«pygmalion» Act 1 Read the act thoroughly looking up unknown words and paying special

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Название«pygmalion» Act 1 Read the act thoroughly looking up unknown words and paying special
Дата публикации12.01.2015
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Act 1
Read the act thoroughly looking up unknown words and paying special
attention to the description of the main characters :

  • the Flower girl (Eliza Doolittle: her appearance, clothes, way of living, speech, some features of character, manners)

  • the Gentleman (Colonel Pickering: his appearance, clothes, manners,
    attitude to people, profession)

  • the Note taker (Henry Higgins: his looks, speech, some features of character, attitude to people, profession)

Section A

  1. Translate the following active words and word combinations:

To run for shelter

To get chilled to the bone/ to get wet to the skin

Not to be had for love or money

To come into collision with smb or smth

To be the worse for wear

To lay a charge against smb for smth

To take liberties with smb/smth

To give oneself away

To be tickled by smth

To pass smb off as smb

To leave smb with smth on his hands

Do nothing of the sort!

What’s the row?

To be a busy-body

To be fit for smb/smth

  1. Make up microsituations with the active vocabulary above (based
    on the text).


  1. Find the following word combinations in the text:

быть полностью сосредоточенным на ч.-л.



сильный раскат грома


живой интерес

не иметь дел с к.-л.

оставить при себе


ужасные звуки





божественный дар


зарабатывать на жизнь

полицейский свисток

кто вас обижает

назвать к.-л. по имени

  1. Find the lines proving the following and read them out:

  1. Eliza is an uneducated poor girl.

  2. Eliza is afraid of taking away her character.

  3. Mr. Higgins specializes in British dialects.

  4. Mr. Higgins has a great confidence in his teaching ability.

  5. A student of Indian dialects meets a student of British dialect.

  6. Eliza wants to be important.

  1. Make up a list of words and word combinations to characterize:

    • Eliza Doolittle


    • Colonel Pickering


    • Henry Higgins


  1. Make up a plan of the act using the active vocabulary.

7. Learn by heart from: the Gentleman: “How do you do it…” up to: the Note taker: “…and don’t sit there crooning like a bilious pigeon” and get ready to present the extract.
Section B

  1. Explain the meaning of the following sentences:

1. If Freddy had a bit of gumption. ______________________________________


  1. I’m getting chilled to the bone. _____________________________________


  1. There’s not one to be had for love or money. __________________________


  1. She wears a shoddy black coat._____________________________________


  1. Are we to stay here all night in this draught, with next to nothing on?____ __________________________________________________________________

  2. He is in the same plight as Freddy. __________________________________


  1. There’s a bloke here behind…______________________________________


  1. He is a blooming busy-body._______________________________________


  1. And how are all you people down at Selsey.___________________________


  1. Reaction in the note taker’s favour.__________________________________


  1. Catch you taking liberties with a gentleman.___________________________


  1. Will you please keep your impertinent remarks to yourself._______________


  1. What on earth is Freddy doing? ____________________________________


  1. Then throws a hand full of money into the basket. ______________________


  1. And left me with a cab on my hands._________________________________

2. Read out the text from the words: «the Gentleman: (returning to his
former place)…” up to the words: “the Note taker: … which requires better English» after listening to the recording. What is the main idea of the extract?

3. Reproduce the situation from the play using the following idioms:

Without rhyme or reason – ни с того ни с сего

Spick and span – с иголочки

To frighten smb out of one’s wits – напугать до смерти

To take to heart – принимать близко к сердцу

Over one’s head – выше чего-либо понимания

Now and then – время от времени, иногда

To rock the boat – вызвать волнение
4. Make up a character sketch of one of the characters:

    • Eliza Doolittle

    • Colonel Pickering

    • Henry Higgins


Section C
1. Think over the situations and questions and get ready to express your own point of view:

  1. Give the full description of the time, place and setting of the play.

  2. Who takes part in the first act?

  3. What is known about the Mother, the Daughter and the Son?

  4. Who is the Flower girl? What is known about her? Describe the girl using the words and phrases from the act.

  5. What first impression does the Flower girl make?

  6. What is people’s attitude to the Flower girl?

  7. Describe her room. How can it characterize her?

  8. How is the Note taker presented to the reader? (his character, speech,
    appearance, behaviour).

  9. In what way does the Note taker win the interest of the bystanders?

  10. What is people’s attitude to the Note taker?

  11. Who is the Gentleman? What is known about him?

  12. What do the Note taker and the Gentleman have in common? In what way do they differ?

  13. What declaration does the Note taker make concerning the Flower girl?

  14. What feeling prompts Mr. Higgins to throw a handful of change into
    the flower basket?

  15. Why does Eliza want to seem important?

2. Find additional information concerning:

    • Bernard Shaw and his works.

    • Shaw’s London. Geographical places, mentioned in the play.

    • John Milton and William Shakespeare. Present one of their poems or

Test yourself
N 1

  1. Match the words combinations and phrases from the act:

1. to run a. to the skin

2. to take b. off as smbd

3. to be the worse c. oneself away

4. what’s d. collision with smbd or smth

5. to get wet e. of the sort

6. to come into f. liberties with smbd or smth

7. to pass smbd g. for shelter

8. to give h. against smbd or smth

9. to lay a charge i. the row

10.do nothing j. for wear
1 __ 2 __ 3__ 4__ 5__ 6__ 7__ 8__ 9__ 10 __

  1. Make up your own sentences with them (both in English and
    in Russian).


N 2

  1. Fill in the prepositions:

  1. Pedestrians running … shelter into the portico of St. Paul’s church.

  2. Freddy comes … collision with a flower girl.

  3. Do nothing … the sort, mother.

  4. Catch you taking liberties … a gentleman.

  5. They want to drop Kentish Town; but they give themselves … every time they open their mouths.

  6. Well, sir, in three months I could pass that girl … as a duchess
    at an ambassador’s garden party.

  7. And left me with a cab … my hands.

  1. Explain the meaning of the sentences given above.








N 3

  1. Make up the words. There is an odd letter in each word:

  1. s a h l e t r e

  2. n l i c o l n i s o f

  3. n k i t c e l

  4. i l r b y e t k

  5. r a g b c e h

  6. m e l o y n

  7. v e l e p a

  1. Make up a situation using all the active words given above.


N 4

  1. Translate the situations using the active vocabulary from the act:

  1. Дождь начался так неожиданно, что людям пришлось искать убежище, чтобы не промокнуть до нитки и не замерзнуть.


  1. Когда молодой человек столкнулся с девушкой, он обратил внимание, что ее обувь была поношенной, а одежда ни на что не годной.


  1. Девушка испугалась, что против нее выдвинут обвинение за своевольное поведение с джентльменом.


  1. Не делай ничего подобного! Не пытайся выдать себя за другого человека!


  1. Это человек, который всегда сует свой нос не в свои дела, его забавляют подобные представления, и он всегда сможет узнать по вашему акценту такие факты о вас, которые никто не сможет выяснить ни за какие деньги.


  1. Make up your own situations using the active vocabulary from the act.


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