The press release of World Forum of Spiritual Culture Astan, Kazakhstan October 18-20, 2010

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Information from:Rosa Dalmiglio –DELEGATE by WORLD FORUM

The press release of

World Forum of Spiritual Culture

Astan, Kazakhstan October 18-20, 2010
Every nation must make all that is the best in it, into its national endowment. The noble spirit is the nation’s treasury. Nation’s endowment is its readiness to overcome the narrow, private interests and invite the rest of the world to participate in the celebration of spiritual culture.”

Rabindranath Tagore

Indian writer,

Humanist, teacher, and a public figure
Ladies and Gentlemen!

We invite you to participate in the work of the World Forum of Spiritual Culture that will take place in the capital of Kazakhstan Republic, city of Astana from October 18 to 20 of 2010.

An International Organizational Committee under the patronage of the president of Kazakhstan Republic Nursultan Nazarbaev and the direct support of the government leaders and country’s parliament has been formed for the purpose of Forum preparation. Organizational Committee consists of three headquarters: Central coordinating headquarter in Astan, Russian headquarters in Moscow, and European headquarters in Vienna.

The Organizational Committee is headed by the three co-chairmen: Tolegen Muhamedzhanov, Kazakhstan Republic Deputy Senator of Parliament, Iosif Kobzon, Deputy of Russian Duma, and Wilhelm Augustat, the president of European Association “World through culture”. Forum is supported by famous cultural leaders, community and political figures, and scientists from all around the world. Among them are: famous poet Olzhas Suleimanov, writer and journalist Genrih Borovik, rector of Moscow State University, academician V.A. Sadovnichiy, world-famous pediatrician L.M. Roshal, renowned scientist Jose Argüelles (Australia), the author of newest direction in an innovational noosphere economy, Belorussian academician P.G. Nikitenko, Deputy of Legislative Assembly State of New York, Alec Brook-Krasny, world-renowned writer, world-renowned traveler Fedor Konukhov, Assistant Chairman of International Informational-Ecological parliament of European Council, V.B. Beloborodov and other representatives form more than 50 countries of the world.

The World Forum of Spiritual Culture is supported by many popular organizations:

International Association “World through Culture”;

International Public Foundation “Congregation of Spiritual Harmony”;

International community of writer’s unions;

Noosphere Spiritual-Ecological World Assembly;

The Assembly of Kazakhstan nations;

The Assembly of Russian nations;

Islamic organization for education, science and culture;

International Association of UNESCO “The ways of Great Human Migrations”;

Humanitarian and Political Science Center “Strategy”, Moscow;

Russian-American Cultural fund (New York, USA);

The Institute of Ethics in Politics and Economy (Austria);

Law of Time Foundation (New Zealand, Australia, USA);

Приглашены к участию в ВФДК

Габриэль Гарсия Маркес (Мексика) - писатель,Общественный деятель;
Пауло Коэльо (Бразилия) – Писатель;
ФедерикоМайор Сарагоса (Испания) – испанский ученый, политик, общественный, деятель, писатель, поэт, генеральный директор ЮНЕСКО в 1987-1999 годах;
Абдульазиз бин Осман аль-Твейджри – генеральный директор ISESCO;
Дэн Девидсон (США) – президент Американских Советов по международному образованию;
Глазунов Илья Сергеевич - народный художник СССР,академик Российской академии художеств,лауреат Государственной премии РФ; 
Распутин Валентин Григорьевич – писатель, Герой Социалистического  Труда, лауреат Государственных премий СССР и РФ;
Горбачев Михаил Сергеевич – лауреат Нобелевской премии, политик, общественный деятель.
Нирмал Сури - главный маршал авиации, общественный деятель, один из духовных лидеров Индии.
Шри Анандамайя Ма (Индия) – общественный деятель 
Темирканов Юрий Хатуевич – дирижер, народный артист СССР, лауреат Государственных премий СССР и РФ;
Гергиев  Валерий Абисалович – дирижер, народный артист России, лауреат Государственных премий РФ;
Михалков Никита Сергеевич – кинорежиссер, народный артист СССР, обладатель премии «Оскар»;
Сулейменов Олжас Омарович - (Казахстан, Франция), поэт, представитель Казахстана в ЮНЕСКО;
Спиваков Влади́мир Теодо́рович – Народный артист России,  посол Доброй воли ЮНЕСКО;
Любомир Левчев (Болгария) - Писатель Общественный деятель;
Дзюнсэй Тэрасава (Япония-Индия) - Инициатор и учредитель Фонда Пагоды Мира
Моисей Комский (Израиль) - Автор Храма Согласия всех религий на Храмовой горе в Иерусалиме;
Камилев Саид Хайбулович - Генеральный директор Исеско  (Исламская Организация по образованию,науке и культуре);
Кобзон Иосиф Давыдович (Россия, Москва) - народный артист СССР, заместитель председателя Государственной Думы РФ;
Примаков Евгений Максимович - Президент Торгово-промышленной палаты РФ;
Алфёров Жорес Иванович - Лауреат Нобелевской премии, Академик РАН;
Аксенов Владимир Викторович (Россия) - летчик-космонавт СССР, дважды герой Советского Союза, Первый Вице-президент Международной Академии наук, информации и информационной технологии, Руководитель организации «Духовное движение России»;
Митрополит Тульский и Белявский Алексий;
Мирзаев С.Б. – муфтий Чеченской Республики.
Боровик Генрих Аверьянович (Россия, Москва) - известный писатель, журналист, руководитель благотворительного фонда имени Артема Боровика;
Абдулатипов Рамазан Гаджимуратович (Россия, Москва) - ректор Московского государственного университета культуры и искусств

Поляков Юрий Михайлович - писатель, главный редактор «Литературной газеты»;
Рошаль Леонид Михайлович (Россия, Москва) - директор НИИ неотложной детской хирургии и травматологии, член Совета при  Президенте Российской Федерации по содействию развитию институтов гражданского общества и правам человека, Председатель Комиссии Общественной палаты по вопросам здравоохранения;
Сагалаев Эдуард Михайлович (Россия, Москва) - президент Национальной ассоциации телерадиовещателей, член Общественной палаты РФ;
Садовничий Виктор Антонович (Россия, Москва) - ректор Московского государственного университета  им. Ломоносова, президент Российского союза ректоров;
Тягунов Александр Александрович - заместитель председателя Комитета по Культуре Государственной Думы РФ;
Казначеев Влаиль Петрович (Россия) ученый, эколог-глобалист общественный деятель академик;
Гречко Георгий Михайлович (Россия) - летчик-космонавт СССР;

Ирина Бокова (Франция) - генеральный директор ЮНЕСКО;

Хосе Аргуэльес (Новая Зеландия) - Действительный член Ноосферной Духовно-Экологической Ассамблеи Мира, доктор философии, истории, искусствоведения, известный исследователь древней цивилизации Майя, Президент международного фонда Закона времени, профессор Чикагского университета, автор десятков научно-художественных монографий, в том числе мирового бестселлера «Фактор Майя. Внетехнологический путь»;
Стефания Саус (Австралия) - вице-президент фонда «Закона времени», соавтор Хосе Аргуэльеса в изданиях концептуальных положений перехода биосферы в ноосферу;
Вандир Касагранде (Испания, Бразилия) - известный лидер международного Духовного движения, организатор и Президент Второго планетарного конгресса по правам биосферы, соорганизатор Первого Всемирного Ноосферного Форума народов Земли, автор Обращения о мире к правительствам мира;
П.Г.Никитенко (Беларусь) - Академик Национальной  Академии Наук Беларуси, доктор экономических наук, профессор, участник мировых экономических форумов, автор проекта ноосферной экономики.

The main goal of (WFSC):

To lay a foundation to a real inclination in today’s civilization toward the Common Good and tolerant humanity. Besides that, the goal of one of the Forum’s sections is to discuss and accept the project of NOOSPHERIC ETHICAL ECOLOGICAL CONSTITUTION FOR MANKIND (Noo - Constitution), that has been developed in order of strategic initiative by the scientific union of 50 countries (it was registered as the intellectual property of Russia); to accept the declaration and the program “To the world through spiritual culture”, to address the following issues: “The overcoming of poverty”, “The role of mass media in Campaign “To World through culture”, “About monitoring of social health”, and other documents.
Main task:

To summarize results of the research and practical use of innovational (noospheric) technologies in the cultural aspects of life, spiritual health of society, education, science, technology, and sports. To show a realistic way-out for civilization from the global systematic critical condition.

Conceptual Notice of

World Forum of Spiritual Culture

(Astana, Kazakhstan, October 18-20, 2010)
We are going through not just a crisis but a colossal turning-point of human thought that happens only once in a millennium”

V.I. Vernadsky
The world is standing on the threshold of the Great changes. An inevitability of these changes is dictated by common crisis in all fields of Life and first of all in moral values. Today the egoism rules over the entire nations and governments. Each structure tries to live at a cost of stability of their neighbor which inevitably results in wars and armored conflicts. The unfair and unequal spread of material resources is causing terrorism, crime, theft and other malformations of society.

“We will not be able to provide the planetary security in a socially unjust world,” declared the president of Brazil and the chairman of UN Conference F. Collo De Mello. The massive despoliation of world’s natural resources, ecological problems, hostility between nations, earthliness, associated with capitalizations of relationships, in which the profit always rules, all of that leads the humanity to a major crisis.

The degradation of society has turned to terrifying scales. Many public and religious advocates believe that the civilization is approaching its end predicted by Jesus Christ over 2000 years ago. The old culture of brutality had entirely worked itself out.

For the first time ever the Noospheric Civilization Development Project with the scheme of scientifically controlled world order and the Noospheric Ethical - Ecological Constitution for Mankind as its legal groundwork was presented at the Global Civil Forum of Earth Summit in Johannesburg in 2002. As the eminent Citizen of the Planet Mr. Jose Argüelles PHD, the founder of Planet Art Network and the Foundation for the Law of Time declared at the press conference in Moscow this document defines the vector of civilization’s development and may become a major document in the third millennium.

In his book “The thoughts of the future, the manuscripts from the desk” that has already became a bibliographic rarity the famous Russian academician Vlail Kaznacheev had noted that the NOOSPHERIC ETHICAL - ECOLOGICAL CONSTITUTION FOR MANKIND is a legal document that declares the union between the spiritual and moral volume of the entire world community. It gives a chance to nations, parliaments, governments, and confessions to rejoin in its common goals and participate in the creative development process of constitution’s main clauses.

I would like to draw your attention to the very meaning of the term NOOSPHERE which is not always being applied correctly at present and it is being understood in a different way by various social circles. Thus, on learning Russian cosmists’ scriptures and analyzing the outstanding scientist of the modern world Vlail Petrovich Kaznacheyev’ works we come to the conclusion that the term NOOSPHERE as in an accepted interpretation has got considerable drawbacks and it is even wrong in its essence.

For instance, academician Kaznacheyev V.P. is writing in his works: “If so many facts are to be considered and N.K. Kozyrev’s Hypothesis is to be accepted, N.I.Kobozev’s ideas are to be integrated, one can think that Cosmos Intellect is present constantly and we are its private manifestation. It is independent of the mankind civilization. On the contrary our civilization is dependent on this Intellect. I would like to remind you about V.V.Nalimov’s works who was writing that there was a semantic vacuum… and its holographic nature… Most probably the meaning of the NOOSPHERE is being expanded into the meaning of Infinite Cosmos…” It is the analysis of the scientists-noospherologists’ works that leads us to a modern revised meaning of the term NOOSPHERE preserving its former scientific quality characteristics and attributes.
Thus, NOOSPHERE is a Universal Semantic /Cognitive/ Consciousness Field.

For us the most significant development in this context has been the report of President Miguel D'Escoto Brockmann at the 63rd Session of the United Nations General Assembly in July 2009, which was full of semantic use of terminologies such as "NOOSPHERE" and "living planet earth", which had been until then legally and officially unrecognized. A large number of international organizations expressed their appreciation stating that they had realized "the ice had started melting" and that now also those who hold the power at a global level had become aware of the importance of the spiritual and ethical development of society. This view is fairly interrelated with the use of scientific and esoteric knowledge regarding the planet and the process of globalization being directed towards the field of noosphere.
In the third millennium the spiritual culture must become a major vector of further human progressive ascendance. Only the Spiritual Culture is able to lighten the way into the future and give adequate responses to the rampant demands of times. Only the culture at the base of politics is able to make this politics into an active evolutionary power that will be both just and efficient. The way to the resolution of future human problems lies in the synthesis of these two spheres. This future appears not as a technical or a scientific problem but as the ethical one.

Nevertheless, today’s Spiritual Culture hasn’t yet gained a foothold in the state of a highest value of human civilization.

The World Forum of Spiritual Culture is summoned for making drastic changes in the situation, as well as laying a foundation for a cultural ascendance to the pedestal of its highest value.

The concept of Forum conduction was developed at the international scientific and practical conferences that took place in Astan in October of 2006 and October 2007. At that time the Forum’s idea was completely formulated and had gained its concrete realistic content.

The Conference’s participants had addressed their colleagues all over the world with a call that came from the heart: let us rise above everything that separates us, let us confront the dictatorship of military arms, the brutality and intolerance, the assertion of egotistic interests and goals with the powers of Beauty and Knowledge, Trust and Goodwill, Tolerance and Love.

The president of Kazakhstan, N.A. Nazarbayev had supported the idea of Forum. He agreed to conduct the Forum in October of 2010 in Astana. The capital of Kazakhstan had already given the world many significant spiritual foundations and initiatives. Today the world communities had proposed to make Astana the Spiritual capital of the world.

At the conference an Organizational Committee for the preparation and holding of the World Forum of Spiritual Culture was formed.

All those who share our views, intentions and feelings that guided us in the development of a concept for the Forum are invited to become participants in a collective brainstorming on the hottest problems of modern world. We invite you to make your own contribution into a Great Synthesis of spiritual steams and help us in forming a New Knowledge that would open new horizons of human evolutionary development.

The conduction of a World Forum of Spiritual Culture may become the beginning of a real inclination in today’s civilization toward the Common Good and tolerant humanity.

The World Forum of Spiritual Culture with the participation of mass media from different countries is called for a wide illumination of scientific, social and religious proposals to promote the exiting of the civilization from the global crisis.
Liubov Gordina

President Noosphere Spiritual-Ecological World Assembly

Член Международного комитета WFSC
Preliminary program of the Forum*


  1. Spiritual culture: modern reading, ways to intensify the influences on the civilized development.

  1. Power and conscience” The ways of turning politics into government ethics. Spiritual culture and mass media

  2. Youth and Education in the third millennium.

  1. The leaders of confession – interaction and collaboration to promote the rising of Spiritual Culture. Spiritual Culture – synthesis of spirituality – religious and social.

  1. Global Strategic initiative of the World Civil Society: NOOSPHERIC ETHICAL - ECOLOGICAL CONSTITUTION FOR MANKING

  1. Ways of consolidation of world’s civilized society.

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