1) Institute of Organic Chemistry, Leninskiy Prospect 15, Moscow, Russia. (2)

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Название1) Institute of Organic Chemistry, Leninskiy Prospect 15, Moscow, Russia. (2)
Дата публикации31.08.2013
Размер48.47 Kb.
100-bal.ru > Химия > Документы

(1) Institute of Organic Chemistry,

Leninskiy Prospect 15,


(2) 23rd March, 2007
(3) Prof. S.Smith,

4 Grey St.,

London, N.E. 20,


(4) Dear Prof. Smith,

(5) Thank you very much for your kind invitation to take part in the Symposium.

It gives me great pleasure to accept your invitation and I look forward to seeng many of my friends there.
(6) Sincerely yours,

(7) S. Petrov
Analize the layout of a letter. What are its parts?

Compare these two letters.

Ul. Moskvina 15, apt.9,



12th March, 2004

Dr. N.V. Keech,

14 Dayton Street,

London W. E. 3,

Great Britain.

Dear Dr. Keech,

Ul. Moskvina 15, apt.9,



March 12, 2004

Prof. M.S. Tenson,

12 W. Thirty-Second St.

New york 43, N.Y.


Dear Prof. Tenson:

The UK

Step style


12th March, 2004

12 March, 2004

March 12th, 2004

12.03.2004 GB – the twelvth of March

Possible abreviations:

Jan. Feb. Apr. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.


Block style


March 12, 2004

12.03.2004  USA – the third of December


Letter 1

6th Apr., 2002

Dear Colleagues,

I’m sending you with this letter the reprints you are so much in need of. I hope you will find them interesting and useful in your work.

If I can be of any help to you in future, please do not hesitate to write me.

Yours sincerely,

S.V. Williams


  • I am sending you this letter to inform you that…

  • I have the pleasure of sending you (under separate cover) …

  • By the same mail (letter) I am sending you…

  • Please find enclosed paper in this letter…

  • Attached to this letter you will find…


Letter 2

May 6, 2002

Dear Dr. Williams,

I wish to acknowlege with many thanks the receipt of your letter of 6th April and express my gratitude to you for sending me reprints.

Your sincerely,

Roman Konstantinov


  • We acknowlege/confirm receipt of your letter of 6th April 2002…

  • We have pleasure in acknowledging receipt of your reprint.

  • We are pleased/very glad/delighted to receive/have your kind letter of 6th April 2002.

  • This is to inform you that I have received your paper for publication.

Expressing thanks for sending letters, printed matter:

  • Thank you for sending me…

  • It is so kind of you to send me…

  • I am grateful to you for sending me…

  • I am much obliged to you for sending me…


Letter 3

June 10th, 2008

Dear Sir,

In reply to your letter of June 5th, we enclose a copy of the May issue of the “Geographical Magazine”.

Please acknowledge receipt.

Yours faithfully,

Roger Samson

Reply lines:

  • In reply/answer/response to your letter of 10th June…

  • Replying to your letter dated 10th June…

  • This is in reply to your letter of 10th June…

  • I am awfully sorry not to have replied to your letter of 10th June…

Requesting a reply:

  • Please send us a reply at your earliest convenience.

  • Will you kindly let us have an early reply.

  • Please note that a reply is required by 18th March without fail.

Appreciating a reply:

  • I very much appreciate having a reply from you.

  • I am very grateful to you for your reply to my letter of 18th March

  • It is a great pleasure to receive your reply.

Expressing delay in replying:

  • I am very sorry to have taken so long in replying to you.

  • Please excuse me for my late reply.

  • I apologize for my delay in replying/answering to your letter.


  1. Insert the appropriate preposition if necessary.

  1. Please acknowledge receipt __ my reprint.

  2. Attached __ this letter you will find the document.

  3. Please send __ us a reply __ your early convenience.

  4. We look forward __ the opportunity __ meeting you.

  5. I hope __ see you soon __ this country __ 3rd __ 12th August and remain __ kindest regards __ you and your wife.

  6. __ reply __ your letter __ 15th May, I am sending __ you the charts and diagrams.

  7. We invite you to attend the Workshop to be held __ 17th __ 20th September.

  8. __ according __ your letter __ June 10, I wish to inform you about the date __ your arrival.

  9. __ accordance __ your request, I am sending you __ separate cover the journal.

  1. Insert the appropriate words or expressions.

acknowledge, convenience, hope, reply, look forward to, pleasure, opportunity, in accordance with, in reply to,

  1. I shall be looking forward to the __ of thanking you in person.

  2. __ your letter I inform you that we have received your __.

  3. I __ you will __ receipt of our samples.

  4. We are expecting an answer to our letter at your early __.

  5. We __ hearing from you soon.

  6. __ your letter we have the __ of sending you the material you need.

  1. Build up sentences by arranging the words in proper order.

  1. Forward to from eagerly a message am you I looking receiving

  2. Sending separate latest “Who’s Who” the am you under edition I of cover

  3. The of seeds acknowledge we thanks with receipt

  4. Regards your and please wife best children my give to

  1. Make up sentences using component parts of each column.

I am sending you

Please acknowledge

I am happy

In reply

I am looking forward

It was a great pleasure

Thank you

receipt of

under separate cover

to thanking you for

to your request

to send you

for sending me

to receive

the samples

dated 2nd April

the reprints

the material

the tables

the data

the results

V. Translate into Russian.

1. In reply to your letter dated March 10th I wish to inform you that our Council is willing to discuss your proposal. 2. Further to our letter of March 10 I am happy to inform you that everything has been arranged for the translation of your book. 3. With this letter I am sending you the list of names and the titles of the reports. Please acknowledge receipt. 4. Thank you for your letter of the 19th December and for the material which you enclosed with it. 5. In accordance with your letter we have the pleasure of sending you the material you need. 6. On behalf of our Institute I wish to acknowledge with sincere thanks the receipt of your letter of the 12th May. 7. With very pleasant recollections of the manу good days we have spent together and kindest regards from S_ to Prof. B_, I remain, Yours sincerely, C_. 8. Thanking you in anticipation, and with all good wishes, I remain, Yours sincerely, P_. 9. With my own keen anticipation of your visit to this country .in June 19..., I am, Yours sincerely, M_. 10. It was a great pleasure to make your acquaintance at the Congress and I look forward to the possibility that we may meet again in this country. 11. I trust you will inform me of the date I am to come to London, and hope to be there in time. 12. We shall be looking forward with pleasure to receiving your manuscript in September. 13. Looking forward to meeting you in April and thanking you in anticipation, we remain, Yours truly, R__.

VI. Translate into English.

1. С настоящим письмом посылаем Вам доклад профессора Е.Е. Маслова для публикации в сборнике докладов Симпозиума по вопросу "Фотосинтез при минусовых температурах". 2. Просим Вас подтвердить получение нашего письма от 10 мая с .г. и сообщить Ваши соображения по затронутому в нем вопросу. 3. Сообщаю Вам, что наша делегация прибудет в Париж самолетом 14 февраля в 14 часов. 4. Подтверждаем с благодарностью получение Вашего письма от 15 ноября с.г. с приложенной к нему копией проекта. 5. Благодарю Вас за письмо от 30 мая с приложенными к нему оттисками Ваших статей. 6. В ответ на Ваше письмо от 10 июня посылаю Вам наши последние данные и таблицы, которые, надеюсь, помогут Вам в Вашей работе. 7. Сообщаем Вам, что мы до сих пор не получили от Вас инструкции по эксплуатации и уходу за аппаратурой. 8. Я надеюсь, что мы будем иметь удовольствие видеть Вас снова на следующем конгрессе в Брайтоне в июне 19... года. 9. В ответ на Ваше письмо от 21 января с радостью сообщаю Вам, что Ваши расчеты полностью совпадают с моими. 10. Искренне признателен Вам за любезное письмо от 17 октября с.г., которое я получил на днях. 11. Передайте большой привет Вашей жене. 12. С нетерпением жду Вашего ответа. С глубоким уважением... 13. Я надеюсь, что мне представится возможность поблагодарить Вас лично при нашей встрече. 14. С наилучшими пожеланиями, искренне Ваш...

VII. Translate the following letter into English.

30 марта 19..,

Многоуважаемый д-р Петерсон!

Я рад сообщить Вам, что получил Ваше письмо от 10 марта с.г., в котором Вы пишете, что будете редактировать серию монографий под названием "Нитроксильная химия".

Благодарю Вас за приглашение написать обзор в области нитроксильной функциональности. Я как раз недавно выполнил весьма интересную работу в этой области. Кроме того, я изучил ряд обзоров и статей, опубликованных за последние пять лет, и я бы мог предложить обзор по этой теме. Однако мне понадобится примерно месяц, чтобы написать его.

Если это Вас устраивает, я готов внести свой вклад в создание подобной серии.

С уважением к Вам

Николай Б. Павлов

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