Конспект урока "welcome to bashkortostan" Муталова Луиза Фатиховна, моу башкирский лицей №136 им. М. Искужина Октябрьского района го город Уфа Республики Башкортостан

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НазваниеКонспект урока "welcome to bashkortostan" Муталова Луиза Фатиховна, моу башкирский лицей №136 им. М. Искужина Октябрьского района го город Уфа Республики Башкортостан
Дата публикации16.09.2013
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100-bal.ru > География > План-конспект

Муталова Луиза Фатиховна,

МОУ башкирский лицей №136 им. М.Искужина

Октябрьского района ГО город Уфа

Республики Башкортостан,

учитель английского языка

Домашний телефон: 244-07-99

e-mail: mut-luiza@yandex.ru

  • образовательная – развитие речевых умений, умения систематизировать учебный материал, уметь применять его в учебной ситуации;

  • развивающая – развитие самостоятельности, индивидуальности, умения высказываться логично и связанно, с достаточной скоростью, выражая законченную мысль;

  • воспитательная – привитие учащимся любви к родной Республике, уважительного отношения к своему народу. Воспитание умения работать в коллективе, прислушиваясь к мнению товарищей

Практические задачи:

  • Систематизировать и обобщить знаний учащихся по теме «Мой родной край - Башкортостан».

  • Совершенствовать навыков чтения, умений аудирования, развивать речевые умения

Ожидаемые результаты: Развитие языковых и интеллектуальных способностей, устойчивого интереса к изучению иностранного языка, историю и культуру родного края, потребности в самообразовании, повышение ИКТ компетентности учащихся.
Материалы и ресурсы: Карты России и Башкортостана, плакат “East or West - home is best!”, компьютер, экран, мультимедийный проектор, презентация Pour Point, проектные работы учащихся, вопросы викторины, звуковой файл с башкирской мелодией.
Межпредметные связи: английский язык, география, история и культура РБ, информационные технологии, ИЗО, башкирская литература
Тип урока: урок с применением ИКТ
Форма проведения: презентация проектов по теме "Мой родной край»
Эпиграф урока:“East or West - home is best!”
План урока:

  1. Организационный момент (слайд 1)

  2. Подготовка к основному этапу: целепологание, мотивация (слайды 2, 3)

  3. Основной этап

Презентация проектов:

1. Башкортостан - многонациональная, суверенная Республика (Алина Муслимова) (слайды 4, 5)

2. Первый президент Республики Башкортостан (Алфинур Кусяпкулова) (слайд 6)

3. Политическая система (Линар Сиражнтдинов) (слайды 7, 8)

4. Символы Республики Башкортостан (Света Хабибуллина) (слайды 9, 10)

5. Географическое положение, население и природные ресурсы (Тимур Насыров, Азамат Ямалетдинов) (слайды 11-23)

6. Уфа-столица Республики Башкотостан (Зарина Муродова) (слайды 24-30)

7. Музеи и музеи Уфы (Кристина Хафизова) (слайды 31-39)

8. Хоккейная команда «Салават Юлаев» (Рушана Мухаметгарипова) (слайды 40-47)

9. Национальный праздник «Сабантуй» (Закир Кучуков) (слайды 48-52)

10. Зайнаб Биишева (Альфинур Кусяпкулова) (слайд 53)

11. Мустай Карим-народный писатель и философ (Альфинур Кусяпкулова) (слайд 54)

12. Борис Домашников - известный художник Башкортостана (Рушана Мухаметгарипова) (слайды 55-59)

IV. Конроль, самопроверка знаний

V. Подведение итогов

Ход урока:

  1. Организационный момент

T: Good morning dear children.

S: Good morning! Good morning!

Good morning to you

Good morning, Good morning,

We are glad to see you

T: I’m glad to see you at our English lesson too. Thank you. Sit down, please.

  1. Подготовка к основному этапу: целепологание, мотивация

T: So, today we have an unusual lesson, we have the final lesson on the topic “My country-Bashkortostan”. You were working very hard for a long time on your projects «Country Fact File about Bashkortostan».

They say, “East or West - home is best!” (плакат).

Are you ready to present Bashkortostan to our e-mail friends from Romania? (карты России, Башкортостана)

S: We are ready to present our Republic

T: Well, today we can choose the best projects together with the experts from group B, and then can send them to Romania, OK. Let’s start according to the plan of the Presentations: “Fact File about Bashkortostan”:

  1. Основной этап.

Dear children, we are going to listen and watch your presentations about our wonderful country. Listen carefully and get ready to answer the questions of the quiz. Presentations “Fact File about Bashkortostan”

Muslimova Alina (слайды 4, 5)

Bashkortostan, located in the mountains and plains of the southern Urals, has a territory of 143,600 square kilometers and a population of over 4 million people. Bashkortostan is an independent state within the Russian Federation. The Independent Republic of Bashkortostan was created on 11th October, 1990. The Head of State in the Republic, and its highest official, is the President, Murtaza G. Rakhimov. There are about one hundred different nationalities live in Bashkortostan. They are Bashkirs, Russians, Tatars, Chuvashes, Maris, Ukrainians and Germans. The original people of the territory are the Bashkirs. The largest cities of Bashkortostan are Ufa, Sterlitamak, Salavat, Neftekamsk and Oktyabr'skiy. Ufa is the capital city, and it was founded in 1574. Ufa now has a population of 1.1 million people.

Bashkortostan is rich not only in minerals, scientific and manufacturing potential, but also in another highly valuable resource - hard-working and friendly people. The citizens of the republic firmly believe that in the near future, Bashkortostan will make great progress as a rich and fair republic within the Russian Federation.


Alfinur Kusyapkulova (слайд 6)

The first president of Bashkortostan M. G. Rakhimov was born in the village of Tavakanovo in the family of a peasant. He finished school in Tavakanovo and then went to Ufa to get his education. After graduating from the oil college he began working as an operator at the oil-refining plant. Since that time he began his career, first working as a common worker and then as the general director of the oil-refining plant. In December 1993 M. G. Rakhimov was elected as the President of Bashkortostan.


Siradjetdinov Lenar (слайды 7, 8)

The Republic of Bashkortostan is an independent democratic state within the multi-national Russian Federation. The government consists of legislative (lawmaking), executive (president and cabinet) and judicial (legal) bodies. The highest legislative government body is the State Assembly or Kurultai. The Kurultai is elected every five years and it has a two-chamber structure: the Chamber of Representatives and the Legislative Chamber.


Khabibullina Sveta (слайды 9, 10)

The State Symbols of Bashkortostan Republic are the State Flag, the National Anthem and the State Insignia. Bashkortostan republic state insignia was affirmed on October 12, 1993. It's a picture of Salavat Yulaev monument and the rays of rising sun as a background inside the circle framed with the national ornament. Kurai floscule, the ribbon of the same colors with the State flag of Bashkortostan Republic, Signed "Bashkortostan" in white is in the bottom. The National Anthem of Bashkortostan Republic "The Republic" composed by composer Farit Idrisov, was adopted in

The State Flag of Bashkortostan Republic was affirmed on February 25, 1992). The national flag has green, white and blue stripes. In the centre of the flag is the emblem of a golden kurai flower with seven petals. The flower reminds the citizens of Bashkortostan about the seven tribes which came together originally to form the Bashkir people. The blue stripe of the tricolour stands for clarity, virtue and the purity of the people of the republic. The white stripe stands for peace, openness, and the readiness for mutual co-operation that the people of Bashkortostan maintain. Finally, the green stripe stands for freedom and the eternal life of the country.


Timur Nasyrov (слайды 11-23)

Bashkortostan is located in the southern Ural Mountains, where Europe meets Asia. The distance from the North to the South of country is 550 kilometres and the distance from east to west spans 430 kilometres. Tatarstan lies to the west of Bashkortostan, and Udmurtiya is to the north-west. To the north of Bashkortostan we find the Perm and Sverdlovsk regions of Russia, and to the east is the Chelyabinsk region. The Orenburg region lies to the south, south-west and southeast.

Bashkortostan is made up of 54 administrative districts, 21 cites and towns, 40 smaller towns and 4,620 villages. Geographical features including high mountains, rich forests, large steppes, and more than 800 lakes, all give Bashkortostan a natural beauty. There are more than 600 rivers in the Republic the longest of which is the Aghidel (The White River). Many of the rivers in Bashkortostan flow directly into the Caspian Sea. The climate of Bashkortostan: Winters are cold and snowy, and summers are warm, sometimes hot.


Azamat Yamaletdinov (слайды 11-23)

Bashkortostan is rich in plant and animal life; native mammals include elk, wild bear and deer. Wolves, foxes, martens, polecats, hamster, squirrels, rats, mice and susliks are also to be found.

The famous Kapov Cave is called the ‘singing cave’ because of the sound made by drops of water falling from the stalactites which created a musical, tapping sound. Ancient people used to search for shelter within the cave, build fires there and make drawings on the walls of the cave.

Bashkortostan can be divided into three distinct areas – the western area, the mountain area, and the Bashkir Trans-Ural area. The taste and smell of the world-famous Bashkir honey, as well as that of koumis result from the rare mixture of plants which can be found growing in the forests and meadows, and on the rolling steppes of Bashkortostan. The nature of Bashkortostanis wonderful.

One of the treasures of the Bashkir forest is Bashkir honey. The main physical-chemical characteristics and food quality of Bashkirian honey is out of line with other sorts of Russian honey.

Bashkirian honey is collected from wild forest bees that nest in the hollows trunks of huge trees. It is very special honey, particular the lime honey, golden and very aromatic. Bee and honey have been symbols of Bashkortostan for a long time.


Zarina Murodova (слайды 24-30)

The city of Ufa-a large industrial, scientific and cultural centre of the country. It is located in the East of Europe. Ufa is the capital of multinational sovereign Bashkortostan within the Russian Federation. Ufa was founded in 1574. The city numbers over 1,000 streets totaling about 1,000 kilometers, 22 bridges and overpasses, 6 river ferries. Ufa is the largest river port in the Urals. The capital also boasts six theatres, Bashkir State Philharmonic Society, Bashkir State Puppet Theatre, museums, culture centers and clubs, a circus, ballet and choreography studios, cinemas, a planetarium, two centralized library networks, children's music and arts schools. Ufa is justly proud of the National Library named after Akhmet-Zaki Validi which houses about 2 million volumes in various languages, 200 manuscripts of the 15th and 16th centuries, editions of Russian classical writers printed during their lifetime. Ufa is one of the leaders in the Russian Federation in economic potential.


Kristina Hhafizova (слайды 31-39)

They are the Bashkir state academic drama theater named after M. Gafuri, the Russian academic drama theater of Bashkortostan, the State Opera theater, National young people theater of Bashkortostan Republic, the "Nour" Ufa state Tatar theater, the State Puppet Theatre, the Bashkir State Philharmonic Society, State the National symphonic orchestra of Bashkortostan Republic, the State academic folk dance ensemble of Bashkortostan Republic named after F. Gaskarov.


There are many museums in Bashkortostan. Among them are the National Museum of the Republic of Bashkortostan and the Nesterov Museum of Art. In addition, there are more than 480 other museums galleries which exhibit paintings, sculptures, ceramics works of art produced by Bashkir artists, sculptors and craftsmen.


Rushana Mukhametgaripova (слайды 40-47)

The "Salavat Yulaev" ice-hockey club is very popular in our country. All hockey lovers are interest of its games and players. That is why I would like to tell you about it today. The "Salavat Yulaev" ice-hockey club was organized in Ufa in 1961. In total, it has played 678 games of the other championships. The «Salavat Yulaev» ice-hockey club has brought up ice-hockey players: I.Kravchuk-twice Olympic champion, I.Ghimaev, A.Semak-world and European champions. It is the best achievement of he club.

Relaxation time: Listening to the national music for several minutes (музыкальный слайд)


Zakir Kuchukov (слайды 48-52)

The name Sabantui comes from saban, which means a plough in the Bashkiri language, and tui, which means a festival. Sabantui is the festival of the plough. Early in the summer there comes the time of Sabantui: a feast of dreams and hopes, of strength and dexterity, of songs and dances. Early in the morning on the day of Sabantui, the maidan fills with people. The festival starts with Sabantui horse racing. Then other contests begin. Some try their luck at pole climbing, while others try climbing a pole placed at an angle to the ground which. The sack race is also very popular. Some people move in giant leaps, some take tiny steps, some jump on one foot. A popular race for women involves racing with two buckets filled with water. The festival continues until late at night, when the air throbs with cheerful songs, energetic dancing, and with the tender sounds of the kurai.


Rushana Mukhametgaripova (слайд 53)

Zainab Biisheva is one of the famous Bashkir writers. The most important of her works is the trilogy “To the light”.


Alfinur Kusyapkulova (слайд 54)

Mustai Karim, an outstanding poet, a writer and a philosopher, was born in 1919 in the village of Klyashevo. Mustai Karim wrote about his native place, showed different Bashkir types and the life of the original people of the village and the image of the legendary Salawat. One great thinker said that the paradox of the great literature lies in the following thing: the more national the writer is, the more international he is. Mustai Karim is the people's poet of Bashkortostan.


Rushana Mukhametgaripova (слайды 55-59)

His works is marked by his love of nature and the countryside.
IV. Контроль и самоконтроль знаний

(слайд “Викторина”, с музыкальным сопровождением)




1: What is the рорulаtiоn of Bashkortostan?

2: Who is Salavat Yulаеv?

3: What is the national musiсаl instrument?

4: What is the highest point of Bashkortostan?

5: What is the longest river in our country?

6: What colour is the national flag of Bashkortostan?

7: What is the national food of Bashkir people?


1: The population is over 4 million people.

2: Salavat Yulаеv is the national hero and legendary poet of Bashkir people.

3: It is the kurаi, made оf kurаi, а reed plant.

4: Тhе highest point is the Mt. Уamаntаu in the South Urals (1864 m).

5: Тhе longest river is the Aghidel (1430 km).

6: The national flag of Bashkortostan is green, white and blue.

7: Bashkortostan has long been fаmоus for bее keeping. The traditional mеаl is honey.




1: Where is Ufa located?

2: When was it fоundеd?

3: What was the nаmе of the first street?

4: What is the еemblem of the city?

5: How many people live in Ufa?

6: What rivers are there in Ufa?

7: Is there а сirсus in Ufa?

8: Can уоu tell us аbоut the mоnumеnts in Ufa?


1: Ufa is located in the South Urals, оn the hill named Uba.

2: It was founded bу group of Russian streets in 1574 as а fortress. Тhе name of the fortress was Imen-kala.

3: Тhе name of the first street was Uspenskaya, later Usolskaya, and now Sochinskaya.

4: Тhе emblem of the city is а marten.

5: Тhе population of the city is over 1 million people.

6: Тhеу are the Aghidel, the Karaidel and the Dim (Dyoma).

7: There is the Bashkir State Circus in Ufa.

8: Тhey are the monument to Salavat Yulaev, the mоnumеnt of Friendship, the monument to the Heroes of the Civil War and the Great Patriotic War etc.

  1. Подведение итогов. Рефлексия

(учащиеся вместе с группой B оценивают проектные работы, выбирают лучшие проекты для отправления друзьям из Румынии)

T: Can you tell us what projects are the best? Thanks for the lesson.

I hope you and our guests from group B enjoyed it. Good- bye.

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Конспект урока \"welcome to bashkortostan\" Муталова Луиза Фатиховна, моу башкирский лицей №136 им. М. Искужина Октябрьского района го город Уфа Республики Башкортостан iconОтчет о результатах самообследования деятельности маоу гимназия №93...
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Конспект урока \"welcome to bashkortostan\" Муталова Луиза Фатиховна, моу башкирский лицей №136 им. М. Искужина Октябрьского района го город Уфа Республики Башкортостан iconПрограмма по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах...
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