“The Internet and the Information Revolution”

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Дата публикации06.07.2014
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100-bal.ru > Информатика > Урок
Урок английского языка в 6 классе.

(учитель Сагитова Б.С.)
Технология уровневой дифференциации позволяет учителю высвободить время для индивидуальной работы с каждым учеником. Гибкая система дифференцированных заданий позволяет повысить качество успеваемости и способствует развитию уже имеющихся мотиваций в изучении английского языка, а стойкий познавательный интерес к предмету неуклонно приведет к повышению качества обучения. Дифференцированный подход в обучении дает возможность максимально реализоваться сильному ученику, в то время как для слабых учеников создаются ситуации успешности, что позволяет им адекватно оценивать свой успех.

Тема: “The Internet and the Information Revolution”.

Обучающие цели: Закрепление лексических навыков в устной и

письменной речи. Применение пройденной

лексики в новых ситуациях.

Развивающие цели: Формирование навыков и умений самовыражения

на уроках английского языка на основе лексико-

грамматического оформления речевого

высказывания. Развитие познавательного интереса,

памяти, внимания, языковой догадки.

Воспитательные цели: Формирование интереса к профессии оператора

ПК, развитие трудоспособности и

коммуникативной компетенции.

Оборудование: Мяч, карточки, эпиграф, тест, раздаточный

материал, магнитофон, аудиокассета, куклы.
На доске: Tема урока и эпиграф

“The man is still the most extraordinary thing of all”

John Kennedy

Ход урока

I.Орг. момент.

T: Good morning, children!

Cl: Good morning, Begzat Saitkenovna.

T: There are a lot of guests in the classroom, we say

Cl: Good morning!

T: Sit down, please!

I am glad to see you and guests!

- Who is on duty today?

- Who is absent?

- What was your home task?

T: Our topic today is “The Internet and the information revolution”. The epigraph

of the lesson is “The man is still the most extraordinary thing of all”. (John

Kennedy). What is the Russian for: extraordinary?

P1P2 P… (answers)

T: What shall we do at the lesson?

P1P2P3- (answers)

T: Right you are!

Дополнить учащихся, если они не смогут соcтавить цель урока.

At the English lesson we’ll revise new words, read, write, listen to the text and discuss it, develop our idea. You can find lists of self- appraisal on the desks. You’ll check your answers yourselves and at the end of the lesson you’ll get your marks. Are the tasks clear?

Cl: (answers)

T: My best wishes to you. You are clever, brave, creative and logical creatures.

List of self –appraisal


Very well


Enough well


The Internet and the Information Revolution


New words (test)




Oral comprehension




Written work

II. Разминка. Warm up.

Цель: Введение учащихся в иноязычную атмосферу.

T: Dear, children. I hope you are in a good mood today. You can take the stickers

and draw a face according to your mood. Now stick them on the blackboard.

Good- …



Well done! We’ll see your mood at the end of the lesson.

III. Активизация лексики по основной теме.

Цель: Тренировать употребление лексики в устной и письменной речи.

A) T: Let’s revise the new words. Берет мяч и говорит:

What is the English for: экран, диск, мышь, клавиатура, дисковод, гибкий диск,

коврик для мыши, модем, портативный компьютер, рабочий стол.

B) T: Учитель показывает карточки, (они на обратной стороне доски) дети читают хором слова.

Shows the cards.

Cl: Read them in chorus.

T: Very nice.

C) Закрепление лексики. Контроль умения учащихся употреблять новую лексику в тексте.

T: Now you are given a test. You have cards. Take them and match the definitions with the expressions in the list. You are given 5 min.

Cl: Do the test.


Run quick basic and do the test. Match the definitions with the expressions in the list.

Screen CD (Rom)

Mouse keyboard

Floppy disk multitasking

Disk drive mouse pad/mat

Modem laptop

Key desktop

  1. a small object that you move with your hand to operate a computer;

  2. a flat part in front of a computer which you look at;

  3. a part of a computer with rows of letters and symbols;

  4. a part of a computer you use to pass information to or from a disk;

  5. a flat piece of plastic for storing information from a computer;

  6. a flat piece of rubber or plastic which you use under a mouse;

  7. a round disk for using in a computer to store large amounts of information;

  8. a type of small computer you can carry with you;

  9. one of the parts with a letter or symbol which you press when you use a computer;

10) the equipment inside a computer which allows information to be sent to

another computer using a telephone line;

  1. the screen you see after you have switched your computer;

  2. the ability of a computer to run several programmes at once.

T: Your time is up. You will check your test yourself. (1 point for one correct answer).

Учитель вывешивает ключи на доске и подводит итог теста. Дети выставляют свои оценки в оценочные листы.


1. Mouse

2. Screen

3. Keyboard

4. Disk drive

5. Floppy disk

6. Mouse pad/mat

7. CD Rom

8. Laptop

9. Key

10. Modem

11. Desktop

12. Multitasking

Key of the mark



4- 5=3

more than 5- try again

V. Развитие устной речи.

T: Work in groups.

Цель: Развитие монологической речи.

A) T: Dear, children! As far as I know, you have been discussing this theme for some lessons and today as a result of your work, you will have an opportunity to use your knowledge in new situations.

The man is the most extraordinary thing. Just imagine the number of inventions of the XX-th century. Some people think that technology will save the world and make it better, some others think that technology will ruin the society. We are too dependent on electric machines.

Look at the blackboard and pay attention to the cards:

Mower, fax machine, TV set, dish - washer, solar powered calculator, computer,

talking alarm clock, sewing machine, video phone, vacuum cleaner, camera, mobile telephone, electronic game, microwave oven, cordless phone, video recorder.

Now work in groups. Choose a group leader.

T: Раздает карточки с заданиями.

I group - Name and write three things that you can hardly live without.

II group – Name and write three things that you can sacrifice. Why?

III group – Choose the most useful three things and say why people use them.

B) Дети устно работают, обсуждают задание, рисуют приборы, пишут опорные слова и выражения, выбирают выступающего.

Учитель ходит и слушает учащихся. По ходу урока раздает фишки (красный- 5, фиолетовый – 4, синий –3).

C) Выступление ответственных. Дети могут дополнить задание с места.

D) Учитель подводит итог. Выступающие выставляют свои оценки.

1.There are some things that we can hardly live without. They are…

2. There are some things we consider useless. They are…

3. There are some useful modern inventions. They are…

50 years ago people didn’t even hear about computers and today we can’t imagine our life without them. The computer technology is the fastest growing industry in the world. The computer revolution is changing our life and our language, too. We are constantly making up new words or giving new meanings to old ones. I agree with your points of you.

V. Развитие аудирования. (кассета) Куклы Катя и ее брат на столе.

Цель: Развитие навыков общения и творческой работы.

T: Now you will listen to the text twice. It is called “I couldn’t live without my

computer at home.” Be ready to discus it!

My name is Kate. I use my computer all the time. It is like a typewriter and

address book for me and it is also used for checking my spelling. Besides, I can

go on the Internet and discover everything about anything, it’s a brilliant source

of information. I’ve designed my own website and I’m getting loads of

information for school. Besides, some websites are packed with quizzes, games

and competitions, it’s all you need for hours of fun on your computer. You can

play and learn on it. It is absolutely essential. I don’t know how I ever managed

without it.

But my elder brother thinks people are getting a bit too dependent on

computers. He thinks that we rely on them too much. My brother says, “You

can’t rely on all the information, you don’t know who it has been written by or

where it’s coming from. To be dependent from anything, especially a lifeless

machine, that can quite easily break down, is not good. Besides, computers

shouldn’t replace seeing your friends.”

T: You will work in groups.

You‘ll discuss the text. Put questions and answer them.

Дети работают. Учитель проверяет работу третьей группы и отправляет их

проверять работу первой и второй группы. Оценки ставят проверяющие.

Т: Make up your conclusion.

P1- Using computer leaves me more time to enjoy myself.

P2 – I can’t live without…

P3- …brightens my life. Etc.

VI. Рефлексия. Учитель дает таблицу на доске. Идет закрепление урока.

T: -What can you say about our lesson? What is the thing you need?
got acquainted with…

found out…

During today’s lesson I have



Дети письменно отвечают на вопросы и вывешивают ответы на доске. Дают общий вывод.

Проверяют свои оценочные листы и выставляют оценки.

T: Draw a face according to your mood now and stick your cards on the blackboard

Дети вывешивают свои карточки.

VII. Домашнее задание.

I-gr. Learn the new words. Quiz.

II-gr. Write an article. ”People like to have computers in everyday life.”

III-gr. Write an article. “ Some people don’t like computers”.

VIII. Итог урока.

Dear, children! I’d like to thank you for your work. You were really great. I hope

you have learnt much and perhaps will use your knowledge of English in the future. I’m far from imagining that all of you will become operators but I believe

that your knowledge of computer science will be of some use in your future occupation and everyday life.

Thank you very much. The lesson is over. Leave your record books. You may be free. Good - bye.

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