A good example is the best sermon

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НазваниеA good example is the best sermon
Дата публикации26.06.2014
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Речь / действия учителя

Речь уч-ов




- Good morning, boys and girls!

I am glad to see you.

Stand up, please!

Sit down.

- What date is it today?

- What is a day of the week today?

- Who is absent today?

Let’s begin our lesson.

-Good morning, teacher!
- Today is…

- Today is…

- … is (are) absent today.



Listen and repeat!

A good example is the best sermon.

Translate, please! Ср. Ничто не убеждает людей лучше примера.
Be careful with the [ ] sound.

A little louder, please!

Хороший пример — наилучшая проповедь.



Remind me, please, what was your home task?

Thank you! Sit down, please.

Are your ambitions connected with your future profession?

Who wants to be the first?

Our home task was Ex. 4 p. 30



Now we are going to talk about Past Progressive Tense (Continuous).
Past Progressive Tense (Continuous) - это время глагола выражает действие, протекавшее в течение какого-то момента или периода прошедшего времени. Время действия обычно указывается обстоятельственными словами в прошедшем времени или придаточными предложениями.

Look at the blackboard!

There are some examples.

  1. It was raining all day yesterday.


Quite so!

  1. What were you doing, when I rang up yesterday?


В предложениях часто употребляются такие выражения, как

All day long

All night

The whole evening
Past Progressive образуется так же как и Present Progressive, только am, is, are меняются на was, were. А отличается Past Progressive от Present Progressive лишь тем, что описывает действие, длящееся в определённый момент в прошлом.
Look at the blackboard!

The boys are playing football now. (Present Progressive)

The boys were playing football at 3 o`clock yesterday.
Past Progressive образуется с помощью: вспомогательного глагола was для единственного числа или were для множественного числа и основной глагол в четвёртой форме, а именно с –ing окончанием, которое присоединяется к начальной форме без частицы to.

Вчера весь день шёл дождь.
Что ты делал, когда я звонил тебе вчера?




















Теперь вы составьте предложение в Past Progressive.

Я играл на компьютере, пока он читал книгу.


Quite so!
Agree with the speaker and translate from English into Russian:
Example: A: Where were you? I was looking for you.

B: Well, I was looking for you too.

Fill in was or were.

  1. I … looking for my book the whole evening yesterday.


Fill in the necessary word:

  1. They were … in the park when I met them. ( walking, riding, snowing…)

Ask and answer the question using the necessary form of the verb in brackets.
Example: A: What was she doing yesterday at 5 o’clock?

My mum (to cook) dinner.

B: My mum was cooking dinner yesterday at 5 o’clock.

А теперь я хочу узнать, что каждый из вас делал вчера весь вечер?

Translate from Russian into English.

  1. Мой дедушка целый год строил дом в деревне в прошлом году.

I was playing the computer while he was reading a book.

















ровка слов с



Look at the screen. There are some words. You should train.

An announcer will tell what to do.

Listen carefully!



The lesson is over. We have done enough.

I want you to write down homework.

Ex. 5, 3, 4, 10




Урок формирования грамматических навыков

Учитель: Бондаренко О.В.

Класс: 7

Учебник: Кузовлев В.П.

“English 7”

Тема: «What are you good at? »

Подтема: «Have you ever got a prize? »

Практическая цель: формирование грамматических навыков по теме «Past Progressive Tense (Continuous)».

Сопутствующие задачи: совершенствование навыков аудирования, письма, чтения.

Развивающая цель: расширение кругозора учащихся, развитие логического мышления, догадки, увеличение объёма оперативной памяти; практиковать в употреблении в речи «Past Progressive Tense (Continuous)».

Воспитательная цель: воспитание усидчивости и активности на уроке с целью решения коммуникативных задач;

Образовательная цель: знакомство с английской пословицей: «A good example is the best sermon».

Оснащение: ИРМ, ЛСС, учебник, ИКТ, ТСО.

die Kirche

das Rathaus

das Werk

die Brücke

die Burg


der Ritter

das Schloss

die Stadt

Agree with the speaker and translate from English into Russian:

Example: A: Where were you? I was looking for you.

B: Well, I was looking for you too.

  1. Our class was walking along the bank of the river for half an hour.

  2. Masha was looking for a present for Ilya.

  3. Peter was writing an essay the whole evening.

  4. Yana was going to the river Don when she met Ira.

  5. It was raining all day long yesterday.

  6. The boys were swimming at this time last year.

Agree with the speaker and translate from English into Russian:

Example: A: Where were you? I was looking for you.

B: Well, I was looking for you too.

  1. Our class was walking along the bank of the river for half an hour.

  2. Masha was looking for a present for Ilya.

  3. Peter was writing an essay the whole evening.

  4. Yana was going to the river Don when she met Ira.

  5. It was raining all day long yesterday.

  6. The boys were swimming at this time last year.

Agree with the speaker and translate from English into Russian:

Example: A: Where were you? I was looking for you.

B: Well, I was looking for you too.

  1. Our class was walking along the bank of the river for half an hour.

  2. Masha was looking for a present for Ilya.

  3. Peter was writing an essay the whole evening.

  4. Yana was going to the river Don when she met Ira.

  5. It was raining all day long yesterday.

  6. The boys were swimming at this time last year.

Fill in was or were.

  1. I … looking for my book the whole evening yesterday.

  2. My family … having a party yesterday at 7 o`clock.

  3. They … drinking cold juice when their mother came.

  4. While grandpa … feeding the birds, he … speaking to them.

  5. We … watching the leaves falling down from the trees.

  6. It … raining late at night yesterday.

Fill in was or were.

  1. I … looking for my book the whole evening yesterday.

  2. My family … having a party yesterday at 7 o`clock.

  3. They … drinking cold juice when their mother came.

  4. While grandpa … feeding the birds, he … speaking to them.

  5. We … watching the leaves falling down from the trees.

  6. It … raining late at night yesterday.

Fill in was or were.

  1. I … looking for my book the whole evening yesterday.

  2. My family … having a party yesterday at 7 o`clock.

  3. They … drinking cold juice when their mother came.

  4. While grandpa … feeding the birds, he … speaking to them.

  5. We … watching the leaves falling down from the trees.

  6. It … raining late at night yesterday.

Fill in was or were.

  1. I … looking for my book the whole evening yesterday.

  2. My family … having a party yesterday at 7 o`clock.

  3. They … drinking cold juice when their mother came.

  4. While grandpa … feeding the birds, he … speaking to them.

  5. We … watching the leaves falling down from the trees.

  6. It … raining late at night yesterday.

Fill in the necessary word:

  1. They were … in the park when I met them. riding

  2. It was … all night. writing

  3. My grandpa and dad were … trees a whole planting

Sunday in April.

  1. While the boys were … basketball, playing

the girls were … volleyball looking

on the sportground. snowing

  1. The friends were … their bikes all day

long yesterday.

  1. Kate was … for a present for Ilya when I

Met her at the bookshop some days ago.

Fill in the necessary word:

  1. They were … in the park when I met them. riding

  2. It was … all night. writing

  3. My grandpa and dad were … trees a whole planting

Sunday in April.

  1. While the boys were … basketball, playing

the girls were … volleyball looking

on the sportground. snowing

  1. The friends were … their bikes all day

long yesterday.

  1. Kate was … for a present for Ilya when I

Met her at the bookshop some days ago.

Ask and answer the question using the necessary form of the verb in brackets.

Example: A: What was she doing yesterday at 5 o’clock?

My mum (to cook) dinner.

B: My mum was cooking dinner yesterday at 5 o’clock.

  1. Kate ( to play ) the piano.

  2. Ilya ( to do ) his exercises.

  3. Yana ( to read ) a book.

  4. Anton ( to ski ) at the stadium.

  5. Peter ( to write ) an essay.

  6. Ira ( to walk ) along Bolshaya Sadovaya.

Ask and answer the question using the necessary form of the verb in brackets.

Example: A: What was she doing yesterday at 5 o’clock?

My mum (to cook) dinner.

B: My mum was cooking dinner yesterday at 5 o’clock.

  1. Kate ( to play ) the piano.

  2. Ilya ( to do ) his exercises.

  3. Yana ( to read ) a book.

  4. Anton ( to ski ) at the stadium.

  5. Peter ( to write ) an essay.

  6. Ira ( to walk ) along Bolshaya Sadovaya.

Ask and answer the question using the necessary form of the verb in brackets.

Example: A: What was she doing yesterday at 5 o’clock?

My mum (to cook) dinner.

B: My mum was cooking dinner yesterday at 5 o’clock.

  1. Kate ( to play ) the piano.

  2. Ilya ( to do ) his exercises.

  3. Yana ( to read ) a book.

  4. Anton ( to ski ) at the stadium.

  5. Peter ( to write ) an essay.

  6. Ira ( to walk ) along Bolshaya Sadovaya.

Translate from Russian into English.

  1. Мой дедушка целый год строил дом в деревне в прошлом году.

  2. Пока мама готовила обед, папа смотрел телевизор.

  3. В это время дети плавали уже в реке вчера.

  4. Мы с папой сажали деревья и поливали их все прошлое воскресенье.

  5. Весь вечер маленький мальчик ожидал своих родителей.

  6. Когда Яна шла по Соборной площади вчера, она встретила Яну.

Translate from Russian into English.

  1. Мой дедушка целый год строил дом в деревне в прошлом году.

  2. Пока мама готовила обед, папа смотрел телевизор.

  3. В это время дети плавали уже в реке вчера.

  4. Мы с папой сажали деревья и поливали их все прошлое воскресенье.

  5. Весь вечер маленький мальчик ожидал своих родителей.

  6. Когда Яна шла по Соборной площади вчера, она встретила Яну.

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