Учебно-методическое пособие по домашнему чтению Казань

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William Somerset Maugham

Учебно-методическое пособие по домашнему чтению



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Казанского государственного университета

Ст.преподаватель Даминова Э.Р.,

Кандидат филологических наук, доцент Н.В.Аржанцева

Научный редактор:

Доктор филологических наук, профессор Г.А.Багаутдинова
Данное пособие предназначено для студентов Института Востоковедения, а также для широкого круга лиц, интересующихся творчеством английского писателя В.С.Моэма.

W.S.Maugham “Moon and Sixpence” – Москва, 2004 – 245 с.

William Somerset Maugham was born in Paris in 1874. His parents died when he was very little, and the boy was brought up by his uncle, a clergyman. In his book “The summing up” (1938) Maugham recollects: “My parents died when I was so young, my mother when I was eight, my father when I was ten, that I know so little of them but from hearsay. My father, I don’t know why unless he was drawn by some such restlessness for the unknown as was consumed his son, went to Paris and became a solicitor to the British Embassy. … He was a great traveller for those days. He had been to Turkey, Greece, and Asia Minor and in Morocco… He had a considerable library of travel books…”

Evidently, William took after his father. It was his cherished desire from childhood to see different continents and as soon as he got the opportunity he set out to realize his dream.

After his parents’ death the boy was taken away from the French school he had attended, and went daily for his lessons to the apartment of the English clergyman attached to Embassy. At the age of ten the boy was sent to England to attend school. In 1980 he went abroad and studied at the University of Heidelberg, from which he returned in 1892. As his parents had destined him for the medical profession, he became a medical student as St. Thomas’s hospital in London. He writes: “All this was a valuable experience to me. I don’t know a better training for a writer than to spend some years in medical profession”. Although he had taken a degree in medicine and become a fully qualified doctor, he decided to devote his life to literature.

Soon after the publication of his first novel (“Liza of Lambeth” - 1897) Maugham went to Spain and then traveled to all parts of the world. He visited Russia, America, Africa, Asia and the Polynesian Islands, and wherever he was he always sought material for his books. He was a keen observer of life and individuals.

W.S.Maugham wrote twenty-four plays, nineteen novels and a large number of short stories, in addition to travel works and an autobiography. Few of the plays have stood the test of time. He is primarily a short-story writer and a novelist. The most mature period of his career began in 1915, when he published one of his most popular novels “Of human bondage”. It was started in 1905, abandoned for a time and taken up again.

The revolt of the individual against the accepted conventions of society is the theme which always fascinated Maugham. It inspired his next novel “The moon and sixpence” (1919), which makes use of some outstanding incidents in the life of the artist Paul Gauguin (though it cannot be regarded as his biography). Other prominent works by Maugham are the novels “Cakes and Ale” (1930), “Theatre” (1937) and the “Razor’s Edge” (1944).

W.S.Maugham triumphed not only as a novelist but as a short0story writer as well. He produced some of the finest stories in modern English literature. They are usually very sincere, interesting, well-constructed and logically developed. Many of Maugham’s stories are set in foreign lands where the author was as easily at home as he was in the native England. They were inspired by his travels in China, Malaya, Borneo, Siam, etc. His rich experience of life and his acute insight into human nature gave Maugham an analytical and critical quality which found its expression in the vivid depiction of characters and situations.

W.S.Maugham was strongly influenced by De Maupassant and Chekhov in his story-writing. Like his great predecessors, he shows us people in various occupations and belonging to different social groups. His most popular stories are “Rain”, “The Unconquered”, “Gigolo and Gigolette”, “The Man with the Scar”, “The Luncheon”.

A realistic portrayal of life, keen character observations, absorbing plots with beautiful, expressive language and a simple and lucid style, all place W.S.Maugham on a level with the greatest English writers of the 20th century.


Chapters 1-3
I. Study the translation of the text in bold

Chapter 1

1. He’s quite a gentleman. Он вполне хорошо воспитан.

2. He’s a young man of tact. Тактичный юноша.

3. … a long car in black and chromium, upholstered in silver leather, and with Michael’s crest discreetly emblazoned on the doors.

… длинный чёрный автомобиль с хромированными деталями, сиденья обтянуты посеребренной кожей, эмблема Майкла скромно украшает дверцы.

4. Michael thought we were getting a bit ragged, so he called a rehearsal.

Майкл решил, что мы немного разболтались, и назначил репетицию.

5. “If you’d like to come to and see our play,” Julia said graciously, “I’m sure Michael will be delighted to give you some seats.”

- Если вы хотите посмотреть эту пьесу, - любезно сказала Джулия,- я уверена, Майкл даст вам билеты.

Chapter 2

1. … Of course I never have photographed well.

... Конечно, я никогда не была особенно фотогенична.

2. If he could act at all, with those looks that young man ought to go far.

Если ли он хоть как-то может играть, с такой внешностью этот молодой человек далеко пойдёт.

3. That’s not going to lead you anywhere, you know.

На этом, знаете, далеко не уедешь.

4. I think I can be word-perfect in any part in forty-eight hours.

Думаю, могу слово в слово запомнить любую роль за двое суток.
Chapter 3

1. The London paragraphers mentioned her now and then, and a number of enthusiastic patrons of the drama made the journey Middlepool to see her.

О Джулии стали упоминать в столичных газетах, и многие восторженные ценители драмы специально приезжали в Миддлпул на неё посмотреть.

2. That’s the only way to make a packet. - Это единственный способ сколотить состояние.

3. It cost a good deal more than she could afford and he smilingly reproached her for her extravagance. Он стоил куда дороже, чем она могла себе позволить, Майкл с улыбкой попенял ей за мотовство.

4. His most engaging trait was his good humour. Самой приятной чертой в характере Майкла было его добродушие.

5. Well then, you shall be my leading man. Тогда ты будешь моим партнёром.
II. Find in chapters 1-3 sentences with the following phrases or word combinations and translate them into Russian:
to turn your hair grey; to tour the country; to listen with have an ear; in extremely good taste; to put someone at ease; to give a significant glance; to gulp down; to let someone down; not to sleep a wink; to be a great hit; to have had bitter experiences; to throw the money about; to be rolling in money; to know the ropes.

III. Give full answers to the questions:
1. Why did Michael consider it almost impossible to find a part to suit him?

2. What was Julia’s first part in the theatre?

3. What play helped Julia and Michael to become closer?

4. How did Julia’s knowledge of French affect her theatrical career?

5. Who gave Julia the first lessons on acting?

6. What was special about Julia’s voice?

7. Who explained to the actors of Middlepool the difference between being or seeming natural on the stage?

8. Why did Julia refuse take part in costume plays?


Chapters 4-7
I. Study the translation of the text in bold:

Chapter 4

1. His features had a worn distinction. - В его чертах сквозило несколько подержанное благородство.

2. I am so glad he brought you down here. I was a little nervous about it. I thought you’d be made-up and … perhaps a little loud. No one would dream you were on stage. - Я так рада, что он привёз вас к нам. Я немного волновалась. Я думала, вы будете накрашены и…возможно, несколько вульгарны.

3. With her awkward, lumbering gait she came up to Julia, flung her arms round her, and sobbing kissed her. - Своей неловкой тяжёлой поступью она подошла к Джулии, обняла её и поцеловала сквозь слёзы.

Chapter 5

1. They decided to keep their engagement to themselves, … - Они решили сохранить помолвку в тайне…

2. When they had been engaged for rather more than a year an American manager, looking for talent and having heard of Jimmie Langton’s repertory company, came to Middlepool and was greatly taken by Michael. – На второй год их помолвки в Миддлпул приехал американский антрепренёр, выискивавший новые таланты и прослышавший про труппу Джимми Лэнгтона. Он был очарован Майклом.

3. Oh, I should come back next summer of course. They pay my fare back and I’d go and live home so as not to spend any money. – Ну, летом я, понятно, вернусь. Они оплачивают мне обратный проезд, и я поеду домой, чтобы поменьше тратиться.

4. Julia did not see the look in Jimmie’s eyes when he told her this, but if she had she would have wondered why he was looking as pleased as if he had pulled off a very clever little trick. – Джулия не видела выражения его глаз при этих словах, иначе она спросила бы себя, почему у него такой довольный вид, словно ему удалось сыграть с кем-то очень хорошую шутку.

Chapter 6

1. After another wait he was given a part in a costume play where his good looks shone to such advantage that his indifferent acting was little noticed, and in this he finished the season. – После очередного перерыва Майклу предложили роль в исторической пьесе, где его красота предстала в таком выгодном свете,что никто не заметил, какой он посредственный актёр; в этой роли он и закончил сезон.

2. Your contract’s up at the end of this season, and if you want to get anywhere you’ve got to make a stab at London soon. - Твой контракт кончается в конце этого сезона, и, если ты намерена чего-то достичь, пора уже завоёвывать Лондон.

Chapter 7

1. Julia had one good acting scene in which she had brought down the house, and Michael’s astonishing beauty had made a sensation. – У Джулии была одна сильная сцена, всегда вызывавшая бурные аплодисменты; удивительная красота Майкла произвела своего рода сенсацию.

2. Meanwhile Julia had been playing a succession of important parts and was recognized as best of the younger actresses. - Тем временем Джулия сыграла ряд крупных ролей и была признана лучшей актрисой младшего поколения.

3. Though Julia had been for some time earning a good income it had not seemed worth while to move while Michael was on active service… - Хотя последнее

время Джулия очень неплохо зарабатывала, казалось, нет смысла переезжать, пока Майкл находится в действующей армии.

II.Find in chapters 4-7 sentences with the following phrases or word combinations and translate them into Russian:

to be at a loose end; to bring someone down; to take liberties with; a put up job;

to take for granted; pull oneself together; cry in earnest; be a millstone round one’s neck; get even with somebody; have something to fall back on; be out of a job; not to care two straws for somebody; make effective use (of); talk late into the night; deal with somebody on equal terms
III.Give full answers to the questions:

1. What did Michael’s parents think of him becoming an actor?

2. Why did Michael prefer acting in modern plays to Shakespeare?

3. What was Michael’s opinion about marrying an actress? Did he ever plan to marry young?

4. When did Julia realize that the invitation to spend Easter holidays at Gosselyn’s was a put up job?

5. What sort of a conversation took place between Jimmy and Julia after Michael had told her about the American manager’s offer?

6. Did Michael have any success in America?

7. What did Michael think of American theatrical directors?

8. What was Michael’s war experience?

9. How old were Julia and Michael when Roger was born?


Chapters 8 – 10

I. Study the translation of the text in bold:

Chapter 8

1. But he was not a man who let a thing drop when he had set his mind to it. – Но Майкл был не из тех, кто легко отступается от того, что задумал.

2. Julia could not but laugh when she thought how strangely his passion for economy contrasted with the devil-may-care, extravagant creatures he portrayed so well on the stage. - Джулия не могла удержаться от смеха, думая, какая пропасть лежит между ним, с его страстью к экономии в жизни, и теми бесшабашными мотами, которых он так хорошо изображает на сцене.

Chapter 9

1. They gained the reputation of being an enterprising management because Michael in order not to pay high royalties of well-known authors was always willing to give an unknown one a trial. – Они завоевали репутацию смелого и инициативного театра, так как Майкл был готов пойти на риск и поставить пьесу неизвестного автора, чтобы иметь возможность платить высокие отчисления известным.

2 In this business you have to take the rough with the smooth.-

- В нашем деле всякое бывает, сегодня хорошо, а завтра плохо.

Chapter 10

1. I never gave him another thought. - Я и думать о нём забыл.

2. You knew where you were with him. He always said the same things and you knew exactly what to answer. No side with him. - С ним тебя не ждут никакие неожиданности. Он всегда говорит одно и то же, и знаешь, что отвечать.
II. Find in chapters 8-10 sentences with the following phrases or word combinations and translate them into Russian:

bring up something to; set somebody up; admiration for; turn something over in someone’s mind; set one’s mind to something; be after something; accept the situation; gain the reputation; show promise; share the expenses; take something at random; be fit for nothing; have a little chat with somebody; drop in; give somebody a thrill.
III.Give full answers to the questions:

1. When and how Michael’s parents die?

2. Did marriage make Julia happy?

3. How did the birth of a son influence on her passionate love to her husband?

4. Who helped the couple to set up their own theatre?

5. What name did they give to their new theatre and why?

6. Did Michael prove to be a good manager?

7. Was Michael a good theatre director?

8. Michael got a reputation of the director giving a chance to young and yet unknown playwrights. Do you think he was so far-sighted and unselfish?

9. Describe Julia’s preparations for the evening performance in her dressing room?


Chapters 11-13
I. Study the translation of the text in bold:

Chapter 11

1. She had a great gift of mimicry, which ordinarily she kept in check thinking it was bad for her acting, but in these circles she turned it to good account and by means of it acquired the reputation of a wit. - У Джулии был большой подражательный дар, который она обычно сдерживала, считая, что это может повредить игре на сцене, но в этих кругах она обратила его в свою пользу и приобрела репутацию остроумной женщины.

2. He was then a man of nearly forty, with a small head on an elegant body, not very good-looking but of distinguished appearance. - Ему тогда было около сорока. Изящное тело венчала маленькая головка, с не очень красивыми, но весьма аристократичными чертами лица.

Chapter 12

1. But as time passed Julia’s indignation was mitigated, and she had often thought of the adventure since with a good deal of pleasure. - Однако с течением времени негодование Джулии поостыло, и она даже с удовольствием думала об этом приключении.

2. If he’d been dressed like Francis I he would really look very distinguished. – Если бы eго одеть как Франциска I, он выглядел бы весьма аристократично.

Chapter 13

1. Her dressing –room was like the cabin of a ship. The world seemed a long way off, and she relished her seclusion.- Уборная казалась Джулии каютой корабля. Весь остальной мир оставался где-то далеко-далеко, и Джулия наслаждалась своим уединением.

2. Though he was of no more than average height his slimness made him look tall. - Среднего роста, он выглядел высоким из-за своей худобы.

3. People recognized her, and she was conscious that he enjoyed the reflected glory of their glances.- Джулию узнавали, и она чувствовала, что он купается в отражённых лучах её славы.
II. Find in chapters 11-13 sentences with the following phrases or word combinations and translate them into Russian:

at the bottom of one’s heart; pass for (someone); offer advice on something; to attend to someone’s wants; not to look a day more (than); put out(e.g. the light,

the fire…) be about to do something; turn up at the last moment; in for a penny,

in for a pound; if the worst comes to the worst; have no sequel; be out of breath; fling oneself on the knees; shine like a new pin; take someone out (to supper…)
III.Give full answers to the questions:
1. When and how did Julia meet Charles Tamerley?

2. Did Julia feel awkward among the nobilities when talking about her father being a vet doctor?

3. Can you give any comments on Charles‘s wish to see Julia as a child of nature?

4. What were in Charles Tamerley’s opinion the most important things for an actress?

5. Did Lady Charles leave her husband wanting to bring proceedings for divorce?

6. When and how did Julia meet Tom Fennel?

7. How did Tom Fennel react when seeing grand people?

8. Where did Tom get the money to pay in the restaurant?

9. What was Julia’s reaction to Tom’s sacrifices?


Chapter 14
I. Study the translation of the text in bold:
1. People don’t want reasons to do what they’d like to,” she reflected. They want excuses. – Людям не нужен резон, чтобы сделать то, что они хотят, - рассуждала Джулия, - им нужно оправдание.

2. When she was alone with him the time hung somewhat heavily on her hands. - Когда она оставалась с ним вдвоём, время тянулось необыкновенно долго.

3.Julia exercised all her great gift for tragedy, but underlined it with a farcical emphasis, so that the effect was incredibly funny.- Джулия призвала на помощь весь свой трагедийный талант, но произносила реплики с таким шутовским пафосом, что это производило неотразимо комический эффект.
II.Give full answers to the questions:
1. What things did Julia give Tom as presents?

2. Was Julia shrewd enough to understand what sort of man Tom was?

3. Did Julia realize Tom was not in love with her? How did she feel about it?

4. What was Michael’s opinion of Tom?

5. Whose idea was to ask Tom to spend a fortnight holiday in Taplow?

6. How did Julia expect Tom would spend the time at Taplow?

7. Did Roger and Tom get on well?

8. What was the difference in years between Tom and Roger?

9. What in your opinion helped Tom and Roger become friends?

10. What were the reasons for Jullia’s annoyance and disappointment during her short holiday in Taplow?

11. How did Julia show her feelings the last night when Tom and Roger came back late?


Chapters 15 - 17
I. Study the translation of the text in bold:


1. The heat wave had affected business and the house was apathetic. – Стояла страшная жара, публика принимала спектакль вяло.

2. Almost without meaning to she coughed once or twice consumptively. – Сама не замечая того, она раза два кашлянула, словно у неё чахотка.

3. But somewhere, at the back of her mind or in the bottom of her heart, was a feeling of ever so slight contempt for Tom because he was such a simple fool. - Но где-то, в самых тайниках души, она чувствовала к Тому хоть и слабое, но презрение за то, что ей удалось так легко его провести.

Chapter 16

1. It was a new experience for her to go to night clubs, she enjoyed it, and though no one could go nowhere without being stared at, it never entered her head that such a change in her habits must excite comment. - .Для неё было внове посещать ночные клубы, она наслаждалась этими вылазками, и хотя никто лучше неё не знал, что, где бы она не появилась, она привлекает к себе внимание, Джулии и в голову не приходило, что такая перемена в её привычках может вызвать в городе толки.

2. He was the extra man you invited to dinner to make an odd number even. – Человек, корого зовут в последний момент на обед, если не хватает кавалера.

3. I don’t know what’s come over her. - Не понимаю, что на неё нашло.

Chapter 17

1. He chuckled at the thought of the joke he had up his sleeve. – Майкл засмеялся при мысле о шутке, которую он для них припас.

2. Who’s made your parties go all these years? - Благодаря кому все эти годы ваши приёмы имели такой успех?

3. She wished that she had an opportunity of a few words with him so that she might have told him not to worry. – Как бы улучить минутку и остаться с ним наедине? Она сумела бы его успокоить.
II. Give full answers to the questions:

1. Who in your opinion won when Tom and Julia had had things out after the matinee performance?

2. Whose behavior while their reconciliation seemed more genuine?

3. When and why did people start gossiping about Julia and Tom?

4. How was Tom’s place organized?

5. Once Julia recalled a saying that men were creatures of habit. In which way did it soothe her?

6. What was Dolly’s first reaction to gossips about Julia and Tom?

7. Did conversation between Michael and Dolly bring any good?

8. Who felt old, lonely, unhappy, and desperately jealous?

9. Why do you think Michael would have never taken Dolly’s words seriously?

10. While in the cinema Julia was wondering what her husband could do if he

found out the truth. What train of thought did she have?


Chapters 18 -21
I. Study the translation of the text in bold:
Chapter 18

1. My dear, if I don’t know that you’re a loyal friend, who does? – Милочка, кому, как не мне, знать, какой вы верный друг.

2. Julia dropped her voice to a low, grave note. It had a true ring of sincerity. -

Голос Джулии сделался тихим, торжественным, в нём звучала неподдельная искренность.

Chapter 19

1. What on earth were you doing? – Что вы делали до такого времени, ради всего святого?

2. It’s just as well I didn’t.” – И хорошо, что этого не сделал.

Chapter 20

1. … What about going out on the binge? - Не пойти ли нам кутнуть? -

2. A fat chance she’s got of ever setting foot in this theatre. – Чёрта лысого она получит что-нибудь в моём театре.

Chapter 21

1. I was wondering if she’do for Honor. – Я подумал, не подойдёт ли она на роль Онор.

2. Julia continued to smile with an almost intolerable sweetness. - Джулия продолжала улыбаться мало сказать сладко – прямо приторно.

3. It was a load off his mind. - У Тома гора с плеч свалилась.
II. Give full answers to the questions:
1. Do you think the fact that Roger confided in his mother his first impressions of love might show how deep he trusted her and how serious he took her views?

2. Was it with the grief that Julia heard Tom being unfaithful to her?

3. What impression did Tom leave on Julia’s grand friends?

4. What reasons did Julia give for turning down the offer to take their play to

New York?

5. What kind of a girl was Joan Denver?

6. Who asked Julia to go and have a look-and-see of Avice Crichton in a play?

7. Describe Tom’s anxiety and excitement while Julia and he were visiting Avice Crichton?

8. What did Julia think of the new girl?


Chapters 22-24
I. Study the translation of the text in bold:
Chapter 22

1. Oh, don’t you be afraid, if I lose on the swings I’ll get back on the roundabouts.- О, не волнуйся. Что потеряю на одном, выиграю на другом, у разбитого корыта сидеть не буду.

2. And you know, she’ll play it for all it’s worth.I believe she’ll make a sensation. – И знаешь, уж Эвис выжмет из неё всё что можно. Я уверен, о ней заговорят.

Chapter 23 - 24

1. I should only cramp his style. – Я только помешаю ему.

2. Actors do their damnedest to look like gentlemen and gentlemen do all they can to look like actors. - Актёры из кожи вон лезут, чтобы быть похожими на джентльменов, а джентльмены делают всё возможное, чтобы выглядеть, как актёры.

3. She stared in the unlit fire, her gaze intent, as though she were entranced by the exquisite beauty of those words. - Джулия уставилась немигающим взором на незажжённый камин, словно заворожённая совершенноё красотой стихов.

4. It was hardly true to say that she had snatched victory from defeat, but looking upon it as a strategic retreat her conduct had been masterly. – Сказать, что она вырвала победу из рук поражения, было бы преувеличением, но как стратегический манёвр отход её был мастерским.
II. Give full answers to the questions:
1. What was wrong with Julia’s acting now that she knew about how Tom was attracted by another woman?

2. Do you think Michael’s way of discussing Julia’s “overacting” was full of tact?

3 Why did Julia decide not to take Evie with her?

4. What can you say about Mrs Lambert?

5. Compare Julia’s life in St Malo and life in London?


Chapters 25, 26, 27

I. Study the translation of the text in bold:
1. You’re no beauty, you know. – No great actress ever has been. – Ну, знаете, ведь красавицей вас не назовёшь. - Ни одна великая актриса не была красавицей.

2. When you’re all dolled up posh like you was last night, and got the light behind you, I’ve seen worse, you know. – Ну, как вы вырядетесь в пух и прах, вроде как вчера вечером, да ещё свет будет сзади, так и похуже вас найдутся.

3. He was not the man she would have chosen to be picked up by, but there it was, he was evidently trying to pick her up. - Если бы Джулии предложили выбрать мужчину, который бы к ней пристал , она вряд ли остановила бы свой выбор на этом человеке, но что поделаешь, на безрыбье и рак рыба – пристать к ней собирался именно он.

4. …and Michael with urbanity introduced to her those she did not. – …Майкл учтиво представил ей тех, кого она не знала.”

5. It’s a cast iron part. She can’t really go wrong in it. – Да это готовая роль. Её просто невозможно испортить.
II. Give full answers to the questions:
1. After the evening with Charles Julia is occupied with thoughts about feminine attractiveness. She remembers that the great actresses were no beauties. Do you think good looks are of the first priority thing for an actress?

2. Can you describe the humorous episode of Julia testing her sex appeal?

3. What were Julia’s reasons for wishing to keep Avice in the cast?

4. How far do you agree with Roger’s opinion on the lack of reality in the atmosphere of their family? Why it came as a shock to Julia?

5. Talking to his mother Roger mentions the word exhibitionism. Do you think it can hold true when we talk of the art of acting in general?


Chapters 28, 29

I. Study the translation of the text in bold:
Chapter 28

1. I never set out to be a raving beauty, but the one thing no one has ever denied me is personality. – Я никогда не считала себя сногосшибательной красавицей, но в одном мне никто не отказывал - в моём собственном «я».

2. Under Michael’s business-like direction everything went off without a hitch…-

- Под опытным руководством Майкла всё шло без сучка и задоринки…

3. There’s a lot of nonsense in their ranting and raving, but it’s not all nonsense. – В их тирадах полно ерунды, и всё же там не только ерунда.

4. Julia took everything in. – Чтобы увидеть всё это, Джулии хватило одного взгляда.

Chapter 29

1. She had made the little halting speech, prepared beforehand, which the occasion demanded. - Прерывающимся от волнения голосом она произнесла несколько слов, - приготовленных заранее, - которых требовал этот торжественный случай.

2. The scene which was devised to be extremely amusing took on a sardonic colour, and the character Avice played acquired a certain odiousness. – Сцена, задуманная как чисто комическая, приобрела сардонический оттенок, и персонаж, которого играла Эвис, стал выглядеть одиозным.

3. My dear, itll run for a year. – Дорогой мой, она не сойдёт со сцены и через год.

4. Thus Julia out of her own head framed anew the platonic theory of ideas.

- Так Джулия своим умом додумалась до платоновской теории идей.
II. Give full answers to the questions:
1. Impressed by Roger’s revelation Julia was wondering why her son denied her

personality. What comments can you give here?

1. What advice did Charles Tamerly gave to Julia when they discussed her anxiety about Roger?

3. How did Julia feel the day of the first night?

4. What was the reaction of the author of the play after Julia had changed the whole scene?

5. How did Julia celebrate her victory?
A. List the characters of the novel and describe their appearances.
B. Make the list of the words and word combinations relating to the THEATRE (as a general topic) which you have come across in the book.
C.Who and in which circumstances said these in the novel?

1. He’s quite a gentleman.

2. Don’t be natural. The stage isn’t the place for that. The stage is make-believe.

But seem natural.

3. You just wrung my heart. The critics are right, damn it, you’re an actress and no mistake.

4. Oh, Miss Lambert, I think I used to know your father in Jersy. He was a doctor, wasn’t he? He used to come to our house quite often.

5. Beginners, please.

6. He’ll be a nice friend for Roger.

7. I think you ought to know that people are beginning to talk. It’s doing her reputation a lot of harm.

8. I wasn’t thinking of a part. If I could have an understudy – I mean, that would give me a chance of attending rehearsals and studying your technique. That’s an education in itself. Everyone agrees about that.

9. I take my husband’s advice more often than he takes mine.

10. You ought to know me well enough by now to know that I would never let sentiment interfere with business.

11. If one of the friends we are expecting this afternoon happens to ask you what your husband is, it wouldn’t be untrue, would it, to say that he was in business?

12. I don’t want to look like a tart. On the other hand I don’t want to look too respectable.

13. She’s so awkward, her gestures are so meaningless.

14. They both of them thought the play would make her. Fools. It would kill her. 15. Avice says that both you and Michael have awfully been good to her. Take care she doesn’t romp away with the play.

16. Unfortunately for me you’ve taken away my belief in everything.

17. I shall never in all my life have another moment like this. I’m not going to share it with anyone.

18. We are the symbols of all this confused, aimless struggling that they call life, and it’s only the symbol which is real. They say acting is only make-believe. That make-believe is the only reality.

D. 1. Suggest what Julia might have written in her diary

a) when she and Michael met in Middlepool

b) after one of the parties in High Society

c) when she visited Avice in the small theatre where Avice worked

d) after one of her meetings with Charles Tamerly

e) about her victorious revenge in the play NOWADAYS

2. Suggest what Dolly de Vries might have written in her diary when Julia and

Michael asked her for help: to make investment into their new theatre.

3. Suggest what Roger might have written in his diary about Tom Fennel.

4. Suggest what Tom might have written in his diary

  1. after Julia sighned a photo for him

b) after Julia’ triumph in the NOWADAYS.


  1. Read the biography of W.S.Maugham.

  2. Make a report about well-known French painter Paul Gauguin. Bring some reproductions of his paintings to the class.

  3. Make a report about the social and political situation of Great Britain in the 19th century.
  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8

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