Урок 1 Фонетическое задание

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Урок 2.1
Фонетическое задание

Переведите слова на русский язык.




















Текст A


Foundations are elements that affect a transition between the building and the ground. There are three general areas of importance in foundation design.

1. The nature of the structure that must be supported.

2. The nature of the ground.

3. The structural actions of foundation elements, involving internal stresses and strains and the means by which they achieve the transfer of loads to the ground.

Most foundations consist of some elements of concrete, because of the relative cost of the material and its high resistance to water, rot, etc. The two general types of foundations are shallow bearing foundations and deep foundations. With shallow foundations load transfer occurs near the bottom of the building; with deep foundations it involves soil strata at some distance below the building.

The most common types of shallow foundations are wall and column footings, consisting of concrete strips and pads that are poured directly on the ground directly supporting structural elements of the building. Sometimes several structural elements of the building may be supported by a single large footing. Such a foundation does literally float on the soil and is called a raft.

If the soil at the bottom of the building is not adequate for the load transfers, it becomes necessary to utilize the resistance of lower soil strata. In this case builders have to go all the way down to bedrock, or merely to some more desirable soil layer. In order to accomplish this, the building is simply placed on stilts, or tall legs, in the ground. The two basic types of elements that are used for this are piles and piers. Piles are elements that are driven into the ground. Piers are shafts that are excavated and then filled with concrete.


excavate - рыть, копать

literally - буквально

rot - гниение, гниль

Ответьте на вопросы к тексту

1. What are foundations?

2. What are the main important factors in foundation design?

3. What is the most common material in foundations?

4. What is the difference between shallow bearing foundations and deep foundations?

5. What are the most common types of shallow foundations?

6. What is a raft?

7. When do builders utilize the resistance of lower soil strata?

8. What do they do in this case?

9. What do we call “piles” and “piers”?

10. Where are piles and piers used?
Лексические упражнения
Упражнение 1. Переведите на русский язык приведённые ниже слова. Какие из перечисленных слов могут быть другими частями речи? Какими именно?

Как они в этом случае переводятся на русский язык?

pad (n.), bearing foundation, pile (n.), float (v.), utilize (v.), deep foundation, shallow foundation, internal (adj.), stratum (n.), distance (n.), bearing (n.), strip (n.), column footing, raft (n.), leg (n.), shaft (n.), wall footing, drive (v.), pier (n.), transition (n.), bedrock (n.), stilt (n.), structural action, transfer (n.), footing (n.).

Упражнение 2. Переведите следующие слова на английский язык:

природа, характер; конструкция; грунт (2); тип; устойчивость; область, сфера;

усилие, сила; деформация, напряжение; основание; слой, пласт; стоимость;

иметь место, случаться; состоять (из); достичь, получить; поддерживать; влиять на; использовать; добиваться чего-либо; включать в себя; становиться; отливать,

бетонировать ;

глубокий; достаточный; просто; непосредственно, прямо; обычный; только;

основной (2); желательный; необходимый; несколько; высокий; затем; который; это; для того чтобы; для; такой; иногда; между; из-за; и т.д.; рядом с; под, ниже.

Упражнение 3. Найдите в тексте термины, связанные с фундаментом: его назначением, типами и особенностями этих типов. Перечислите их и дайте перевод на русский язык.

Упражнение 4. Какие из указанных переводов слов являются ошибочными.

Укажите правильный перевод.

Erect возведение

Temporary временный

coating покрытие

exist существовать

means средство

relative относительный
importance необходимость

load нагрузка

elevation фасад

support опора

main важность

flexibility гибкость

reinforcement армирование

curve закругление

slab плита

humidity влажность
Упражнение 5. Дайте синонимы следующих слов:












place v.
Грамматические упражнения

Упражнение 1. Переведите следующие предложения, определите форму и функцию причастия I.

1. Wall and column footings, consisting of concrete strips are the most common types of

shallow foundations.

2. Concrete strips are poured directly on the ground supporting structural elements of

the building.

3. Stresses acting on the cross-sectional area parallel to the direction of the force are called shear unit stresses.

4. The supporting members are glued-laminated timbers.

5. A steel rod having a cross section 0.5 in2 can carry more than 40 men.

6. Foundations are elements affecting a transition between the building and the ground.

7. Builders producing concrete can pump, or spray it into all kinds of shapes.

8. Glass is a strong material in compression providing its full strength in tension.

9. A film or coating is usually applied to a fabric improving its properties.

10. Construction work in cast-in-place concrete may start almost immediately giving faster completion times.

Упражнение 2. Переведите следующие предложения. Определите время и залог сказуемого.

1. Most foundations consist of some elements of concrete.

2. The two fundamental types of foundations were bearing foundations and deep foundations.

3. When not bearing on rock, piers are usually made wider at their ends.

4. Shallow foundation for the house is being built now.

5. Its mechanical properties are altered by the ground water.

6. Their strength will have been achieved by the end of the work.

7. The Romans used their hydraulic concrete to place very heavy foundations.

8. They are generally produced as sheet, partly because they can be easily changed in shape.

9. By that time the foundation will have been built.

10. In this way tall structures have been successfully built.

Упражнение 3. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на

модальные глаголы и их заменители.

1. Occasionally, several structural elements of the building may be supported by a single large footing.

2. Cast-in-place reinforced concrete is able to be applied to non-standard areas and shapes.

3. In order to obtain good strength and durability in the long term, concrete must be allowed to cure.

4. After it is placed in its final position, no wet concrete should be at a temperature less than 5°C or 40°F.

5. This period of time is necessary because concrete should gain sufficient strength before it has to support itself.

6. A thin wall is difficult to concrete if it must be cast vertically because the concrete has to be placed in the narrow opening at the top of the form.

7. These laminations can be used straight in columns or beams and can be bent to form arches.

8. This may require going all the way down to bedrock.

9. Wall footings are to consist of concrete strips and pads poured directly on the ground.

10. Piles may also be simply driven until their surfaces develop sufficient skin friction with the soil.

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