Евросредиземноморское товарищество против токсикомании общероссийское движение «трезвая россия» международная славянская академия общероссийское объединение «оптималист»

НазваниеЕвросредиземноморское товарищество против токсикомании общероссийское движение «трезвая россия» международная славянская академия общероссийское объединение «оптималист»
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Да, то, ЧТО потеряли – не вернёшь!

Но всё мы сможем,

Коль спасём от лжи РОССИЮ:

Вино и водка с пивом –

Это та же ложь!

  1. И.Н. Введенский. Опыт принудительной трезвости. Издание Московского Столичного Попечительства о Народной Трезвости. - Москва, 1915. - 44с.

  2. Классики русской медицины о действии алкоголя и алкоголизме. Избранные труды. Составитель В.С. Воробьёв. Рецензенты: Г.А. Акимов, проф.; В.О. Самойлов, проф. - М.: «Медицина», 1988.- 304с.

  3. Медицинский справочник для фельдшеров. Под редакцией член-корреспондента АМН СССР проф. А.Н. Шабанова. Издание 13-е, исправленное и дополненное. – Л.: Изд-во «Медицина», Ленинградское Отделение, 1971, с.678.

  4. Ресурс: http://www.zapcity.ru/forum/showthread.php?s56502a7fsff6c5bo1e0a3balal5db4f2&t=2204 Алкоголь, алкогольное опьянение, алкогольное отравление…

  5. ГОСТ Р 52473-2005. Спирт этиловый из пищевого сырья. Правила приёмки и методы анализа. Национальный Стандарт Российской Федерации. Издание официальное.

  6. ГОСТ 12.1.007-76; http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki.....

I.V.Nikolaev, Professor

WHAT an Ordinary Soviet Paramedic Had to Know…
A comparison is made between the attitude of Russian medical classics in the beginning of the 20th century and the contemporary “quasi educated” medics to alcohol as a narcotic ruining the health of population. Suggested is an imaginatively-graphical representation of intoxication degrees, based on which a conclusion is driven about a natural condition of the human body initially programmed by Nature for the Absolute Abstinence. Analyzed is the ideological base of intemperance and shown is the leading role of the state in proliferation of the intemperance epidemic and alcoholism in contemporary Russia.
In the rule of liberal democracy in Russia, not only has it become trendy to revise the state history and cancel astronomy classes at school. Also, it has come into fashion to re-write toxicology textbooks and some vitally important Soviet State Standards (SS) which will be discussed below. The author means the State Standards for alcohol – ethyl alcohol, the non-medical consumption of which in contemporary Russia has taken on “pattern of the national disaster”, as President Medvedev says. And how could the situation be any different when this “national disaster” is apparently promoted even in the holy of holies of the Ministry of Health and Social Development – in outpatient clinics - where visitors are being offered leaflets without output data containing “Recommendations on Healthy Nutrition for People with Increased Cholesterol Level in Blood”:

“Keep moderation in consumption of alcoholic drinks. For men no more than two alcoholic drinks per day are recommended, while for women it is only one. Such a drink is considered to be approximately 330 ml of beer, or 250 ml of dry wine, or 5 to 60 ml of strong drinks” 1.
Back in 1914 «The Standing Commission on Issues of Alcoholism attached to the Russian Society of Population’s Health Protection” derived the following definition of alcohol [1]:

«1. Alcohol, being a naturally narcotic substance both in its pure form and in various dilutions (vodka, beer, grape wine) always exerts its poisonous effect on a living organism by finally paralyzing all cells and tissues targeting specifically the most vital and active of them – the nervous system, reproductive cells, etc.

2. Being a poisonous substance, by no means should alcohol in any dilution be regarded as a roborant or nutrient product and should not be even considered to be necessary in any aspect for a normal organism.

3. Numerous strictly scientific experiments and observations have ascertained that all bodily functions such as nourishment, growth, reproduction, physical and mental work, self-protection from illnesses or adverse phenomena better occur in the state of absolute abstinence and vice-versa even moderate consumption of alcoholic drinks weakens both individual organisms and the entire society by aggravating sickliness, mortality, crime rate, suicide inclination, poverty, dissatisfaction with life and other negative phenomena.

4. Neither theoretically nor practically it is possible to indicate the limiting dose of alcohol or the extent of its dilution which could be regarded as safe…”
Here is what the classics of Russian medicine wrote in the beginning of the 20th century about alcohol effect [2]:

- N.E. Vvedensky: “Alcohol effect (in all alcoholic drinks containing it – vodka, liqueurs, wines, beer, etc.) on an organism is generally similar to the one of narcotic substances and typical poisons such as chloroform, ether, opium, etc. Alcohol is the absolute poison for all living cells and it must be firmly ascertained by science”

- F.F. Erisman: “We have answered the questions by stating that alcohol as a nutrient substance has no practical value and that it is a dangerous poison for a human being even in a highly diluted form”;

- V.M. Bekhterev: “Alcohol is a poison for each living being”.
The same definitions of alcohol were fixed in the Big Soviet Encyclopedia:

- The Big Soviet Encyclopedia, 2nd edition, v. 2, p. 116: “Alcohol is attributed to narcotic poisons”;

- The Big Soviet Encyclopedia, v. 29, p. 129: “Among narcotic substances alcohol is the most wide-spread, followed by opium and hashish”.

The same was stated in old-time Soviet SS 18300-72 for “Ethyl rectified technical spirit” in chapter 5 “Requirements for safety and production sanitation”:

“5.1 Ethyl spirit is a readily inflammable liquid with a characteristic odor and attributed to potent narcotics which initially cause excitation and then paralysis of the nervous system”.

Based on these data, “The medical guidebook for paramedics” published in 1971 [3], in the chapter “Toxicology” where all first –aid manipulations for a person poisoned by alcohol are described, gave the following data on the blood levels of ethyl alcohol characterizing the patient’s state:

By norm, without external administration, up to 0.004 % of alcohol can be found in blood. Concentration range from 0,02% to 0,2% can cause, depending on individual sensitivity, intoxication of different extent. Alcohol concentration of 0,4% in blood may cause the life-threatening comatose state. Concentration close to 0,7% causes death from respiratory arrest”. Thus the medical science in those days investigated in detail the problem of alcohol intoxication, and each rank-and-file medical professional had to possess this knowledge in order to render first-aid to any individual requiring it.
Here is how the “contemporary” medicine classifies the same [4]:

«0,03 – 0,15% - light intoxication;

0,15 – 0,25% - medium level of intoxication;

0,25 – 0,30% - heavy alcoholic intoxication;

0,30 – 0,50% - heavy alcoholic poisoning that might cause death”. As the figures show, they are close to the above referenced but source [4] says nothing about the state of a human being with alcohol concentration in blood less than 0,03%. The same source considers alcohol to be a “natural metabolite of the human body”, something like a “syndrome of brave soldier Schweik”.

This digital data are graphically presented in Fig. 1 as levels of alcoholic intoxication in relation to ethyl spirit percentage in the human blood.



0,7% and less - lethal outcome


0.4 to 0.7% - state of come


0.1 to 0.2% - medium level of intoxication


0.1 to 0.2% - medium level of intoxication

0.02 to 0.1% - light intoxication. Central nervous system depression




>0.004 to 0.02% - central nervous system agitation




0.004 and less - norm. Natural state of absolute abstinence

Fig.1 Alcoholic intoxication levels in relation to concentration (C%) of ethyl spirit in human blood

One should note the logarithmic character of the diagram of intoxication levels changing by a factor of two from the lower level of 0,004% to the upper level of 0,7% beyond which is NONEXISTENCE.

According to the data in [3], “By norm, without external administration, up to 0.004 % of alcohol can be found in blood.” 0,004% is C = 0,04‰ ppm, and this trace amount of alcohol is capable of getting into the blood due to fermentation processes in the bolus as it passes through the gastrointestinal tract (GIT). It was not without purpose that famous Avicenna recommended having meals only at the clear manifestation of hunger and only after “the bowels cleared from gases”. Therefore all discourses about the “endogenous alcohol” as the natural metabolite of the human body should be discarded as alleged speculations of narcologists suffering from the “syndrome of brave soldier Schweik” and only differing from the patients by lesser intake of the narcotic alcoholic poison. So, the blood concentration of ethyl alcohol C ≤ 0,004% is the natural state of a healthy individual programmed by NATURE for absolute ABSTINENCE!
Moving upward in the diagram (Fig. 1) along the concentration scale, let us explore the range of alcohol concentration in the human blood lying within C = 0,004% - 0,02%. According to the definition provided by SS 18300-72 for ethyl spirit, it is obvious that this specific rage of alcoholic narcotic concentration “first causes excitation” of the central nervous system. Exactly this state appeals so much to some sportsmen as a stimulant as well as to apologists of the so-called “consumption culture” of alcoholic drinks. It is this “tiny gram” of 50-60 ml of strong alcoholic drinks that causes the drunken euphoria, the alleged “ boost of energy”, the illusion of extreme power to “move mountains”. As the life experience shows, not all human beings are capable of stopping at this level of alcohol consumption. A narrow band of relatively safe alcohol concentrations in the blood is easily exceeded in the pursuit of delusive delight, and the individual, without even noticing it but obviously for the people around bogs down in the swamp of intemperance and chronic alcoholism. As Henrich Heine, famous German poet, ironically said: “You take a sip and faster find the way to the battle wreath. /Glass after glass and there you can see the entire world gradually conquered in the long run!”/ This is why the ideologists of the “cultured consumption” of alcoholic drinks are dangerous: they entice others into non-controllable consumption later blaming these people of the so-called “alcohol abuse”. It logically follows that the struggle against overindulgence in booze is a sheer fatuity of ones and slyness of others encouraging this OVERindulgence. It is absolutely counterproductive and losing endeavor which is confirmed by the entire history of battling intemperance and alcoholism in Russia.

The problem of “overcoming intemperance and alcoholism” can only be resolved by returning the entire society to the natural state of absolute abstinence as initially foreseen by the Nature of Human Being!

The next range of alcohol concentration in blood C = 0,02% - 0,1% (Fig.1) is the beginning of depression of the central nervous system, or the so-called “light intoxication [4]. Above it in the range C = 0,1% - 0,2% is intoxication of medium severity, which transforms into heavy intoxication in the range C = 0,2% - 0,4% when an alcoholic is submerged into the alcoholic narcotic sleep. As shown in Fig. 1, it is a very narrow band that can easily be exceeded as a result of the so-called “overdosing”. Because of such overdosing the organism of an alcoholic lapses into coma with heart and breath function impairment. The narrow band of alcohol concentrations 0,4% - 0,7% that defines the comatose state of the organism of an alcoholic is a distinctive “no-man’s land” separating LIFE from DEATH. This is why ethyl spirit is not used in medicine as a narcotic for submerging patients in the state of narcotic sleep – it is too dangerous for life!
A wonderful illustration to the above said can be found in the book “Travels to Several Remote Nations of the World” by famous English satirist Jonathan Swift: “In 1685 a famous drink called gin was invented. When you gulp down the first glass – you swallowed a nail, you drink the second glass – you swallowed a rose petal, you drink the third glass… - never could I remember what one feels after gulping down the third glass”. This was a poetic insight inspired by gin in a poetically inclined contemporary. Because all people have different tolerance to the poisoning effect of alcohol, for some individuals the “third glass’ will lead to the narcotic alcoholic sleep (“I can hardly remember..”), while for other individuals this glass might become the last in their lifetime and end up in the “eternal sleep”.
Now, my honorable readers, let us apply this diagram (Fig. 1) to more heavy narcotics such as opium, hashish, heroin, etc. that rank next to alcohol in proliferation. If the lethal dose of alcohol is 7,0 – 7,2 g/kg of the body mass (for teenagers this dose is 3 to 5 times lower!), in the case of heavy narcotics lethal are doses in micrograms or tens of micrograms, which means that these doses are thousand or tens of thousand times less than the lethal alcohol dose. Thus the risk of overstepping the bounds of life and death increases by thousand and tens of thousand times. When we hear about the death of another victim to narcotic abuse - “Died from overdose”- it testifies that, without noticing it, the victim overstepped the narrow boundary of doses defining the state of narcotic sleep, almost the “line” beyond which the comatose state followed and transformed into NONEXISTENCE.

The detective story of SS 18300-72 evolution
Back in 1982, instead of SS 18300-72, there appears SS 5964-82 which has no mention of the ethyl spirit effect on the central nervous system but still retains the definition of alcohol as a “potent narcotic”.

This new SS enhances the level of acceptable concentration of ethyl spirit vapors in the “air of the working zone” by thousand times, up to 1000 mg/m3. Such concentration of spirit vapors is attained over the fluid free surface. It was specifically this physical phenomenon of liquid evaporation from the free surface that English researcher Stoccard focused on in the study of complications of ethyl spirit poisoning on heredity of Guinea pigs: cages with animals were placed over the fluid free surface thus causing them to inhale vapors of ethyl spirit. The results of his experiments were referenced in the article of famous Russian genetic scientist N. Koltsov in the journal “Nature”, issue 4 of 1916, “Alcohol effect on heredity”. Nowadays a scientific town of Koltsovo in the vicinity of Novosibirsk bears the name N. Koltsov. Thus scoundrels who re-wrote SS 18300-72 knew exactly WHAT to do.

1993 – instead of SS 5964-82 there comes into effect SS 5964-93 which eliminates the definition of ethyl spirit as the narcotic;

2000 – SS Р51652-2000 comes into effect. This “Russian standard” was approved September 23, 2000 by Degree No. 265-st of the State Standardization Commission of Russia on the proposal of the All-Russia Scientific Research Institute of Food Biotechnology, the Technological Committee on Standardization of Spirit, Yeast and Liqueur Production, the Department of Food Processing Industry and Children’s Nutrition of the Ministry of Agricultural Production of the Russian Federation and… the working group established within the framework of TACIS program3”. Chapter 5 “Safety Requirements” stated that:

“5.1 Ethyl spirit in its effect on the human body is attributed to danger class 4 according to SS 12.1.007”.

2005 – instead of SS Р51652-2000 appears a new standard – SS Р52473-2005 which declares in Chapter 7 “Safety Requirements” the following [5]:

«7.3 Ethyl spirit in its effect on the human body is attributed to danger class 4 according to SS 12.1.007. It causes effect on the central nervous and cardiovascular systems and the liver”. The acceptable level of ethyl spirit vapor concentration in the air of the working zone remains the same 1000 мg/m3.
What is SS 12.1.007? It is an old Soviet State Standard dated of 1976 which is applied for low-hazard inorganic substances obtained in the industrial chemical processes – SS 12.1.007-76 [6]. According to this SS, low-hazard substances are attributed to the last danger class – class 4. The following are the danger criteria:

- average lethal dose (LD50) of introduction into the stomach, mg/kg - > 5000;

- average lethal concentration in the air, mg/m3 - > 50 000.

SS 12.1.007-76 attributes to low-hazard substances the following inorganic substances: hydrogen sulphide, simazine4, sulphates, chlorides which have no relation to spirits and specifically to ethyl spirit. There is direct evidence of falsification and fraud on the part of officials of the State Standardization Committee. The latter seems to be rather a private institution employed for the ideological support of the alcohol business which has remained intact and unchanged up to date, and the state is merely a mafia backup for protection of the alcohol distribution market putting the squeeze on the trade of alcohol narcotic by means of excise duties.

This conclusion is indirectly confirmed by the presentation given by Tatiana Golikova, Head of the Ministry of Health and Social Development, at the presidential meeting of August 12, 2009 in Sochi: “The state policy on production and consumption of alcohol is the main factor influencing alcohol consumption by our population”. The Minister in her report noted that the “high mortality rates” of alcoholic addicts are “primarily related to the inefficiently organized narcological medical aid”. What the “narcological medical aid” has to do with it, if the federal law “On state regulation of the production and stock rotation of ethyl spirit, alcoholic and spirit-containing products” in Article 2 states that:

“…alcoholic products are food products manufactured with the use of ethyl spirit obtained from food raw materials, with alcohol content of more than 1.5 % of the ready product volume…”. Following this logic, if the “alcohol products are food products” than alcoholics must be treated by dietitians, gastroenterologists, proctologists, oncologists and other medical specialists. But the fact is, alcohol addicts are cured by narcologists and the conclusion inevitably follows that alcohol is a narcotic ruining the health of population and the above federal law “On state regulation…” asserts the lie!
The cursory analysis of the intemperance and alcoholism in contemporary Russia done by the author shows that the general knowledge on this problem possessed by an ordinary Soviet paramedic is not found even in candidates of sciences, doctors and academics of medical science or they just stretch the truth, unlike Russian intelligentsia of the beginning of the 20th century, serving His Indecency alcoholic capital for the notorious thirty pieces of Judas silver. At the same time, the entire policy making of the Russian state is based on lies. Let us point to the concluding statement in paragraph 7.3 of SS Р52473-2005: «7.3…(Ethyl spirit) Affects the central nervous and cardiovascular systems and the liver”. This is a forced recognition, half-truth, because the true information on alcohol is hidden. But we are well aware of the background and know WHAT is hidden behind this phrase, all previous wordings of the problem and WHAT exactly lies in oblivion.
The outcome from the current situation is seen in telling the nation the truth! Necessary measures to be taken are as follows:

  1. Go back to the definition of alcohol as the narcotic ruining the population’s health and apply it to the Russian ethyl spirit standard. The application of antinarcotic legislation should be extended to the alcoholic product trade;

  2. Encourage in every possible way all groups of population to profess Sobriety, to completely abstain from alcohol and tobacco with full objective awareness of the harm caused by these narcotics to the society and future generations;

  3. Enforce rigid restricting policy making at the state level with regard to alcoholic and tobacco products in order to make unprofitable and blamable this type of business cashing in on people’s health.

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