Prom. – a formal dance held for a high-school or college class typically at or near the end of the academic year What a fox

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НазваниеProm. – a formal dance held for a high-school or college class typically at or near the end of the academic year What a fox
Дата публикации04.04.2015
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Viva Lingua KinoClub

“There’s something about Mary"

Year: 1998

Country: US

Director: Bobby Farrelly, Peter Farrelly

Stars: Ben Stiller, Cameron Diaz, Matt Dillon

Awards: 19 wins & 11 nominations

Tagline: Love is in the hair.


His friends would say "Stop whining." His friends would say "Stop pining, there's other girls to look at." ныть, жаловаться

I just wondered if maybe you were going to the prom. – a formal dance held for a high-school or college class typically at or near the end of the academic year

What a fox. – an attractive person

Woogie's all-state football and basketball and fucking valedictorian. – the student with the highest academic rank in a class who delivers the valedictory (прощальная речь) at graduation

Nice muffs. – зд. наушники

Have you seen my wiener? = (slang) penis

Yeah, Warren, bucking bronco. Okay. – a wild horse

Giddyup. – used to command a horse to go ahead or go at a faster pace

He's only 230, huh? = 104 kg

If you need a designated driver… – a person who volunteers not to drink alcohol on a social occasion, so that he or she can safely drive other people who have been drinking

I got 20 bucks that says you're full of shit. = you are lying

The guy said it (the color) was tan and taupe. – рыжеватый, каштановый; серо-коричневый, бежевый

Poor Ted's been getting it both barrels from the wisenheimer here. = (informal) to punish; with a lot of energy (зд. ему не хило досталось); (informal) умник

Dad, you haven't been busting Ted's chops, have you? = to tease, to annoy

Don't make me have to open a can of whup-ass on you. = to beat someone up

Honey, your strap's broken. – лямка

Is it the frank or the beans? – a silly way to refer to male genital organs

Well, let's just say the kid's limber. = flexible

It's just like pulling off a Band-Aid. – пластырь

We got a bleeder. – истекающий кровью

My God. Are you all right? :: Killer. = (slang) excellent

You know, rest areas are homosexual hangouts. They're the bathhouses of the '90s for many, many, many gay men. – a designated area, usually along a major highway, where motorists can pause to relax; место постоянных сборищ или встреч

We'll delve into that next week. = to research deeply

Foofy and woofy?

Let's face it, Dom, I'm in a slump. – a period of decline

You're a real glass-is-half-empty kind of guy. = pessimist

Bake some Toll Houses. – traditional American chocolate chip cookies

Chocolate chip or butterscotch? – с кусочками шоколада; с ирисками

Look. I know it was brief but it was definitely love, Dom, I mean, crushes don't last for 13 years, right? – a temporary infatuation

Hire a private investigator. :: No way. That's way too creepy. – annoying and unpleasant

He's a claims investigator. He's a hell of a bloodhound. – investigates the validity of insurance claims and decides who gets the money; ищейка, сыщик

That's cute. I don't buy it. But it's cute. = I don’t believe it

Ted, I'm the kind of guy who likes to shoot from the hip. I want you to level with me. – рубить сплеча, высказываться необдуманно; = to be frank and open

Come on. Let's talk. Did you knock this skirt up? :: No. :: She's blackmailing you, right? :: No. = impregnate; шантажировать

You haven't heard squat from her in 13 years. Yeah. Real chum. – a small worthless amount; a close friend

You're good, Ted. Real piece of work. – a remarkable person

But if this chick turns up with a toe tag, I'm rolling over on you, big guy. – a “toe tag” is a piece of

cardboard attached to the big toe of a dead person in a morgue (in other words, if she is dead); настучать, выдать полиции

You hot shit. You look fucking pisser. – a person who is extremely attractive, "cool," talented, etc.; (slang) cool

Did she scam you out of some insurance dough? – зд. заполучить обманным путем; (slang) money

It's like shooting fish in a barrel. – ridiculously easy

This pad. – (slang) apartment

Man, it looks like you really cleaned up your act. – to begin adhering to more acceptable rules of behavior

Hey, what do you say we go out and grab a couple of pops before you go to work?

Does he bite? :: Nips. – to give a small sharp bite

Nineteen months I've been straight. :: How about a frosty to celebrate? = (slang) not using drugs; an alcoholic beverage

Sully, you were never an alky. You were a cokehead. :: Yeah. But when you quit the nose candy. you gotta quit the booze too. = (slang) alcoholic; a cocaine addict; cocaine; alcohol

You gotta learn to have a pop once in a while or you're gonna fall off the wagon. – carbonated soft drink (also “to pop a beer”); запить по-новой, сорваться

Fuck you then. You big pussy. I'll drink it. – сопляк

Tight little package: affirmative. – here Pat refers to Mary’s fit body

This is an important job, neighborhood watch is. – a scheme under which members of a community agree together to take responsibility for keeping an eye on each other's property, as a way of preventing crime (however here Magda refers to listening to perfect strangers' telephone conversations)

These are the people you live amongst. You got a right to know if they're creeps. – someone unpleasantly strange or eccentric

Well, I'm gonna go hit some golf balls and hook up with Warren. = (slang) to meet

Try not drinking so early in the morning because you smell like a gin mill. – кабак, забегаловка

Looks like we got a jock on our hands. – someone who is good at sports

Seeking sensitive WASP doctor to share candlelit dinners, long walks in Coconut Grove, marriage. :: Is she looking for a corpse? :: You have to say "Seeking deaf-mute with, you know 3-pound cock and trust fund." – White Anglo-Saxon Protestant; труп; глухонемой

A fatty who likes beer and golf. – (informal) a fat person

Here's the catch. He has to be self-employed. – хитрость, подвох, ловушка

Somebody who can do it anywhere and just leave at a drop of a hat. = immediately

Remember that gorgeous, corn-fed white boy that you just dumped like yesterday's garbage? – (slang) healthy and strong, but provincial and unsophisticated; бросить (зд. бойфренда)

Mary, cut the crap. ср. хватит нести чушь

He said that if Warren wasn't in my life that he would have popped the question a long time ago. – сделать предложение (руки и сердца)

I'm still staking out this broad's apartment. – следить за чем-л., наблюдать; (slang) woman

I was uptight. – дёрганый, нервный

Here comes the money shot. – (slang) отличный кадр

First chink in the armor, Ted. – слабое место

Was Mary a little big-boned back in high school? :: She's a little chubby? :: I'd say about a deuce, deuce and a half. – с широкой костью, тяжеловесный; пухленький; (slang, originally from military slang – load capacity (2,5 tons) of a truck) a large person in the neighborhood of 250 pounds (113 kg)

Four kids. Three different guys but no rock. = no engagement ring\wedding ring

Mary's in a wheelchair? :: I thought that was part of your kick. – инвалидное кресло; temporary, often obsessive interest

What, do you think your shit don't stink? – used when somebody is acting cocky and full of themselves, and as if every little thing about them is perfect

I got the information off her bookie. – букмекер

She's a real spark plug, this one. – букв. свеча зажигания, зд. об энергичном, жизнерадостном человеке

Ted, don't you want the name of the housing project? – a housing development built and maintained by a local authority, usually intended for people with a low or moderate income

I resigned. – уволиться, уйти в отставку

What are you doing in Miami? :: I took a job offer. :: With who? :: With Rice-a-Roni. :: Isn't that the San Francisco treat? :: It was. They're changing their image. – Rice-A-Roni is a boxed food mix that consists of rice, vermicelli pasta, and seasonings. "Rice A Roni - the San Francisco Treat" was a catchy jingle.

And I still wanna look her up. :: Who? Roller pig? Are you nuts? – to visit or make contact with (a person); (rude, never used) a fat woman in a wheelchair; = crazy

No, no, I said butt plug. She's heinous. – a sex toy; = awful, revolting

It's a bunion. It'll heal. – "шишка" на пальце, натоптыш

You've heard of mail-order brides, haven't you? :: What are they, desperate? She's a whale. :: Don't forget, it's (Japan) a sumo culture. They pay by the pound there. Sort of like tuna. – a woman who lists herself in catalogs (online or otherwise) and is selected by men for marriage; a very large person

You had your window, Ted. You blew it. – a period of time available or highly favorable for doing something; (here, slang) упустить (время, шанс)

Nice swing. – удар по мячу в гольфе

I haven't swung the wrenches in a while. – об ударе с закручиванием мяча

Would you mind giving me some pointers here? :: Yeah. Sure. Don't talk in someone's backswing. = advice

Are those blueprints? Are you an architect? – план, чертеж

Just till I get my PGA tour card. – at the end of each year, the top 125 money-winners on the PGA Tour (the organizer of the main professional golf tours ) receive a tour card for the following season, which gives them exemption from qualifying for most of the next year's tournaments

Well, to tell you the truth, I'm sort of burnt-out on talking about it. = Im tired of talking about it

I work with retards. :: Isn't that a little politically incorrect? дебил, даун, идиот

He's a good shit so we don't bust his chops too much. – (slang) a likeable person; to tease, to criticize

One day Mongo gets out of his cage... :: What, they keep him in a cage? :: Well. It's just an enclosure. :: No, but they keep him confined? – огороженное место; содержать в неволе

So I went out and I got him a leash. One you can hook on to the clothesline and he can run back and forth. поводок; привязать к бельевой верёвке

That kid has really blossomed, you know? – расцвести

Those goofy bastards are just about the best thing I've got going in this crazy world. – придурковатый

You already put a fucking nick in my piano. – вмятина, скол

What. Are you fading? You wimping out on me? – (informal) to fail to do or complete something through fear or lack of conviction

Make sure you get a close-up on his face. – показать крупным планом

Well, I'm a chiropractor, she's an orthopedic surgeon. – мануальный терапевт; хирург-ортопед

What if the families don't want a class action? – групповой иск

We'll spitball this tomorrow, okay? – to brainstorm ideas

She has no rug rats running around. – спиногрыз

Oh, I get hives tap-dancing for these idiots. – сыпь; выплясывать, распинаться

I feel like a royal shit because I set you up with this guy. – (slang) complete, total; познакомить, устроить встречу

I'm going down there. ASAP. – as soon as possible

Met him at the driving range. – тренировочное поле для гольфа

You know, kindred spirits. – родственные души

If Puffy starts yapping, he's a loser. If he likes him, honey, then you've got yourself a keeper. – лаять; a person or thing worth keeping

He can tell that you're an animal nut. :: You got me pegged. ты меня раскусила

I'd love a brewski if you got one. – (slang) beer

Would you like a little clam dip, doll? :: I'd love a Bundt cake if you have one. – соус для молюсков; a ring-shaped cake

Good pooch. = (slang) dog

I gotta eat something or I get the shakes. – дрожь, озноб, трясучка

Stone-crab time. Let's go to Joe's, huh? – a large edible crab found along the Atlantic coast of the southern United States

Drop in and take a ganders at it yourself. = (informal) take a look

As I live and breathe. – How amazing! (Said on seeing or experiencing something surprising.)

I'll tell you some stories about this weirdo. – (slang) a person regarded as being very strange or eccentric

You heard of this thing, the 8 Minute Abs? We guarantee just as good a workout as the 8 Minute folk. – пресс за 8 минут; тренировка

Seven's the key number here. 7-Elevens. Seven dwarfs. Seven chipmunks twirling on a branch eating lots of sunflowers on my uncle's ranch. – chain of convenience stores; семь гномов; бурундук; вертеться

We'll be right back with more Cops, live from the heartland. – the central region of a country

Doesn't cramp your style? – to prevent someone from enjoying themselves as much as they would like, especially by going somewhere with them (e. g. Are you sure you don't mind your old mother coming along with you? I'd hate to cramp your style.)

Are you a movie buff? – someone who really enjoys watching movies and knows a lot about them

Don't bust my chops. I know it's corny... – to tease, to criticize; sentimental or old-fashioned

It's moronic. Can I feel your bosoms before I go? :: Knock yourself out. :: Okey-doke. – дебильный, идиотский; = breasts; = please begin doing it

The body was all hacked up. :: Gruesome. Real psycho, this one. = chopped up into pieces; = horrible; = (informal) psychopath

Hey, you're a little worked up. Let me do the talking. = excited

Look, I didn't solicit any sex, okay? – to offer to have sex in exchange for money

Can we cut to the chase? I mean, am I in a lot of trouble here? = let’s get to the main point

Guy turns out to be a blabbermouth. – трепло, болтун

How many hitchhikers we talking here? :: I don't know. Who keeps track? – вести счет, отслеживать

Hey, I know this is the Bible belt, but where I come from this is not that big a deal. – an area chiefly in the southern U.S. believed to hold uncritical allegiance to the literal accuracy of the Bible

You're gonna fry. – to kill or be killed by electrocution, esp in the electric chair

You ever had one up the hatch in here? – букв. люк; down the hatchдо дна!

Look. It's just that something struck me as strange about him last night. He gave me this funny vibe. = he seemed strange

Anyway, I hope you don't think I'm being meddlesome. – назойливый, навязчивый

Look. Tucker, thank you. I really appreciate you looking out for me. – to watch over and care for someone

Had a fucking horseshoe up your ass, my man. – Don’s way of saying that Ted is very lucky

Mary, the guy's full of shit. = (rude) lying

I got a date tonight with that Mary girl I told you about. :: The sawbones? = (slang) surgeon

Oh, my God. We hit the mother lode. – золотая жила

I guess it seems that women today are more impressed by the almighty buck than some schmo who's spent 17 years scraping by on Peace Corps wages. – (slang) a dull, stupid, or boring person; с трудом выживать

You could tell her about the irrigation ditches you dug in Sudan. The orphan babies who cried in your arms in Romania. The hope you gave Freddy the leper in Calcutta. канава; сирота; больной проказой

That vicious strain of genital herpes? = severe or intense; зд. приступ

Okay, guys, let's huddle up. = to get closely together

Thanks for picking up the lunch tab, Mare. = (informal) bill

I unleashed the psycho on her. She's gonna be fucking pissed. – напустить, натравить; (slang) extremely irritated or angry

Piggyback ride? :: Oh, piggyb... No. You know what? I'll take a rain check this time. Okay? – a ride on the back of another person; a promise that an unaccepted offer will be renewed in the future

I mean. What's the story? Are you married? Do you have kids? :: No. Dodged a few bullets. I haven't walked down that plank yet, no. – to successfully avoid a very serious problem; = (here) I’ve never been married (literally, to go to one's death by being forced to walk off the end of a board that extends from the side of a ship)

There was this creepy guy who... Anyhow. There was a restraining order. – frightening, unpleasant; court order which states that a person is not allowed to come within a certain radius from another person/place

It got kind of ugly... – все вышло за рамки приличий

You know, catch up on old times? – вспомнить старые времена

Or you could blow off that jerk you're going out with tonight and come out with me. – (slang) to choose not to attend or accompany

Because this isn't just a date, folks this is chemistry. – a natural mutual romantic attraction between two people which results from a mixture of physical attraction and natural mutual personality-based rapport

Last time I had a Pap smear the guy (needed?) leather gloves and an oyster shucker. – мазок из шейки матки на онкоцитологию; a device used to open and removes the oyster from the shell

I am a little psyched. I ran into this guy I haven't seen since high school. :: An old flame? = excited; a person who you had a romantic relationship with in the past

You know how I like braces. – брекеты

I brought you a little thirst quencher, Mag. I just wanna get you drunk so you'll pass out and I can give Mary a good rogering. – утолитель жажды; to fall asleep after consuming alcohol; a reference to sexual intercourse

After a short stint as a petty thief he was incarcerated until the age of 22, when, despite a grim psychological profile the state was forced to release him. – срок заключения; карманник, воришка; жуткий, мрачный

Why you two never hooked up is beyond me. = I could never understand why you two are not dating.

Don't get all gooey on me. Now, you're gonna give me a big head. – сентиментальный, слащавый; я сейчас зазнаюсь

So just go clean the pipes and it's a go. You choke the chicken before any big date, don't you? Tell me you spank the monkey before any big date. Oh, my God. He doesn't flog the dolphin before a big date.

That's like going out there with a loaded gun. = to masturbate; заряженное ружье

It's because you ain't got the baby batter on the brain any more. – (slang) semen

The most honest moment in a man's life are the few minutes after he's blown his load. That’s a medical

fact. The reason for it is that you're no longer trying to get laid. – (slang) to ejaculate; = (inf.) to have sex

Either you come clean, or I'm gonna kick your fucking ass. признаться, расколоться

I'm a phony. Just like you. I'm a fucking fraud. – я не тот за кого себя выдаю

Fuck. I knew shit, man. = (slang) nothing

Hey, Cat, how about a couple of brews over here, man? – (informal) beer

You are always skipping out on your tab. = (informal) you never pay your bill

Come on. Cough it up, chompers. – (slang) гони бабки; = (slang) teeth

Broken back? How'd you do that? :: A friend, baseball bat. :: Touché. – an acknowledgment of the striking home of a remark or a witticism

Couple more nitrate-sicles. Please. :: Two corn dogs coming up. – Ted’s way of saying that the frankfurters (сосиски) contain a lot of nitrate; a frankfurter that is encased in corn bread batter before being baked or fried, usually served on a stick

I'd like to see more meats in a cone. – рожок

Ted, I'm fucking with you. – (rude) to annoy, anger, or hurt someone intentionally

That seems like an awful lot of speed to give one little pooch. = (slang) dog

You know, I think I'm just gonna quit while I'm ahead. – to stop doing smth while one is still successful

He was being a pest. I put him in the bathroom. – an annoying person or thing

Mary, you're being overprotective. – гиперопекающий

Does anybody have any pliers? Needle-nose? Anything? – плоскогубцы; острогубцы

You wanted to trick me into feeling something for you? – обманным путем заставить

Don't do anything rash now, buddy. – не совершай необдуманных поступков

Just because you didn't get her, you didn't have to blow us both out of the water. – зд. лишать шансов

Why would I rat myself out? – сдать, настучать

Mr. Goody-Two-Shoes. – ср. он весь такой правильный

These are called love blisters. – простуда, герпес

I caught you red-handed. – поймать с поличным

Give me a break here, okay? I was a little nuts. = (informal) give me another chance; = crazy

You ever had a whitehead on your eyeball, Mary? – a small, white or yellowish cystlike mass just below the surface of the skin, caused by retention of the secretion of a sebaceous gland (сальная железа)

What happened to your crutches? – костыли

Very good query, Mary. Well done. = question

But you're married. You have a wife, beautiful kids. :: Ted, if you love them so much, please, be my guest. = (informal) I do not mind

Well, I may have been blowing a little smoke up your ass there, Mary. = to deceive

This is just another one of his stupid little ploys. хитрость, трюк, прием

Shut up, cock tease. – an attractive girl that visually teases you because she knows you can't have her

I was only boning you to get to Mary. = having sex with


Oh, yeah, dirt bud.

Take a look at what this numbnuts did. – an unintelligent person

Hey, dipshit be careful with that thing, will you?

He dresses like a complete dork. – a stupid or foolish person

You insensitive prick.

There's a disabled schmuck who's in a wheelchair.

What is he like? :: Kind of a mook. A schlep. – an insignificant or contemptible person; a stupid or clumsy person

I'll be honest with you. I'm a selfish prick.



We're dicks.

Don't be a putz, man. = (slang) an idiot

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