Тема: «Лондон. Достопримечательности»

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Welcome to London

Тема: «Лондон. Достопримечательности».

Развитие рецептивных умений как цель и средство формирования нескольких компетенций (коммуникативной, информационной, социальной и учебной культуры).


Социокультурный аспект: знакомство с достопримечательностями Лондона.

Образовательный аспект: развитие рецептивных (основанных на понимании передаваемой информации) умений (чтение, аудирование), активизация лексики по теме «Лондон», расширение словарного запаса.

Воспитательный аспект: развитие интереса к изучению английского языка, приобщение к культурному и историческому наследию народа страны изучаемого языка.

План урока

I. Приветствие. Объявление целей урока.

T: Good morning, boys & girls! ... Sit down, please. I’m happy to see you! How are you? … Fine!

Slide 1

T: The topic of our lesson is “London & its places of interest”. So, we are going to speak about London & its most famous sights, read the text about them, watch the video, do some quizzes & even have a virtual excursion around London.

Slide 2

T: Well, the motto of our lesson is a phrase of the famous English writer Doctor S. Johnson: “When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life”. Can you translate it into Russian?... You are right.

II. Фонетическая зарядка.

T: First of all, let’s prepare our tongues for the English language.

Slide 3

T: Look here, please. What sound is it? … ([i]). Sound [i] is practiced in this rhyme. Listen to the rhyme. Translate it. Repeat it after me. Read the rhyme, please….

Six little kittens

Live in the city.

And the city is so pretty.

T: Well done! And now answer my questions.

1. What is this rhyme about? 2. What kind of city is it? 3. What pretty cities do you know? 4. Is London a pretty city?

III. Речевая разминка.

Slide 4 (the map)

T: By the way, have you ever been to London? … Have you ever read books about London? … Have you read texts about London’s history?...

T: I’d like you to watch a little bit of video to summarize your knowledge about this wonderful city.

Video 1 (from the beginning till the art galleries)

T: Was everything clear? Let me see what you know about London. Do the quiz, please.

Slide 5

The quiz.

1. London is the capital of … (America, Britain, Russia).

2. London stands on the river… (Mississippi, Volga, Thames).

3. … built Londinium (the Romans, the French, the Americans).

4. William the Conqueror came to England in… (1666, 1066, 1796).

5. William the Conqueror built… ( the British Museum, the “Odeon”, the White Tower).

6. There are … million people in London (2, 7, 15).

7. There are … bridges in London now (29, 14, 35).

8. The Great Fire of London started in… ( the White Tower, Hyde Park, the house of the king’s baker).

T: Wonderful! Would you like to add anything more about London, we haven’t mentioned yet?... (There are a lot of museums, parks, etc. in London).

T: You are right.

IV. Основная часть.

T: London has a lot of places of interest, such as the Tower, St Paul’s Cathedral, Trafalgar Square, the National Gallery, Hyde Park, the British Museum & so on.

Let’s learn how to pronounce the names of some of them correctly. Look at the blackboard, listen to me & repeat after me.

The Tower, St Paul’s Cathedral, Trafalgar Square, the National Gallery + transcription.

T: Thank you. And now I’d like you to look at the map of London & find these places there.

Slide 6 (the map of London).

T: This is the Tower. Repeat!... etc. …

T: Good for you. Well, it’s time to learn more about the sights. We are going to read the text about the places to visit in London. But before reading, pay attention to some new words & guess about their meanings.

Political, columns, bronze, gallery, architect, admiral, fountains, tourists + transcription (at the blackboard).

Repeat the words after me, please. OK.

Reading T: Open your books at page 174, find exercise 13. Please, don’t forget about the footnotes. Start reading.

Slide 7 (the Tower)

Slide 8 (St Paul’s Cathedral)

Slide 9 (Trafalgar Square)

Slide 10 (the National Gallery)

T: Thank you for your reading. Have you understood everything? What places of interest is this text about?

Задания на проверку понимания прочитанного T: Do exercise 15, page 176. Read the sentences & say “true, false or don’t know”.

Slide 11

The next task is the following: There is the beginning of the sentence in the first column, you must find the ending of it in the second one.

1. The heart of London is…

2. The Tower of London was…

3. London will be rich…

4. Sir Christopher Wren built…

5. In one of the towers of St. Paul’s Cathedral there is…

6. In the middle of Trafalgar Square stands…

7. The National Gallery is…

1. while ravens live in the Tower.

2. one of the largest bells in the world.

3. a tall column.

4. the City

5. a fortress, a palace, a prison & the King’s Zoo.

6. St. Paul’s Cathedral.

7. one of the best galleries in the world.

T: Thank you very much. You are so active today!


T: Are you tired? Let’s do some physical exercises.

Up, down

Up, down

Which is the way to London town?

Where, where?

Up in the air,

Close your eyes & you are there.

Well done. Sit down, please.

Listening comprehension T: Close your textbooks. Now one of you will come here, choose one of the texts and read it to the other pupils. All of you must listen to the text very attentively, understand it & match it with one of the pictures on the blackboard.

Text 1: It’s a place where different meetings are held. In the middle of it there is Nelson’s Column. You can see a lot of pigeons (голуби) there.

Text 2: It was built after the Great Fire of London by Sir Christopher Wren. It is a hundred and ten meters high.

Text 3: It was built in the 11 th century. It was a fortress, a palace and a prison. Now it is a museum. The ravens live there.

Text 4: It is situated opposite Trafalgar Square. You can see pictures of different famous painters there.

T: Fine! You have coped with this task perfectly.

T: Pupils, could you answer my question, please. Why is London so attractive? What do people like about it? ….

Grammar T: Dear friends, imagine that you have come back from London. Say what places of interest have you visited & when you did it.

Slide 12

T: But first of all, let’s revise the Present Perfect tense & the Past Simple tense. What is the difference between them? … Good!

T: So, work in pairs, speak about the sights of London. Ask & answer the questions, you see in this slide. …. Perfect!

Заключительный этап урока T: Well, my dear pupils, one more quiz is left for us today.

Slide 13

T: It’s OK. By the way, my friends, do you remember the motto of our lesson “When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life. … Are you tired of London?...

Домашнее задание I hope you ‘ve had wonderful time at the lesson today. Your home task is to choose one of the London’s sights, you like most of all, and be ready to speak about it.

T: Dear pupils, I want you to visit London some day & to see all the sights with your own eyes.

(You know that some pupils from your group are going to study in England this summer. Of course they will have a chance to go to London & to see some places of interest. Sveta, what would you like to visit in London first of all?... Children, at the end of our trip to England we’ll make a report for you & you will be able to watch more videos about this country & its capital)

Оценка работы учеников T: I’m pleased with your work today. So, your marks are the following….. Thank you for the lesson.


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