язык для специальности (группы специальностей): 3203 (пожарная безопасность)

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НазваниеПрограмма дисциплины: иностранный язык для специальности (группы специальностей): 3203 (пожарная безопасность)
Дата публикации12.01.2015
Размер390.84 Kb.
ТипПрограмма дисциплины
100-bal.ru > Право > Программа дисциплины
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Обучение иностранному языку в образовательных учреждениях СПО начинается с вводно-коррективного курса, который разрабатывается на основание результатов входного контроля, проводимого по всем видам речевой деятельности: говорение, аудирование, чтение, письмо. Вводный курс предполагает повторение элементарной грамматики и лексики.

В дальнейшем работа ведется параллельно над развитием всех видов речевой деятельности в двух направлениях: освоение разговорно-бытового, литературного языка и языка специальности. На зачетах, в конце семестра, а также в ходе итогового контроля оценивается студентом каждым видам речевой деятельности.


распознавание отдельных (простых и сложных) звуков в словах;

выделение ключевых слов и основной идеи звучащей речи;

понимание монологической и диалоговой речи;

восприятие на слух материалов по тематике специальности средней трудности. Говорение

правильная артикуляция и произношение гласных и согласных звуков;

интонация, ритм и темп речи, близкие к нормативным;

владение монологической и диалогической речью;

правильное употребление разговорных формул (клише; в коммуникативных


устная постановка вопросов;

краткие и полные ответы на вопросы; ;

составление связного текста с использованием ключевых слов на бытовые и

профессиональные темы;

устное сообщение на заданную тему (с предварительной подготовкой),

краткий, или подробный пересказ прослушанного или прочитанного текста


умение читать тексты общекультурного, общенаучного характера и тексты по

специальности; определение содержание текста по знакомым словам,

интернациональным словам, географическим названиям и т. д.;

распознавание значений слов по контексту;

выделение главной и второстепенной информации;

перевод (со словарем) бытового, литературного и специального текста с

иностранно и с русского на иностранный

знакомство с основными способами поиска профессиональной информации на

иностранном языке;

пользование общими и отраслевыми словарями и справочникам на иностранном



- правильное написание текста под диктовку;

письменное изложение прочитанного текста на произвольную или на заданную тему; оформление документов на иностранном языке (бланк, анкета и т, п.);

- написание официальных писем;

аннотирование и составление резюме курсовой работы на иностранном языке


Английский язык

Фонетика. Особенности английской артикуляции. Понятие о литературном произношении. Гласные и согласные звуки. Ударение в словах; одноударные и двуударные слова Интонация речи (повествование, вопрос).

Грамматика. Существительное; формальные признаки существительного, артикль, множественное число, притяжательный падеж. Местоимения (личные, притяжательные, указательные; неопределенные местоимения any, some, no и их производные). Степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий. Система времени английского глагола Present, Past, Future, (Simple, Continuous, Perfect) Неправильные глаголы Согласование времен. Действительный и страдательный залог. Модальные глаголы. Функции глаголов to have, to be. Неличные формы глаголов Infinitive,Gerund,

Participle. Глаголы с послелогами. Функции one и off.

Структура простого распространенного предложения Структура безличного предложения. Отрицания. Образования вопросов. Придаточные предложения времени и условия. Прямая и косвенная речь.

Лексика и фразеология. Лексический минимум 1200 - 1400 лексических единиц. Наиболее употребительная лексика, относящаяся к общему языку, и базовая терминологическая лексика специальности.

Устойчивые выражения: наиболее распространенные формы - клише (обращение, приветствие, благодарность, извинения и т. п.)

Многозначность слова. Синонимическая речь. Прямое и переносное значение слова. Интернационализмы.

Знакомство с основными типами словарей: двуязычными и одноязычными (толковыми, фразеологическими, терминологическими и пр.), справочниками.




Основы общения на иностранном языке: фонетика, лексика, фразеология, основы делового языка по специальности; профессиональная лексика, фразеологические обороты, термины; техника перевода (со словарем) профессионально - ориентированных текстов; профессиональное общество.

Содержание дисциплины (2 курс).

Раздел 1. Тема 1. What is electronics. Business talk.
1.1 What is electronics - text. New vocabulary. Special terms. Reading and translation the text. Phonetic exercises.

1.2 What is electronics. Exercises. Comprehension questions on the text. Revision of word building.

1.3 Business talk. Dialogue for reading and translation. Reported speech.

1.4 Speech patterns. To learn the dialogues by heart.

Student should be able to speak about Electronics, using the active vocabulary and special terms. Students should be able to answer the questions.

Individual work: Translation of special texts
Раздел 2. Тема 2. Home reading. Moscow News.
2.1 Translation of articles using the dictionaries. Word and word combinations from the articles. Press terms: according to, on one hand, on the other hand, as follows, as said above/below.

Students should be able to translate the articles using the dictionaries as well as to underline the main ideas.

Individual work: to translate the articles.
Раздел 3. Тема 3. Diodеs. Bussiness talk.
3.1. Diodеs. Reading and translation of the text. New vocabulary. Vocabulary practice. Revision of Past tenses.

3.2 Diodеs. Exercises. Questions. Grammar: either, either… or…Phonetic practice.

3.3 Business talk. Word combinations.

Students should be able to use new vocabulary. Business talking should be also used.

Individual work: to translate the text.

Раздел 4. Тема 4. Triodes. Text. Vocabulary.
4. 1 Triodes-text. Reading and translation of the text. Vocabulary practice. Grammar - Complex sentences.

Student should be able to read and translate the text, using the active vocabulary.

Individual work: to learn words and read the text.
Раздел 5. Тема 5. Development of Radio.
5.1 The Development of Radio-text. Reading and. translation. New vocabulary, international terms on radio

electronics. Grammar: their was/were-constructions.

5.2 Retelling of the text using the plan. Phonetic practice. Speech practice.

Students should be able to discuss the text concerning the Development of Radio, they are to memorize international terms on radio.

Individual work: to learn words and translate the text.
Раздел 6 . Тема 6. Home reading. Moscow News.

  1. The work with dictionaries. Article for reading and translation. Giving a short summary.

  2. The translation of articles. To learn by heart the expressions from the articles.
    6.3 Dialogues. Comprehension questions. Phonetic exercises. Dialogued-by heart.

6.4 OKР (on press).

Student should be able to work with dictionaries and know the expressions from the articles.

Individual work: to learn the expressions from the articles.
Раздел 7. Тема 7. Radar. Business Talk.
7.1 Radar. Text vocabulary. Comprehension questions. Vocabulary practice. Grammar: Present Perfect Tense

Words: -some, -any, -no.

7.2 Radar. Reading and translation of the text. Speeeh patterns-by heart,

7.3 Dialogues-by heart. To make up similar dialogues.

Students should be able discuss the text about Radar, be able to use the vocabulary. They are to understand what Present Perfect Tense is used for.

Individual work: to learn the words and translate the text.

Раздел 8. Тема 8. Home reading. Moscow News.

    1. Translation of articles from the newspaper ''Moscow News" with the help of dictionaries.

New words and word combinations-by heart.

Students are to be able to discuss "Moscow News" with the help of dictionaries. New words and

word-combinations are to be used in speech.

Individual work: to translate the articles.

Раздел 9. Тема 9. What is laser.

9.1 What is a laser-text. Reading and translation. New vocabulary. Comprehension questions. Speech exercises.

  1. What is a laser. Retelling of the text .Vocabulary revision. Grammar-Subjunctive Mood

  2. Dialogues. Speech patterns. All types of Questions to the Dialogue (special, general alternative, disjunctive).

  3. Home reading. Press. Articles for translation.

  4. Short summary of the article. Abbreviations.

Students should be able to discuss the text concerning "Laser", as well as to translate it and make up different types of questions. Students should know the abbreviations.

Individual work: to translate the articles, learn the dialogues.

Раздел 10. Тема 10. Micros and Minis. Dialogues.

  1. Micros and Minis- text. Reading and translation of the text. New vocabulary. Vocabulary

  2. Text. Comprehension questions on the text. Vocabulary revision. Grammar: -if clauses.

  3. Home reading. Press. Articles from the newspaper "Moscow News" for reading and translation.
    10.4 International terms from articles. Phonetic drill and exercises.

10.5 Business talk. Revision of Sequence of tenses. Credit on press.

Students are to be able to discuss the text "Micros and Minis. The Active Vocabulary should be known by heart. Students should be to explain the usage of "Sequence of Tenses" and the usage of if-clauses.

Individual work: to translate the text, learn the words.

Содержание III курса

Раздел 1. Тема 1. Business talk.
1.1 Dialogues for reading and translation. New words and word combinations. Exercises on vocabulary.

1.2 Grammar revision. Passive voice. ParticipleII.

Students should be able to make up dialogues using new words and word combinations. Students are to know the rules of using Passive Voice and understand the usage of Particple II in practice.

Individual work: to learn the dialogues by heart, revise the grammar material.
Раздел 2. Тема 2. Home reading.
2.1 Translation of articles from English into Russian. Revision of articles.

2.2 Giving summary to the article. Speech patterns.

Students must be able to translate the given articles from Moscow News, as well as to give the summaries to them. Speech patterns should be known by heart. Students should be able to use the articles correctly.

Individual work: to translate the articles.
Раздел 3. Тема 3. What is a computer.
New vocabulary. Text for reading and translation. Grammar exercises. Comprehension questions on the text

Retelling of the text with the help of dictionaries.

Students must learn the new vocabulary by heart and use it when reading and translating the text about computers. They are to ask and answer the questions concerning the new text and retell it with the help of dictionaries.

Individual work: to learn the words.
Раздел 4. Тема 4. Home reading.

  1. "Moscow News" -reading and translation of the articles. Discussion of the news.

  2. New words and word combinations. Press terminology.

Students should be able to understand the articles concerning business, discuss the latest political news and events. They are to master Press terminology.

Individual work: to translate the articles from Moscow News.
Раздел 5. Тема 5. Development of robots.

  1. Reading and translation of the text. Grammar exercises.

  2. Grammar revision. Compound and complex

  3. Dialogues. The work in pairs. Making up similar

Students should be able to read, translate and discuss the new text concerning the Development of robots.

They must differentiate between compound and complex sentences. They are to make up similar dialogues and work in pairs.

Individual work: to revise the grammar material.

Раздел 6. Тема 6. Reading and translating.
Articles on economics. Speech Patterns. Reading and translation. Making up similar dialogues using speech patterns. Abbreviations. Translation of article. The work with dictionaries. Grammar forms used in articles.

Students must be able to understand the articles concerning modern economics, finding out the new speech patterns and explaining their usage. Students should know the abbreviations. They are to understand the obligatory grammar forms used in articles.

Individual work: to translate articles concerning economics
Раздел 7. Тема 7. From the history of Television. Home reading.
7.1 Reading and translation of the text. Active vocabulary. Speech patterns.

7.2 Retelling the texts. Vocabulary revision.

7.3 Translation of articles from English into Russian.

7.4 The work with dictionaries.

7.5 Dialogues, Business Talk, Making up dialogues. Words and word combinations.

Students should be able to read, translate and discuss the new text under the title. From the history of Television. They are to study the active vocabulary and speech patterns. Students are to retell the given texts to each other, translate them from English into Russian and vice versa. The work with dictionaries plays an important part.

Individual work: to read the text, learn the words and dialogues.

Раздел 8. Тема 8. Microelectronics.
8.1 Reading and translation of the text. New vocabulary. Exercises, questions.

8.2 Vocabulary practice. Retelling of the text using the plan.

Students should be able to read, translate, discuss and finally retell the new text concerning

Microelectronics. They should be able to use the active vocabulary of the lesson when communicating with each other in doss.

Individual work: to read and translate the text.
Раздел 9. Тема 9.Home reading.
9.1 Class translation of the articles from "Moscow News". Words and word combinations.

9.2 Words and phrases from the articles. Summary of the articles.

Student must be able to translate the new articles from Moscow News on the spot. Words and word combinations from the above enumerated articles should be leaned by heart and used orally when speaking to each other.

Individual work: to learn words.

Paздел 10. Тема 10. From the History of Computers.
New vocabulary. Reading and translation of the text. Vocabulary practice. Special terms. Comprehension questions. Revision of all types of questions (general, special, alternative, disjunctive). Retelling of the text "From the History of Computers".

Students should be able to use the new vocabulary in practice, when communicating with each other.They are to read, translate, discuss and finally retell the new text under the title "From the History of computers", using special terms. Students should be able to differentiate between all types of questions (i.e. general, special, alternative, disjunctive).

Individual work: to translate the text, learn new words
Раздел 11. Тема 11. Home reading.
11.1 Speech patterns. The choice of words in articles.

11.2 Reading and translation of the articles. Vocabulary practice. Credit on press,

11.3 Summary of articles. Retelling of the text with the help of plans.

Students should be able to explain their choice of words in the given articles, as well as to read and

translate them. Summary of articles is also obligatory. They are to retell the text with the help of plans.

Individual work: to translate the articles, learn the words.

Coдepжaнue дисцuплины (4 кypc).


Pаздел 1. Тема 1. Business talk.
1.1 Dialogue for reading and translation. New vocabulary.

1.2 To learn the dialogue by heart.

Students should be able to play the given dialogues, thus activating the new vocabulary. After that they are to learn the above-mentioned dialogues by heart.
Раздел 2. Тема 2. Home reading.

  1. Translation of the articles. The work with dictionaries.

  2. Discussion of news.

Students should be able to translate the new articles from Moscow News with the help of special

dictionaries, they also must be able to the latest news.

Individual work: to learn dialogues by heart.
Раздел 3. Тема 3. Home reading.
3.1 New vocabulary.

3.2 Reading and translation of the text. Exercises. Comprehension questions.

Students should be able to read, translate and discuss the text, concerning Computers and computer

programmes, using the active vocabulary, they are to ask and answer the questions.

Individual work: to learn the words, read the text.
Раздел 4. Тема 4. Home reading.
4.1 The translation of articles from the newspaper “Moscow News”. Reading and class translation.

4.2 Words and phrases from the articles. Phonetic exercises.

Students should be able to read, translate and finally retell the obligatory articles from the newspaper “Moscow News” in class on the spot, special attention being paid to words and phrases.

Individual work: to translate the articles.
Раздел 5. Тема 5. International Business.
5.1 Text for reading and translation. New words and word combinations.

5.2 Retelling of the text. Grammar exercises. Comprehension questions.

Students should be able to discuss the new text concerning International Business, translation must be done on the spot.

Individual work: to read the articles, revise the grammar.

Раздел 6. Тема 6. Home reading.
6.1 Reading and translation of the article from English into Russian with the help of dictionaries.

6.2 Speech patterns. Giving summary of the article using speech patterns.

Students should be able to read and translate the articles from English into Russian with the help of dictionaries, giving summaries with the help of speech patterns.

Individual work: to read and translate the articles.
Раздел 7. Тема 7. Business Talk.
7.1 Dialogue for reading and translation. Comprehention questions.

7.2 Dialogue by heart. Making up new dialogues.

7.3 Credit on press. Students should make up dialogues concerning business. They are to ask and answer the questions. Then – the preparatory work and finally they are to get the credit.

Individual work: make up dialogues and learn by heart.

Перечень самостоятельных работ

Общее кол-во часов по учебнику






нение творческих работ (рефераты, стенгазеты)

Работа с текстами по специальности

Работа с текстами


Работа со словарем


2 курс




















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