Моу сош №18 Имени Героя Советского Союза Э. Д. Потапова. Учитель английского языка Григорьева О. Н. Мичуринск Тема

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МОУ СОШ № 18

Имени Героя Советского Союза Э.Д.Потапова.

Учитель английского языка Григорьева О. Н.



«Appetite comes with eating»



-ввести и закрепить лексический материал в речи

-научить работать с проектами, компьютером.

-расширить лексический запас и сформировать навык чтения ,

письма и использования в речи лексических единиц по теме;


-Развитие навыков диалогической и монологической речи, чтения и письма.

-развивать умение работать в сотрудничестве и самостоятельно.

-формировать устойчивую мотивацию иноязычной деятельности;


-расширить кругозор учащихся в области изучения английских традиций


Компьютер, колонки, мультимедийная тематическая презентация, проекты, тематический текст, карточки с тестами

Ход урока

  1. Оргмомент.

Good morning, kids! Sit down, please! I am glad to see you!

-We are glad to see you! (slide1)

Today we will speak about our favourite food and healthy food and food from different countries. So the theme of our lesson is “Appetite comes with eating”

That’s why my first question for you is… Do you like cooking?

-Yes, I do.

What is your favourite dish?

As for me, I like cooking! My favourite dish is…I don’t tell you! Because I want you to guess what my favourite dish is. My favourite dish consists of flour, eggs, milk and sugar. I mix them up and put on a pan to fry. It has a round form. I like eating it with tea and jam. What is it? (pancakes)

Slide № 2-4

And now I want you to tell us about your favourite food.

  1. Phonetic practice

But, First of all, let’s repeat the products we have already known. These products we can find on the internet site ”language guide” which helps us to remember all our products. Work one by one. Tell me what it is?

(Loaf of bread, flour, rice, noodles, pasta)

(чтение слов по интернет-странице и прослушивание произношения slide 4)

  1. Checking the homework.

You are in the 6th form. And you should make projects for your lessons. You must know how to use your computers in your studying. You may paint, make reports and different presentations with computer’s help. So today you had to prepare your own projects on the topic “My favourite food” Let’s check your homework.

-работа с проектами учеников (slide 5)

Ask your questions about his projects.

Is it easy to cook?

Do you often cook it?

Is it suitable for juice or hot tea?

Can I have it with soup(…)?

Is this your favourite dish?

4. Reading

a) What do you like cooking? (I like cooking omelet ….)

Do you know what your parents’ favourite food is? (my parents’ favourite dish is …)

(обращясь к другому ученику) And what about your parents? (My parents like to eat …)

You know, different people like different food and dishes. Some people like fruit and vegetables. Some people like fast food for example: hot-dogs, sandwiches, hamburgers. And I think it partly depends on nationalities. For example, Russian people like to cook and eat such dishes as borsch, pancakes, pelmeni. And these are our national dishes. But English people also have their favourite and national dishes. Do you know what dishes in Great Britain are favourite? So let’s open our books, page 132 and read exercise 30.

Ex 30

I have task for you. I will call Russian words from this text and you will find English equivalents in the text.


-печенье и булочки с изюмом

-пирожное и булочки

- время для сладостей

-перемена в школе

- Рождество и Пасха

-особые дни

-даже больше сладостей (slide 6)

Good for you.

b) And now let’s do Ex 34 and speak about English sandwiches and English tea.

Answer my questions (slide 7)

What do a lot of people in England eat for their lunch?

Where can you buy different sorts of sandwiches?

Does each sandwich have four thin slices of bread or not?

Lots of foreigners like English sandwiches, don’t they?

Do foreigners like English tea? Why?

c) You know, tea-time is a tradition in England. The British people like to drink a lot of tea. They have a special tea-time between lunch and dinner. This tea-time is called five o’clock tea. The five o’clock tea is a famous English tradition. As a rule, the whole family gathers at home for the 5 o’clock tea.

They drink tea with milk, sugar, biscuits, lemon. Do you like to drink tea with lemon? Do you know that in England tea with lemon is called Russian tea?.


What meals do you know? (slide 8)

(breakfast, dinner, lunch, supper)

Do you know what it is brunch? don’t you? Let’s read the text about it!

Take the sheets of paper with text which you can see on your table.


On weekend, when nobody has to leave home for work and everybody is at home, the whole family has the special meal together instead of breakfast and lunch. This meal we call brunch. For our brunch we have the same food as on weekdays: sandwiches with cheese or sausage or with peanut butter, scrambled eggs or hard-boiled eggs with bacon, cup of tea with toast and jam or marmalade. Also we like cereal for brunch. Because mum says cereal is very healthy food. But my favourite food for brunch is pancakes, which we eat with butter or sour cream, with jam or honey. I like our brunch just because of we are together! (slide 8-10)

Read the Guide to Healthy Meals and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). (slide 12)

The whole family has the special meal on weekdays.

It is false.

This meal they call brunch.

It is true.

For brunch they have the same food as on weekedays.

It is true.

They also like soup for their brunch.

It is false.

Mum says Cereal isn’t healthy food.

Their favourite food for brunch is pancakes with sour cream, jam, marmalade.

It is true

They like brunch because they are together

It is true

5. Тест (5 мин)

And now I want to check you up. Take your sheet of paper and do this test.(slide 13)

Complete the sentences

The British have…

  • a) sweet tooth b) blue tooth c) salt tooth

The British like eating sweet things like…

  • a) fish, meat. b) pies, jams, biscuits and buns. c) cheese, bread, rice.

For the British, any time is …

  • a) a holiday b) eat-a-sweet time c) a weekend

There are a lot of sandwich shops in London where you can buy

a) pens b) plates c) all sorts of sandwiches.

Some foreigners don’t like English tea because…

  • a) they like coffee b) English tea is very strong c) they don’t want to drink.

Brunch is…

  • a) instead of breakfast and lunch b) dinner c) late supper

We must eat cereal because…

  • a) nobody eats it b) it is tasty c) cereal is healthy food.

6. Развитие навыков речи.

When people talk about food they say either a fact or an opinion.  A fact states something that is true about food, and an opinion is what someone thinks about food.  Read the examples below. (slide 14-15)

Read the statements below and tell whether they are facts or opinions.

1. Cucumber is my favourite vegetable. (This is an opinion)

2. Bread is made from flour. (This is a fact)

3. Fruit and vegetables are healthy. (This is a fact)

4. Carrots taste better than tomatoes. (This is an opinion)

5. I like chips. (This is an opinion)

6. Pork is meat from a pig. (This is a fact)

7. Milk is good for health. (This is a fact)

8. Chocolate milk is tasty. (This is an opinion)

9. Strawberries taste so good. (This is an opinion)

10. Sweet things are not good for our teeth. (This is a fact)

And now make your own statements about a true or an opinion.

So let’s check your answers up.

6.Итоги урока

Our lesson is coming to an end. We have read and spoken much about Food today. And now I want to give you advice. Don’t forget.(slide 16)

  • 1. Too little food makes you thin.

  • 2. Too much food makes you fat.

  • 3. The wrong food makes you ill.

  • 4. The right food makes you well.

  • 5. Too many sweets are bad for you especially for your teeth.

Do you agree with me?

I like your answers. Your marks are…Exercise 36 page 134 is your homework. Give me your diaries and I put your marks in them. We’ll speak about Food at the next lesson. Thank you for the lesson and good-bye.

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