Методические указания по выполнению рефератов, курсовых, самостоятельных творческих работ. Педагогические измерительные материалы

НазваниеМетодические указания по выполнению рефератов, курсовых, самостоятельных творческих работ. Педагогические измерительные материалы
Дата публикации18.11.2014
Размер0.72 Mb.
ТипМетодические указания
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ИТОГО (всего):



(1 семестр)

Основные лексические единицы, входящие в тематический Блок 1.

Лексикародства: family, parents, mother, father, sister, brother, relatives, granddaughter, grandson, grandparents, grandmother, grandfather, twin-brothers, cousins, uncle, aunt, wife, husband, daughter, son, pensioner; four year my senior /junior; to be married; to divorce; orphan,

stepmother, stepfather, adopt (усыновлять), widow, widower, stepdaughter, nephew, niece, marriage, single, bridegroom, bride, father-in-law, mother-in-law, daughter-in-law, sister-in-law,son-in-law, grown-up, youth, to have a family of one’s one; to be fond of; to be full of life and energy; biography, bring up, be born, what are you? Who are you? Mister, misses, miss,, sir, madam, ancestor, birth, generation, infant, resemblance, guardian, ward (находящийсяподопекой), propose to (делатьпредложение), be engaged (бытьпомолвленным), wedding, honeymoon, spinster, to be under age (бытьнесовершеннолетним), he is under age yet; origin.

Внешность: appearance, attractive, handsome, hair (fair, dark, gray, red, black, white, blond, chestnut, brown); dress smb’s hair; regular features, little above medium height, a woman of 40; eyes (dark, black, hazel, brown, blue, gray, steel-gray, close-set, wide-set, deep-set, thoughtful, dreamy, kind, warm), nose (small, neat, flat, upturned, snub, straight, aquiline, hooked); cheeks (round, ruddy, plump, hollow) to have dimples in one’s cheeks; forehead (broad, narrow, high, low, large, open); chin (round, double, pointed, protruding, decided, strong, firm, square); shoulders, eye-brows (thin, thick, bushy, penciled, well-marked, arched); eyelashes (short, long, thick, thin, straight, curving); face (pretty, ugly, plain, oval, square, long, round, thin, lovely, charming, wrinkled, freckled; delicate, regular, irregular, small, large, clean-cut); сomplexion (dark, fair, olive, rosy, tanned, pale). ears, upper/lower lip, moustache, beard, neck, chest, a slim waist, elbow, hips, knee, legs (long short, slender); to be bow-legged; foot (feet), hand, arm; skin (delicate, rough, smooth); teeth (long, large, small, even, uneven, perfect); build, figure and bearing (to be tall, short, middle sized, of medium height, tallish, thin, thick, plump, fat, stout, slender, slim, well-made, solidly made, delicately built); erect, stooping, slender, well-trained, graceful, slight, superb figure; gait (heavy, light, limping, swaying); voice (loud, low, soft, harsh, clear, weak), speak in a low voice, Manners (good, polite), have no manners; behavior, Behave yourself!

Характер: kind, brave, courageous, daring (отчаянный), dignified, proud, good-natured, modest, shy, easygoing (беспечный), reasonable (благоразумный), sensible (рассудительный), industrious, hard-working, tactful, demanding, exacting (требовательный), firm, strict, reliable, just, fair, outspoken (откровенный), sincere, trustworthy, trustful, sociable, generous, good-natured (ill-natured), broad-minded, well-read, bright, gifted, diligent (прилежный), conscientious (добросовестный), persistent (упорный), punctual, strong-willed, wise, honest, reserved, disciplined, well-behaved, obedient, pert (дерзкий), insolent (наглый), hypocritical (лицемерный), dull, sullen, silly; a good sport; block-head; slow-coach, bully (задира).

Профессиональнаялексика:organization, client, goods, services, marketing, essential, managerial techniques, structure, management etc. (см. Приложение.Глоссарий).

Образование: education, educated (образованный), experienced, qualified, literate, illiterate, free to all; training; tuition (платазаобучение), institute, university, Academy, teach, study, ability, capacity, have a good command of a language, to fall ( leg, get) behind the group, to catch up with group, to work hard at smth.; to be careless about one’s studies (небрежноотноситьсякучебе);time-table, academic year, vacation, reading-hall, first year student, former student, to be promoted to the next year, graduate, diploma, post – graduate, post-graduate courses, to take post-graduate courses, thesis, lecture-room, department, hostel, philosophy, foreign languages, English, Russian languages, curriculum, entrance exams, to take / to pass an exam, in written form, orally, to give a mark, test, term, vocational training, physical training, to put/ to apply one’s knowledge in practice, ignorance, undergraduate (студент); Bachelor’s degree; Master’s degree; Doctor’s degree; exact sciences (точныенауки), to carry on scientific/ research work; the humanities (гуманитарныенауки), quiz, excellent, good, satisfactory, unsatisfactory, dean’s office, main subjects, theory of Law, allowance (стипендияотгосударстваилиуниверситета), grant (стипендияотчастноголица), scholarship, stipend, to work under the supervision of, to participate, the branch of science (field), to enrich one’s knowledge (mind), on my specialty (помоейспециальности).

Proverbs and sayings

It is never late to learn. Better do than wish done (Лучшесделатьсамому, чемхотеть, чтобысделалкто-то); A stick in time saves nine.

Речевые образцы:

Знакомство. Приветствие. Запрос информации

Greetings: Morning! How are you? Fine, and what about you?

Saying good-buy: I’ll look forward to seeing you next week; Introducing: Have you ever met Mr.Picock?

Answering an introduction: I’m very pleased to meet you;

Asking for information: Could you tell me…, please? I’d like to know…Have you heard about…? I haven’t seen you for ages! Where have you been all this time? Do you happen to know what/where…? (neutral) I should be interested to know…(formal).

Wishing: Keep well! ( Неболей!) Have a happy holiday! Have a good time! Take care! (Берегисебя!)

I wish you a speedy recovery!

Responding to good wishes: The same to you. Thank you. Let’s hope for the best!

Thanking: Thank you for enjoyable evening!Thanks a lot! You have been most helpful. Thank you for

reminding me about it.

Responding to thanks: Thank you for being so kind; Thank you very much. I’ll follow your advice.

Don’t mention it. Not at all.

Congratulating: Many happy returns of the day; Happy birthday to you, Happy New Year! Marry

Christmas! Good luck! My congratulations to you!

Responding to congratulations: The same to you. The pleasure was mine.

Apologies: Excuse my disturbing you/ interrupting/troubling you. I must apologize to you. Excuse my going first. I’ll lead a way; Excuse my bothering you with questions; Sorry, I’ve kept you waiting; I didn’t mean to hurt you; It a slip of the tongue (of the pen); Never mind; Forget it; You needn’t apologize, its my fault; No trouble at all;

Accepting an apology: Never mind; Forget it; You needn’t apologize, its my fault; No trouble at all;

Attracting someone’s attention,starting a conversation with a stranger: Excuse me…Pardon me…

Внешность (A person’s appearance): What does he look like? He is a tall broad-shouldered man, very handsome. Who does he take after? He is the very image of his father. He resembles his mother. How does he look (after his illness, a long journey)? He has put on some weight. He has lost his weight and looks quite young for his age.

Характер.What sort (kind) of man is he? She tries to pass for more than she is worth. (Она пытается сделать вид, что она лучше чем есть).


She is not kind of woman to be on friendly terms with.

He is a man of character.

She has a sense of humor. He easily loses his temper.

I keep control over my feelings.

He is not of forgiving nature (Оннелегкозабываетобиды).

Give me a touch on his character.


- It’s a long time since I saw you last. Where have you been all this time?

- I have just returned from Canada.

- Was it successful?

- I am afraid not.

- Sorry to hear it.
- Good evening, Mr. Black!

- Good evening, Mrs. Cake!

- How is life treating you?

- Life is going its usual way. How are you getting on?

- I am doing fine. Thank you.

- Glad to hear it.
-Your sister is a frank girl

- What makes you think so?

- Oh, she always says what she thinks

- You wouldn’t say so if you knew her as well as I do.
- What sort (kind) of man is he?

- He is very reliable and a good sport. He’ll never let his friend down.

- Hello, Bob!

- Oh, Peter, glad to see you. What are you doing now?

- I’m a student of the Volgograd Academy of Public Administration.

- When did you enter that Academy?

- I entered it in September 2005, after I had finished secondary school.

- Did you pass any entrance examinations?

- Certainly, I did. I had to take examinations in History, Russian language and literature (written and oral) and English.

- Very glad to have met you.

- Hope to see you soon again. Good-bye for the present.

- See you later. Good luck!
Poem to enjoy

From “Leisure” byW.H.Davies (1871-1940)

What is life if, full of care,

We have no time to stand and stare!

No time to see, when woods we pass

Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass.

No time to see in broad daylight,

Streams full of stars, like skis at night.

No time to turn at beauty’s glance,

And watch her feet, how they can dance,

A poor life this is, full of care,

We have no time to stand and stare.
1.Situation (ситуация): You are talking to a new acquaintance. Tell him about your family and ask him about his.

2. Situations (ситуации):

a) Your colleague is to meet a man he has never seen before. Give him a detailed description of the man’s appearance so that he could identify him.

b) You are expecting a scientist from abroad whom you know only by correspondence. Ask your colleague who has met the man before what he looks like, also, what sort of man he is.

3. Keep the conversation going:

    • In my opinion she is a careless and two-faced person.

    • ……………………………………………………….

    • ………………………………………………………

    • Don’t say so. When you get to know her better you’re sure to change your opinion of her.

    • He can be relied on. He always keeps his word and does his duties to the best of his abilities

    • ………………………………………………………..

    • ………………………………………………………….

- Oh, yes. He is the most trustworthy person I’ve ever known.

4. Describe (опишите):

What person may be called charming?

Give your idea of handsome man.

How does a person look after a long illness? (after a long holiday in the country or at the sea-side?

Is the ideal of a woman’s beauty changing or not?

What in your opinion is meant when people speak about “eternal beauty” (вечнойкрасоте) of women? Substantiate your ideas by describing women’s portraits made by great masters of different periods.
5. Answer the following questions:

What makes a student popular with others?

What makes a student unpopular with others?

What traits of character in your opinion do students appreciate in a teacher?

What are your best friend’s most engaging traits?

What’s your opinion of a person who easily changes his views?
6. Prepare a brief report about some characters of the book you’ve reading at the moment.

(П - семестр)

Основные лексические единицы, входящие в тематический Блок 2.

ОбразованиевВеликобритании: Universal compulsory education begins of 5; primary school, Infants (5-7), Juniors (7-11), at the age of 11 – comprehensive school, private/public school, expensive, prestigious, General Certificate of Education (G.C.E.), Ordinary-Levels (O), Advanced Level Exams “A”, college, Reader: a university teacher of a rank immediately below a professor; lecture: a person lower in rank than a reader who gives lectures especially at a college or university; junior, senior students;institutions of further education; syllabus; tutor, don; black gowns; mortar board : flat-toppedstudent’scap; tutorials; grants, degrees; self-education; full-time students; part-time student; vocational training, freshman, sophomore; fresher; The Irish Connoly Movement, Young Socialists of the Labour Party Charter for Young Workers ; Youth Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament National Union of Students

B.A. stands for Bachelor of Art;

Ph.D: Doctor of philosophy (title given to completion of any research, no matter what subject

you study). Successor failure in one subject; irrespective of their ability.

Requests (Просьбы): Will you please; Would you kindly tell me…May I ask you…Allow me to show…May I trouble you for (a match) Do me a favour of answering my question; I want to ask a favour of you. With pleasure. I don’t mind; I have no objection That depends on the circumstances. I have nothing against it. I really know nothing about it. Sorry to disappoint you. Agreement, disagreement, misunderstanding :I quite agree with you;I don’t agree with you here; Right you; That’s right; Looks like that; On the contrary…Not at all. Far from it. I’m not sure. I’ve no idea; I’m afraid you are wrong; Excuse me, but you are mistaken; I’m afraid I don’t know. Are you following me? Did you get me? Did I get you right? I got it. I see; I beg your pardon? It’s like this; As a matter of fact… The matter is that… Speak to the point; It doesn’t make sense; Where we are?
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