Awards: 2 Oscars (Best Costume Design, Best Music), Golden Globes (Best Supporting Actress)

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НазваниеAwards: 2 Oscars (Best Costume Design, Best Music), Golden Globes (Best Supporting Actress)
Дата публикации23.02.2015
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ТипДокументы > Биология > Документы
Viva Lingua KinoClub

“The Great Gatsby"

Year: 1974

Country: US

Director: Jack Clayton

Stars: Robert RedfordMia FarrowBruce Dern

Awards: 2 Oscars (Best Costume Design, Best Music), Golden Globes (Best Supporting Actress)

Tagline: "Gone is the romance that was so divine."


It was by chance that I decided to spend the summer on that slender, riotous island that juts out into the Long Island Sound, 20 miles due east of New York. = small; ведущий разгульный образ жизни; вдаваться; пролив Лонг-Айленд

I lived at West Egg on the less fashionable side of the courtesy bay. – West Egg is the Great Neck (мыс), and East Egg is the Cow Neck. These two peninsulas are separated from each other by Manhasset Bay. Manhasset Bay, like most bays along the north shore of Long Island, is not large, being only a little more than three miles long at its greatest extent, and only about one mile wide at its widest point. It thus may be called a bay by courtesy: that is, it is called a "bay" by a generous allowance or indulgence, despite any facts which may argue to the contrary.

Jordan, this is my second cousin once removed, Nick Carraway. – first cousins have the same grandparents; second cousins have the same great-grandparents; fifth cousins have the same great-great-great-great-grandparents (first cousin once removed is your father's cousin or your cousin's son; first cousin twice removed is the grandchild of a first cousin or great grand children of an aunt or uncle)

Do they miss me? :: The whole town is desolate. = gloomy

There's a persistent wail all night. – вой, рыдания

You didn't mean to, but that's what I get for marrying a brute of a man. A great big hulking brute of a man. :: I hate that word "hulking". – букв. животное; неуклюжий

The white race will be utterly submerged. – букв. погружаться в воду

You see, we're Nordics. – представитель нордической расы

I would want no more privileged glimpses into the human heart. – беглый взгляд

Only my neighbour, Gatsby, would be exempt from my reaction. Gatsby, who represented everything for which I have an unaffected scorn. исключать, освобождать; неподдельная насмешка

In his enchanted gardens, men and girls came and went like moths. – волшебный; моль

About half way between the two Eggs and New York, the motor road hastily joins the rail road and runs beside it a short distance, presided over by the eyes of Doctor T J Eckleburg, set there by some wild wag of an oculist to fatten his practice in Queens. – букв. торопливо; под руководством, наблюдением; шутник

That dog's not exactly a police dog, he's more of an Airedale. – эрдельтерьер (порода собак)

Look at that coat. Some coat! – зд. шубка (животного); an impressive or remarkable

He had on a dress suit and patent leather shoes. – фрак; лакированные туфли

Don't ever call me clumsy! – неуклюжий, растяпа

I woke up out of the ether with an utterly abandoned feeling, and I asked the nurse if it was a boy or a girl. She told me it was a girl. And so I turned away my head and wept. "All right," I said. "I'm glad it's a girl, and I hope she'll be a little fool." That's the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool. – эфир

Having a little heart-to-heart with Nick? – разговор по душам

Your cousin Daisy has a craving for you, but I'm going to borrow you for tonight. – an intense desire

How do you do, old sport? I'm Gatsby. – устар. старина, дружище

"Major Jay Gatsby, for valour extraordinary." – отвага, героизм

I see you're looking at my cuff button. Finest specimen of human molars. – запонка; коренной зуб

All these clippings about me! – газетные вырезки

I remember one on the porch, waiting in darkness so complete I couldn't see his face. – крыльцо, веранда

I would wear the same gown I wore when you were my favourite beau. – устар. поклонник

We'd dance right here in the great hall of this preposterous house of yours! – противоречащий здравому смыслу, экстравагантный

Traitor! – предатель

Jordan will chaperone. = accompany you

Tell me, who is this Gatsby fellow? Some big bootlegger? – торговец контрабандными спиртными напитками

Don't be morbid! Life starts again when things get crisp in the fall. – нездоровый, склонный к меланхолии; свежий, бодрящий

She's got an indiscreet voice. – букв. бестактный

I just got wised up to something funny the last few days. – проинформировать, поставить в известность

I love New York on summer afternoons when everyone's away. There's something sensuous about it, a little ripe, as if all sorts of funny fruits are going to fall into your hands. – чувственный, букв. спелый

You make it worse by crabbing about it. – придираться, ворчать

I want to know what kind of row you're trying to cause. – скандал, шумная ссора

People begin by sneering at family life, and family institutions, and before you know it, we'll have intermarriage between black and white! – насмехаться, пренебрегать

I also have been known to go on a spree and make a fool of myself. – кутить

Tell him you never loved him and it will all be wiped out. Forever! – букв. свести на нет, закончить

Certainly not for a swindler who'd have to steal a ring to put on her finger. – мошенник

I'm not so dumb I don't know what's right from what's wrong. = stupid

Wreck. = car accident

She's got a dog leash with diamonds on it. – поводок

He tried to make me look like a sharper. = swindler

Go away? Now? :: Just till it all blows over. пока все не утихнет

They're a rotten crowd. You're worth the whole damn bunch put together. – прогнивший, безнравственный

We need instructions from someone. Can't find any next of kin. :: There's a very strict ordinance. – ближайший родственник; закон, предписание

Schedule of Resolves: One... Practise elocution, poise, and how to attain it. – букв. резолюция, красноречие, уравновешенность

I'm too squeamish for the East. :: Is that why you threw me over? – щепетильный, брезгливый; отказаться, бросить

Gatsby had it coming to him. – заслужить то, что случилось; напраиваться, заработать

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