Разработка урока в 6 классе по теме «Внешность»

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Источник: газета «Англiйська мова та лiтература», город Харьков

Какие мы? Разработка урока в 6 классе по теме «Внешность»
Основной метод: проектная технология.

Тип урока: обобщение и закрепление знаний по теме.

Задание ученикам: создать портрет 6 класса.

Цель урока: создать комфортные условия для совершенствования употребления грамматических и лексических разговорных структур; развития всех видов речевой деятельности с помощью проектной технологии; закрепления лексического материала по теме; воспитывать межличностные отношения.

Этапы урока:

  1. Организационный момент.

  2. Постановка заданий.

  3. Выполнение заданий проекта.

  4. Практическое закрепление знаний по теме:

  • аудирование текста;

  • презентация разговорного материала;

  • текст для чтения.

  1. Подведение итогов урока. Выставление оценок.

  2. Домашнее задание.

Teacher. Good morning! Sit down. Today we have a final lesson on the topic “What are you like?” We’ll know more information about your teachers, your classmates, their appearance, character, hobbies and interests. Your home task was to do projects “Our Teachers” and “Our Class”. You were divided into two groups. The first group was to find the information about your teachers, the second about our classmates. Let’s begin to present the general information.

Каждый учащийся представляет свой творческий проект и вывешивает его на доске вокруг фотографии класса, таким образом, составляя портрет 6 класса.
Pupil 1. There are 24 pupils in our class: 11 boys and 13 girls. 1 student has got only excellent marks. He is Anokhin Mike.
Pupil 2. Fifteen pupils of our class are with dark hair and nine with fair hair.

All pupils in our class have got only straight hair. Hair style is from short to long. Nobody has got wavy or curly hair.

  1. 15

Pupil 3. The pupils of our class have got eyes of different colours: 6 students have got blue eyes. There are 13 pupils with brown eyes, 3 with grey eyes ad 2 with green eyes.
Pupil 4. The height of the students is from 133 to the165. Look at the blackboard.
The shortest boy is Nikita.

The shortest girl is Vika.

The tallest boy is Vlad.

The tallest girl is Tanya.
165 Vlad 150 Katya

Tanya Ruslan

163 Anya Sasha

Alyosha 149 Nikita

Toma Pasha

Denis 147 Olya

160 Albina 145 Vika

Yulya 144 Seva

Dima Vera

154 Natasha 143 Yana

Stas 135 Oleg

153 Marina 133 Lena
Interesting information. Yulya’s height is as tall as Dima’s. 6 pupils in our class are of the same height.

Teacher. Now, we know that students in your class are different. They are attractive and good-looking. But what are they like? What do the star signs say? There are 12 star signs. But pupils of your class belong to only 11. There are no Leoes in your class. The most pupils of your class are Scorpioes, Aquqriuses, Libras, Capricorns and Pisces. What do the astrologers say about people who belong to these signs?
Каждый ученик демонстрирует свой творческий проект и вешает его на «Карте звездного неба», образуя астрологический портрет 6 класса.
Pupil 5. Three pupils in our class are Capricorns. They were born from the 22nd of December to the 20th of January.

People are serious and sociable, but shy. They work a lot, have got a lot of friends, and want to have a good job. Katya, Alyosha and Dima are real Capricons. It’s absolutely.

Pupil 6. Three pupils in our class are Aquariuses. They were born from the 21st of January o the 19th of February.

People are friendly and cheerful, they have a lot of brilliant and crazy ideas; like to be different. In my opinion Toma, Vika and Vlad are the best Aquariuses in our class.

Pupil 7. Five pupils in our class are Scorpioes. They were born from the 24th of October to the 22nd of November.

People are clever and brave, but not very honest. They always get what they want. They are good friends. I agree that Tanya, Denis, Albina and Oleg look like that.

Pupil 8. Three pupils in our class are Libras. They were born from the 24th of September to the 22nd of October.

People are friendly, energetic or lazy, but pleasant. Clothes are important to them. They like dancing. I suppose Lena, Yana and Nikita look the same.

Pupil 9. Three pupils in our class are Pisces. They were born from the 20th of February to the 20th of March.

People are quiet, a bit lazy. They like helping other people. They are good at art. To my mind Seva, Vera, Pasha look like that.

Pupil 10. I want to tell you some words about my classmate. Guess, please her name? She is a good student. She is good at English. I think she is clever. She always does her homework. Our English teacher likes her. We spend a lot of time together at school. And she is very helpful, sociable, has a lot of ideas. I can trust her. She is honest. Everybody likes her. What is her name?

Teacher. Ask Vika some questions about this girl, please.
Ученики задают вопросы, и, получив дополнительную информацию о внешности одноклассницы, догадываются, кто это.
Pupil 11. And I want to tell you some words about my classmate too. He is not the tallest boy in our class. He isn’t good at all school subject, but is favourite subject is Physical Training. He is Pisces. He was born on the 9th of March. He is a bit lazy, but quiet. He lies helping his friends. What is his name?

Teacher. Ask Tanya some questions about this boy, please.
Ученики задают вопросы, и, получив дополнительную информацию о чертах характера одноклассника, догадываются, кто это.
Teacher. I think it’s important to look great. People should take care of their appearance and worry about how they look. There are many Russian proverbs about that.

«По внешности человека не судят»

«Не все золото, что блестит»

«О вкусах не спорят»

«По одежде встречают, а по уму провожают»

Look at the blackboard. I’ll read these proverbs in English, find their Russian equivalents.

“Appearances are deceptive”.

“All is not gold that glitters”.

“Tastes differ”

“Clothes make the man”

Teacher. And now, let’s listen to the song “Looking good”. But first I want you to look at the blackboard. There are some new words in it.

in a hurry – спешить

forgot to comb – забыл причесаться

wrinkled – помятый, сморщенный

holes – дырки

toes – пальцы ног
Listening Comprehension


I got dressed in a hurry

I forgot to comb my hair

People who see me

Think that I don’t care.

I wear a wrinkled shirt and dirty clothes.

I’ve got holes in my shoes;

You can see my toes.

No, no, no, that’s no way to be.

If you’re not looking good, you’re not feeling free!

Looking good, looking good, looking good,

You know everybody should be

Looking good, looking good, looking good.

Did you understand this song? There are 2 different pictures on the blackboard, but only one is about the boy from the song. Listen to it again and write the number of the picture in your test list. Now, your time is up. Put your papers aside.

Picture № 1_________

Picture № 2__________

Name ___________________


Teacher. And I, your English teacher, have collected the information about your teachers. Look at the blackboard and answer my questions. Ten good specialists, 1 man and 9 women, teach you different subjects at school.

На доске висит творческий проект «Портрет учителей нашего класса»

How many teachers have got dark hair?

And how many teachers have got fair hair?

What colour are their eyes?

How many teachers have got green eyes?

Who is the tallest teacher?

And who is the shortest teacher?

Who is of the same height?

Teacher. Last year, when you were in the 5th form, with the help of your form-master Svetlana Vladimirovna, you collected the information about your teachers’ hobbies and interests. What are they? Who wants to describe your favourite teacher?

Pupil 12. My favourite teacher is Svetlana Vladimirovna. She is our form-master. She is good-looking and pretty. Her hair is fair and short, her eyes are brown, her face is oval, her nose is straight. She teaches us Russian. Her lessons are very interesting. Her favourite film is “Sluzhebnyi roman”. Her hobbies are traveling and reading. Her favourite dish is pies. We love her.

Pupil 13. And my favourite teacher is Galina Stepanovna. She is our Physical Training teacher. She is beautiful. Her hair is dark and short. Her eyes are big and brown. We like her lessons very much. Her hobby is swimming. Her favourite dish is shashlyk.

Pupil 14. My favourite teacher is Yulia Olegovna. She is a teacher of Mathematics. She is a beautiful woman. Her eyes are grey. Her hair is dark and long. She is tall and thin. She is very attractive. Her hobby is knitting and her favourite dish is varenyky. We like her lessons.

Teacher. Many interesting and good teachers give knowledge to you. Now take your reading test lists. There are 3 texts about Dmitry Petrovich, Svetlana Vladimirovna and Irina Vitalyevna. Read the texts and write down the number of the text near the teacher’s name. You have 4 minutes.
Reading Comprehension


She is good-looking. Her hair is fair, her eyes are brown. She is small. She likes books. Her favourite writer is Pushkin. She teaches us 2 subjects.


She is very serious. Her hair is short and dark. Her face is oval. Her nose is straight.


He is a teacher. He works at our school. He is handsome. He is tall. We like his lessons. They are very interesting and helpful.

  • Dmitry Petrovich

  • Svetlana Vladimirovna

  • Irina Vitalyevna

Учащиеся выполняют задание.
Teacher. Our lesson is over. Thank you for taking an active part in it. Your projects were very interesting and useful. It was a great pleasure to listen to you. You deserve a lot of praise for your answer. Good for you. Thank you for helping us. Many students have got excellent marks today. Take your daybooks and write down your home task for the next English lesson (ex. 1, p. 47 – read and translate into Russian). Good-bye.

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