Элективный курс по страноведению «Знакомьтесь: Соединенные Штаты Америки» Пояснительная записка

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Примерные задания итоговых тестов тем курса

Geography of The United States of America.

Choose the proper words and fill in the blanks.

  1. The U.S.A. is washed by the ___________ Ocean in the west.


a) Atlantic;

b) Pacific; (correct answer)


c) Arctic.


  1. The five Great Lakes are joined by canals and cut by ___________.


a) bridges;


b) rapids;(correct answer)


c) hydroelectric stations.

  1. The Mississippi-Missouri system, the longest waterway in the country, has a lot of tributaries, __________ is one of them.


a) the Yukon;


b) the Colorado;


c) the Ohio. (correct answer)

  1. The climate of the U.S.A. is ___________ on the hole.


a) continental; (correct answer)


b) severe;


c) mild.

  1. The Interior Plains occupy the ___________ part of the U.S. territory.


a) eastern;


b) western;


c) central. (correct answer)

  1. The Colorado Plateau, drained by the river, forms ___________, one of the world’s wonders.


a) the Great Canyon; (correct answer)


b) the Great Basin;


c) the Gulf Stream.

  1. Vegetables and fruits are sent from ___________ all over the country as well as to other parts of the world.


a) California; (correct answer)


b) Florida;


c) Texas.

  1. Most of the ___________ is empty and covered with short dry grass.


a) Central Basin;


b) Great Plains;


c) Salt Lake Desert. (correct answer)

  1. The cold air from __________ lowers the temperature in the eastern part of the country.


a) Chesapeake Bay;


b) Hudson Bay; (correct answer)


c) San Diego Bay.

  1. The Gulf Stream of the Atlantic Ocean has little influence upon the climate of the U.S.A. because of the winds blowing __________.


a) to the continent;


b) from the continent; (correct answer)


c) from the north.

Economy of the United States of America. Choose the proper words and fill in the blanks.

1. The first settlers, living on small farms, were .

a) self-possessed; b) self-sufficient; c) self-confident.

2. Great progress in industry development was achieved by the use of the

a) refrigeration railroad cars; b) nation's industrial infrastructure;

c) moving assembly line .

3. The U.S.A. is the world's leading of wheat and corn.

a) purchaser; b) importer; c) exporter.

4. The colonies of preserved many sights of the earliest U.S. history.

a) the Midwest; b) the New England; c) the South.

5. The South includes mainly those states that formed in the Civil War.

a) The Confederacy; b) the Republic; c) the Union.

6. Great supplies of oil and natural gas helped the development of

in America.

a) restoration; b) revival; c) refinery.

7. The first and biggest computer research area in America is .

a) the Coastal Plain; b) the Silicon Valley; c) the Great Canyon.

8. The American citizens enjoy one of the highest in the world.

a) population density; b) budget deficit; c) standards of living.

9. In the first half of the last century America surmounted .

a) inflation and unemployment; b) bitter labour wars; c) information crisis.

10. Hollywood, cinema and television centre, began its work in the

of America.

  1. Golden State b)Sunshine State c) Empire State

Образец задания для работы с Интернет-ресурсом




You are a reporter of the school newspaper. The editor asks you to write an article to the newspaper about the role which sport plays in the life of Americans.

You have three days to do it. You will need to know a variety of facts which you will provide in your article for the newspaper. Select them in the Internet.

Questions to Answer:

  1. What sports do Americans like to go in for?

  2. What are the major American sports?

  3. Which sports were invented in America?

  4. What skills are highly appreciated in sports by the Americans?

  5. What is the function of the President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports?

  6. What motivates the participation of the Americans in sports?

  7. What Why is there a wide choice of sports in the U.S.A.?

  8. What are the reasons of sports popularity there?

  9. What is the role of the Amateur Athletic Union?

10.What unusual kinds of sports originated in America?



Activity created by Mikhail Timonin

A teacher of English, Tarkhanovo Secondary School,

Republic of Mordovia, Russia, 2008.



  1. Гейдарова, И.Г. Занимательный английский. Невероятные приключения в Америке. Учебное пособие. – М.: АСТ: Восток-Запад, 2007.

  2. Геккер, М.Ю. и др. Американская литература. Учеб. пособие для X кл. школ с преподаванием ряда предметов на англ. яз. – М.: Просвещение, 1978.

  3. Клементьева, Т.Б. Книга для чтения к учебному изданию «Счастливый английский. Кн. 2» для учащихся 7-9 кл. общеобразов. шк. – Обнинск: Титул, 1997.

  4. Ощепкова, В.В. The USA: geography, history, education, painting (a reader). Книга для чтения на английском языке. Серия «Школа в клеточку». – М.: «Лист», 1999.

  5. Радовель, В.А. Страноведение: Соединенные Штаты Америки: Учебное пособие/ В.А. Радовель. – Ростов н/Д: Феникс, 2006.

  6. Сысоев, П.В., Евстигнеев, М.Н. Современные учебные Интернет-ресурсы в обучении иностранному языку // Иностр. языки в школе. – 2008. - №6.

  7. http://www.kn.att.com - Банк англоязычных учебных Интернет-ресурсов.

  8. Celebrate! Holidays in the USA. A resource handbook for teaching English as a foreign language. – Office of English Language Programs United States Department of State, Washington, D.C. 20547 – 2000.

  9. New York. - Irving Weisdorf &Co. Ltd., 2003.

  10. Portrait of the USA: People, Geography, History, Government, Business, Education, Science and Medicine, Religion, Social Services, the Arts, Sports and Entertainment, the Media. – U.S. Department of State. Bureau of International Information Programs / http://usinfo.state.gov

  11. The American Economy. – Close Up Foundation, 2000.

  12. Washington D.C. Souvenir Book. - Published by L.B. Prince Co., Inc., USA. – 1997

  13. Words of Ages. Witnessing U.S. History Through Literature. – Close Up Foundation, 2000.

  14. Where America Began: Colonial Williamsburg. Yorktown. Jamestown. – DVD. VIDEO. – Finley-Holiday Film Corp., USA.

Ссылки на видеоресурсы из Интернета для занятий, опубликованные на сайте www.englishteachers.ru (http://www.englishteachers.ru/forum/index.php?showtopic=1449)

Welcome to America — Где найти основную экономико-географическую информацию об Америке (какие штаты в её составе, столица, официальный язык и т.д.)?Каковы основные вехи и главные события в истории США? Какие основные достопримечательности Америки и чем эта страна знаменита?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9RhPlrgk0-0...feature=related - a short educational video on the geography of the United States
http://www.youtube.c...h?v=pVZvl4cMb-8 - USA history from 1865 to present
http://www.metacafe.com/watch/1270075/a_hi...s_in_3_minutes/ - a history of the United States in 3 minutes
http://www.5min.com/Video/Guide-to-the-Att...e-USA-284059387 - a video guide to the attractions of the USA
http://www.camvista.com/google_search.php?...ID:11&hl=en - Live Webcams from different places of the USA

New York, New York... - Каковы главные достопримечательности Нью-Йорка? Как работает Нью-Йоркское метро? Как называются районы Нью-Йорка и какие акценты существуют в каждом их них? Где найти информацию о небоскребах, о башнях-близнецах Всемирного торгового центра и трагедии 11 сентября 2001года? Где взять дополнительную информацию об Empire State Building, о мюзикле «Чикаго», о Статуе Свободы, о Рокфеллеровском центре и музее Гуггенхайма?
http://www.in.com/videos/watchvideo-best-n...on-7354220.html - the best New York City attractions
http://www.youtube.c...h?v=q5mR_0QJtfI - 10 things you need to know about New York City
http://www.youtube.c...h?v=dZwGJIEWo7M - a 10 minute tour of New York
http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x90h12_be...-new-yor_travel - some recommendations for the best museums and cultural events in NYC
http://www.youtube.c...h?v=ElFuFK44AP8 -National Geographic video about the New York subway system
http://www.youtube.c...h?v=1hrA9-6o4tI - the accents of the 5 boroughs of New York City
http://www.youtube.c...h?v=4J4WsCkl4Ag - a brief history of New York skyscrapers
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-3...92053682639810# - a video film about the construction of the World Trade Centre in New York City
- this film has been taken one month before September 11th 2001 by an Italian family during their vacation in NYC
http://video.google....41646574210449# - this is one of the latest and best documented sources of information about the intentional demolitions on September 11, 2001
http://www.youtube.c...h?v=y1Dg2eEhB30 – a video about the series of attacks upon the USA on September 11,2001
http://www.5min.com/Video/Learn-about-the-...ilding-38365546 - learn about the Empire State Building in New York, this short video describes its construction
http://video.google....04760585623245# - a two-minute video tour of New York's famous Empire State Building
http://www.camvista.com/usa/new-york/empir...uilding-cam.php - this New York webcam is overlooking the Empire State Building in midtown New York City, the picture is refreshed every 2 minutes
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vUgh02i_WaY...feature=related – Chicago the Musical on NBC
http://www.youtube.c...h?v=muP0gvylsRM - New York City's Statue of Liberty – a two minute tour
http://www.history.com/shows/america-the-s...atue-of-liberty – unknown facts about the Statue of Liberty, what do the Eiffel Tower and the Statue of Liberty have in common?
http://www.earthcam....tatueofliberty/ - Earth Cam view of the Statue of Liberty
http://www.5min.com/Video/Visit-the-Rockef...-York-251783626 – a visit to the Rockefeller Center in New York
http://uk.video.yaho...m/watch/5601475 - a short video about Guggenheim Museum in New York

Streets and avenues — Какая из улиц /проспектов Нью- Йорк Сити самая длинная? Где увидеть на видео реки и проливы Нью-Йорка?
http://joelaz.com/post/45269030/broadway-s...hen-google-maps - a Broadway street view
http://nyctmc.org/go...pup.php?cid=187 - one of 45 cameras located on Broadway @ 46th Street
http://brooklyn-brid...guestimage.html - a live webcam of the one of the world's most famous bridges (Brooklyn Bridge), with a view of the Hudson River

«I belive in liberty and happiness» - Где найти рассказы иностранцев о путешествии в Америку и их впечатления? Что происходило во времена Великой Депрессии в Америке (1929-1940), каковы причины этого события ? Где найти биографию Дж.Рокфеллера и какие основные идеи и принципы он исповедовал?
http://www.youtube.c...h?v=j_3aPw6fcO0 - a group of Iraqi college students reflect on a semester of ups and downs on U.S. campuses
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GOrQAu4o3Js...feature=related - advice for study abroad — foreigners' stories about American stereotypes
http://www.5min.com/...ression-1354261 - learn about the Great Depression
http://www.youtube.c...h?v=TpfY8kh5lUw - this video presents stories from survivors of the Great Depression overlaid with powerful pictures from era
http://www.havefunwithhistory.com/HistoryS...Depression.html - find out how people lived during the Great Depression through home movies, newsreel footage, public service announcements of the era, and some classic Hollywood films
http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5prj6_th...depression_news – one more video about the Great Depression
http://www.history.com/videos/john-d-rocke...money-and-power – a video about John D. Rockfeller, his principles in life
http://www.youtube.c...h?v=_y7XbLri4ZE – a short biography of John D. Rockfeller

Have you ever tried blintzes? - Какие самые крупные, самые знаменитые рестораны Нью-Йорка? Какова опасность fast-food?

http://video.new-york.tv/video/Best-Restau...-in-New-York-Ci - the best restaurants in New York City
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0GXbm-iV9EA...feature=related - fast food facts, this video illustrates the dangers of fast food
http://www.teachertube.com/viewVideo.php?v...title=Fast_Food - a documentary video made by 8th graders on “fast food”
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