Методическое пособие по практике устной и письменной речи английского языка для студентов III-IV курсов отделения романо-германской филологии

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НазваниеМетодическое пособие по практике устной и письменной речи английского языка для студентов III-IV курсов отделения романо-германской филологии
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ТипМетодическое пособие
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art gallery – художественная галерея

exhibit - экспонат

exhibition - выставка

art exhibition – художественная в.

one-man exhibition - персональная в.

permanent exhibition – постоянная в.

special exhibition – специальная в.

travelling exhibition – передвижная в.

exhibition about – в., посвященная

exhibition hall – выставочный зал

exposition - экспозиция

to display - выставлять

to go to an exhibition – пойти на в.

to put on exhibition / stage an exhibition – устроить в.

1) The synonyms for ‘painting are ‘picture’, ‘canvas’.

2) The name of the artist can be used like a common noun to denote a work by him.

A Picasso means a work by him.

3) A ‘scene’ is used in various expressions specifying the subject of the picture: street scene; city scene; country scene: hunting scene; historical scene; battle scene.

Scene is often followed by from ... life.

4) In the context of art landscape generally denotes a picture and not a view depicted there.

5) A piece is used as a general term meaning "work," "picture."

Stone Age art – искусство Каменного Века

Classical Greek - древнегреческий

Byzantine - византийский

Flemish - фламандский

Gothic - готический

the Renaissance period – эпоха Возрождения

the Baroque age – эпоха барокко

the Romantic era – эра Романтизма

the Neo-Classicists – неоклассицисты

the Itinerants - Передвижники

Impressionism - импрессионисты

The Symbolists - символисты

Expressionism - экспрессионизм

Cubism - кубизм

Pop art – поп-арт


Ex 1. Choose the right answer.

1. Mr Cheater made a living works by famous painters.

a) devising b) faking c) pretending d) shamming

2. A sculpture by Rodin fetched more than two million dollars at the ……….. last month.

a) auction b) gallery c) museum d) sale

3. The of Rembrandt's paintings finishes next week.

a) demonstration b) exhibition c) show d) spectacle

4. They thought the painting was genuine but it turned out to be……………… .

a) a facsimile b) an imitation c) a replica d) a reproduction

5. There was no difference between the original and the copy.

a) discernible b) discoverable c) knowable d) understandable

6. Mr Adventurous has taken painting since he retired.

a) down b) in c) over d) up

7. A young art student acted as our ………. when we visited the museum.

a) coach b) conductor c) guide d) lead

8. This self-portrait did not come to ………….until after the artist's death.

a) light b) range c) sight d) view

9. Mr Vernix is the greatest……………….expert on techniques of painting.

a) alive b) live c) living d) nowadays

10. Children and pensioners are admitted to the museum at ……………… prices.

a) decreased b) less c) reduced d) undercharged

11. On examination by experts, the picture turned out to be a …………………. .

a) fabrication b) fake c) fraud d) sham

12. In the ……………….. right-hand corner of the portrait there is a flower.

a) front b) high c) top d) up

13. He is sometimes considered to be an outstanding artist, but I consider his work to be quite………..

a) common b) intermediate c) mediocre d) moderate

14. All visitors are requested to …………………. with the regulations.

a) agree b) assent c) comply d) consent

15. He made some ………………sketches which would serve as guides when he painted the actual landscape.

a) elementary b) introductory c) preliminary d) primary

16. Admission to the gallery is ……………………except on Saturdays and Sundays when a charge of one dollar is made.

a) allowed b) free c) nothing d) paid

17. The paintings are hung in heavy gold ……….. .

a) easels b) frames c) fringes d) rims

18. This beautiful portrait is ……………..to Rubens.

a) assigned b) attached c) attributed d) prescribed

19. He earns his living by works of art.

a) recovering b) renewing c) restoring d) reviving

20. That landscape is somewhat…………….. of Rembrandt's early work.

a) memorable b) mindful c) reminiscent d) similar

21. The portrait you see here is a very good………………… of my mother.

a) appearance b) likeness c) reproduction d) resemblance

22. I would love to go to the exhibition with you, but I'm afraid I can't ……………… .
a) leave b) lose c) save d) spare

23. He said he had never………….. across a painting which pleased him more.

a) come b) happened c) seen d) viewed

24. I made it quite clear that I had no ……………………of selling the portrait.

a) aim b) intention c) meaning d) purpose

Ex. 2. Match the terms on the left with their definitions on the right.

  1. caricature

a) a picture made with a pencil

  1. cartoon

b) a drawing showing the parts of something to explain how it works

  1. collage

c) a drawing showing by a line the connection between two quantities

  1. diagram

d) a rough drawing without many details

  1. drawing

e) a picture to go with the words of a book

  1. fresco

f) a picture in solid black

  1. graph

g) a picture painted in water colour on a surface of fresh wet plaster

  1. illustration

h) woven cloth hanging on a wall, with pictures woven from coloured wool or silk

  1. mural

i) a humorous drawing, often dealing with something of interest in the new and amusing way

  1. silhouette

j) a representation of a person made so that aspects of his or her appearance appear more noticeable than they really are

  1. sketch

k) a picture made by an unusual combination of bits of paper, cloth,

metal, etc.

  1. tapestry

1) a picture painted directly onto the wall

Ex. 3. What is the shape of the following paintings

Ex. 4. Answer the clues.

1 ____________R

2 E

3 M

4_______________________ B

5 R

6______________ A

7 N

8 D

9________________________ T

  1. work of art made by carving in stone or wood (9)

  2. method of carving in which a design stands out from a flat surface (6)

  3. style in art represented by Manet or Renoir (13)

  4. an instrument for painting (5)

  5. to cut eg. words on wood, stone or metal (7)

  6. material used for sculpting (6)

  7. a piece of strong rough cloth used for an oil painting (6)

  8. picture with a view (9)

  9. precious; is used in making jewellery (5)

Ex. 5. Explain the meaning of the following words connected with painting and art in general.
1) Easel, crayon, brush, paintbox; palette, charcoal, water-colour, oil, stretcher, canvas, drapery.

2) Art exhibitions, special exhibitions, permanent exhibitions, one-man exhibitions, travelling exhibitions.

3) Graphic art, sculpture, applied art.

4) Warm colours, cool colours, harsh colours, subdued colours, primary colours.
Ex. 6. Match the words and their definitions :

a) landscape 1) is a picture on a wall or ceiling where a plaster is still wet or damp.

b) seascape 2) is a painting of such unanimated subjects as fruit, flowers and other decorative things.

c) portrait 3) is a painting which represents scenes from every day life in a more or less realistic way.

d) still life 4) is a picture representing a tract of country with the various objects it contains.

e) fresco 5) is painting or other artistic representation of the sea.

f) genre painting 6) is a person who is having his portrait painted.

g) sitter, subject, model 7) is a painting, picture or representation of the person, especially of a face generally drawn from life.

Ex. 7. Put the words in order to make recommending expressions.

1. you’re / OK / it’s / sort / if / into / thing / that / of

2. a / must / it’s

3. recommend / really / I / it

4. you / give / if / were / miss / a / I’d / it / I

5. visit / well / it’s / a / worth

6. entrance / not / it’s / the / fee / worth

7. It’s / my / tea / cup / of / really / not
Ex. 8. Use the words from the box to complete the sentences below.

portrait landscape still life abstract detailed traditional original colourful

  1. I think his work is very individual, very ………………………… . I’ve never seen anything else like it.

  2. I’ve just been to a(n) ………………….. exhibition – it’s something I’ve tried to do myself, but my apples always look like peaches!

  3. We’ve got a(n) …………………. of my great grand-father at home. He was a general in the army.

  4. Renaissance paintings were always very …………………… . You could see all the stiches on the clothes.

  5. His most famous ………………… was a picture of the scenery around his home in Provence.

  6. I don’t actually like modern art. I much prefer more ……………….. things.

  7. I don’t like paintings that are all greys and browns. I like really …………………. things. You know, lots of bright greens and reds and yellows.

  8. I don’t understandd her work at all. It’s just too ………………..for me.

Ex. 9. MUSEUM. Interpret the following phrases.

  1. What about going to the Museum of Oriental Culture (of Fine Arts, the State Hermitage, the Tretyakov Gallery, the Tolstoy House)?

  2. The museum deals with the history of Russia.

  3. The treasures here are valued at millions and millions of roubles.

  4. We were at the exhibition of antiques.

  5. When you look at the antiques gathered there you forget that you live in the twentн-first century.

  6. Much restoration work is being carried out.

  1. Эти замечательные произведения искусства дают яркое представление о высоком уровне мастерства древних.

  2. Древнее ружье имело заржавленный кремневый замок.

  3. Дуло было изъедено вековой ржавчиной.

  4. Пистолет был отделан серебром.

  5. В музее было множество экспонатов, представляющих исторический интерес.

  1. There were robes covered with gold embroidery and starred with gems.

  2. The antique desk was black with age.

  3. These coins come down to us from the time of Peter I.

  4. These breast plates once belonged to the N. tribe.

  1. Если бы мы пошли в Эрмитаж в Санкт-Петербурге, мы могли бы увидеть замечательные коллекции экспонатов, как, например: предметы, сделанные из стекла, кости, камня и железа;

  2. предметы, найденные в местах расположения древних городов;

  3. предметы, найденные в гробницах различных племен;

  4. предметы, найденные при раскопках в различных местах;

  5. старинные монеты;

  6. обломки сосудов греческой работы ... века;

  7. сельскохозяйственные орудия народов, существовавших в древние времена;

  8. предметы из серебра и меди, разукрашенные эмалью;

  9. рукописи, написанные сотни лет назад;

25. медные и серебряные монеты времен денежной реформы Петра I;

26. костюмы давно минувших времен
Ex. 10. Look up and memorize the pronunciation of the names of the following famous artists
Blake, William

Constable, John

Gainsborough, Thomas

Gauguin, Paul

Goya, Francisco Jose de

Hogarth, William

Holbein, Hans

Hopper, John

Leonardo da Vinci

Manet, Edouard

Michelangelo Buonarotti

Monet, Claude

Raeburn, Henry



Renoir, August

Reynolds, Joshua

Riley, Bridget

Romney, George


Turner, Joseph

Van Dyck

Van Gogh

Read and retell the text.

TEXT 1.Painting

It is sometimes possible to see the national character in painters or groups of painters. But the visual language of art travels quickly and easily, and artists are influenced by things they see all over the world. Painters themselves also travel a great deal, and one of the first important periods of English painting was started by a German visitor. Hans Holbein the Younger lived in London between 1527 and 1543, and painted wonderful portraits of the rich and famous around the court of King Henry VIII. He had learned from Italian painters - which shows how international the art world was, even at that time, when travel was slow and difficult. Inspired by Holbein, a school of portrait painters developed in England. The result was that there are many lovely pictures of Queen Elizabeth I and those who surrounded her. One of the most famous of these painters was Nicholas Hilliard, who specialised in miniatures: very small, beautifully coloured paintings.

Another great portrait painter, Joshua Reynolds (1723-92), spent time studying in Italy in the 18th century. Of course, from the viewer's perspective, portraits are a strange art form. As with photographs, why should you be interested if you do not know the person in the picture? But, like that of his contemporaries William Hogarth and Thomas Gainsborough, the quality of Reynolds' painting is enough in itself; the expression in the faces, and the insights into character are fascinating.

One of Reynolds' students was as much a writer and poet as a painter. The mystic William Blake (1757-1827) had extraordinary religious dreams and visions, which he expressed in poetry, drawings and paintings.

Although there have been brilliant British painters, few of them have achieved an international reputation. However, there is at least one notable exception -J.M.W. Turner (1775-1851). His paintings were years ahead of their time. He was working in the first half of the 19th century, but his work seems to look forward to the impressionism of 75 years later. While almost all other paintings of his period were realistic and detailed, Turner's were free, daring and impressionistic. In fact, the genius of Turner was not really appreciated in his own time. Only more recently has he come to be regarded as the greatest of British painters. Much of Turner's work is at the Tate Gallery in London, which is also the best place in the country to see modern art.

The 20th century was an extremely busy and exciting time for British painting. At first the tendency was, as often in the past, to imitate the big names from Europe. The French impressionists had taken the art world by storm, and there was little to do but try to copy them. Then Picasso and Braque came up with something completely new - cubism; again British painters followed.

British art history books are therefore pleased to report that in the middle of the 20th century a new movement actually started in this country. In the 1950s and 60s, Britain was in many ways a very fashionable place: British pop music and clothes were big news all over the world. The visual arts too joined in this successful piece of marketing. Pop art in particular caught the imagination of young people.

This movement dropped almost all previous ideas about painting, and picked up the images of advertising, pop music and cheap everyday objects. The first artists to do this were Richard Hamilton, Eduardo Paolozzi (who is Scottish, in spite of his Italian name) and Peter Blake (who did the famous cover of the Beatles album Sergeant Pepper). In 1957, Hamilton said that pop art should be: "Popular, expendable, low cost, mass produced, young, witty, sexy, glamorous".

The same feeling of confidence, freshness and innovation gave rise to other styles, too. In her accurate, beautifully designed paintings, Bridget Riley made images which created interesting optical effects - and as a result came to be known as op art. One surprise was that at first she used only black and white, a very unusual thing for a painter to do!
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Методическое пособие по практике устной и письменной речи английского языка для студентов III-IV курсов отделения романо-германской филологии iconУчебно-методическое пособие по педагогической (методической) практике...
Учебно-методическое пособие по педагогической (методической) практике, для студентов 4-го и 5-го курсов отделения романо-германской...
Методическое пособие по практике устной и письменной речи английского языка для студентов III-IV курсов отделения романо-германской филологии iconОбластное автономное образовательное учреждение среднего профессионального...
Учебно-методическое пособие по педагогической (методической) практике, для студентов 4-го и 5-го курсов отделения романо-германской...
Методическое пособие по практике устной и письменной речи английского языка для студентов III-IV курсов отделения романо-германской филологии iconПрактикум по грамматике английского языка
Разработчик: Гизатуллина Л. Т. ст преп каф иностр языков отделения романо-германской филологии ифи кфу
Методическое пособие по практике устной и письменной речи английского языка для студентов III-IV курсов отделения романо-германской филологии iconЛекции
Дисциплина «Лексикология» предназначена для студентов III курса факультета романо-германской филологии (VI семестр). Цель курса –...
Методическое пособие по практике устной и письменной речи английского языка для студентов III-IV курсов отделения романо-германской филологии iconМетодические указания обсуждены и утверждены на заседании кафедры...
Методические указания предназначены для студентов 3 курса кафедры романо-германской филологии, факультета филологии и журналистики...
Методическое пособие по практике устной и письменной речи английского языка для студентов III-IV курсов отделения романо-германской филологии iconПрограмма по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах...
Методическое пособие обсуждено и утверждено на заседании кафедры романо-германской филологии факультета филологии и журналистики...
Методическое пособие по практике устной и письменной речи английского языка для студентов III-IV курсов отделения романо-германской филологии iconПрограмма по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах...
Методическое пособие обсуждено и утверждено на заседании кафедры романо-германской филологии факультета филологии и журналистики...
Методическое пособие по практике устной и письменной речи английского языка для студентов III-IV курсов отделения романо-германской филологии iconМетодические указания к изучению курса «История мифологии»
Методическое пособие по практике устной и письменной речи английского языка для студентов III-IV курсов отделения романо-германской филологии iconРазвитие неподготовленной устной и письменной речи учащихся. Пособие...

Методическое пособие по практике устной и письменной речи английского языка для студентов III-IV курсов отделения романо-германской филологии iconСловообразование
Разработчики: ГизатуллинаЛ. Т., ст преп каф иностр яз отделения романо-германской филологии ифи кфу
Методическое пособие по практике устной и письменной речи английского языка для студентов III-IV курсов отделения романо-германской филологии iconДисциплина «обществознание»
Разработчик: Гизатуллина Л. Т. ст преп каф иностр языков отделения романо-германской филологии ифи кфу
Методическое пособие по практике устной и письменной речи английского языка для студентов III-IV курсов отделения романо-германской филологии iconНаука об искусственном
Разработчик: Гизатуллина Л. Т. ст преп каф иностр языков отделения романо-германской филологии ифи кфу
Методическое пособие по практике устной и письменной речи английского языка для студентов III-IV курсов отделения романо-германской филологии iconИнформация и содержание образования
Разработчик: Гизатуллина Л. Т. ст преп каф иностр языков отделения романо-германской филологии ифи кфу
Методическое пособие по практике устной и письменной речи английского языка для студентов III-IV курсов отделения романо-германской филологии iconЯзык как знаковая система
Разработчик: Гизатуллина Л. Т. ст преп каф иностр языков отделения романо-германской филологии ифи кфу
Методическое пособие по практике устной и письменной речи английского языка для студентов III-IV курсов отделения романо-германской филологии iconПоложение о региональном конкурсе на лучшую эмблему
Разработчик: Гизатуллина Л. Т. ст преп каф иностр языков отделения романо-германской филологии ифи кфу
Методическое пособие по практике устной и письменной речи английского языка для студентов III-IV курсов отделения романо-германской филологии iconФеномен «детства» и воспитательная деятельность школы
Разработчик: Гизатуллина Л. Т. ст преп каф иностр языков отделения романо-германской филологии ифи кфу

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