Английский язык Преподаватель Гулиашвили Галина Александровна Конспекты занятий по темам III курс Тема №1: «Олимпийские игры»

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Английский язык

Преподаватель Гулиашвили Галина Александровна

Конспекты занятий по темам

III курс

Тема № 1: «Олимпийские игры»

  1. Беседа об истории Олимпийских игр

A Brief History of the Olympic Games

When it began

According to historic records, the first Olympic Games were held in 776 B.C. in Ofympia, Greece. By 676 B.C. / the. Games included Greeks from every corner of the Greek world. The Games were-held every four years in honour of the king of the gods, Zeus. It is reported that there was only one eyeiif in the very earliest Olympiad: the 200-yard sprint.

Please explain the meaning of the sentence, «The'Games were held in honour of Zeus.»

The events

Soon, other events were added, including boxing, wrestling, the pankrathion(a match that com-bined boxing and wrestling), the discus throw, the javelin throw, and the long jump. By the 25th Olympiad, the four-horse chariot race was added. The chariot races were very popular. Teams of two or four horses would race 12 laps around a track. Twelve chariots could participate. Sometimes there were collisions! Horse races were added later.

Please explain the meaning of the sentence, "Soon other events were added."

A time-line of the Olympic Games

For 1000 year s the Games were at regular intervals of four years. Special messengers were sent out in every direction to announce the beginning of the Games and to signal an end of all disputes and wars until after the Games, The modern Olympic Games are still held every fourth year, but were interrupted in 1916, 1940 and 1944 by World Wars.

Please explain the meaning of the sentence, "The Olympic Games are held every fourth year."

When the Greeks were conquered by the Romans in the second century B.C. a decline of the Games began, In A.0. 393, the Byzantine Emperor Theodosius I banned the Games. Thirty-three years later, Emperor Theodosius ordered the total destruction of Olympia's temples. In 1875 archaeologists rediscovered the city.

Please explain the meaning of the sentence, "The Emperor banned the Games."

In 1984 Baron Pierre de Coubertin wrote a letter to the athletic organizations of every country. In his letter he described the educational value of sports to modern man based on Greek/ Two years later the first modern Olympic Games took place.

Do you think there is educational value to sport? Please explain why or why not.

In the modern Olympic Games the athletes march in a parade for the opening of the Games. Before the parade, a torch is lighted. The flame for the torch comes from the site of Olympia. There it is lighted from the sun s rays and carried by relays of runners to the city where the Games are being held.

Please explain the meaning of the sentence «The flame for the torch comes from the site of Olympia.”

Russia joined the Olympic Games in 1952.Since then Russia has won many gold, silver and bronze medals. In 1980 Moscow hosted the twenty-second Olympic Games.

  1. Лексические единицы


  1. integral part - неотъемлемая часть

  2. means - средство

  3. to foster - питать, способствовать

  4. to compete - соревноваться, состязаться

  5. wreath - венок .

6. public figure - общественный деятель

7. to propose a motion - вносить предложение

8. to revive - возобновлять

9.event - вид ( состязяния )

10.amateur -любитель
11. mptto - девиз

  1. team - команда

  2. perfomance - выполнение

  3. achievement - достижение

  4. to win, won, won - побеждать, завоевывать (победу)

  5. Greco-Roman wresling - греко-римская борьба

  6. to hold, held, held - проводить (соревнования)

  7. competition - соревнований

  8. addition - добавление, дополнение

  9. louge - луж, тоббоган для одного человека

  10. B.C. (before Christ) - до нашей эры

  11. A.D. (anno Domini) - лат. - кашей эры

3.1. Герундий

Герундий (The Gerund)

В английском языке есть неличная форма глагола, оканчивающаяся которой нет в русском языке. Эта ing-форма называется the Gerund Герундию присущи черты как глагола, так и существительного.

Черты существительного

1. Герундий употребляется в роли подлежащего или дополнения:

Reading is useful. Чтение полезно.

I like reading. Я люблю читать.

2. Герундий может иметь при себе определение, выраженное притяжательным
местоимением или существительным:

We were pleased with Alec's coming. Мы были довольны, что пришел Алик

(приходом Алика).

3. В роли определения или обстоятельства герундий всегда употребляется
с предлогом:

I don't like his way of doing it. Мне не нравится, как он это делает.

Черты глагола

1. Герундий определяется наречием:

I like your speaking English so fast. Мне нравится, что вы так быстро

говорите по-английски.

2. Герундий может иметь при себе прямое дополнение:

She likes reading French books. Она любит читать французские книги.

Как видно из предыдущих примеров, герундий переводится на русский язык существительным, глаголом в неопределенной форме или придаточным предложением.

3.2.Отглагольное существительное

От герундия в форме Indefinite следует отличать отглагольное существительное (Verbal Noun), которое также оканчивается на -ing. Отглагольное существительное обладает только свойствами существительного и, в отличие от герундия, употребляется с артиклем, может иметь форму множественного числа и может определяться прилагательным:

Не took part in the sittings oi Он принял участие в заседа-

the committee. ниях комитета,

I was awakened by their loud Я был разбужен их громким

talking, разговором.

Не обладая глагольными свойствами, отглагольное существительное, в отличие от герундия, не имеет форм времени и не выражает залога. В отличие от герундия, после отглагольных существительных не может стоять прямое дополнение:

They started the loading of the Они приступили к погрузке

ship. судна.

(Сравните предложение с герундием: They started loading the ship.)

4.Лексико- грамматические упражнения

Exercise 1. Read and translate the following international words:

sport, integral, civilization, activity, modem, effective, cooperation, nation, sportsman, history, athlete, prize, olive, tradition, emperor, to organize, non-professional, personal, individual, medal, committee, programme, special, figure, basic, initiator, bobsleigh.

Exercise 2. Form verbs of the following nouns and translate them into Russian:

skating, competition, meeting, supporter, representative, performance, achievement, organization, discussion, beginning, winner, revival

Exercise 3. Give four forms of the following verbs: to begin, to make, to take, to hold, to win, to bring.

5.Тексты для чтения со словарем


Sport is an integral part of our modern civilization, and its importance grows rapidly,
it is not only an almost every day activity of the common people but also an effective
means fostering friendship,, understanding and co-operation among different nations
through peaceful competition. Olympic Games are the best means of cooperation between
the sportsmen of different countries.

The Olympics have a very big history.) They began in 776 B.C. and took place every four years for nearly 1,200 years at Olympia in Greece. Only Greek athletes were allowed to compete in the Games: women were not allowed neither to take part nor even to watch the Games. The prizes for the winners were wreaths made of branches of olive trees. In 394 A.D. the games were stopped by Roman Emperor Theodosius.

At the end of the XIX century a French public figure Pierre de Coubertin : -reposed a 1 motion to revive' the tradition of the Olympic Games. He managed to organize a meeting of the supporters of the Games,

On the 23d of June 1894 in Paris the representatives of 12 countries, including Russia, unanimously adopted the devision to revive Olympic Games.

The first International Olympic Games were held at Athens in 1896. From then and until present time Olympic Games have been international, the number of athletes taking part and the number of events of the programme have increased. In these games only amateurs or non-professional athletes can take part 'The mottor of the Olympics «Citius, Altius, Fortius» puts the emphasis on personal not team perfomance and achievement. Officially there are Individual and team victors, but not victor countries.

For the-first time Russian athletes took part in the Olympics in 1908 .and the team including only 5 sportsmen won three medals: the gold medal was won by N. Panin-Kolomenkjn (figure skating) and two Oliver medals were won by N. Orlov and Petrov'
(Greco-Roman wrestling).

The athletes of the former Soviet Union" first took part in the "XV Olympic games in 1952 after the National Olympic Committee was organized in 1951

In the begining the Olympic programme included only summer sports. Winter sports were brought into the Olympic Programme 'through the organization of special Winter Games first held in France at Chamonix in 1924 'with competition in ice hockey, speed-skating, figure skating, and skiing.

These are the basic events of the winter programme with the addition of bobsleigh (in
1932), luge (in 1964) and ice dancing (1976 )




Five rings or circles represent five continents: Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and North and South America. Their true-Concept, is the sporting friendship of all peoples of the earth. .,


The motto of the Olympic Games is "Citius, Altius, Fortius", which mean Faster,


The most important thing in the Olympics is not to win but to take part


"In the name of ail competitors I promise, that we will take part in the Olympic Games, respecting and abiding by the rules which govern them, in the true spirit of sportsmanship, for the glory of sport and the honour of our teams.

For the first time the Olympic Oath rang out at the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in the Belgian city of Antwerp (1920). The idea of reviving the ancient tradition Was Pierre de Coubertin's.


The Olympic Flag, a white silk square with five intersecting rings embroidered on it in blue yellow, black, green and red, was raised for the first time at the Games opening ceremony in Antwerp (1920).

The idea is simple: the five rings represented the five cpntinents, the six colours
(including the white background) represent the national colours of all countries, without


From 1896 the medal (gold, silver and bronze) became the. sole official Olympic award. At the first Games in 1896 sportsmen contested medals m 12 events. At the Games the mean competed in disciplines and the women in.

The title of Olympic champion is the only sporting title that is awarded for life. The prefix "ex" cannot be added to a sportsman's name. Every four years new names of Victors appear m the Eternal Book of Olympic history to continue the list begun by the great sportsmen in 1896.

And in this list more than 800 sportsmen from our country occupy their rightful place among the athletes from different countries of the world.

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Английский язык Преподаватель Гулиашвили Галина Александровна Конспекты занятий по темам III курс Тема №1: «Олимпийские игры» iconУрок по теме «Олимпийские игры»
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