Читинский институт повышения квалификации работников образования центр гуманитарного образования

НазваниеЧитинский институт повышения квалификации работников образования центр гуманитарного образования
Дата публикации12.03.2015
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ТипЭкзаменационные билеты
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The Pony Express

On old maps of America, printed before 1840, one can see a wide stretch of territory between the Missouri River and the Pacific Coast marked as “The Great American Desert”. At that time people did not think that this desert would ever amount to anything.

However the discovery of gold in California in 1848 brought about a great change. Everyone wanted to go there, but the only method of transportation was by the ox-cart. It often took three months for these slow-moving vehicles to make the trip.

The people who went West were anxious to get news from their home-towns in the East and send word back to their relatives. A quicker means of communication than the ox-cart was therefore necessary. This led to the organization of the famous “Pony Express” shortly after 1850. This service operated between St. Joseph, Missouri, in the East, and Sacramento, California, in the West. The distance between these two points was 1 900 miles which the “Pony Express” succeeded in covering in ten days. This was a real accomplishment at that time.

A rider started out from St. Joseph and rode about twenty miles at great speed. When he reached a certain “post” he found a fresh horse waiting for him. The mail bags were quickly changed from the tired horse to the fresh one, and the rider galloped on. There was a change of riders too. When the last rider came to Sacramento, the mail was placed on a boat going down the river to San Fransisco.

The position of “Pony Express” riders was dangerous as well as difficult. There were risks from heat, cold and storms. There was greater danger from the bands of Indians who were often hostile to the white people. Frequently a rider failed to reach a post. He was found later on the road killed or wounded. At times the post itself was attacked, and the rider saws nothing but ruins and lifeless bodies of his friends when he reached it.

The “Pony Express” was in operation for over fifteen years, until the pacific Railroad was completed. With the arrival of the “Iron Horse”, the “Pony Express” was no longer needed.

A mistake

Once an Englishman and his wife were travelling in Italy. When they arrived in Rome, they took a room in one of the best hotels there. They had dinner in the dining-room of the hotel, and then the Englishman went out to have a smoke and go for a walk about the streets of the great city. His wife, however, who was tired after the journey, went up to their room to rest.

The Englishman was walking quietly along the street looking around him, when an Italian caught up with him and pushed him to one side as he passed.

“How rough these Italians are!” he said to himself.

The man was just going round a corner when the Englishman put his fingers into his pocket to take out his watch and look at the time.

“My watch!” he cried. “That fellow who passed me just now has got it! He took it out of my pocket as he pushed me. I’ll go after him and make him give it back!”

He soon caught up with the Italian. “Give me back my watch, you thief!” he shouted angrily.

The Italian shook his head and said something in Italian.

“I don’t understand you, but I’ll make you understand me,” he shouted, shaking his fist in the Italian’s face and pointing to the man’s watch-pocket.

Again the Italian shook his head and began to speak very fast in his native language. This made the Englishman still angrier, and the Italian, very much frightened by this time, took out his watch and gave it to the Englishman who put it in his own pocket and continued his walk.

When he returned to the hotel, he told the story to his wife. She silently pointed to the dressing-table. There lay the Englishman’s own watch! He took the other one out of his pocket and looked at it. He was a thief without ever meaning to be one.

The next day he went to the police-station with a friend who could speak Italian.

“Oh,” said the police-officer, “last night a man came in angry and excited. ‘A foreigner attacked me’ he said, ‘while I was taking my evening walk, and made me give him my watch.’ ”

“Tell him it was all a mistake,” said the Englishman. “I am very sorry about it. All I can do is to apologize and you to return his watch to him.”

Abraham Lincoln as Postmaster

When Abraham Lincoln was a young man he was appointed postmaster at his village of New Salem. The duties were not very hard, for people did not write many letters in those days. It was said that the postmaster of New Salem carried the mail in his hat. For several years Lincoln lived his humble but helpful life.

His strong love of fair play was that he was often called to settle quarrels among his neighbours. One day Lincoln acted as umpire in a quarrel between two young men much smaller than himself. One of them, angry because the quarrel had been decided against him said to Lincoln, “See here, Abe I’ll lick you.”

The tall umpire looked down at the small man. “All right,” he said, “but let’s fights fair. You are so small that there isn’t much of you for me to hit, but I am so big that it will be very easy of you to hit me. So you make a chalk mark on me that will show just your size. When we fight you must hit me inside this mark, or it will not count as fair.”

This idea was so funny that the man began to laugh and there was no fight.

At another time, Lincoln came upon a poor man who was chopping up an old hut into firewood. The day was cold and the man looked week for such hard work. He had no shoes and was so thinly dressed that he was shivering with cold.

“See here! How much do you get for this job?” asked Lincoln.

“A dollar,” said the man, “I just have the dollar to buy shoes.”

“You go home and warm yourself,” said Lincoln, taking the axe from the woodchopper. Then he swung the axe as only Abraham Lincoln could, and in a short time the old hut was chopped into firewood. The poor woodchopper got his dollar and his shoes, and he never forgot the kindness of Abraham Lincoln.
The Hot Dog

In its home country of Germany, the hot dog was called the frankfurter. It was named after Frankfurt, a German city.

Frankfurters were first sold in the United States in the 1860s. Americans called frankfurters "dachshund sausages." A dachshund is a dog from Germany with a very long body and short legs. "Dachshund sausage" seemed like a good name for the frankfurter.

Dachshund sausages first became popular in New York, especially at baseball games. At games they were sold by men

who kept them warm in hot-water tanks. As the men walked up and down the rows of people, they yelled, "Get your dachshund sausages! Get your hot dachshund sausages!" People got the sausages on buns, a special bread.

One day in 1906 a newspaper cartoonist named Tad Dorgan went to a baseball game. When he saw trie men with the dachshund sausages, he got an idea for a cartoon. The next day at the newspaper office he drew a bun with a dachshund inside—not a dachshund sausage, but a dachshund. Dorgan didn't know how to spell dachshund. Under the cartoon, he wrote "Get your hot dogs!"

The cartoon was a sensation, and so was the new name. If you go to a baseball game today, you can still see sellers walking around with hot-water tanks. As they walk up and down the rows they yell, "Get your hot dogs here! Get your hot dogs!"
Grandma Moses

Most people rest and relax when they are old. They do not work. And most people certainly are not famous. But Grandma Moses was different. She started a new job at age 76. This is her story. It begins in 1860. She is born a poor farmer's daughter. Her parents name her Anna Mary Robertson.

She is one often children. She works on other people's farms to make money. It is 1887. She marries Thomas Moses. He is a farm worker too. They both work on a farm.

Now it is 1930. Anna Mary Moses is 70 and a grandmother. She embroiders pictures to give to her children. But then she gets arthritis. She cannot embroider anymore, so she paints pictures. She makes paintings of country life. One day, her daughter takes her paintings to a store in town. Her paintings are put in the window. A man from New York sees the paintings in the window and buys them. And he wants more!

The man tikes Grandma Moses's paintings. He wants to help her. So he takes her paintings to galleries in New York. Otto Kallir has a famous gallery there. He likes the paintings by Grandma Moses. Now it is 1940 and Grandma Moses's paintings are in Kallir's gallery. She is 80 years old.

Grandma Moses suddenly becomes famous. Everyone wants her paintings. So she paints more and more. She wins many prizes for her paintings. She becomes famous in the United States and Europe. She is on television, and people make a movie about her.

When she is 100 years old, the state of New York makes her birthday "Grandma Moses Day." Everyone loves this sweet old lady. After her 100th birthday, she paints 26 more paintings. She dies at age 101. She leaves 11 grandchildren, 31 great-grandchildren, and a lot of people who think she is amazing!
Дополнительные схемы оценивания ответов учащихся
Схема №1

Оценивание первого задания – чтение с пониманием основного содержания (ознакомительное чтение)
Школа ______________ Класс _________________

ФИО экзаменатора – эксперта _________________________________

ФИО экзаменатора – собеседника _____________________________

Фамилия, имя учащегося

Вопрос № 1

Вопрос № 2

Вопрос № 3

Вопрос № 5*

Вопрос № 6*





Примечание: вопросы, помеченные звездочкой, предназначены для учащихся школ с углубленным изучением иностранного языка, гимназий, лицеев

Схема №2

Оценивание второго задания – умения монологической речи
Школа ______________ Класс _________________

ФИО экзаменатора – эксперта _________________________________

ФИО экзаменатора – собеседника _____________________________

Критерии оцениваемых умений монологической речи:

Фамилия, имя учащегося


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