Реферативная работа по теме «You are only a teenager once»

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Educational establishment

“Gymnasium №9”

The Research Work

We are only a teenager once”

Students of the 10th form Chueva Tatyana,

Cheprova Valeria

Ermakov Dmitry

Teacher of English Belyakovtseva E.I.

Shadrinsk, 2009

Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение

«Гимназия №9»

Информативно – реферативная работа

по теме

«You are only a teenager once»

Учащиеся 10 класса Чуева Татьяна

Чепрова Валерия

Ермаков Дмитрий

Учитель английского языка Беляковцева Е.И.

г. Шадринск, 2009


  1. Introduction

  2. The global problems of the young generation:

  • Alcohol

  • Drugs and Smoking

  1. The realization problem of teenagers as a personality.

  2. The subculture as a form to show the teen’s individuality.

  3. Conclusion

  4. Bibliography

    1. Introduction

This topic of a work is very actual nowadays. The teenagers had a lot of problems twenty or thirty years ago, and now teens of all the country face these problems too. You see that we are teenagers; we have a lot of complicated problems.

The aim of our work is to search the teens’ problem in different countries of the world.

The tasks are:

  • To study the global problems of the society in teens’ environment.

  • To consider the problem of this age through the teens’ relationships with each other and the old generation.

  • To follow the decision of the “self – identification” problem among the teenagers in the society through the continuity to various subcultures.

The value of our work is that we tried to collect all main problems of modern teenagers.

Today it is fashionable to speak about teenage problems. A few years alcohol, fights, killing and other kinds of violence were more problems for adults than for young people.

But now, as official reports admit violence. AIDS, drugs and alcohol are more and more associated with youngsters. For many children from poor families violence, drinking problems and all that is associated with poverty becomes more than reality.

Some specialists explain that the change of our society, the system of our life force young people to choose their own lifestyle.

No doubt, the teen’s problems will increase. And young people should feel that are cared for.

How does it feel to be young in the world which faces so many complicated and perplexing questions even grown-ups can’t answer?

If the grown-up world has some ability, the world of teenagers is, in most cases, full of doubts in themselves and their future.

Establishing relations with other people – parents, teachers, and friends – doesn’t always come easy either. What may comforts you is that these problems are not unique as most people pass through this difficult stage too.

Young people are usually quite impressionable and sensitive and tend to jump to conclusions as they don’t often have enough experience and wisdom to estimate the situation and foresee all possible results of their behavior. Naturally that may lead to certain problems and misunderstanding.

“What does the future for us? Are we going to be happy? Shall we find a good job?” All these questions and many others are of primary importance for you and your peers.

Your future begins today and largely depends on what you are doing now.

    1. The global problems of the young generation


Though all people know the truth about the unprecedented guile of alcohol drinks, many of them fall in its skillfully set up traps. This is because of the character of alcohol, which can force to like itself, despite its harmful, sick and dissolute nature.

What is alcohol?

  Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant that slows down body functions such as heart rate and respiration. Small quantities of alcohol may induce feelings of well being and relaxation; but in larger amounts, alcohol can cause intoxication, sedation, unconsciousness and even death.

There are three types of alcoholic beverages:

* Beer is fermented from grains and contains three to six percent alcohol.
* Wine is fermented from fruit and normally contains 12 to 14 percent alcohol. Fortified wines have additional alcohol added and contain 18 to 20 percent alcohol. Wine coolers are a mixture of fruit juice, sugar, and red or white wine, and contain four to seven percent alcohol (approximately the same alcoholic content as beer)
* Liquor is made from distilled (boiled off) alcohol and contains 40 to 50 percent alcohol. This is expressed as degrees of proof (two proof equals one percent alcohol). For example, 80 proof liquor is 40 percent alcohol.

Factors that influence alcohol’s effect.

   Drinking has different effects on different people, and the same amount of alcohol can affect the same person differently on different occasions. Four factors influence how alcohol affects people:

   Amount of Alcohol. The more alcohol, the stronger the effects. A person may drink beer, wine, or whiskey; what matters is the amount of alcohol that is consumed.

   Body Weight. People who weigh more are less affected by the same amount of alcohol than people who weigh less. Alcohol is water soluble heavier people have more blood and water in their bodies, so the same amount of alcohol will be more diluted. Gender also affects the influence of alcohol. Women have a higher proportion of fat and a lower proportion of water in their bodies than men; therefore, a woman will have a higher blood alcohol content than a man who is of the same weight and who drinks the same amount.

   Food. Alcohol "goes to the head" more slowly if one has just eaten or if one eats while drinking. Food slows down the passage of alcohol from the stomach to the small intestine.

   Attitudes. What a person expects to happen after drinking has a lot to do with what does happen. A drinker who expects to get drunk is more likely to feel or act drunk.

    In one study, an experienced group of drinkers was given a glass of something non-alcoholic but was told it contained alcohol. Most of the group still got drunk.

The analysis of a data received.

  We have got 21 male and 15 female respondents. Among these people there are only a man and a woman who do not drink alcohol at all.

The attitude towards the alcohol is distributed as following: 39% - positive (among them: 13- men and only 1 woman); 39%- neutral (among them: 6 men and 8 women); 22%- simply do not like, when there is someone drunk beside them (among them: 2 men and 6 women) and none of the respondents said that their attitude is negative.

   29% of male and 27% of female respondents have parents who do not drink at all. 4% of male and 13% of female students have only father who drinks (in general) and 4% and 6% respectively- only mother. The percentage of both parents drinking (in general) is 62 for men and 53 for women. This way the difference between the current and the next generation (the youth) can be shown. As we see from this data, the percentage of non-drinking parents is far from 1/21 and 1/15 (5% and 7%) of their off springs. Most of the men drink with their friends from the university (55%) and the largest part of female responses to this question fall on the answer B)-with other friends/buddies (50%).

   The next few questions we consider to be rather interesting, because they primarily deal with the alcoholic dependency and its stages. The question about drinking alone as one of a symptom of alcoholism brought up the results of 50% of male students who could do this, and only 29% of female who have also chosen this answer. Drinking to overcome a hangover is normal for 55% of men and 14% of women. Doing the same thing at any time except mornings is suitable for 15% and 7% of students respectively. And only 30% of men and 79% of women consider this to be “not their style”. Unfortunately, as much as 85% of men and 64% of women do not need a normal reason for drinking like celebrating some party, etc. Two out of 20 male respondents and two out of 14 female have doubts about their dependency and 2 men consider themselves to be psychologically dependent already.

   From the graph above we can see the following interesting fact: none of the women do not care about the presence of their boyfriends while they are drinking and male respondents do not take their parents into consideration deciding how many drinks to have.

   Here we can see the tendency of male students usually drinking beer or strong alcoholic drinks, and females usually drinking cocktails of aperitifs.

   The question concerned ever trying to give up drinking and never following though was aimed to reveal one of the symptoms of the first stage of alcohol dependency. The results were: 30% of men and 14 % of women tried to do so. 25% of men and no females tried to reduce the amount of alcohol consumed and succeeded and 5% and 7% respectively tried but did not succeed in reducing it.

   Only 30% of males and 7% of the females would reduce the amount consumed if their parents were stricter about their behaviour. But if they ease to give them pocket money 40% of male respondents and 43% of female respondents would do  it.

    1. Drugs and Smoking

At present there exists another problem, concerning many teenagers. This is the problem of drug addiction.

This is an actual problem and becomes more and more dangerous. Million young people today are using drugs, and most of them will die. Usually they want just to try it, then again and again… and after year may be two years they will die. It is true, because there is no medicine to help you. That’s why never do it, if you do - it goes bad, very bad.

The government of every country takes measures to eliminate this addiction. But in most cases these measures aren't very effective.

In connection with this problem the government of Russia decided that it needed a new anti-drugs campaign. However, before it did this, it studied young people's attitudes. The survey showed that teenagers knew that drugs were bad for them but they could not actually name any health risk associated with particular drugs. It also showed that 61 per cent of teenage drug-users would consider stopping using drugs if they thought they were a serious danger to their health.

It was also understood that many teenagers ignored drugs warnings in schools because they thought they were childish. In fact, it was proved that in some cases, the reason for taking drugs was to rebel against warnings from adults.

Using the results of the survey, a new campaign has been started. The new campaign hopes to treat teenagers like adults. It informs young people of the health risks associated with particular drugs.

Many teenagers try drugs as a 'dare' to show their friends that they are not scared. Often their friends insist until the person says 'yes'. The Medical Service hopes that the advertisements will help teenagers to say 'no' to this and be able to have good reasons to say it. In addition to posters, the Medical Service has also made radio advertisements and put the number of their drugs helpline (a telephone number that can be called confidentially for help) in a lot of places of our country. The people at the helpline advise people what to do if they have a drug problem or need more information about the dangers of drugs.

One of an aspect of drug problem is a smoking problem. Many young people think the situation is under control and they are just "toying" with cigarettes.

"Smokers never become old simply because they die younger" is a harsh but true fact. Beginning with those initial puffs of smoke is never a conscious decision. This initial choice of smoking is made as a teenager when the implications of tobacco use and its addiction are not known.

Smoking Statistics – Alarming Enough to De-motivate Smokers

  • About 33% of young people smokes.

  • Every minute, seven people die of tobacco use.

  • 4000 toxins constitute a single cigarette.

  • More than 90 % of lung cancer deaths are due to cigarette smoking.

Terrible Effects of Smoking

Most Deaths Due to Smoking are Caused by Cancer
It has been proven that smoking causes lung cancer and cancers of oral cavity, bladder. More than 95% of lung cancers are detected in smokers. 90% of smokers with lung cancer die within 3 years of diagnosis. The risk increases steadily with the number of cigarettes smoked per day.

Breathing Problems and Lung Disorders Caused By Smoke
The toxins in smoke can cause lung disorders like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, bronchitis, and significant reduction in lung functioning. Smoker’s cough is common symptom that develops as the defense system tries to expel the chemicals accumulated in the air passage and lungs. Gradually, the respiratory system becomes more prone to infections due to lowered immunity.

Smoking and Heart Disease
Cigarette smoking is one of the major risk factors for high blood pressure and fatal heart attacks. Chemicals in the smoke develop atherosclerosis and lowers supply of oxygen to the heart leading to cardio-vascular diseases. The damage already caused due to smoking is reversible. The risk of developing a heart disease or stroke once you quit smoking successfully is the same as you never smoked. Of course this doesn’t mean that you wait till a later age to quit until completely smoke-dried.

Gateway Effects and Health risks for Second Hand Smokers
Effects of smoking are increased by manifold due to the gateway effects. Two important gateways are children choosing to smoke due to their parents; and the second gateway leading to many other addictions and drug abuse. Environmental tobacco smoke has large amount of toxins that cause harmful effects on non-smokers too.
Nowadays governments speak about educational work and other means of fighting smoking. In their opinion, anti-smoking advertisements and promoting a healthy way of life should become the main components of an anti-smoking campaign:

  • more information about the hazards of smoking: "agitation against smoking"; "persuade people that smoking is bad for their health" .

  • Educational talks on hazards of smoking among young people and teenagers: "talk to pupils in schools about the dangers of smoking"; "adult smokers are difficult to persuade, while conducting anti-tobacco work among the youth would be effective"

  • Promote healthy way of life: "involve more and more people in sports"; "advertise the slogan: `Go by the healthy way of life!'"

Some deputies think advertising for tobacco should be banned:

  • "prohibit any advertising of smoking"; "limit advertising of cigarettes"; "stop advertising cigarettes"

According to this problem we have hold a survey among our peers and found the teens’ answers.

In our work the problem of drugs has been disclosed. We see that drug addiction brings incorrigible harm to humanity. Still there is more and more people fall for its temptation. We know that medicine-drugs are given to seriously ill people to alleviate their suffering. But these medicines have one insidious property: organism gets accustomed to them quickly & wants new doses.

Drug addiction is our enemy. And if we don't struggle against it, it'll bring many losses. In addiction I want to say that drug addiction is as a white storm cloud, which isn't seen on the horizon, but unfortunately, many young people have already been caught in its big, terrible rain.

3. The realization problem of teenagers as a personality.

Our age is so strange. We know that we are on the way to become adults. But this way is so hard. And we teenagers usually stay alone with our thoughts; because nobody even we ourselves understand what is happening around us. There are a lot of problems – that is what we know exactly. And problems are everywhere and we cannot expect why and where they come from. This is very difficult time though some people think that it is the best time. And what is more it’s hard to stay quiet and calm.

Every young generation has more complicated problems than previous. And maybe nowadays teenagers have more problems than other generations. And this difference awakes misunderstandings with parents. Sometimes it seems that the parents are too tiresome and dull in their demands. And also they often interfere into teens’ life. Parents always say that they are lazy and can’t do anything except rest. Moreover they give not much money, and they hardly can find a job because in their age they cannot be responsible for money of firm or do some kinds of job. And there is a great problem: parents also always doubt in teenagers’ independence. Youth is the time when a person is trying to find his place in the society. And during this search he or she comes across different problems which are as important as those of the adults. The youth of the 21st century face almost the same problems which were acute to their parents when they were young. One of them is a generation gap. Every generation is unique in its experience. It has its own ideals and a system of values concerning every aspect of human life. Adults always complain that the young people do not blindly accept the ideals of their parents. And this is inevitable as different generations take different directions. Grown-ups always teach the young how to live. But the latter want to live their own life. And it generates the conflict of the generations.

It should be said, that the young have other problems as well. They are concerned with education (which is rather expensive), money, employment, hobby, spending, their free time, communication and the like. And of course, one of the most urgent problems is the accommodations problem. Not many young people in our country have their own apartments. In the main, they share the apartments with their parents even after getting married. One more problem should be stressed. It’s the problem of the youth unemployment. The number of young people looking for job is constantly increasing. They are looking for job not only for the sake of earning money, but because they want to be independent from their parents. Job gives the young people a chance to adjust themselves to the real life of adults and stir their ambitions. School-leavers can be part-time workers, seasonal workers and so on. In general, their job is not welcomed. Very often preference is given to adult people. We think that every government should work out some social employment programmers.

Young people can be considered only a part of the society.

Emotional problems for young people can be far more difficult than financial ones. The typical teenager problem is that “nobody understands me”. Youth is also the time to meet your first love. Young people fall in love when they reach the age of Romeo and Juliet. Romanticism and idealism very often accompany the love of the young. It is regrettable, but the young are not always ready to have stable relations. For a happy family life two people must understand and respect each other. It is of course wonderful but as it is widely known that first love often has an unhappy end. This also increases young people’s problems. Even friends cannot always stay friends when young people begin to understand themselves a little bit better old friends sometimes just grow apart. And sometimes they have problems in communicating with each other and they even stay alone. So as you see it’s very difficult to be young nowadays as indeed it always was. But they only can be young ones and some wonderful things can happen to you only when you’re young. So it’s better to enjoy youth while it lasts.

To be a success is important all over the world. Society doesn’t like those who have achieved nothing. That’s why all young people want to work and be a success. The first step to it is a high diploma. Without it, it’s almost impossible to be successful. In order to get it they should compete. And of course, communication can be one of the most important problems of all young people of today. If they don’t like noisy clubs and other places of entertainment, they can make friends without leaving their apartment. The Internet gives such an opportunity. But the problem is that people can sit at the displays for 24 hours without eating, sleeping, having a rest, working or learning properly. We are sure, that it’s a great problem of the present and future.

4. The subculture as a form to show the teen’s individuality.

Young people are more violent than ever. Many people say that their lives have been made miserable by young people out on the street late at night. All those groups or subcultures are awful, because all of their members are violent. They only think about rebellion against society, its laws, they reject everything, they protest against their parents and school.

Today the life of many young people in Russia as well as in other countries of the world is influenced by popular culture. The young follow certain stereotypes that are imposed on them through TV, movies, and music. In their lifestyle they try to imitate the images of their idols. Other young people are sports and music fans. They frequent stadiums and huge concert halls. They follow their idols in their tours and support them. Unfortunately they are intolerant to those who don't share their view. It's a specific aspect of the youth subculture that can't be ignored.

It’s difficult to identify youth culture today. The cultural progress is too fast and constantly appears new subcultures. They varied from “Teddy boys” rock groups, “Rockers” from 60th to the “Skin heads”, “Punks” and modern “Hip-hop” and “Rave styles”.

Street culture has no fixed address and you can’t use map to find it. But we should say that the main routs of modern cultures go from Africa to America and then to other countries and continents.

One of the most wide-spread cultures among young people today is hip-hop. Hip hop is a music genre and cultural movement which developed in New York City during the 1970s primarily among African Americans and Latin Americans. Hip Hop's four main elements are Mc'ing (often called rapping), DJing, graffiti writing, and breakdance. Other elements include beatboxing, hip hop fashion, and slang. Since first emerging in the Bronx and Harlem, the lifestyle of hip hop culture has spread around the world. When hip hop music began to emerge, it was based around DJs who created rhythmic beats by looping breaks (small portions of songs emphasizing a percussive pattern) on two turntables. This was later accompanied by "rapping" (a rhythmic style of chanting). An original form of dancing, and particular styles of dress, arose among followers of this new music. These elements experienced considerable refinement and development over the course of the history of the culture.

The most noticeable for ordinary people part of hip-hop culture is graffiti – special paintings on the walls. At first city dwellers was against graffiti, they thought that it was eyesore and graffiti was illegal and punishable. But when hip-hop culture was spread it brought graffiti with it. The relationship between graffiti and hip hop culture arises from the appearance of new and increasingly elaborate and pervasive forms of the practice in areas where other elements of hip hop were evolving as art forms, with a heavy overlap between those who wrote and those who practiced other elements of the culture. Beatboxing is a mainly percussive vocal form in which various technical effects of hip hop DJs are imitated.

The other very interesting subculture is Hippy. This people opposed to the traditional styles of society and wear unusual clothes and usually have very long hair. The motto of hippy is: «Do everything you like”. And they follow it. The hippie subculture was originally a youth movement that began in the United States during the early 1960s and spread around the world. The word hippie derives from hipster, and was initially used to describe beatniks who had moved into San Francisco's Haight-Ashbury district. These people inherited the countercultural values of the Beat Generation, created their own communities, listened to psychedelic rock, embraced the sexual revolution, and used drugs such as cannabis and LSD to explore alternative states of consciousness. Hippie fashions and values had a major effect on culture, influencing popular music, television, film, literature, and the arts. Since the 1960s, many aspects of hippie culture have been assimilated by mainstream society. The religious and cultural diversity espoused by the hippies has gained widespread acceptance, and Eastern philosophy and spiritual concepts have reached a wide audience. The hippie legacy can be observed in contemporary culture in myriad forms — from health food, to music festivals, to contemporary sexual mores, and even to the cyberspace revolution.

The third famous subculture is Punk-Rock. On the street you can always recognize Punk-rockers by their colored haircuts and lots of piercing. Punk rock is a rock music genre that developed between 1974 and 1976 in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia. Rooted in garage rock and other forms of what is now known as protopunk music, punk rock bands eschewed the perceived excesses of mainstream 1970s rock. They created fast, hard-edged music, typically with short songs, stripped-down instrumentation, and often political, anti-establishment lyrics. Punk embraces a DIY (do it yourself) ethic, with many bands self-producing their recordings and distributing them through informal channels. By late 1976, bands such as the Ramones, in New York City, and the Sex Pistols and The Clash, in London, were recognized as the vanguard of a new musical movement. The following year saw punk rock spreading around the world. Punk quickly, though briefly, became a major cultural phenomenon in the United Kingdom. For the most part, punk took root in local scenes that tended to reject association with the mainstream. An associated punk subculture emerged, expressing youthful rebellion and characterized by distinctive clothing styles and a variety of anti-authoritarian ideologies. By the beginning of the 1980s, faster, more aggressive styles such as hardcore and Oi! had become the predominant mode of punk rock. Musicians identifying with or inspired by punk also pursued a broad range of other variations, giving rise to post-punk and the alternative rock movement. By the turn of the century, pop punk had been adopted by the mainstream, with bands such as Green Day and The Offspring bringing the genre widespread popularity.

Through the years piercing became popular among ordinary people. Nowadays you can see people who have got rings – hanging from ears and pushed through noses, lips and eye brows everywhere.

The goth subculture is a contemporary subculture found in many countries. It began in the United Kingdom during the early 1980s in the gothic rock scene, an offshoot of the post-punk genre. The goth subculture has survived much longer than others of the same era, and has continued to diversify. Its imagery and cultural proclivities indicate influences from nineteenth century Gothic literature along with horror movies and to a lesser extent the BDSM culture.

Researcher Maxim W. Furek has called Goth "a celebration of music, dress and attitude all wrapped around Thanatos, the Greek concept of death." The goth subculture has associated tastes in music, aesthetics, and fashion, whether or not all individuals who share those tastes are in fact members of the goth subculture. Gothic music encompasses a number of different styles. Common to all is a tendency towards a lugubrious, mystical sound and outlook. Styles of dress within the subculture range from deathrock, punk, androgynous, Victorian, some Renaissance and medieval style clothes, or combinations of the above, most often with black attire, makeup and hair.

Close enough to punk and rock Emo is now know for it's more emotional state of mind. Instead of the anger hard-core way of expressing one-self , Emo (short for emotional) has taken a new tole on the twentith century of expressing yourself. From the music with strong emotion and feeling, unlike hard rock or this is more of an alternative way to let your feeling be known.Emo is not only a classification or a type of music it's also taken over the way one expresses themself by dressing. It includes the tighter fiting pants to the dyed-black or dark hair with it covering your face. The longer hair in front with the spikes in the back is also a more Emo- or emotional look to dressing. Emo is also being known as for the hot emo guys and emo girls kissing. From pictures all on the web to the music videos. Hot emo girl to girl and well as hot emo guy to guy is becoming more and more adventurous and more open concluding; Emo meaning being comfortable with oneself. Its a more direct way of altering the feelings one has without words, just emotion. Some say music is not a type of music. That it is more of a fashion and a way of feeling, hence the emotional. Just recently people have been considering emo to be a genre or music.. Taking back Sunday is one of the many bands people consider to be emo.

A skinhead is a member of a subculture that originated among working class youths in the United Kingdom in the 1960s, and then spread to other parts of the world. Named for their close-cropped or shaven heads, the first skinheads were greatly influenced by West Indian (specifically Jamaican) rude boys and British mods, in terms of fashion, music and lifestyle. Originally, the skinhead subculture was primarily based on those elements, not politics or race. Since then, however, attitudes toward race and politics have become factors in which some skinheads align themselves. The political spectrum within the skinhead scene ranges from the far right to the far left, although many skinheads are apolitical. Fashion-wise, skinheads range from a clean-cut 1960s mod-influenced style to less-strict punk- and hardcore-influenced styles.

We think that subculture is the culture of those who are dissatisfied with their place in society. Different subcultures have their own beliefs, value systems, fashion, and favorite music.

For example the subculture of Rastafairians was based on nostalgia for a lost word. They idealized Africa. Rastafairians were Afro-Caribbean immigrants in Britain. They began to wear distinctive clothes, camouflage jackets, large hats in the red, gold and green colours of Ethiopia and put their long, uncut hair in dreadlocks. They brought to us such tapes of music as ska, reggae and hip-hop. Many subcultures developed as a result of music fusion of black and white cultures. For example skinheads, which wore heavy boots, jeans and braces and shave their hair or cut it very short. Skinheads dreamed about the revival of the traditional working class culture. Skinheads were identified with extreme right wing views. There are many other subcultures such as Hippies, Punks, Mods, Rockers, Ravers and many others. Generally they were young people with low self-respect, who did poorly at school. They opposed the traditional world in which they where settled as fiasco elements.

Subcultures are not that bad as they are thought to be. Teens want to show off. But at the same time a lot of teens think about changing the world to the best. Subcultures are for teens. Then, we are sure, teenagers become good citizens. Some who were punks became the main editors of famous newspapers. A subculture is a way of life. It is not a fan club, it is a real life for teens.
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Реферативная работа по теме «You are only a teenager once» iconКонспект занятия по теме «Перелетные птицы»
Формы работы учащихся: фронтальная работа, самостоятельная работа, работа в паре
Реферативная работа по теме «You are only a teenager once» iconКонспект занятия в средней группе с использованием эор по теме: «Дикие животные весной»
Формы работы учащихся: фронтальная работа, самостоятельная работа, работа в паре
Реферативная работа по теме «You are only a teenager once» iconРеферат Бондарев Д. А
Структура работы не соответствует теме. Введение не по теме. Задачи не соответствуют теме. Использована учебная литература. Работа...
Реферативная работа по теме «You are only a teenager once» iconУрок по теме «строительство обновленной федерации»
Краткое описание: при работе по теме предполагается, что школьники усвоили и могут оперировать знаниями по истории СССР. В занятии...
Реферативная работа по теме «You are only a teenager once» iconРеферативная
Экологические показатели при использовании ламп накаливания и энергосберегающих ламп

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