К. А. Голота Разработка по домашнему чтению для студентов II курса факультета мэо по произведению

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НазваниеК. А. Голота Разработка по домашнему чтению для студентов II курса факультета мэо по произведению
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Home Assignment

  1. Translate into English:

    1. Взрослые дети должны быть независимы от своих родителей.

    2. Было бы неправильно пренебречь таким хорошим адвокатом.

    3. Он обеспечивает её средствами к существованию, а она этого совершенно не ценит. Да она полностью от него зависит.

    4. Заискивать передо мной — подло.

    5. И не надо мне тут рассказывать (врать), я и так знаю, какой он безрассудный. Он никогда не может удержаться от соблазна. Как только у него появляются хоть какие-то деньги, он тут же их спускает.

  2. Write a summary of the whole play providing both your plan and key-words in the exercise-book.

  3. Get ready to discuss the sequel (epilogue) OR the whole play (your teacher decides which option you choose).

  4. Whatever the previous choice is, get ready for a court trial of Henry Higgins. Make up speeches assuming the roles of the Counsel for the Defence and the Public Prosecitor. The culprit is Henry Higgins. Other roles include Eliza Doolittle, Alfred Doolittle, Col. Pickering, Mrs. Higgins, Freddy, etc.

Sequel (Epilogue).


The Class System

Find some information on the class system in the UK. This link might be helpful: http://www.romanceeverafter.com/19th_century_class_system.htm.


  1. What was the UK class system like? Is it still present?

  2. Find the sentences in which the following word-combinations are used. Translate the sentences into Russian.

    1. to set sb the example

    2. affection

    3. precaution

    4. to cope with sth

    5. repulsive

    6. prejudice

    7. consent

    8. to alter sth

  3. Use the above expressions in situations based on the book.

  4. Paraphrase the following OR comment and explain it in English:

    1. Now Freddy is young, practically twenty years younger than Higgins: he is a gentleman (or, as Eliza would qualify him, a toff), and speaks like one; he is nicely dressed, is treated by the Colonel as an equal, loves her unaffectedly, and is not her master, nor ever likely to dominate her in spite of his advantage of social standing.

    2. But to admire a strong person and to live under that strong person's thumb are two different things.

    3. Weak people want to marry strong people who do not frighten them too much; and this often leads them to make the mistake we describe metaphorically as “biting off more than they can chew.”

    4. A clerkship at thirty shillings a week was beneath Freddy's dignity, and extremely distasteful to him besides. His prospects consisted of a hope that if he kept up appearances somebody would do something for him. The something appeared vaguely to his imagination as a private secretaryship or a sinecure of some sort.

    5. Fancy her feelings when he married a flower girl who had become déclassée under extraordinary circumstances which were now notorious!

    6. She could quarter herself on Wimpole Street because it had come to be her home; but she was quite aware that she ought not to quarter Freddy there, and that it would not be good for his character if she did.

    7. It was the Colonel who finally solved the problem, which had cost him much perplexed cogitation.

    8. The sole comment vouchsafed by him very nearly led to a serious quarrel with Eliza.

    9. And it is notable that though she never nags her husband, and frankly loves the Colonel as if she were his favorite daughter, she has never got out of the habit of nagging Higgins that was established on the fatal night when she won his bet for him.

  5. Answer the teacher’s questions on the Sequel (Epilogue).

  6. Make a summary of the Sequel (Epilogue). Keep in mind the guidelines given in Task 3 of Act I home assignment. You are to make a plan and a list of key-words and provide them in the exercise-book. Use of the words given in Task 2 is beneficial.

  7. Express your agreement or disagreement with the following ideas:

    1. Eliza, in telling Higgins she would not marry him if he asked her, was not coquetting: she was announcing a well-considered decision.

    2. This makes him a standing puzzle to the huge number of uncultivated people who have been brought up in tasteless homes by commonplace or disagreeable parents, and to whom, consequently, literature, painting, sculpture, music, and affectionate personal relations come as modes of sex if they come at all.

    3. Even had there been no mother-rival, she would still have refused to accept an interest in herself that was secondary to philosophic interests. Had Mrs. Higgins died, there would still have been Milton and the Universal Alphabet.

    4. “When you go to women,” says Nietzsche, “take your whip with you.”

    5. This being the state of human affairs, what is Eliza fairly sure to do when she is placed between Freddy and Higgins? Will she look forward to a lifetime of fetching Higgins's slippers or to a lifetime of Freddy fetching hers?

    6. He added that he had always been afraid to propose anything of the sort, because Clara would make an awful row about a step that must damage her matrimonial chances, and his mother could not be expected to like it after clinging for so many years to that step of the social ladder on which retail trade is impossible.

    7. Galatea never does quite like Pygmalion: his relation to her is too godlike to be altogether agreeable.

Home Assignment

  1. Translate into English:

    1. Ты подаёшь ему дурной пример, тебе не справиться с его воспитанием.

    2. Ты не заслуживаешь ничего, ты меня оскорбляешь!

    3. Он выразил своё согласие пожать друг другу руки.

    4. Попробуйте поменять это, и Вы убедитесь, что Вам с этим не справиться.

    5. Его привязанность часто приносила проблемы, так как он забывал про меры предосторожности.

    6. Такие предрассудки просто омерзительны.

  2. Write a summary of the whole play providing both your plan and key-words in the exercise-book.

  3. Whatever the previous choice is, get ready for a court trial of Henry Higgins. Make up speeches assuming the roles of the Counsel for the Defense and the Public Prosecutor. The culprit is Henry Higgins. Other roles include Eliza Doolittle, Alfred Doolittle, Col. Pickering, Mrs. Higgins, Freddy, etc.

  4. Get ready for a quiz based on all active vocabulary studied.

Pygmalion on the Whole.


Shaw was a natural writer of social and romantic comedies. He described “Pygmalion”, which he composed between March and June 1912 at the age of fifty-five, as “A Romance in Five Acts”. It was, he liked to say, comparable to Shakespeare’s “As You Like It”, which was to say, the public liked it. “There must be something radically wrong with the play if it pleases everybody,” he adimitted, “but at the moment I cannot find what it is.”


  1. Write a quiz based on all active vocabulary studied (the teacher chooses the items).

  2. Use different active vocabulary items in situations based on the book (the teacher chooses the items, orally).

  3. Make a list of vital problems raised by the play and say whether you agree or disagree with the author.

  4. Hold a court trial of Henry Higgins. Make up speeches assuming the roles of the Counsel for the Defense and the Public Prosecutor. The culprit is Henry Higgins. Other roles include Eliza Doolittle, Alfred Doolittle, Col. Pickering, Mrs. Higgins, Freddy, etc.

  5. Comment on the above-given saying whether or not you find any fault with the play.

Home Assignment

  1. Translate into English using infinitive constructions:

    Единственным способом обмануть всех было набраться наглости выдать Элизу за герцогиню. Конечно же, профессор Хиггинс был назойливым человеком, но ему в конце-концов удалось перехитрить всех. Они, скорее всего, должны были легко выиграть (пари), и он и бровью не повёл на приёме (вечере). Говорят, Хиггинс с самого начала не сомневался в успехе. Он просто помешался на обучении Элизы только для того, чтобы поскорее разделаться с пари. На самом деле опрометчивая девушка, чей отец случайно получил некоторую сумму денег, оказалась подлой и забыла своего учителя.

Active vocabulary to choose from: to win hands down, have a bee in the bonnet about sth, to be a busy-body, mean, to be over and done with sth, not to turn a hair, inconsiderate, to deceive sb, to neglect sb, to pass sb off as sb, to come into some money, to have the audacity to do sth, to get round sb, confident

  1. Get ready for a test translation based on the book, its active vocabulary and the Infinitive as a grammar topic.

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