Блок 1 Модуль 2 урок

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Блок 1 Модуль 2


  1. Просмотрите видео урок и выполните задания, данные к каждой части урока.

Teacher: Svetlana Vysotina

School: Moscow school no 1253 Class: Grade 7

Materials: Three Men in a Boat by Jerome К Jerome, Oxford Bookworms Stage 4 Chapter 14
Svetlana talks about her lesson with Elena Solovova.
1. Svetlana is teaching a home reading lesson, based on the material given above. Her students have all read this material and prepared the vocabulary at home. You should read this material now, before you watch the video. You will find it at the end of this chapter.
Look at the pre-lesson discussion between Svetlana and Elena. Note what Svetlana tells us about her students.
What are the main objectives of a home reading lesson for you? How do you check that students have read and understood the text? Write down your ideas.


Ваш ответ:

The main objectives of home reading lessons are:

  • to enrich the vocabulary;

  • to use the text as a basis for practising in oral speech: in monologues, dialogues, in retelling the texts;

My techniques of checking are;

  • Small dictation for checking the vocabulary after which the students exchange their written works and check each other. They can give marks to each other.

  • Making dialogues;

  • Retelling parts of the story by one students. The others ask questions to this student.

  • One student ask question to the class. He acts as a teacher.

  • Discussing the problems connecting to the text. The problem is named by the teacher, the students express their opinions, and search the solution of the problem if it is possible.

  • Asking the question on the text: the teacher to the students, in pairs.

  • Acting the story;

2. Look at the video from 00:00 to 01:33.
a) This stage of a lesson is sometimes called set induction or warm up. Why, in your opinion, did Svetlana decide to conduct the warm up in this way?


Ваш ответ:

I think the warm up was conducted in this way in order to reach next purposes:

- to switch the students’ attention to English lesson after previous lessons;

- to remember the text;
b) Teachers sometimes ask questions to which there is a correct answer which they already know : these are called display, or closed-ended, questions. At other times teachers ask questions to which there are several possible answers which they do not know: these may be called referential, or open-ended, questions. Which type of questions does Svetlana use in this part of the lesson?


Ваш ответ:

She uses closed-ended questions.

3. Look at the video from 01:34 to 03:56.
a) As you watch, make a note of the different ways in which Svetlana is helping her students to develop their knowledge and skills in English.


Ваш ответ:

She gave them such kind of classwork that the students could refresh the new vocabulary, the way of writing and pronunciation of new words at the same time. Besides she familiarized her students with new word (vocation), which is similar to the word “vacation”.

b) The student who writes on the board is given a mark for her work. Why do you think Svetlana chooses to give a mark for this work? Note your answer: Svetlana will give her own reason for this at the end of the lesson.


Ваш ответ:

I think Svetlana gave a mark because it was hard work to write new words and word combinations on the blackboard, while the others stayed at their places and could use their books to check themselves.

4. Svetlana asks her students to work in pairs. They have to make up different kinds of

questions which she calls special, general, alternative and tagtail. They also have to use the new vocabulary.
Now watch the video from 03:57 to 09:56. As you watch, think about the questions below.
a) How do the types of question Svetlana asks the students to use relate to the two types of question, closed- and open-ended, which we discussed in 2.b)?


Ваш ответ: (If I understood the question correctly) The students asked open-ended questions.

b) What do you think are the objectives for this activity as a whole?


Ваш ответ:

I think the main objectives are to learn asking different types of questions, to support the conversation (to react to interlocutor in right way), to repeat the new vocabulary once again, to prepare for the retelling the text in dialogues.

c) Why did Svetlana decide to start the activity with pair work?


Ваш ответ:

In order to refresh the text and vocabulary and to prepare for the oral work in dialogues.

d) At the end of this activity Svetlana teaches her students a new item of vocabulary. What is this? Why is it particularly useful for students to know vocabulary of this kind?


Ваш ответ:

This word combination (pardon me) is nessesary in situation when you want your companion to repeat smth. you didn’t hear and in some other situations. It’s useful for students to know expressions of this kind in order to be a polite persons and to continue the dialogue if any problems of misunderstending appear.

5. In the next activity one student role plays the part of Jerome and the other students listen. Before the roleplay Svetlana tells students the question she will ask at the end: Would you like to have Jerome as your companion?
Watch the video from 09:57 to 14:20 and think about the questions below.
a) What is the value of asking the question before the role play?


Ваш ответ:

Svetlana attracted her students’ attention to the monologue and she gave her students the opportunity to think over their answers while listening to Jerom’s monologue.

b) Is this question open-ended or closed-ended?


Ваш ответ:

It is the open-ended question

c) How do the answers to this question compare with the answers students gave in the pair work in the previous activity?


Ваш ответ:

6. In the next activity three students are asked to act a passage from the text: you can see this passage at the end of this chapter. Of course the students have to put the story into their own words to act it.
The students, therefore, are expressing known content but doing so in their own language. Do you think that providing content to talk about helps students to develop their oral skills? Notice how the boys develop their roles from the text.


Ваш ответ:

I think that Svetlana is absolutly right. She gives her students any possibility to develop their oral skills. Sometimes students cannot express the content even in their native language, and it’s nessesary to encourage them and allow to speak in the way they can. Svetlana’s students feel relaxedly, they show emotional dialogues. They don’t feel ashamed of being laughed at and they do develop their oral skills.

Think about this question as you watch the video from 14:21 to 18:18.
7. In the next section of the lesson starts with Svetlana saying "...the three friends were very disappointed... What happened?"
In response to this question a student re-tells part of the story. During her re-telling Svetlana asks more questions
a) What did they do there? ... remember...
b) Then what happened?
c) Why not? What happened to the clothes? Did they become clean?
What is the purpose of these questions? Think about this while you watch the video from 18:19 to 20:32.


Ваш ответ:

I think her purpose was to change the activity and to shake up the students a little. Besides she uses one more technique for developing such kind of oral skills as answering questions.

8. In the final activity in this lesson Svetlana uses again a number of techniques she has used earlier in the lesson. Look at the video from 20:33 to the end of the lesson. As you watch
a) identify any techniques which you think Svetlana has used before


Ваш ответ:

- Svetlana uses the text as a base for developing of oral skills;

- she let her students speak in their own language, with mistakes;

- she moves from the easiest task to the most difficult ones;

- she checks the vocabulary together with her students;

- she creates the situation when the students express their own opinions;

- she uses all form of oral speech: dialogues, monologues, work in group, asking and answering questions, evaluation work, expressing the opinions;

- Svetlana let her students predominate over her in speaking during the lesson;

- each students is envolved in work, there is no one person who stays aside.

b) compare the acting task with the evaluation task which follows it. Which do you think is the more demanding linguistically? Why do you think so?


Ваш ответ:

I think that evaluation task is more demanding, because it is a possibility to express own opinions, using their knowledge, to start a discussion.


a) Do you think that these students have shown that they have read and understood the text? How did Svetlana make them do this?


Ваш ответ:

The students understood the text. They know the new vocabulary, they could act the several scenes from the story, they could discuss the situations and heroes from the text. They asked a lot of questions about the text to each other and answered Svetlana’s and each other’s questions. It’s impossible to do such work without knowing the text.

Compare the list of ideas you made in question 1 with the techniques Svetlana used.


Ваш ответ:

b) What, in your opinion, might be Svetlana's objective for giving the students a written composition as homework?


Ваш ответ:

Her objectives are to widen the vocabulary on the topic “Fishing”, to repeat the vocabulary from the discussed text, to develop writing skills.

10. Now watch the post-lesson discussion between Svetlana and Elena.
a) At the end of the lesson and in the discussion Svetlana says that she and her students enjoy home reading lessons: this seemed evident in the lesson we have seen. She also says she tries to appreciate whatever students offer, and not to be critical or "put them down", that is, make them feel stupid. What is your opinion of this approach? Why?


Ваш ответ:

I agree with Svetlana absolutly. Many students are afraid to make mistakes, to look funny or stupid, to be laughed at… If the teacher doesn’t support any attempt to speak it may lead to poor results when students withdraw into themselves and stop speaking at all. It’s much more better to speak stupid things, to speak with mistakes than not to speak at all.

b) Svetlana also explains her approach to dealing with oral error. What is this? Do you agree with this approach? Why/why not?


Ваш ответ: Yes, I agree with Svetlana in this case too. I see she feels respect to her students and never interrupts them while they are speaking. But the mistakes must be corrected surely. I usually write down the mistakes in the note while the student is speaking, and I ask to repeat the sentences in which there were mistakes after the monologue is finished. If the mistake is repeated I correct the student.


  1. Напишите анализ просмотренного урока.


Ваш ответ:

Урок домашнего чтения проходит в седьмом классе общеобразовательной школы. Ученикам был задан для прочтения отрывок из книги Дж.К.Джерома «Трое в лодке не считая собаки », те. опорой для построения урока является текст. .

Учитель начинает урок с приветствия, интересуется, как дела у учеников. Далее уточняется, чему посвящен текущий урок, уточняется тема. Проводится так называемая разминка, которая позволяет учителю настроить детей на урок ИЯ, переключить внимание с предыдущих уроков и дает возможность напомнить им, о чем пойдет речь на уроке. Также Светлана задает несколько вопросов о прочитанном тексте. Вопросы требуют подробных ответов, отвечая на них, ученики могут освежить в памяти, о чем идет речь в рассказе.

Необходимо отметить, что урок проходит на изучаемом языке. Ученики, пусть с ошибками, но говорят по-английски.

Следующая часть урока – обсуждение новых слов и словосочетаний, которые встретились ученикам в тексте. Они написаны на доске на русском языке. Ученики называют их, а одна ученица пишет их на английском языке. Другие ученики проверяют правильность написания.

Оставшаяся часть урока (примерно три четверти урока) посвящена устной работе. Ученики под руководством Светланы выполняют следующие упражнения:

- работают в парах: задают друг другу различные виды вопросов по тексту, отвечают на них.

- разыгрывают в лицах сценки из рассказа;

- отвечают на вопросы учителя, которые связаны с историей, прочитанной дома;

- обсуждают проблемы, которые завуалированно поставлены в рассказе (отношение к труду, почему люди говорят неправду);

- оценивают работу друг друга.

Таким образом, учитель использует на уроке различные формы общения: учитель-класс, работа в парах, пересказ текста по ролям и др.

Очевидно, что цель учителя на данном уроке – развивать навыки устного общения.

Светлана идет от простых заданий к более сложным, каждое последующее задание опирается на предыдущее.

Необходимо отметить, что предложенный ученикам текст открывает много возможностей для устной работы непосредственно по тексту, а также для постановки дополнительных вопросов и проблем для обсуждения. У учеников есть возможность высказать собственную точку зрения, подискутировать. Светлана ставит такие дополнительные вопросы и проблемы для обсуждения, что появляется ненавязчивый воспитательный элемент в характере урока.

По видеосюжету понятно, что ученики поняли текст, т.е. он соответствует сформированным у них лексическим и речевым навыкам.

Нужно обязательно отметить настроение, которое царит во время урока. Светлана приветлива, улыбается, ученики отвечают ей тем же. Позитивное настроение, отсутствие критических замечаний, полная свобода мысли и высказываний – все это стимулирует учеников к активной работе. Все ученики работают на уроке, никто не остается в стороне, не отмалчивается. Несмотря на то, что есть явно более сильные и более слабые ученики, все участвуют в работе на равных.

В общем, 35 минут, отведенные на урок, прошли очень интенсивно, раскованно и продуктивно. За это время учитель успела воплотить в жизнь поставленную цель: развитие навыков устной речи на основе заданного текста, проверка и закрепление новых слов и словосочетаний. Урок закончился на позитивной ноте, ученики и учитель явно получили удовольствие от учебного процесса.


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