Конспект Оборина Т. П. «Our letters and conflicts»

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Дата публикации08.09.2013
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Мой конспект
Оборина Т.П.

«Our letters and conflicts»

Цель урока: Совершенствовать знания, умения и навыки по всем видам речевой деятельности по теме «Our letters and conflicts», активизация грамматических навыков по теме «Инфинитив».
Задачи урока:

Обучающая. Совершенствовать навыки устной речи по теме «Our letters and conflicts» с использованием активной лексики, развивать навыки аудирования чтения и письма с целью подготовки к выпускному экзамену.

Коммуникативная. Тренировать разговорные формы с использованием речевого клише.

Воспитательная .Формировать интерес к написанию писем личного характера

Культурно-развивающая. Формировать социо-культурную компетенцию.
Оснащение урока:

УМК под редакцией Биболетовой М.З, магнитофон, запись текста на CD, раздаточный материал для индивидуальной и групповой работы, таблицы для активизации лексических единиц, бланки c заданиями, текст песни.
Lesson plan

Objectives: to master the skills of listening and understanding English language, to gain good skills of monologue and dialogue, to get the ability to speak well as a result of experience and training.

Equipment: a type-recorder, CD, cards, blanks.

1 Greetings,

Topic of the lesson

Teacher- Good afternoon everybody. I am glad to see you. Today we’ll speak, read and write about letters and conflicts in our life It’s the topic for discussion. All of you will try to take part in this conversation

Are you ready to start?

Let's start our lesson with a few questions about the letters in our life. Be active and give the full answers.
Учитель приветствует учащихся, сообщает тему урока.

Учитель задает вопросы и побуждает учащихся отвечать на них Речевая разминка проводится в быстром темпе.

2 Warming up

Teacher-Can you answer the questions about your practice writing an informal letter, and how you write informal letters in English

1Where do you write your address?

2.Where do you write your name?

3.Do you write the address of the person you are writing to in the letter?

4.Where do you write the date?

5.How do you begin the informal letter?

6.How do you finish the informal letter?

7.What do you think about writing letters? Is it a good practice?

8 Can the skill of writing letters become a habit?
3 Listening
Teacher-I see you know how to write informal letters .Now I want you to listen to the tape script about the letters and their authors.

First of all try to refresh your memory and remember the meaning of the

words. Let’s have a look at these words

Если учитель предполагает, что слова из текста по аудированию могут вызвать затруднения, значение слов объясняется перед прослушиванием текста. В целях экономии времени, следующие слова, объясняющее значение появляются на экране монитора с помощью легкого щелчка компьютерной мыши.
pen-pals- pen- friends

communicate – to express thoughts, feelings or information to someone else.

to believe- think that a fact is true

to create- to make something new or original that did not exist before

deliver - to take letters to a place

occasionally - unexpectedly

treasured- valuable or important

receive- to get

realize – to understand

attempt – an effort to do something

retired – to be on pension

to check for - to control or to examine

to conquer – to win a victory

value- the importance of something

resolve - to find a way of dealing with a difficult situation

habit – something you do often or regularly, without thinking about it.

practice – to do something regularly

waste of time – a situation in which time is used without bringing any useful result

persistence - continued to do something in a determined way.

eventually- - at the end of a process or period of time in which many things happen

defender- someone who works to prevent it from being lost or taking away

Teacher –Well, it wasn’t so bad.

Translate the titles for the abstracts of the texts, please.

Try to match these short abstracts to the mixed titles

A).For some people, old habits never die.

B).Sometimes it is a mistake to write a letter.

C).Writing letters in English is good practice.

D).Letter writing is a waste of time.

E).It is a waste of time making your views known.

F).Persistence eventually gives some results.

G).Seven together will be better than one.









Now you’ll listen to the texts. All of them are about writing letters and people’s attitude to them .

Please, choose the right titles for these abstracts of the given texts

T-Now we are ready to start

Tape script
Speaker 1
I have 6 pals in 6 countries! We are not really «pen» pals, such as since we communicate via an internet site. We «chat» regularly about all our news but we are now involved in writing a novel. Each of us in turn adds 200 fresh words for the next to follow on from. We have no idea how the story will finish but we are having lots of fun developing the story and believe we are creating a bestseller!
Speaker 2

I write to film stars, pop singers, TV celebrities and even royalty! The letters are basically the same explaining that I collect letters as a hobby. Very often I don't even have a correct address but a surprising number of my letters are delivered and some get a reply. Usually they are printed fan mail responses but very occasionally (1 in a 100) I get a real hand written reply. My most treasured is from J.K. Rowling.
Speaker 3

After birthdays and Christmas, I always write thank you letters for any gifts I have received. What didn't realize was that every letter I sent to my Granny, since my very first attempts at making letters, had been marked and graded! My Granny is a retired English teacher. It turns out that every letter she gets she checks for bad grammar and spelling mistakes, marks them in red ink and gives them a grade!
Speaker 4

I have a pen pal, Katya, who lives in the Siberian city of Novosibirsk. We go for old fashioned nail mail" because somehow it is more exciting receiving a letter than an email. It is more personal holding and reading some pages over which my friend has worked so hard. And it is hard for her — but she is determined to conquer English and her letters get more fluent and accurate every time
Speaker 5

I wrote to the Prime Minister because I feel that the government should be doing more to combat global warming. I got a reply (probably from a secretary rather than the PM) thanking me for my letter. It said that the government agreed with me and "well done", for taking an interest. But I felt politely ignored. Perhaps it was stupid to believe that the words of a 16-year-old girl would ever be taken seriously.
Speaker 6

I got a "goodbye" letter from my girl friend. She said that she was writing so she could choose exactly the right words. She wanted me to understand that she liked me as a friend but it wasn't a good time for her with exams coming up. She said, «We should move on». But I thought she should have met me. I would have preferred to talk about it, agreed together and split up amicably.
Teacher-You have 15 seconds to complete the task. (Pause 15 seconds.)

Now you will hear the texts again. (Repeat.)

This is the end of the task. You now have 15 seconds to check your answers. (Pause 15 seconds)

Teacher- Well, let’s exchange papers with our neighbors. Compare your choices with other students Check them up with the help of the correct words and figures on the board and give me the results, please.
Учащиеся обмениваются работами для взаимопроверки и отмечают ошибки на полях. Учитель просит вернуть работы их авторам и подводит итоги работы.


4 Reading. Focus on Grammar and Vocabulary

Teacher- Read the story to yourself. Change the lexical and grammatical form of the word written in the right hand column so that it fits the gap in the text
Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами В4—В10, так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами

Late Delivery

These days, letters posted in one country can be sent to somebody | (B4)……..on the other side of the world in less than a week, thanks to air mail.

But this is not what happened to a letter (B5)……by a Mr. Gray in

1937. He suddenly had to leave the country to go to France and so he quickly wrote a letter to his wife to say goodbye and tell her what a wonderful wife she was. He must have posted the letter just before he boarded the ship that would take him to France, but sadly the ship(B6)……and Mr. Gray was never seen again.

Mrs. Gray finally received the letter last week - more than sixty years after her husband (B7)….. it. An official explained that the letter had fallen behind a desk and it (B8)….. undiscovered if the Post Office hadn't decided to replace the old furniture.

Today, Mr. Gray could have sent his wife an email or a text message instead of a letter. In fact, the use of postal services for business correspondence, as well as for personal letters ,(B9)…. all the time. In all probability, the number of daily postal deliveries(B10)…… to drop in the future.






Для проверки ученикам предлагается зачитать свои варианты Ошибки исправляются.
5 Relaxation Relax and enjoy while listening to the song .Sing it in the same manner.

Звучит песня в исполнении ансамбля Битлз «She is leaving home»

Текст песни раздается Ученики встают и подпевают
Wednesday morning at 5 o’clock, as the day begins,

Silently closing her bedroom door,

Leaving the note that she would say more,

She goes downstairs to the kitchen, clutching her handkerchief.

Quietly turning the backdoor key,

Stepping outside she is free.

She ( We gave her most of our lives)

is leaving (Sacrificed most of our lives)

home. (We gave her everything money could buy)

She’s leaving home after living alone for so many years.
Father snores as his wife gets into her dressing gown,

Picks up the letter that’s lying there.

Standing alone at the top of the stairs,

She breaks down and cries to her husband,

«Daddy, our baby’s gone!
Why would she treat us so thoughtlessly?

How could she do this to me?»

She (We never thought of ourselves)

is leaving (Never a thought for ourselves)

home( We struggled hard all our lives to get by)

She’s leaving home after living alone for many years.
Friday morning at 9 o’clock she is far away,

Waiting to keep the appointment she made,

Meeting a man from the motor trade,

She (What did we do that was wrong?)

is having (We didn’t know it was wrong)

fun.(Fun is the one thing money can’t buy)

Something inside that was always denied for so many years.

She’s leaving home. Bye-bye!
Teacher -1).What is the main problem given in the song?

2).Who is right and who is not?

3).Do you have such problems at home?

4).Do you think that to escape is the best way out?

5).Do you have any friends who want to leave their house because of bad relations with parents? ( If yes, how are you going to help them?)
T-I think that misunderstanding between children and their parents is a very unpleasant thing. But to my mind there are some ways to solve this problem. What are they from your point of view?

Успех работы над темой о конфликтах и умении их разрешать во многом зависит от увлеченности учащихся. Поэтому вторую часть урока, после релаксации, лучше начать с «мозгового штурма» (Brainstorming)

6 Free practice. Brainstorm

Teacher- .Is it possible to be involved in the conflict?

Let’s try to find out the meaning of the word «conflict».( To create the atmosphere for the brainstorming the teacher hangs the illustrations related to conflicts.)

Students give the definition of the word.
S- Conflict means angry disagreement between people or group

S-Conflict means a situation in which something that is good for one person is bad for another person

S-Conflict means- a situation in which it is difficult for 2 things to exist together

S-Conflict means a feeling of being nervous, because you want 2 different things at the same time

S-Conflict means- a situation in which it is difficult for two persons to exist together peacefully.

T-OK, thank you Now think what kinds of conflicts can we see in our everyday life? To make our task easier, we’ll do the following

( Teacher draws the spidergram on the blackboard.)

Учитель записывает на доске в форме « спайдограммы» свой пример, а затем учащиеся говорят и записывают свои варианты.

T-What kinds of conflicts do you know? Can you name them?

Ss-between - friends, relatives, neighbors, colleges






7 Oral practice
Ex40 p 114 Work in pairs. Agree or disagree

. Ученики делятся на пары и используя образцы из данного упражнения работают устно Учащиеся выражают свое согласие или несогласие с мнением партнера. Активизация грамматической конструкции «Инфинитив»


It is (not) necessary to…

It is (not) important to..

It is (not) impossible to…

We can (can’t) resolve conflicts peacefully;

We can (can’t) prevent all conflicts;

We must (don’t have to) respect the rights of other people;

We should (shouldn’t) listen to other people

We have to (don’t have to) agree with people who have different values.

Begin with: I agree with you (I an afraid I can’t agree with you)

Example: «We can prevent war».

«I agree with you. It is possible to prevent war».


«I am afraid I can’t agree with you. It is impossible to prevent war».

Teacher- I’d like you to finish these sentences. Share your ideas on conflict
Следующее задание проводится с целью активизации лексических единиц и речевых оборотов по теме «Конфликт». Ученики заканчивают предложения, высказывая свое мнение по теме.

Предложения появляются на экране монитора для устного ответа мотивированными учащимся и раздаются для письменного ответа на карточках дифференцированно.
1.A conflict is ---

2.I tell lies to my friend if….

3. I am sure people can prevent….

4.Conflicts often happen…..

5.Conflict can lead to….

6.I respect people …

7.It makes me feel down when…

8.Political parties should resolve conflicts by…

It is possible that people will prevent…

10 We must respect …
8 Speaking

Suggest how to prevent these conflicts

Небольшим группам раздаются вопросы для обсуждения. Учащиеся высказываются по следующим вопросам:
1).Parents want their children to obey them;

2).Children want their parents to obey them;

3) Children ignore their parents;

4).How can you avoid conflict?
Parents want their children to obey them.

S1-I think it’s not unusual or surprising when parents want their children to obey them. They want us to be patient and obedient, to study well, and help our parents about the house. Of course, if we don’t obey our parents it often causes conflict. To prevent such kind of conflict, both children and parents should try to understand each other
Children want their parents to obey them;

S2-I am sure, if parents gave children some duties from the early age, there wouldn’t be conflicts later. Parents should also give them enough free time for going out or having a rest. As for children, they should remember that parents are responsible for the live and future of their children. I think everybody in the family should try to help each other and live peacefully.
Children ignore their parents.

S3-This sometimes happens when children are selfish and spoilt. It’s the wrong way of bringing up. I think parents should bring their children up to believe in their own abilities. . Many teenagers want to have a lot of freedom. Parents should try to control them with love and care.
How .can you avoid conflict?

S4 -You may not agree with somebody’s point of view ,but you shouldn’t make a quarrel . This will help you to prevent conflict and to have good relations with people .As for me I count from 1 to 50 when I am very angry.
В целях осуществления дифференцированного подхода в обучении, часть учащихся выполняет письменное задание на карточках.

Прочитайте ответ и составьте свой вопрос

Student Card

Task-Ask questions to the following answers:
People can resolve conflicts in a peaceful way

Sometimes I can avoid conflict.
It’s angry or disagreement between people

Sometimes conflicts happen

Because people are different They have different values

Conflicts may lead to fights, bad relations and violence

They do not listen to each other


1-How can people resolve conflicts in a peaceful way?

2-Can you avoid conflicts?

3-What does the word conflict mean?

4-What do people know about conflicts?

5-Why does conflict happen?

6-What can different conflicts lead to?

7-Why do people have conflicts?
9 Setting Homework

Homework- p.120 ex56. Read the letter and answer the questions

10 Summarizing

T-What have we done at the lesson and what have we learned?

S-s- We have learned some facts about conflicts and letters. We have developed our speaking skills and broaden the scope. We had a very active lesson today.

Комментирование и выставление оценок

T- The active students were involved in the work and got top marks for English. Thank you for your work . It was very interesting to find out your opinion.

That’s the bell. Good-bye, everybody! See you tomorrow.

1.Биболетова З.М.Б Бабушис Е.Е. – Учебно-методический комплект (УМК)«Английский с удовольствием»- Enjoy English – для 9 класса общеобразовательных учреждений- Обнинск – Титул, 2006г.

2.Спецификация контрольно-измерительных материалов (КИМ) для проведения в 2012 году ГИА по иностранному языку – Федеральный институт педагогических измерений (ФИПИ)

3.Кодификатор элементов содержания и требований к уровню подготовки обучающихся, для проведения в 2012 году ГИА по английскому языку ФИПИ

4.Юнева С.А.- Открывая мир с английским языком – Готовимся к ЕГЭ Москва 2012 Интеллект-Центр

5 Афанфсьева О. Эванс В -.Practice Exam papers -Английский язык Единый государственный экзамен. Тренировочные задания. Пособие для учащихся Москва « Просвещение»-2011 Express Publishing + MP3

общеобразовательных учреждений- Обнинск – Титул, 2006г.

6. Аудиокассета к УМК Биболетова З.М.Б Бабушис Е.Е

7.Веселова Ю.С. Сборник тренировочных и проверочных заданий 9 класс (Формат ЕГЭ) –«Интеллект- центр»Москва-2009

8.Соловова Е.Н .Парсонс Д. Английский язык ЕГЭ Типовые тестовые задания . –Центр изучения английского языка Елены Солововой. Москва 2011.

9. Конышева А.В. Организация классных часов на английском языке. КАРО Санкт-Петербург 2005.

10 Использование интернет ресурсов – 2 фото

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