Task Read the definition and write down the word. The first letter is given

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НазваниеTask Read the definition and write down the word. The first letter is given
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Система заданий в соответствии с моделью адаптивного обучения

(на примере темы «Выбор профессий» - уровень Intermediate)

Шабарова Е. П.
Знание лексики является важной составляющей развития коммуникативной компетентности. Процесс изучения лексики достаточно сложен, потому что он предполагает в том числе рутину заучивания большого количества слов. Чтобы добиться наибольшей эффективности, необходимо соблюдать несколько принципов, которые являются основой адаптивного обучения: вариативность, посильная сложность, чередование индивидуальных и групповых форм работы, а также создание ситуации личностной заинтересованности.

Одним из этапов овладения коммуникативной компетентностью является беспереводное общение, которое предполагает умение перефразировать. Задание 1 помогает развить эту сторону лингвистической компетенции. Это упражнение средней сложности, в нём есть подсказки - начальные буквы слов зашифрованных в перефразировании.

Task 1. Read the definition and write down the word. The first letter is given.

1) one of a group of people who work together c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

2) a person who looks after a child while the parents are out b_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

3) a person who offers to do smth without being paid v _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

4) a person who formally requests a job a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

5) a group of people who work for an organisation s _ _ _ _

6) a person travelling regularly a distance between work and home c _ _ _ _ _ _ _

7) money paid by the government to a person who doesn’t wok p _ _ _ _ _ _

8) the period when people have stopped working r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

9) the state of being raised to a higher position p _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Некоторые единицы лексики требуют особого внимания, так как они образуют большое количество слов. Следующие два упражнения могут быть предложены учащимся для тренировки словообразования от глагола employ. Учащиеся выбирают, будут ли они делать одно упражнение или оба в зависимости от скорости собственной работы и особенностей восприятия теории и практики. Задание 2 может показаться сложным для тех, кто предпочитает практические задания теоретическим. Кроме того, оно является более трудным по сравнению с заданием 1, так как в нём нет опор-подсказок. Предложить учащимся выбор очень важно для формирования личностного отношения к учебному процессу и создания атмосферы психологического комфорта.

Task 2. Answer the following questions using the words built from employ in your answers.


Words expected in the answers

1) What does employ mean?
2) How do we call a person who employs other people?

3) Who works for an employer?

4) What do people need to earn their living?

5) What’s the name for the state when people have no job?

6) How do we call people without jobs?

- to have someone work for you and pay them for it

- employer
- employees

- employment

- unemployment
- unemployed

Task 3. Change the form of the word employ to finish up the following sentences.

1) Most people who do not have a job get ________ benefit.

2) The number of ________ in entertainment business has increased.

3) Lots of people were ________ during the recession.

4) We need a reference from your former ________ before we can give you this job.

5) Are you still looking for ________ ?

Задание 4 составлено по тому же принципу, что и задание 3, но в данном случае тренируются разные слова по теме «Выбор профессий».

Task 4. Put the words in BOLD into the correct form to fill in the gaps.

1) Have you got any ________ for the job? QUALIFY

2) If you’re not _______, you won’t succeed. AMBITION

3) He had been ________ until he joined out company. JOB

4) Mr dreams about travelling after his ________. RETIRE

5) Jane is very ________ and she needs my help. EXPERIENCE

6) To make a career you have to be ________ . INITIATE

7) Who do you think is the best ________ for this post? APPLY

8) She didn’t get any job ________ working from nine to five. SATISFY

9) A good ________ from your boss will be very useful. REFER

10) All doctors wear ________. FORM

Сочетаемость - одна из важнейших составляющих лингвистической компетенции. Учащиеся должны понимать за счёт чего слова сочетаются в словосочетаниях, а именно правильно применять артикли, предлоги, правильно применять правило согласования в числе и т.д. Задание 5 помогает проверить себя на понимание сочетаемости. Задание 6 является продолжением задания 5. Его следует выполнять в группах, так как, корректируя друг друга, учащиеся наиболее эффективно научатся правильно использовать изучаемые словосочетания в речи.

Task 5. Match the words from two columns to make up word-combinations on the topic Work.

1) apply

2) a full time

3) earn

4) find

5) develop

6) pay

7) provide

8) application

9) a high

a) skills

b) form

c) job

d) perks

e) wages

f) for a job

g) salary

h) employment

i) money

Task 6. Make up sentences with the word-combinations from task 5. Discuss and correct if necessary your sentences in a group.

В адаптивном обучении особая роль отводится совместным, диалоговым формам работы. Следующее задание направлено на решение двух коммуникативных задач: практика лексической компетенции (предлоги) и речевой продуктивной компетенции в форме учебной дискуссии.

Task 7. Fill in the gaps with suitable prepositions and discuss the following questions in the group.

1) Have you already made a decision ____ your future career?

2) What do you think you are good ____?

3) What would you like to specialise ____?

4) What is the most suitable job ____ you?

5) How do you feel ____ working from nine to five?

6) Would you get tired ____ doing the same job every day?

7) Are you ready to put a lot of effort ____ making a career?

8) Would you like to work ____ a team or do you prefer doing things ____ your own way?

9) Do you have any experience ____ office work?

10) What does success depend ____?

Все вышеперечисленные задания и подход к их выполнению помогают учащимся формировать контрольно-оценочные действия, что упрощает процесс подготовки к текущим и итоговым тестированиям и контрольным работам. Тема «Выбор профессий» входит в раздел 4 учебника Новая Матрица для 9 класса (издательство Oxford University Press). Итоговый тест по данному разделу разработан на основе тех же принципов, что и тренировочные задания 1-7. Тест также включает в себя грамматику, входящую в раздел 4. Тесты такого типа являются отличной проверкой сформированности коммуникативной компетентности и подготовкой к успешной сдаче ГИА и ЕГЭ.

English in Use - TEST

Matrix-9 Unit 4


I Read the following sentences and fill in the gaps with A, B or C
1) We expect an explosion ______ i-phone sales.

A at B by C in

2) The area of new forms of entertainment will ______ .

A expand B grow C soar

3) I can’t rely ______ George, he’s very irresponsible.

A at B for C on

4) You will come up ______ a lot of problems if you decide to move.

A about B against C at

5) There are a lot of vegetables _____ throughout the year.

A available B dramatic C excellent

6) Studying a foreign language _____ a linguistic talent.

A arranges B involves C requires

7) Be careful or you ______ yourself.

A are hurting B are going to hurting C will hurt

8) You should book a table _____ you go to a restaurant.

A after B as soon as C before
II Read the text about robots and fill in each gap with o n e w o r d o n l y!


Robots. What images does that word conjure up (9) ______ your mind? To many people , robots are more the phenomenon of science fiction (10) ______ of real life. Actually, (11) ______ are almost one million industrial robots in service worldwide, and of these almost half exist in Asia. Why is there such (12) ______ demand? Imagine a worker who is always on the job, who never complains, and who can work tirelessly 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Well, industrial robots (13) ______ doing just that.

What is the future of robots? The U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (14) ______ currently developing a “robonaut”, a humanoid capable (15) ______ doing dangerous tasks in space. Bill Gates, a well-known leader of the personal computer revolution, says that definitely “robots (16) ______ play an important role in providing physical assistance and even companionship for the elderly in the future.” The Japanese government envisions a society in 2025 (17) ______ robots coexist with humans and serve as caregivers and perform household chores. By 2050, researchers hope to see an all-robot football team defeat a team of humans. And it is also hoped that within a few decades, machines exceeding human brain power will (18) ______ developed.

III Rewrite the first sentence without changing its meaning. Use the word given. You must use between

t w o and f i v e words including the word given.

19) Margaret has got plans to meet her friend at lunch time.


Margaret _____________ her friend at lunch time.
20) First, Mike will find a new job, then he will rent another flat.


Mike will rent another flat ____________ a new job.

21) New technology will cause a lot of changes in every day life.


New technology ____________ a lot of changes in every day life.
22) Are you capable of taking part in swimming competition?


____________ taking part in swimming competition?
23) They are going to solve a problem how to reduce air pollution.


They are going ____________ how to reduce air pollution.
IV Match words from 24 to 29 with their meanings (a-h). There are two extra letters.

24) opportunity

25) satisfaction

26) complaint

27) increase

28) demand

29) challenge

a) a statement that you are not satisfied with something

b) the desire or need for something among a group of people

c) the need to find a good job

d) a feeling of pleasure and happiness

e) something new and difficult that forces you to make a lot of effort

f) a chance to do something that you would like to do

g) a chance not to make a lot of effort

h) a rise in the number, amount or level of something

V There is a mistake in each of the following sentences. Correct the mistakes.
30) I’m going to be 16 next year.

31) The lesson is going to start at 9 a.m.

32) People will have probably more free time in the future.

33) I look forward to hearing you.

34) Has she got a real talent in music?
VI Put the words in BOLD into the correct form to fill in the gaps so the sentence is grammatically correct.
35) Do you believe that ____________ will be completely replaced by Nan robots? SURGEON

36) His new player doesn’t work ____________ . PROPER

37) You can observe the ___________ of working places in the building industry. GROW

38) ____________ is important if you want to be a designer. CREATE

39) All ___________ jobs are boring. REPEAT

40) The list of the countries I haven’t been to is ____________ . END

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