The theme: What manners do you follow?

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НазваниеThe theme: What manners do you follow?
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ТипДокументы > Философия > Документы
The theme: What manners do you follow?

(8 класс)
Цель: формировать навыки разговорной и письменной речи.

Задачи: 1. развивать умение выражать свою мысль,

2. обобщать и сравнивать материал,

3. работать в паре.
Ход урока:

  1. Организационный момент: So, guys, I’m very glad to see you today. Let’s begin our lesson. Good morning. Sit down.

  2. Фонетическая зарядка: And now you should look at the blackboard and repeat after me:



Shake hands

Take shoes off

Wait patiently

Keep distance

Jump the queue

Bump into a person

  1. Знакомство с целью урока: And now I’ll tell you what we are going to do today. Today we’ll learn how Englishmen behave in different situations. We’ll read some information and make up little dialogues. But first of all, open your books at page 88. Here you can see exercise 4. Natasha, read the task, please.

Natasha: “Sometimes Great Britain is called a strange island because some customs and manners differ from those accepted in other countries. Do you think it is strange to have different customs and manners?”

Thank you, Natasha. Let’s try to answer the question. Danil, do you think it is strange?

Danil: “Yes, I think it is”.

  1. Разговорная речь: (задание 4 стр. 88)

And now look at the pictures and say what’s unusual or usual for Britain. But first you should look at the sentences in a red frame at page 89. Let’s read and translate them. Ekaterina, will you?

Ekaterina: “The British usually… – Британцы обычно…, The British never… – Британцы никогда…, The British don’t ... – Британцы не…, Sometimes the British can… – Иногда британцы могут…”

Very nice. I give you 4 minutes to read the sentences and make up your own ones, using the patterns in a frame, which Ekaterina read.

And now let’s check it up. Artyom, will you?

Artyom: “The British usually queue in a line waiting for a bus. The British never jump the queue waiting for a bus.”

Very nice. And Stas, will you?

Stas: “The British never bump into another person. The British usually shake hands each time they meet their friend”.

  1. Activity Book: unit 3, ex. 15.

And now you should take your Activity books. Open the page 45. Look at the exercise № 15. Grisha, read the task, please.

Grisha: “A friend is going to Britain for the first time. He is not sure about the following things. Explain some social rules. Use the words from the box”.

Thank you, Grisha.

I give you 5 minutes to make this exercise. OK. Are you ready? Let’s check it up. Alek and Lena, will you?

Alek: “Do they smoke in the underground?”

Lena: “No, it’s not allowed to smoke in the underground”.

Sasha and Danil, will you?

Sasha: “Do they ask a permission to leave the table after a meal?”

Danil: “Yes, it’s polite to ask a permission to leave the table after a meal.”

Well done.

  1. Обобщение материала (ex. 3 p. 89)

And now look at the blackboard. Here you can see a table. Read it very attentively.

(Таблица на доске)

Usual for Russia

Unusual for Russia

Men shake hands when they meet friends

Russians greet each other once a day

Meeting your friends during he day you can smile or nod

Take off your shoes entering someone’s house

Be patient waiting for a service

Queue in a line waiting for a bus
Shake hands each time

Jump the queue waiting for service
Keep the distance talking to a person
Bump into another person

And now let’s try to read it aloud and remake sentences using our patterns. Nastya, please, begin.

Nastya: “The Russians greet each other once a day. The Russians don’t bump into another person”.

Very nice. And Artyom?

Artyom: “The Russians are patient waiting for a service. The Russians do not keep the distance talking to a person”.

Thank you very much.

  1. Разговорная речь: (задание 5 (2), стр. 89)

You know, the British are well-mannered people, aren’t they? But some older people, and not only in Britain, think that today young people are bad-mannered. What manners do you consider to be good or bad? Try to use sentences from exercise № 4 and a red frame from ex. 5.2)

Misha, What do you think?

Misha: “It’s good to take off your shoes entering someone’s house”.

And, Nastya, what do you think?

Nastya: “It’s bad to bump into another person”.

Well done, guys!

  1. задание 8 стр. 90

And now let’s read the task of exercise 8. Natasha, will you?

Natasha: “Can you explain the proverb “When in Rome, do as the Romans do”. What does it mean? Find the Russian equivalent of the proverb”.

Thank you, Natasha. So, let’s try to translate the proverb. Sasha, will you?

Sasha: “Находясь в Риме, поступай как римляне”.

Thank you, Sasha. And what is he equivalent of the proverb?

Pupils: ‘Со своим уставом в чужой монастырь не ходят’.

Well, that’s all for today. What have we learnt this lesson?

Pupils: “This lesson we discussed good and bad kinds of behaving in different situations and learnt the differences between Russian and British manners”.

Very good. And now let’s write down our home-task. AB, page 47, ex. 17. You should write a list of things your family doesn’t like.

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