Theme: “The ring crosses the sea”

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Theme: “The ring crosses the sea”

Цели и задачи урока:

1. Тренировать у учащихся правильную артикуляцию и владение речевой интонацией.

2. Продолжить совершенствование навыков работы с текстом.

3. Обратить внимание учащихся на различие в употреблении времён Past Indefinite Tense и Past Perfect Tense.

Оборудование: таблицы с грамматическим материалом, иллюстрирующие употребление и образование времён past indefinite и past perfect.

Фонетический материал: Vikings, to raid, to sarve, merciless, sail, Englaland, Bjorn, Olaf.

Лексический материал: handsome, to miss somebody, to check the nets, colorful sail, horizon, to be not worse, to be excited, battle, to bring somebody luck, to belong.

Xод урока

I. Приветствие и организационный момент начала урока

Teacher: good afternoon, pupils. Today we'll speak about the old times again. did you read the text at home again? Ok. We begin our lesson.

II. Фонетическая зарядка снова проводится по упражнению 1 на стр. 185 в учебнике, а также по словам и выражениям из текста (смотрите выше лексический материал).

1. Read and check your answers.

a Viking [‘vaikin] — викинг

Bjorn [bjorn] - Бьерн

Olaf [olof] — Oлаф

a sail парус

to raid совершать набеги

to starve [sta:v] — умирать от голода

merciless ['m3:siles] — беспощадный

Englaland ['englaland] — страна Англов

The Vikings — викинги начали нападать на Aнглию в конце VIII века. Oни грабили и убивали мирных жителей, сжигали монастыри.

King Alfred the Great Kороль Альфред Bеликий — единственный король Aнглии, удостоившийся титула Bеликий. он с переменным успехом сражался с викингами и в итоге достиг с ними договоренности. Bикинги стали селиться на территории Aнглии, мирно соседствуя с англичанами. Kоролю Aльфреду также принадлежит заслуга создания английского флота.

III. Речевая зарядка проводится по упражнению 4 на стр. 188 в учебнике. Учащиеся выполняют задание упражнения: «Match the parts of the text and the pictures».

1. Try to answer the questions about England in the 9th century.

1. Основным населением Британских островов были

а) англосаксы * g:\картинки к конкурсу\anglo-saxons4.jpg

b) кельты

с) римляне

2. На Англию нападали

а) кельты

b) викинги *

с) англосаксы

3. Викинги изначально жили в

а) Шотландии

b) Германии

с) Скандинавии *

4. Скандинавскими странами считаются

а) Дания и Норвегия

b) Финляндия

с) Норвегия и Швеция

d) все вышеперечисленные страны *

5. Основным занятием викингов было

а) земледелие

b) рыболовство

c) грабежи и набеги *

6. Англосаксы

а) воевали с захватчиками

b) заключали с ними соглашения

с) и то и другое *

3. The ring crosses the sea (text).

1. Bjorn lived in a little village in Norway. He lived with his mother and little brothers and sisters. Bjorn's lather Olaf was always away at sea. Olaf was a real Viking: handsome, strong and merciless. Bjorn loved his father but he didn't miss him. Viking men didn't spend much time with their families; they went to sea and raided other countries. They always came home with a lot of gold and silver. Vikings were the kings of the sea; their ships were big and fast.

Bjorn was eleven but he was big for his age and helped his mother with everything. He hated cooking, cleaning and washing, but fishing was all right.

This morning his mother wanted some fish so Bjorn was checking his nets in the see when he suddenly saw a dragon's head and then a huge colourful sail on the horizon. They he saw more dragon's heads and more sails. Bjorn jumped with joy. They were Viking ships. His father and the fathers of all his friends were coming back home from sea.

"They are coming! They are coming!" Bjorn shouted and ran to the village.

2. And soon the men left their ships and came to the village. Everybody was happy. But Bjorn noticed something. This time the Vikings came home very quickly and didn't bringmuch gold or silver with them. That was strange, but Bjorn couldn't ask anybody about it.

Next evening Bjorn was playing in a tree when he saw his father and mother, they were talking. Bjorn heard every word.

"Look, Olga, I have a present for you. We burnt a monastery in the land of Picts and Scots, killed the people and I got this ring," his father said.

"I don't need the stupid ring!" his mother shouted, "Give it to Bjorn, he'll like it. I need gold for the family. do you remember you have a family here, laf?"

"Yes, i do," Bjorn's father said. "I'm doing my best."

"No, you aren't. Why did you come back so early? Where is the gold? Why did you go to the poor land of the Scots. why didn't you go to Englaland?"

"Don't be angry, Olga. Everything is different this time. Alfred, the new king of Englaland, is strong and wise. he can read and write and he can think. He built a lot of ships and they are not worse than the Viking ships. He beat us at sea. What a shame! and then he gave us some gold, but we had to promise something."

"What did you promise?"

"We promised to leave Englaland forever and never raid and kill there." "You, idiot! do you remember your promises to me? These were your words:

we'll leave this cold, dark country, Olga. We'll move to Englaland. it's nice and warm, and there is a lot of good land'. my sister lives there, your aunt lives there with her family. they raid the english and take everything from them because the english are weak."

"we can always go to englaland and live there, but now it's different: we cannot kill the english and take their gold. we must be good neighbours - not enemies.

we have promised!"

"i don't want to know. i am tired of this country. there is no land, no food and in winter we don't see the sun for three months! buti don't want to starve in englaland, because you have made your stupid promise. you must go back to englaland and beat king alfred."

that evening his father came to bjorn and gave him a present — a ring. bjorn liked the ring — it was big and beautiful and had snakes on. the ring became his favourite thing. "this is my lucky ring," bjorn said to the boys in the village.

3. five months later the vikings were getting on their ships again. they had broken their promise to king alfred. this time bjorn and all his family were on the ship with his father. they were going to englaland.

bjorn saw the english land on a gloomy spring morning in 873. the land didn't look nice and friendly. suddenlybjorn heard the voices "be careful! be careful!" he looked at the sea and saw the ships. they weren't viking ships, but they were also good and fast, and there were four of them. thevikings attacked. bjorn was very excited: it was a real battle. thevikings burnt the first ship, and the second and the third. now there was only one english ship left. bjorn looked at his family. they were dancing with joy.

at that moment his favourite ring fell off his finger. bjorn ran along the ship. he didn't want to lose his treasure. he picked it up and raised his head. he saw a horrible thing: the soldiers from the last english ship had killed all his family.

4. in an hour everything was over. thevikings had burnt the last english ship and had come to the english shore.

when they left the ship, bjorn sat down and cried. he was in englaland, but

he didn’t make him happy. it was the worst day of his life. a huge viking, his

father’sfriend, came up to him. "why are you crying boy?" he asked. "people

always die in battles. it isn't important."

and what is important?" bjorn shouted.

it is important to win and we won,” the man answered.

now you can live in englaland with us or with your aunt or with your father's aunt. you can choose.”

bjorn thought about the idea and suddenly he understood "i can't stay here," he said quietly. "this is not my land. this is the land of the english. they will protect it and one day they will beat you. i want to live in my country, in norway? at that moment bjorn looked at the ring on his finger. the ring had saved his life. “and this ring didn't bring me any luck. it belongs to englaland. let it stay here ! " with these words bjorn threw the ring to the ground and went back to ships. he was going home.

III. Речевая зарядка проводится по упражнению 4 на стр. 188 в учебнике. Учащиеся выполняют задание упражнения: «Match the parts of the text and the pictures».

4. Match the parts of the text and the pictures. Найдите соответствие между частями текста и рисунками.

1.- с, 2.- d, 3.- а, 4.- ba description... The Vikings — викинги начали нападать на Aнглию в конце VIII века. Oни грабили и убивали мирных жителей, сжигали монастыри.

King Alfred the Great Kороль Альфред Bеликий — единственный король Aнглии, удостоившийся титула Bеликий. он с переменным успехом сражался с викингами и в итоге достиг с ними договоренности. Bикинги стали селиться на территории Aнглии, мирно соседствуя с англичанами. Kоролю Aльфреду также принадлежит заслуга создания английского флота.

5. Match the sentences with the translations.

1. Five months later the Vikings were getting on their ships again. They had broken their promise to King Alfred.

с) Пять месяцев спустя викинги вновь садились на свои корабли. Oни

нарушили свое обещание королю Aльфреду.

2. He saw a horrible thing: the soldiers from the last English ship had killed all his family.

d) Oн увидел ужасную картину: солдаты с последнего английского корабля убили всю его семью.

3. In an hour everything was over. The Vikings had burnt the last English ship and had come to the English shore.

а) Через час все было кончено. Викинги сожгли последний английский

корабль и высадились на английский берег.

4. At that moment Bjorn looked at the ring on his finger. The ring had saved his life.

b) В этот момент Бьёрн посмотрел на кольцо на своем пальце. Кольцо

спасло ему жизнь.

Посмотрите на предложения упр. 5 еще раз все предложения описывают действия в прошлом, но некоторые события произошли раньше других. Например: в этот момент Бъерн посмотрел на кольцо на своем пальце. Кольцо спасло ему жизнь.

Вопрос: Что произошло раньше: Бьерн посмотрел на кольцо

или кольцо спасло ему жизнь?

Ответ: Раньше —- кольцо спасло ему жизнь.

6. Заполните таблицу предложениями из упр. 5.



Аt that moment Bjorn looked at the ring on his finger.

Five months later the Vikings were getting on their ships again.

He saw a horrible thing.

In an hour everything was over.

The ring had saved his life.

They had broken their promise to king Alfred.

The soldiers from the last English ship had killed all his family.

The Vikings had burnt the last English ship and had come to the English shore.

Попытайтесь догадаться, как выражается в английском языке прошедшее время: какую одежду надевают глаголы и какой помощник с ними работает.свои догадки вы можете проверить на следующем уроке.

7. Сhoose the right answer:

1) Bjorn lived in:

a) Norway *

b) Denmark

c) England

2) Vikings called England:

a) Englaland *

b) Scotland

c) India

3) Englaland means:

a) the land of Indians

b) the land of Angles *

c) the long island.

4) The Vikings were the kings of the sea because:

a) they had gold and silver

b) they had good ships *

c) they were strong

5) The Vikings were scared of king Alfred because

a) Alfred was a friend of the wizard merlin

b) Alfred built ships *

c) Alfred was very kind.

6) The Viking women wanted to live in Englaland because:

a) the English climate was nicer *

b) there was a lot of silver and gold there

c) they wanted to see a new country

8. Make questions for these answers. Задайте вопросы так, чтобы данные предложения были ответами.

1. His name was Bjorn.

- What was the boy's name?

2. He lived in Norway.

- Where did he live?

3. One morning he saw his father's ship.

- What did he see one day?

4. His father raided Englaland.

- What did his father do?

5. His mother was angry because she wanted to live in Englaland.

- Why was his mother angry?

6. Bjorn's father gave him a ring.

- What did Bjorn's father give him?

7. The Vikings went to Englaland in spring.

- When did the Vikings go to England?

8. The English killed Bjorn's family.

- What did the English do with Bjorn's family?

9. Bjorn wanted to go back to his homeland.

- What did Bjorn want to do?

9. Answer the questions. support your answers with the information from

The text. Oтветьте на вопросы. Докажите правильность ответов, используя слова героев рассказа.

1). How did Bjorn's father get the ring? — He killed some people and got the ring. "We burnt a monastery in the land of Picts and Scots, killed the people and I got this ring," Bjorn's father said.

2). Did the ring make Bjorn happy? Why? — No, it didn't, because he lost his family. "And this ring didn't bring me any luck. It belongs to England. Let it stay here!" With these words Bjorn threw the ring to the ground and went back to the ships. He was going home.

3). Did Bjorn want to stay in England? — No, he didn't.

"I can't stay here," he said quietly. "This is not my land."

4). Why did he say in the end, "I want to live in Norway." — Because that was his homeland. "This is the land of the English. They will protect it and one day they will beat you. I want to live in my country, in Norway."

10. What was the climate in Norway like? Write 5-7 sentences. Use the plan.

the days

the nights

the wind

the sun



the land


Kакой климат был в Hорвегии? Hапишите 5-7 предложений.

Bоспользуйтесь планом.

The climate in Norway was very severe. The days were short and the nights were long. a cold wind often blew. The people there didn't see the son for three months. Summers were short and winters were long. There was little food because the land didn't bring much harvest.

11. Answer the question and find the third key to the treasure.

What made (что делало) the Vikings the kings of the sea?

Oтветьте, что делало викингов владыками морей?

- ships.

12. Homework.

There are some mistakes in Jim's essay (сочинение). Correct them.

В сочинении Джима есть ошибки. Исправьте их.

The Vikings came from Finland. It is a warm country. The land there was very good, so the Vikings were very good farmers. Some Vikings were soldiers. They raided England, killed people and took their gold. The Vikings came to England by horses. Their horses were very good. King Arthur was very clever. He built ships and fought with the Vikings. Finally, he beat them and the Vikings became good neighbours.

*The Vikings came from Norway. It is a cold dark country. The land there was very poor, so the Vikings weren’t very good farmers, but they were good fishermen. Some Vikings were soldiers. They raided England, killed people and took their gold. The Vikings came to England by ships. Their ships were very good. King Alfred was very clever. He built ships and fought with the Vikings. Finally, he beat them and the Vikings promised not to raid England again.

7. Домашнее задание

8. Подведение итого вурока. Выставление оценок.

Тeacher: It is high time to finish the lesson. so, have a nice day goodbye!

4. Проверка домашнего задания

Тeacher: work in chain. I'll listen to you and check your answer.

5. Выполнение упражнения 2 на стр. 185 в учебнике, проверяющего чтение текста.далее учащиеся по очереди читают отрывок зa отрывком текст. Предложения для перевода из разных отрывков текста учитель выбирает самостоятельно.

Theme: The ring crosses the sea

Цели и задачи урока:

1. Тренировать у учащихся правильную артикуляцию и владение речевой интонацией.

2. Продолжить совершенствование навыков работы с текстом.

3. Обратить внимание учащихся на различие в употреблении времён Past Indefinite Tense и Past Perfect Tense.

Оборудование: таблицы с грамматическим материалом, иллюстрирующие употребление и образование времён past indefinite и past perfect.

Фонетический материал: Vikings, to raid, to sarve, merciless, sail, Englaland, Bjorn, Olaf.

Лексический материал: handsome, to miss somebody, to check the nets, colorful sail, horizon, to be not worse, to be excited, battle, to bring somebody luck, to belong.

Xод урока

I. Приветствие и организационный момент начала урока

Teacher: good afternoon, pupils. Today we'll speak about the old times again. did you read the text at home again? Ok. We begin our lesson.

II. Фонетическая зарядка снова проводится по упражнению 1 на стр. 185 в учебнике, а также по словам и выражениям из текста (смотрите выше лексический материал).

1. Read and check your answers.

a Viking [‘vaikin] — викинг

Bjorn [bjorn] - Бьерн

Olaf [olof] — Oлаф

a sail парус

to raid совершать набеги

to starve [sta:v] — умирать от голода

merciless ['m3:siles] — беспощадный

Englaland ['englaland] — страна Англов

III. Речевая зарядка проводится по упражнению 4 на стр. 188 в учебнике. Учащиеся выполняют задание упражнения: «Match the parts of the text and the pictures».

IV. Oзнакомление учащихся с информацией из рубрики «English in focus». Далее выполнение упражнения 5 на стр. 189 в учебнике.

V. Pассмотрение вместе с учащимися рубрики «Ask Mr. Нelp» на стр. 189 в учебнике.Учащиеся, анализируя предложения из упражнения 5 на стр. 189 в учебнике, определяют различные случаи употребления времён Рast Indefinite Tense и Past Perfect Tense. (Более подробно грамматический материал времени Рast Perfect Tense будет рассматриваться в следующем уроке.)

6. Bыполнение упражнений 6, 7, 8, 9 на стр. 190, 191 в учебнике.

7. Hаписание словарного диктанта.

достаточно «экономичный» по времени способ проведения этой работы уже был описан.при подготовке учащиеся используют лексический минимум из рубрики «how many new words do you know?» в словарный диктант учитель может добавить несколько самостоятельно составленных тестовых заданий, контролирующих степень сформированное навыков правописания. Эти задания могут быть, например, следующими:

1) cheerl - - ding 2) ag--l

a) еа а) оа

b) ее b) ои

c) ie с) ое

8. Домашнее задание.

Teacher: please review the material of unit 8 and get ready for the test.

9. Подведение итогов урока. Выставление оценок.

Teacher: Thank you for your attention. The lesson is over. Goodbye!

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