Мгпу учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины

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ТипУчебно-методический комплекс
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Раздел 3. Содержательный компонент теоретического материала

Содержательный компонент программы по английскому языку представлен в УМК Philip Kerr & Ceri Jones Straightforward Intermediate издательства Macmillan, который представлен в достаточном количестве в библиотеке МГПУ. Данный УМК состоит из Student’s Book, Work Book, 3x CD.

Содержательный компонент программы для 2 курса представлен в серии аутентичных текстов, содержащих лексические и грамматические упражнения, которые согласуются с материалами программы по специальностям. Задания, содержащие профессионально-направленную лексику, направлены на обогащение словарного запаса и развитие монологической и диалогической речи на английском языке.

Приведём некоторые из них:

Topic Talking Politics.

Text: Reading newspapers and listening to the radio

1. During the three days of talks the two leaders discussed a wide range of problems. They exchanged views on the situation in the Middle East, disarmament and ecology. They also discussed issues connected with economic, scientific and cultural co-operation and the prospects for its development.

As a result of the talks the two sides reached agreement on a new plan for closer economic links, and a number of agreements wee signed.

2. The head of the International Monetary Fund has called on the member states to reduce spending on armaments. He said the money saved could be used for the reconstruction of economy and raising the standard of living of the people.

3. The official media report that two senior ministers have resigned in protest against the inability of the leadership to solve urgent economic problems.

4. The delegate said that a treaty on banning the spread of nuclear weapons would promote the relaxation of international tension and diminish the danger of a nuclear disaster.

5. Reports say that thousands of people in the capital demonstrated in support of the demand of the opposition parties for radical reforms to achieve the necessary transformation in economy.

6. The head of the ruling party called for strengthening unity as an important condition for ensuring order and stability.


From the History of Newspapers (text 1)

The earliest variation on a newspaper was a daily sheet published in 59 ВС in Rome called Acta Diurna (Daily Events), which Julius Caesar ordered posted throughout the city. The earliest known printed newspaper was in Beijing in 748.

In Renaissance Europe handwritten newsletters cir­culated privately among merchants, passing along infor­mation about everything from wars and economic condi­tions to social customs and «human interest» features. The first printed forerunners of the newspaper appeared in Germany in the late 1400's in the form of news pam­phlets or broadsheets, often highly sensationalized in content. Some of the most famous of those reported the atrocities against Germans in Transylvania perpetrated by Vlad Tsepes Drakul, who became the Count Dracula of later folklore.

In the English-speaking world, the earliest predeces­sors of the newspaper were corantos, small news pam­phlets produced only when some event worthy of notice occurred. News pamphlets appeared only from time to time and cannot be classed as newspapers, though they were unquestionably the immediate forerunners of the British press. The first successively published title was The Weekly Newes of 1622. It was followed in the 1640's and 1650's by a plethora of different titles. The first true newspaper in English was the London Gazette of 1666. For a generation it was the only officially sanctioned newspaper, though many periodical titles were in print by the century's end.

Early American journalism. Before the 1700's, the American colonists relied on pamphlets, handwritten newsletters, English newspapers, and town criers for the news. In 1690, Benjamin Harris of Boston founded Publick Occurrences Both Forreign and Domestick, the first newspaper published in America. But the colonial government stopped it after one issue. In 1704, John Campbell established the Boston News-Letter, the first regularly published paper in the colonies.

John Peter Zenger founded the New-York Weekly Journal in 1733 and soon won a victory for a free press. In the paper, he criticized the royal governor of New York. The governor's council had Zenger arrested, and in 1735 he was tried for libel. The jury found Zenger not guilty after his attorney argued that Zenger had printed the truth and that truth is not libelous.

By 1765, the American Colonies had more than 20 newspapers. That year, the British Parliament passed the Stamp Act*. The act required that special tax stamps* be placed on all newspapers, legal documents, and other printed material. The colonists protested. Newspapers continued to publish without buying the stamps, and they supported the colonists. In 1766, Parliament repealed the law. But the newspapers remained a powerful force against British rule and helped propel America toward the Revolutionary War (1775—1783).

The growth of U.S. newspapers was rapid during the 1800s. By 1830, the country had about 1,000 papers. But most of these papers concentrated on business or political news. They also sold for about 6 cents a copy— far more than working-class people could afford. In 1833, Benjamin H. Day founded the New York Sun, the first successful penny newspaper. The Sun attracted a large audience because of its low cost and its lively reports of fires, crimes, marriages, and other human-interest news.


Stamp Act — Закон о гербовом сборе, принятый британс­ким парламентом в 1765 г. Закон требовал, чтобы в Американских колониях на все юридические и ком­мерческие документы, газеты и т.д. наклеивались специальные гербовые марки и преследовал целью дополнительные налоговые поступления в британс­кую казну (отменен в 1766 г.).

tax stamps - налоговые (гербовые) марки

Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих слов и выражений:

  • ежедневный

  • газета — 1

  • газета — 2

  • газета — 3

  • вывешивать, расклеивать (объявления, афиши и т. п.)

  • распространяться; переходить из рук в руки

  • интересный для широкой публики

  • статья, очерк (в газете, журнале)

  • памфлет

  • большой лист бумаги с печатным текстом на одной стороне; листовка; плакат

  • сенсационного содержания

  • газета, журнал; печатное произведение

  • периодическое издание

  • печататься; издаваться

  • глашатай

  • номер, экземпляр (газеты)

  • (письменная) клевета, диффамация

  • клеветнический; содержащий диффамацию

  • дешевая, общедоступная газета (ценой в 1 пенс)

  • сообщение, известие (в печати и т.д.)

Be prepared to answer your teacher’s questions or retell the text.
News Items

Woman uses car to end argument with husband

A 35-year-old woman reportedly ended an argument with her husband by hitting him with a car hard enough to knock him to the ground Saturday.

The couple were arguing in their Arsenal Way apart­ment when the woman reportedly picked up a knife and pointed it at her husband, he told police.

The argument spilled into the parking lot and ended when she got into the car and backed into her husband.

The man said he had hip and shoulder pain and was taken to Harrison Hospital in Bremerton.

The woman drove off and no arrest was reported Sun­day night.

Man played with gun, got shot

An 18-year-old wouldn't tell at first why he had been shot in the hand Friday evening at Harrison Hospital, according to Bremerton and sheriff's office police re­ports.

When questioned by officers, however, he revealed that he found a 9 mm gun with a bullet lodged in the barrel in the woods near his home.

The teen* took the gun inside his garage and tried to get the bullet out. He had a palm over the barrel and was trying to pry the bullet out with a screwdriver when his hand slipped and the gun went off, he told a sher­iff's deputy*.
Florida women disarm* intruder* with ham sandwich, rum*

Confronted* with an armed intruder in their home, two women plied* him with a ham sandwich and rum until he became groggy* and passed out*.

Police arrived and arrested Alfred Joseph Sweet, 52, to end the five-hour episode.

Cathy Ord, 60, and Rose Bucher, 63, said they tried to befriend* the man after he burst* through their kitchen window with a sawed-off shotgun* Tuesday night.

They made him a sandwich, gave him a bottle of rum and suggested he shower and shave so he could «be disguised* in his getaway*,» Ord said.

«We just treated him with kindness,» Bucher said.

She said she had offered Sweet cash and the keys to her Cadillac, but he just sat with them, holding his gun. The intruder never said what he wanted, the women said.

Police say woman swallowed heroin

A 37-year-old Poulsbo woman arrested Thursday night for shoplifting at Safeway on Callow Avenue allegedly swallowed heroin as she was being taken in for process­ing, according to a Bremerton police report.

She was carrying a case that smelled like vinegar — a smell associated with black tar heroin* — and had a razor blade and a piece of plastic that had a dark residue on it, the report said.

A police officer also found alcohol swabs, a spoon, several syringes and a rubber strap.

In the report, the 37-year-old admitted to eating the heroin. Police were advised that she did not need medi­cal aid.


teen — подросток

sheriff's deputy - помощник шерифа

to disarm — обезоруживать; обезвреживать; разоружать

intruder — незваный гость

rum — ром

to confront — сталкиваться лицом к лицу

to ply - потчевать, усиленно угощать

groggy слабо или нетвердо стоящий на ногах (о челове­ке хмельном или после болезни) I feel groggy. - Меня пошатывает.

to pass out — терять сознание

When he heard the news, he passed out with the shock. -Когда он узнал об этом, он лишился чувств.

to befriend — относиться дружески

to burst (through) — прорваться, вломиться

sawed-off shotgun — обрез ружья

disguised — замаскированный

getaway - бегство; побег

black tar heroin — разновидность героина

Найдите в тексте устойчивые словосочетания:

  • прекратить спор

  • ключи от (автомобиля)

Be prepared to answer your teacher's questions.

Editorial article

Illiteracy: Lonely, disabling - and surmountable

You and I, reader — we who read newspapers, we who can read books and reports and maybe write them, we who live with printed words and take reading for granted — you and I have opportunities and pleasures inaccessible to those who can't.

Nobody knows how many illiterate adults there are in Kitsap County. The Census Bureau* doesn't ask; and even if it did, adults who can't read aren't eager to admit it, especially those born in this country.

We do know this: that close to 600 adults used the services of the Literacy Council of Kitsap last year, and that there would be many more if there weren't a shortage of volunteer tutors and if illiterate adults weren't ashamed to expose their inability.

One student I met there was a 28-year-old man who had graduated from an American high school but, inexplicably, read at the fifth-grade level. He spoke English, of course, but written English was almost a foreign language to him.

At the time*, he had one year to go in a two-year job-training program, but he was unable to read instructions and manuals and write simple, two-sentence reports, an inability that would sabotage his job search.

For him and hundreds of others in the West Sound area, maybe thousands, functional illiteracy is a source of shame and a guarantee of cultural isolation and economic impoverishment. The functionally illiterate can't read street signs, bus schedules, and classified ads, can't write checks and job applications, much less read to their children. Illiteracy is a crippling burden; it brings a helplessness and frustration difficult for the rest of us to imagine.

To be illiterate is to be largely powerless in our society, and the powerless are more likely to be poor and angry, more likely to be on welfare or to resort to crime to get by.

In a story called «Poor Koko,» British writer John Fowles tells of a young, inarticulate*, lower-class burglar who breaks into a rural home he thought was vacant.

To his surprise, he finds an old man inside, a scholar who has been working for many years on a manuscript about an obscure poet. Not knowing what else to do with the old man, and not having the verbal tools to express the resentment he feels toward this representative of the privileged, literate, educated class, the burglar ties the old man in a chair in front of the fireplace, then slowly burns the only copy of his manuscript page by page before his eyes.

One of Fowles' ideas is that for the illiterate and the inarticulate, impoverished in the world of language, vi­olence is a kind of speech to which some resort to ex­press their frustration and get revenge on a world they feel has cheated them, an idea perhaps supported by the high rates of illiteracy among prison inmates.

If an illiterate citizen takes up crime as a way to survive, one solution, of course, a very expensive one, and only temporary, is to imprison him.

A far cheaper, more productive one is to help him become a better reader before he ever comes to see crime as a necessity or as a way to get even* — to help him become a useful participant in society rather than an enemy of it and a drain on its resources.

Many are waiting for that help.


Census Bureau — Бюро переписи населения

census enumerator /interviewer, taker/ — счётчик (при

переписи населения)

to take the census — провести перепись (населения) at the time — в тот момент

functional illiteracy — малая/недостаточная грамотность inarticulate — бессловесный, зд. не умеющий выразить

свою мысль to get even — свести счёты, расквитаться

Найдите в тексте устойчивые словосочетания:

  • считать само собой разумеющимся

  • поиск работы

  • жить на пособие

  • обращаться к преступному промыслу — 1

  • обращаться к преступному промыслу — 2

  • ворваться, вломиться в дом

  • к (его) удивлению

  • на (его) глазах

  • отомстить кому-л.

  • полезный член общества

What problem does the article highlight?

What is the newspaper's opinion on the problem?
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Автор программы: Меньшакова Мария Юрьевна, к б н., доцент кафедры биологии и химии мгпу
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Автор программы: доктор биологических наук, профессор кафедры биологии и химии мгпу н. В. Василевская
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Автор программы: Н. В. Василевская – доктор биологических наук, профессор кафедры биологии и химии мгпу
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Автор программы: Н. В. Василевская, доктор биологических наук, профессор кафедры биологии и химии мгпу
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Автор программы: Н. В. Василевская – доктор биологических наук, профессор кафедры биологии и химии мгпу
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Учебно-методический комплекс по предмету «Стилистика» подготовлен кандидатом филологических наук, доцентом кафедры английского языка...
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Основная образовательная программа подготовки специалиста по специальности (специальностям)
Мгпу учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины iconМгпу учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины
Основная образовательная программа подготовки специалиста по специальности (специальностям)
Мгпу учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины iconМгпу учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины
Основная образовательная программа подготовки специалиста по специальности (специальностям)
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Основная образовательная программа подготовки специалиста по специальности (специальностям)
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Рецензенты: д б н., профессор кафедры биологии и химии Н. В. Василевская, к б н., зав
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Авторы программы: ассистент кафедры биологии и химии Александрова Е. Ю., к с. Х н. Ласкин П. В
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Левитес Д. Г., д п н., профессор, заведующий кафедрой педагогического проектирования и образовательных технологий

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