Учебно-методический комплекс по дисциплине «Основной (английский) язык» для специальности

НазваниеУчебно-методический комплекс по дисциплине «Основной (английский) язык» для специальности
Дата публикации26.06.2014
Размер3.38 Mb.
ТипУчебно-методический комплекс
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Step 2:

  • Put 15 questions to the text

  • Note down the sentences from the text which contain the word combinations and phrases. Translate them into Russian.

Some questions to students:

Who is Richard Gordon?

When he left his medical practice?

What means an examination to medical student?

Richard Gordons feeling in a moment he is going to have an examination?

4. Application

  • Giving home task

To write a commentary to the text

To learn by heart new words

  • Marking

Theme: Exercise on the text



Lesson: #7

Time required: 50 min


  • To develop students writing skills

  • To develop skill to analyze, generalize and do conclusions

  • To develop a habit closely and seriously to concern toBusiness

Materials needed:

  • Textbook

  • Activities

  • Related dictionary pages

  • Blackboard, chalk, pictures, cards

Skills used:

  • Listening

  • Writing

  • Speaking

  • Reading

  • Thinking


Time: 10 min

  1. Warm-Up/Motivation

  • Greeting

  • Org. moment

  • Activity

Giving character sketch of a person

The sketch should be informative and convincing enough. A mere outward description of a person is not a character sketch. The student should present a sort of critical analyses and pass their own grounded judgment of a personality.

Outline for a character sketch

  1. Appearance : age, height, weight, build of figure, face, hair, eyes, complexion, closes.

  2. Background: family, education, profession or occupation.

  3. Likes and dislikes: with regard to people, tastes, hobbies, and interests.

  4. Character, disposition.

  5. Conclusion

The aim of this activity is to correct the person’s behavior, character, manners etc.

2. Presentation: Practice

Exercise 3

Read the following word combinations paying attention to the phonetic phenomena of connective speech (assimilation, lateral, and nasal plosions, the loss of plosions, the linking “r”) Mind the pronunciation of the vowels fnd observe proper rhythm:

That the authorities have found the most fair and convenient to both sides; they are straight contest between himself and the examiners; There is rarely any frank cheating in medical examination; standing at the frost and gazing at him; like the policeman that flank the dock at the Old Bailey; they were able

Exercise 9.Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Хорошо. Я принимаю ваш отказ. В любом случае я рада, что мы познакомились. Надеюсь, в другой раз вы будете более сговорчивы. 2. Я и не надеялась застать Джонни дома в такое время. 3. Не пытайся заставлять ее работать на вас. Так или иначеона сделает, что вы просите.

1. Наконец Джесс уговорил (заставил) Рэя дать ему работу. 2. Пока я хозяин дома, я заставлю всех повиноваться мне — слышите? 3. Не моя вина, что ты не понимаешь меня, но я заставлю тебя внять здравому смыслу. 4. В среду миссис Хиггинс принимала гостей, и Хиггинс заставил ее пригласить Элизу.

I. Теперь, когда все экзамены позади, можно с уверенностью сказать, что из вас выйдет настоящий адвокат. 2. Раз уж Том убедил всех, что Симон был невиновен, необходимо найти настоящего преступника. 3. Теперь, когда Памела нисколько не волновалась о том, что могут сказать о ней люди, о ней перестали распускать слухи.

Exercise 10. Note down from the text (p. 6) the sentences containing the phrases and word combinations (p. 11) and translate them into Russian

14.Explain what is meant by:

1. Examinations touch off his fighting spirit. 2. A single invigilator sat on a raised platform to keep an eye open for flagrant cheating. 3. ... hoping by an incomplete sentence to give the examiners the impression of frustrated brilliance. 4. Confusion breeds confusion and he will come to the end of his interrogation struggling like a cow in a bog. 5. "It's the same idea as talking about passing away and going above instead of plain dying."

15.Answer the following questions and do the given assignments:

a) 1. Why does Gordon equate the final examinations with death? How does he define an examination? 2. What is the usual way medical students prepare for examinations? 3, Why were the students so particular to humour Malcolm Max-worth? 4. Describe the procedure of the written examination as presented by the author. 5. In Gordon's opinion why are oral examinations so unpopular with the students? 6. Describe the psychological types fairly commonly seen in viva waiting-rooms. 7. Why were the days after the oral examination black ones for the students? 8. What was Grimsdyke's theory about failing exams? 9. In what way are the examination results usually announced? 10. How did Gordon feel when he learned that he had passed the exams?

b) 1. What is the general slant of the story? 2. What imagery is employed by the writer in describing the student's anticipating the examinations? 3. By commenting on six cases of simile chosen from the text explain and bring out the effectiveness of this stylistic device in the description of the examinations. 4. Explain and discuss the effectiveness of the allusion "judgement day" for conveying the students' fear of the examinations. 5. How does the author describe the difference between the psychological types of students at the examinations? What makes the description convincing? 6. Show how the writer conveys a sense of futility and despair in the description of the aftereffect of the examination on the students. Bring out the effectiveness of the sustained metaphor in creating the sense of futility Richard had after the examinations.

7. In what way is the atmosphere of growing suspense created? Show its function in conveying the sense of anticipation and excitement which is generated towards the end of the extract.

8. What contrast in mood and atmosphere do you detect between the whole text and the last paragraph? 9. By referring to four examples from the text, comment on the writer's sense of humour. 10. What impressions of Gordon's character do you derive from this passage?


4. Application :

Your home task will beExercise17.Use the phrases and word combinations and act out the dialogues between:

  1. Benskin and Richard Gordon on the technical details of the coming examinations. 2. Richard and his friend discussing the written examinations they’ve been through. 3. Richard and Grimsdyke discussing the psychological types of students taking examinations. 4. Gordon and his friend in anticipation of the coming examination results.

  • Marking

Theme: Discussing the text



Lesson: #8

Time required: 50 min


  • To increase the students vocabulary and to improve their knowledge.

  • To develop speech and thinking of pupils.

  • To bring them up to use their free time correctly and to by mixer with others in society.

Materials needed:

  • Textbook

  • Activities

  • Related dictionary pages

  • Blackboard, chalk, pictures, cards

Skills used:

  • Listening

  • Writing

  • Speaking

  • Reading

  • Thinking


Time: 10 min

  1. Warm-Up/Motivation

  • Greeting

  • Org. moment

  • Activity

Bad Fruit: A Shoppers' Nightmare

Level: Easy to Medium

This is an oral communication activity appropriate for EFL learners in university. This game is designed for practicing "shopping" dialogues and vocabulary.

Materials: "produce" and play money.

Object of Game: To accumulate as many products as possible.

Students are divided into clerks and shoppers.

The clerks set up "stands" to allow easy access for all shoppers (e.g. around the outsides of the room with their backs to the wall).

The shoppers are given a set amount of money* (e.g. dollars, euros, pounds, etc.) and begin at a stand where there is an open space.

Students shop, trying to accumulate as many items as possible (each item is 1 unit of currency).

Periodically, the instructor will say "stop" (a bell or other device may be needed to attract attention in some cultural and classroom contexts) and call out a name of one of the products. Students with that product must then put ALL their products in a basket at the front of the room. The remaining students continue shopping. Students who had to dump their products must begin again from scratch (with fewer units of currency).

The student with the most products at the end wins.

Students then switch roles.

2. Presentation: Discussing the text.

Students divide into three parts. All of students make up questions. One part asking questions to other, others answer to them. Questions had to be about the textand about examinations.


Ex. 10 Note down from the text the sentences containing the phrases and word combinations and translate them into Russian.

Ex. 11 Complete the following sentences, using the phrases and word combinations:

  1. If you are smart enough to cheat in this exam … . 2 Tick the names off … . 3 I hate swootting up before exams … . 4 Keep an eye open for … . 5 Young teachers … mark and grade the papers. 6 The results of the written test will come out … . 7 … adopted such an attitude towards people. 8 … get through. 9 He’s just the sort of people … cut you short. 10 … rallied her thoughts. 11 The chairperson called out the names of the student who … . 12 Never raise your voise… .

Ex. 13 Translate the following sentences into English, using the phrases and word combinations:

  1. Все уговаривали его воспользоваться шпаргалкой на экзамене, но он твердо стоял на своем в желании сдать экзамен самостоятельно. 2. Деловая Диана просматривала список гостей на прощальный обед и отмечала галочкой тех, кого считала ненужным приглашать. 3. Майк, ты что, много занимался перед экзаменами? Никогда не поверю , что ты способен на это. 4. Следите, пожалуйста за этим молодым человеком, он вполне способен воспользоваться шпаргалками на экзамене. 5. Обычно требуется неделя, чтобы проверить экзаменационные работы в колледже. 6. Результаты собеседования будут известны через три дня. 7. Дороти сосредоточилась (собралась с мыслями) , приняла суровый вид и открыла заседание совета директоров. 8. Ему удалось проскочить на экзамене, хотя времени на зубрежку медицинских терминов ему не хватило. 9. Честер начал было объяснять ситуацию, но Рей резко оборвал его. 10. Руководитель группы называл имена участников и они отходили в сторону. 11. Он никогда не повышал голос на своих подчиненных, но они были готовы выполнить любую его просьбу.


  • Giving home task

Your home task will be to write down a situation about your examination. You may write about your first examination, interesting examination, an exam. to which you were not ready but you got it.

  • Marking

Theme: Pair work



Lesson: #9

Time required: 50 min


  • To develop any attention, observation, skill to listen to

  • Reveal laws, to do conclusions and generalizations

  • To develop speech and speaking of pupils

  • To develop positive habits.

Materials needed:

  • Textbook

  • Activities

  • Related dictionary pages

  • Blackboard, chalk, pictures, cards

Skills used:

  • Listening

  • Writing

  • Speaking

  • Reading

  • Thinking


Time: 10 min

1. Warm-Up/Motivation

  • Greeting

  • Org. moment

  • Activity

What's the Question?

Level: Any Level

Type of Activity: listening and speaking

Purpose: review question forms previously studied in class

Form two teams (three will work, but two seems to add just the right amount of competitive tension).

Explain the game, with a few examples of answers in search of questions. Ask, 'What's the question?', and get students to correctly say the corresponding questions for your answer.

Have two players--one from each team--come to the front. Style it like a game show if you like, with the students standing side-by-side. If you have access to bells or buzzers, it's even more fun.

Next, read an answer to a question and say, 'What's the question?' The fastest player to respond wins a point for her/his team. New contestants come to the front for a new round.

Rationale: This game forces the students to think backwards a little, so they must provide a grammatically perfect question. All too often, they are used to answering rather than asking questions, so this is challenging and useful as review.

2. Presentation: Pair works


12. Pair work. Make up and act out situations, using the phrases and word combinations:

1. Imagine that you are sharing your experience in the technique of taking examinations with a freshman. You are not exactly a hardworking student

2. Imagine you are instructing a young teacher who is to be an invigilator at the written exam.

8.Pair work. Make up and act out a dialogue, using the patterns on page 10

1. However, I'm not worried. They never read the papers anyway.

— You needn't worry about the meals. She never has anything for breakfast anyway.

— I'm sure she is perfect for you. Anyway, I didn't mean to imply she was deficient.

2. "His father will have him go in for medicine," the housemaster said.

None can have him wear a formal dress for any function. The examiner will have him give the proper answer.

3. Now that you are well again, you can travel.

Now that you are through with this problem you can do


Now that he's become a graduate student, he can go in for



1. However, I'm not worried. They never read the papers anyway.

— You needn't worry about the meals. She never has anything for breakfast anyway.

— I'm sure she is perfect for you. Anyway, I didn't mean to imply she was deficient.

2. "His father will have him go in for medicine," the housemaster said.

None can have him wear a formal dress for any function. The examiner will have him give the proper answer.

3. Now that you are well again, you can travel.

Now that you are through with this problem you can do


Now that he's become a graduate student, he can go in for


EX. 7. Ask and answer questions. Work in pair

Develop your answers using the words in brackets.


Negative tags generally suppose the answer will be Yes.

Positive tags generally suppose the answer will be No.

a) Your train leaves at four, doesn't it?

- Yes, it does. It leaves at 4 o'clock,

it doesn't leave at 5.

b) You don't know the answer, do you?

- No, I don't. I don't know the answer, but Bill knows it.

1. The teacher always gives instructions in English (Russian).

2. Your father doesn't smoke cigarettes after dinner (cigar)

3. They don't stay in London for their summer holidays (go to Italy).

4. I often work overtime this month because I want to save up for buying a new car (a house).

5. She doesn't go skiing in France in winter (stay at home).

6. Sam, my neighbor, usually goes fishing at the weekend (buy fresh fish).

7. As a rule she drinks black coffee in the morning (tea).

8. Mrs Bell usually has meals at home (eat out).

9. As a rule Mr Smith gets out at Piccadilly and walks to his office (Trafalgar Square).

10. It takes him ten minutes to get to his work (half an hour).

11. She comesform Scotland (England).

12. You often phone your parents (not write).

13. Once a month she goes to the library to borrow books for writing her thesis (have a lot of books).
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