Учебное пособие содержит: тексты из оригинальной литературы, посвященные теме «Компьютеры и информационные системы»

НазваниеУчебное пособие содержит: тексты из оригинальной литературы, посвященные теме «Компьютеры и информационные системы»
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Английский язык. Основы компьютерной грамотности 70

II. Lexical games

Fill in the squares with nouns upon the models

71 Unit 5. Computer Systems: An Overview

Crossword 1.


1. A more favourable position; gain or benefit. 2. The fol­
lowing one thing after another. 3. Examination, experiment or
trial. ^. The process opposite to multiplication. 5. The heart,
the central part of anything. 6. The science dealing with micro-
circuits. 7. Thickness, compactness; example: packing .

8. Application. 9. The doing smth; state of being in motion. 10. To put in writing, to print for future use. 11. Goal, purpose. 12. Memory. 13. Advantage, help; anything contributing to an im­provement in condition. 14. Intelligence, mental ability. 15. Method or manner of doing something. 16. Display. 17. A tiny crystall, containing an integrated circuit.


1. Information. 2. Help. 3. Reply, answer or reaction. 4. A group of elements. 5. A unit keeping information. 6. Approach; means of approaching, getting. 7. A style or design; imitation of an existing object. 8. Different form of some thing; condi­tion or quality. 9. A mistake.10. A switch. 11. A fitting together of parts to make a whole. 12. Rate. 13. A model; cliche; stan­dard. 14. A system of symbols used for entering data into the computer. 15. A branch of systematized knowledge of nature. 16. An attempt; a hard try. 17. A device. 18. An example, a sam­ple, a model.

Unit 6


1. Ознакомьтесь с терминами текста 1.

operation [apa'reifn] — операция; работа; действие; сра­батывание

to relate [n'leit] — связывать; устанавливать отношения a broad view ['bro:d 'vju:] — широкий взгляд, обзор

unit I'jumit] — устройство; модуль, блок; узел; элемент; ячейка

input — ввод; устройство ввода; вводить; подавать на вход

to insert [m'sa:t] — вставлять; вносить; включать storage memory — память; запоминающее устройство available [a'veibbl] — доступный; имеющийся в наличии at the appropriate time — в нужное время

arithmetic-logical unit — арифметико-логическое устрой­ство

output — вывод; устройство вывода; выводить; подавать на выход

to remove [n'mu:v] — удалять; устранять; вынимать; ис­ключать

control unit — блок управления

cause ['ko:z]— заставлять; вынуждать; быть причиной; причина; основание

to feed (fed, fed) — подавать; питать; вводить (данные)

to interpret [m'tapnt] — интерпретировать; истолковы­вать

to issue commands ['isju: ka'marndz] — выдавать команды pulse — no-pulse — (есть) импульс — холостой импульс

73 Unit 6. Functional Organization of the Computer

2. Прочтите текст и назовите основные функциональные блоки компьютера и их назначение.


As we know, all computer operations can be grouped into five functional categories. The method in which these five functional categories are related to one another represents the functional organization of a digital computer. By studying the functional organization, a broad view of the computer is received.

The five major functional units of a digital computer are:

  1. Input— to insert outside information into the machine;

  2. Storage or memory — to store information and make it avail­
    able at the appropriate time; 3) Arithmetic-logical unit — to
    perform the calculations; 4) Output — to remove data from the
    machine to the outside world and 5) Control unit — to cause
    all parts of a computer to act as a team.

Figure 5 shows how the five functional units of the comput­er act together. A complete set of instructions and data are usu­ally fed through the input equipment to the memory where they are stored. Each instruction is then fed to the control unit. The control unit interprets the instructions and issues commands to the other functional units to cause operations to be performed on the data. Arithmetic operations are performed in the arith­metic-logical unit, and the results are then fed back to the mem-

Английский язык. Основы компьютерной грамотности 74

огу. Information may be fed from either the arithmetic unit or the memory through the output equipment to the outside world. The five units of the computer must communicate with each other. They can do this by means of a machine language which uses a code composed of combinations of electric pulses. These pulse combinations are usually represented by zeros and ones, where the one may be a pulse and the zero — a no-pulse. Num­bers are communicated between one unit and another by means of these one-zero or pulse — no-pulse combinations. The in­put has the additional job of converting the information fed in by the operator into machine language. In other words, it tran-saltes from our language into the pulse — no-pulse combinations understandable to the computer. The output's additional job is converting the pulse — no-pulse combinations into a form un­derstandable to us, such as a printed report.

3. Просмотрите текст еще раз. Дайте ответы на вопросы, используя информацию текста.

1. What represents the functional organization of a comput­er? 2. What can we get by studying the functional organization?

3. What is the function of the input device? 4. What does mem­
ory serve for? 5. What is the task of the arithmetic-logical unit?
6. What is the function of the output? 7. What is the main pur­
pose of the control unit? 8. How do all units of the computer
communicate with each other? 9. What is the additional job of
the input? 10. What is the additional function of the output?

4. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих

Функциональная организация; действия компьютера; связывать друг с другом; вводить информацию извне; де­лать информацию доступной; выполнять вычисления; выводить информацию; блок управления; выдавать коман­ды; заставлять выполнять команды; выходное устройство; внешний мир; связываться друг с другом; комбинация электрических импульсов; холостой импульс; импульсы, распознаваемые компьютером.

75 Unit 6. Functional Organization of the Computer

5. Разделите приведенные ниже слова на три группы, оп­
ределяя по суффиксу часть речи существительное,
прилагательное или наречие. Переведите

Organization, functional, available, equipment, processor,-Cbmpletely, architectural, converter, convertible, controller, re­movable, logical, addition, additional, usually, accomplishment, operator, operation, mainly, communication, insertion, elec­tronic, digital, instruction, generally, arithmetic, daily", develop­ment, central, lately, visible, substitution, understandable.

6. Вспомните значение новых слов и попытайтесь переве­
сти словосочетания, употребляемые с этими словами.

Computer, analog computer; digital computer; hybrid com­puter; all-purpose computer; general-purpose computer; fifth-generation computer; game computer; handheld computer; mobile computer; multimedia computer; notebook computer; pocket computer; portable computer.

Unit: unit of memory; unit of data; unit of measurement; arithmetic unit; arithmetic-logical unit; central processing unit; computing unit; control unit; functional unit; input unit; out­put unit; network unit; system unit.

Function: arithmetic function; checking function; complex function; computer function; continuous function; conversion function; distribution function; encoding function; logical func­tion; numeric function; output function; program function; search function; software function; support function; utility function; variable function.

Control: access control; batch control; coding control; dis­tance / remote control; error control; execution control; hard­ware control; input/output control; memory control; power control; production control; program control; rate control; self-acting control; software control; system control.

7. Вспомните значение следующих прилагательных и пре­
образуйте их в сравнительную и превосходную степени.

A. Small; fast; new; long; late; wide; young; easy; great; dull;
rich; bulky; large; vast; early; old; broad.

B. Frequent; reliable; approximate; significant; intricate;
possible; basic; remarkable; common; modern; dependent; gen­
eral; necessary; successful; scientific; universal.

С Good; bad; little; many.

77 Unit 6. Functional Organization of the Computer

Английский язык. Основы компьютерной грамотности 76

8. Ознакомьтесь с терминами текста 2.

large-scale — большой; крупномасштабный flip-flop — триггер circuit ['ss:kit] — цепь; контур; схема employ [im'ploi] — использовать; употреблять; приме­нять

logic gates — логический элемент; схема пропускания (сигналов); проход

feasible — возможный; выполнимый; осуществимый

interpret orders — интерпретировать, истолковывать ко­манды

operate switches — приводить в действие переключате­ли

convey [kan'vei] — передавать; сообщать

in response to — в ответ на

correct operand — нужный операнд

original input data — исходная вводимая информация

proceed [pra'si:d] — продолжать(ся); возобновлять(ся); действовать

room — (свободное) место; свободная память

9. Прочтите текст 2 и скажите, какую дополнительную
информацию вы узнали о действии основных устройств


It should be noticed that even in a large-scale digital system, such as in a computer, or in a data-processing, control or digi­tal-communication system, there are only a few basic operations which must be performed. These operations may be operated many times. The four circuits most commonly employed in such systems are known as the OR, AND, NOT and FLIP-FLOP. They are called logic gates or circuits.

An electronic digital computer is a system which processes and stores very large amount of data and which solves scientific

problems of numerical computations of such complexity and with such speed that solution by human calculation is not fea­sible. So the computer as a system can perform numerical com­putations and follow instructions with extreme speed but it can­not program itself.

\\fe know that the numbers and the instructions which form the program, the computer is to follow, are stored in an essen­tial part of the computer called the memory. The second im­portant unit of the computer is the control whose function is to interpret orders. The control must convert the command into an appropriate set of voltages to operate switches and carry out the instructions conveyed by the order. The third basic element of a computer is the arithmetic device, which contains the cir­cuits performing the arithmetic computations: addition, subtrac­tion, etc. The control and arithmetic components are called the central processor. Finally a computer requires appropriate in­put-output devices for inserting numbers and orders into the memory and for reading the final result.

Suppose a command to perform an addition or division has been transmitted to the central processor. In response to this order the control must select the correct operands from the memory, transmit them to the arithmetic unit and return to the

Английский язык. Основы компьютерной грамотности 78

memory the result of the computation. The memory serves for storing not only the original input data, but also the partial re­sults which will have to be used again as the computation pro­ceeds.

Lastly, if the computation doesn't stop with the execution of this instruction and the storage of the partial result, the control unit must automatically pass on to the next instruction. The connection of the control unit back to the input permits inser­tion of more data when there is room in the memory.

79 Unit & Functional Organization of the Computer

10. Просмотрите текст еще раз. Ответьте на вопросы, ис­
пользуя информацию текста.

1. What are the most commonly used circuits in any com­puter? 2. How are they called? 3. What kind of a system is a digital computer? 4. Is there anything that a computer cannot do itself? What is it? 5. Where are the instructions and digits stored? 6. What is the function of the control? 7. What does the arithmetic device serve for? 8. What components form the cen­tral processor? 9. What other devices in addition to the above-mentioned ones does a computer require? 10. How are com­putations performed in a computer?

11. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих

Крупномасштабная цифровая система; система обра­ботки данных; система цифровой связи; наиболее широ­ко распространенные схемы; логические схемы; решать научные проблемы; выполнять числовые вычисления; ин­терпретировать команды; приводить в действие переклю­чатели; выполнять команды; нуждаться (требовать) в не­обходимом устройстве ввода-вывода; введение чисел и команд; считывание конечных результатов; передавать команду в центральный процессор; в ответ на; хранение частичных результатов; позволить введение новых данных; свободное место в памяти.

12. Подберите пары или группы близких по значению слов из
предложенных ниже. Переведите слова на русский язык.

\ferbs: relate, employ, insert, perform, remove, operate, show, interpret, select, issue, use, receive, perform, cause, print, make, compute, connect, execute, take away, require, act, convert, carry out, demand, permit, demonstrate, choose, transmit, type, store, get, calculate, proceed, continue, keep, allow.

Nouns: response, unit, component, computation, storage, gate, amount, digit, element, memory, instruction, device, equipment, connection, circuit, order, command, information, relation, quantity, answer, calculation, number, data.

Adjectives: broad, complete, each, appropriate, every, basic, essential, digital, original, full, wide, initial, major, large, nu­merical, common, necessary, usual, important, general, great.

Английский язык. Основы компьютерной грамотности 80

13. Согласуйте слова в левой колонке с их интерпретаци­
ей, предложенной справа.

1. Functional organization a) processes and stores large
of a computer amount of data and solves

problems of numerical com­putations;

2. Input b) circuits used in large-scale

digital systems;

3. Memory c) method of interrelation of the

main units of a computer

4. Control unit d) removing data from the de-

vice to the outside world;

5. Output e) inserting information into

the computer;

6. Arithmetic unit f) a code of combinations of

electric pulses;

7. Machine language g) performs addition, subtrac-

tion, multiplication, etc;

8. Logic gates h) stores original data as well as

partial results;

9. Digital computer i) causes all parts of the com-

puter to act as a team.

14. Расскажите о действии функциональных устройств
компьютера, пользуясь приведенной ниже схемой.

Central processing unit

81 Unit 6. Functional Organization of the Computer

15. Составьте аннотации на русском языке к следующим текстам по вариантам, используйте упр. 14 на с. 52.

1. Logical circuit elements

As it is known, any digital calculation — whether it is per­formed by 'pencil and paper' methods or with the aid of an automatic computer— must first be broken down into a se­quence of elementary arithmetical operations, such as addition, or multiplication. Each such arithmetical operation may be con­verted into a sequence of simple logical operations. It should be noted that a binary digit may take only two values — "zero" and "one". A logical proposition may be either true or false.

A symbolism and a set of rules suitable for manipulating 'yes or no' logical propositions was developed by George Boole, a self-educated genius who became Professor of Mathematics at Cork University in the middle of the 19lh century. The tech­niques of Boolean algebra are now extensively used by electri­cal engineers for the design and analysis of switching circuits. Both the arithmetic and control units of a computer consist of sets of switching circuits for directing and manipulating elec­trical pulse signals.

The process of combining a number of electronic circuits of known logical properties into an integrated system capable of performing special arithmetical or control functions is known as logical design.

2. The definition of mechanical brain

Let's imagine a railroad line with four stations marked in­put, storage, computer and output. These stations are joined by little gates or switches to the main railroad line. We can imag­ine that numbers and other information move along this rail­road line, loaded (погруженные) in cars. Input and output are stations where numbers or other information go in and come out respectively. Storage is a station where there are many plat­forms and where information can be stored. The computer is a special station, somewhat like a factory. When two numbers are loaded on platforms 1 and 2 of this station and the command is loaded on platform 3, then another number is produced on plat­form^

There is a tower, marked control.This tower runs a telegraph line to each of its little watchmen standing by the gates. The

Английский язык. Основы компьютерной грамотности 82

tower tells them when to open and when to shut which gates. Now we can see that as soon as the right gates are shut, cars loaded with information can move between stations. So by clos­ing the right gates, we can flash (отражать) numbers and in­formation through the system and perform operations of rea­soning. Thus we receive a mechanical brain.

In general, a mechanical brain is made up of: a quantity of registers where information can be stored; channels along which information can be sent; mechanisms that carry out arithmetic and logical operations; a control, which guides the machine to perform a sequence of operations; input and output devices, where information can go into and out of the machine; and at last electricity, which provides energy.

16. Поменяйтесь вариантами и выполните письменный перевод текстов, приведенных выше.


1. Подберите вместо пропусков подходящие по смыслу слова.

I. The method of all functional categories to one

another represents the functional organization of a com­puter, a) showing; b) relating; c) performing

83 Unit 6. Functional Organization of the Computer

2. Instructions and data are fed through the equip-

ment to the .

a) output; b) memory; c) input; d) control

3. The main units of the computer communicate with each

other a machine language.

a) in spite of; b) because of; c) by means of

4. The input also the information into the pulse —

no-pulse combinations understandable to the computer, a) converts; b) removes; c) accomplishes

5. The four are used to perform basic operations

in a computer.

a) basics; b) circuits; c) equipment

6. A computer can solve very complex numerical .

a) communication; b) computations; c) instructions

7. Numbers and instructions forming the program are
in the memory.

a) solved; b) stored; c) simulated

8. The control unit serves for orders.

a) reading; b) interpreting; c) inputting

9. The function of memory is to store the origi-

nal input data the partial results.

a) not only ... but also; b) either ... or; c) no sooner ... than

10. The includes the control and arithmetic-logi­
cal units.

a) flip-flop; b) digital computer; c) central processor

2. Заполните пропуски, выбрав правильную грамматичес­кую форму.

1. The simplest digital device is any device which [a) can;

b) could; c) must] count.

  1. In ancient days man [a) learns; b) learned; c) has learned]
    to substitute beads for fingers to help him count.

  2. The ancient Chinese simplified the [a) counted; b) to
    count; c) counting] board into abacus.

  3. The Japanese improved the abacus making it [a)more ef­
    ficient; b)much efficient; c) efficienter].

Английский язык. Основы компьютерной грамотности 84

  1. The tremendous speeds of computers and the flexibility
    [a) building; b) built; c) to build] into them [a) because
    of; b) according to; c) due to] the logical control make
    modern computers more powerful than mechanical cal­

  2. The big problem in understanding digital computers is the
    logic which relates the logical elements into a unit [a)
    performed; b) performing; c) having performed] arith­
    metic and logical operations.

  3. Arithmetic operations [a) converted; b) are converted;
    c) was converted] into a sequence of simple logical oper­

  4. Any digital calculation is usually [a) breaking; b) broken;
    c) being broken] down into a sequence of elementary

  5. A computer is a device [a) to accept; b) has accepted;
    c) accepts] a set of instructions and [a) executes; b) exe­
    cuted; c) to execute] them in the appropriate sequence.

lO.The flip-flop [a) is; b) was; c) has been] a storage cell with two inputs and two outputs.


1. Ознакомьтесь с терминами текста 1.

primary / secondary storage — первичное / вторичное за­поминающее устройство

main storage — основная память; оперативное запоми­нающее устройство

internal storage [in'tanal] — внутреннее ЗУ sequence ['sikwans] — последовательность; порядок сле­дования

intermediate results [,mte'midrat nsAlts] — промежуточные результаты

ongoing process ['ongoing 'prousss] — продолжающие­ся), постоянный процесс

similarity [simi'lseriti] — сходство; подобие to retain [п Чет] — сохранять; удерживать to locate [lou'keit] — размещать(ся); располагать(ся) value ['vaeljir.] — значение, величина; значимость, цен­ность; оценка binary digit ['Ьатэп 'did^it] — двоичная цифра; двоичный


adjacent [э'йзевэШ] — смежный; соседний; примыкаю­щий

strings of characters — последовательность символов consecutive [ksn'sekjutiv] — последовательный; смеж­ный; соседний

2. Прочтите текст и скажите, что такое запоминающее
устройство в компьютере и о каких его типах вы узна­
ли из текста.


Computer system architecture is organized around the pri­mary storage unit because all data and instructions used by the

Английский язык. Основы компьютерной грамотности 86

computer system must pass through primary storage. Our dis­cussion of computer system units will begin with the functions of the primary and secondary storage units. This leads to the examination of the central processing unit and from there to the consideration of the input and output units. Therefore, the se­quence in which we'll describe the functional units of a digital computer is: 1) storage units, primary and secondary; 2) cen­tral processing unit; 3) input and output units.

As you know, there are primary and secondary storage units. Both contain data and the instructions for processing the data. Data as well as instructions must flow into and out of primary storage.

Primary storage is also called main storage or internal stor­age. The specific functions of internal storage are to hold (store): 1) all data to be processed; 2) intermediate results of process­ing; 3) final results of processing; 4) all the instructions required for ongoing process. Another name for primary storage is mem­ory, because of its similarity to a function of the human brain. However, computer storage differs from human memory in im­portant respects. Computer memory must be able to retain very large numbers of symbol combinations, without forgetting or changing any details. It must be able to locate all its contents quickly upon demand. The combinations of characters, that is, the letters, numbers, and special symbols by which we usually

87 Unit 7. Storage

communicate, are coded. The codes used by computer design­ers are based upon a number system that has only two possible values, 0 and 1 .'A number system with only two digits, 0 and I, is called a binary number system. Each binary digit is called a bit, from Binary digiT. As the information capacity of a single bit is limited to 2 alternatives, codes used by computer design­ers are based upon combinations of bits. These combinations are called binary codes. The most common binary codes are 8-bit codes because an 8-bit code provides for 2/8, or 256 unique combinations of l's ans O's, and this is more than adequate to represent all of the characters by which we communicate.

Data in the form of coded characters are stored in adjacent storage locations in main memory in two principal ways : 1) as "strings" of characters — in bytes; and 2) within fixed-size "box­es" — in words. A fixed number of consecutive bits that repre­sent a character is called a byte. The most common byte size is 8-bit byte. Words are usually 1 or more bytes in length.

Secondary storage. Primary storage is expensive because each bit is represented by a high-speed device, such as a semicon­ductor. A million bytes (that is, 8 million bits) is a large amount of primary storage. Often it is necessary to store many millions, sometimes billions, of bytes of data. Therefore slower, less ex­pensive storage units are available for computer systems. These units are called secondary storage. Data are stored in them in the same binary codes as in main storage and are made avail­able to main storage as needed.

3. Просмотрите текст еще раз. Ответьте на вопросы, ис­пользуя информацию текста.

1. What are the functional units of a digital computer? 2. What units make up the central processing unit? 3. How is computer system organized? 4. What are the two main types of storage units? 5. What do they contain? 6. What is the function of a primary storage? 7. Why is primary storage often called memory? 8. In what respect does computer memory differ from human memory? 9. What are codes based on? 10. What is Sec­ondary storage and what is it used for?

Английский язык. Основы компьютерной грамотности 88

4. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих

Функциональный блок; цифровой компьютер; устрой­ство ввода; устройство управления; арифметико-логичес­кое устройство; центральный процессор; структура компь­ютерной системы; первичное запоминающее устройство; вторичное ЗУ; рассмотрение; поэтому последовательность; оперативное ЗУ; внутренняя память; промежуточные ре­зультаты; подобие функции человеческого мозга; разме­шать содержимое по требованию; система счисления; дво­ичная система счисления; возможные величины; объем информации; двоичный код; смежные ячейки памяти; последовательность символов; быстродействующее уст­ройство; полупроводник; доступный.

5. Вспомните значение новых слов и попытайтесь переве­
сти словосочетания, употребляемые с этими словами.

Storage: available storage; buffer storage; computer storage; data storage; magnetic disk storage; magnetic tape storage; in­put storage; intermediate storage; internal storage; laser storage; main storage; primary storage; secondary storage; sequential-access storage; variable storage; virtual storage.

Value: absolute value; acceptable value; additional value; bi­nary value; byte value; character value; constant value; correct value; data value; digit value; discrete values; invalid value; neg­ative value; numerical value; output value; valid value.

Digit: binary digit; binary-coded digit; check digit; informa­tion digit; input digit; nonsignificant digit; significant digit; dig­it-by-digit.

Sequence: out of sequence; alphabetic sequence; arithmetic se­quence; binary sequence; character sequence; code sequence; in­struction sequence;data sequence; digital sequence; historical se­quence; increasing sequence; program sequence; string sequence.

6. Найдите в тексте слова, близкие по значению следующим:

Memory; element; information; command; examination; character; quantity; number; place; computer architect; likeness.

To apply; to form; to move; to hold; to demand; to connect; to supply; to place; to name; to start; to examine.

Continuous; significant; consecutive; usual; enough; main; initial; general.

89 Unit 7. Storage

7. Переведите предложения, содержащие Perfect Participle
Active и Perfect Participle Passive.

1. Having finished the research the scientists made the anal­ysis of the data obtained. 2. The designer left the office having looked through all the documents. 3. Having discussed the func­tions of storage units we passed on to the consideration of con­trol processing unit. 4. Having limited the information capacity of a single bit to two alternatives the computer designers ex­pressed data by a combination of bits. 5. Having translated the program into machine language the computer architect put the program into the machine. 6. Having been coded the instruction was transmitted to the central processing unit. 7. Having been transmitted to the central processing unit the instruction made arithmetic-logical unit perform some computations. 8. Having been regulated by the operator the equipment operated well. 9. Data having been entered correctly into the computer com­ponent of a data processing system, the need for further manip­ulation by humans is eliminated. 10. Having been well prepared for the examination the pupils could answer all the questions the teacher asked them.

8. Ознакомьтесь с терминами текста 2.

medium (pi. media) — носитель; среда capacity — емкость; объем (памяти); пропускная спо­собность

media capacity — емкость носителя

data access time — время доступа к данным

per bit — на единицу информации

to transfer— передавать(ся); переносить(ся); пересы-лать(ся)

archival storage — архивное ЗУ; архивная память to depend — зависеть от; полагаться, рассчитывать на to rotate — вращать(ся); чередовать(ся); сменять(ся) reason — причина; основание; довод; обосновывать;

делать вывод

solid-state device — твердотельный прибор magnetic core — магнитный сердечник

Английский язык. Основы компьютерной грамотности 90

bipolar semiconductor — биполярный полупроводник

metal-oxide semiconductor (MOS) — структура металл-оксид-полупроводник randomly — произвольно

random-access memory (RAM) — оперативное запомина­ющее устройство (ОЗУ)

sound recording — звукозапись

to arrange — размещать; располагать; устанавливать;

монтировать tape device — ЗУ на магнитной ленте

to range — классифицировать; располагать в порядке; лежать в диапазоне

magnetic disc storage — ЗУ на магнитном диске

moving-head device — устройство с двигающейся голов­кой

predominant — преобладающий; доминирующий flexible —гибкий; настраиваемый; изменяемый floppy (disk) — гибкий диск(ета); ЗУ на гибком диске to meet the demands — удовлетворять потребности

9. Прочтите текст 2 и скажите, как вы понимаете термин «запоминающая среда» и какие компоненты ее состав­ляют. Переведите текст.


Storage media are classified as primary storage or secondary storage on the basis of combinations*of cost, capacity, and ac­cess time. The cost of storage devices is expressed as the cost per bit of data stored. The most common units of cost are cents, millicents (0.001 cents) and microcents (0.000001 cents). The time required for the computer to locate and transfer data to and from a storage medium is called the access time for that medi­um. Capacities range from a few hundred bytes of primary stor­age for very small computers to many billions of bytes of archi­val storage for very large computer systems.

Memories may be classified as electronic or electromechani­cal. Electronic memories have no moving mechanical parts, and

91 Unit 7. Storage

data can be transferred into and out of them at very high speeds. Electromechanical memories depend upon moving mechanical parts for their operation, such as mechanisms for rotating mag­netic tapes and disks. Their data access time is longer than is that of electronic memories; however they cost less per bit stored and have larger capacities for data storage. For these reasons most computer systems use electronic memory for primary storage and electromechanical memory for secondary storage.

Primary storage has the least capacity and is the most expen­sive; however, it has the fastest access time. The principal pri­mary storage circuit elements are solid-state devices: magnetic cores and semiconductors. For many years magnetic cores were the principal elements used in digital computers for primary storage. The two principal types of semiconductors used for memory are bipolar and metal-oxide semiconductors (MOS). The former is faster, the latter is more commonly used at present. Because data can be accessed randomly, semiconduc­tor memories are referred to as random-access memory, or RAM.

There is a wide range of secondary storage devices. Typical hardware devices are rotating electromechanical devices. Mag­netic tapes, disks, and drums are the secondary storage hardware most often used in computer systems for sequential processing. Magnetic tape, which was invented by the Germans during World War II for sound recording, is the oldest secondary stor­age medium in common use. Data are recorded in the form of small magnetized "dots" that can be arranged to represent coded patterns of bits.

Tape devices range from large-capacity, high-data-rate units used with large data processing systems to cassettes and cartridges used with small systems. Magnetic disk storage, introduced in the early 1960s, has replaced magnetic tape as the main meth­od of secondary storage. As contrasted with magnetic tapes, magnetic discs can perform both sequential and random pro­cessing. They are classified as moving-head, fixed-head, or com­bination moving-head and fixed-head devices. Magnetic discs are the predominant secondary storage media. They include flexible, or floppy discs, called diskettes. The "floppies" were introduced by IBM in 1972 and are still a popular storage me­dium to meet the demands of the microcomputer market.

Английский язык. Основы компьютерной грамотности 92

10. Ответьте на вопросы, используя информацию текста.

1. How are storage media classified? 2. How is the cost of storage devices expressed? 3. What is the access time for stor­age media? 4. How does the storage capacity range? 5. What are the two main types of storage devices? 6. What are electronic storage devices? 7. What are the principal primary storage cir­cuit elements? 8. What are the main secondary storage devic­es? 9. What is the oldest secondary medium and when was it invented? 10. What is a floppy?

11. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих

Запоминающие устройства; носители памяти; первич­ные ЗУ; вторичные ЗУ; время доступа; стоимость ЗУ; диа­пазон емкости памяти; архивная память; движущиеся ме­ханические части; вращающиеся магнитные ленты и диски; по этим причинам; твердотельные устройства; маг­нитные сердечники; полупроводники; оперативное ЗУ; аппаратное обеспечение вторичной памяти; звукозапись; . намагниченные точки; представлять зашифрованную ком­бинацию единиц информации; в отличие от магнитных лент; последовательная и произвольная обработка; устрой­ства с движущейся и фиксированной головкой; удовлет­ворять потребности; гибкий диск.

12. Опишите схему.

93 Unit 7. Storage

13. Переведите предложения, содержащие всевозможные
формы причастий:
1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   ...   20


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