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100-bal.ru > Литература > Документы
Упражнения по составлению реферата.

В данном комплексе упражнений подобраны тренировочные тексты учебно-научного стиля для подготовки к единому государственному экзамену. На основе представленных заданий, я предлагаю несколько типов упражнений для всех текстов, как на русском, так и на английском языке.

Упражнения по составлению рефератов.

1) Упражнения на русском языке.

А) Внимательно прочитайте статью и выделите ее основные положения.

Б) Отметьте абзацы, которые могут быть опущены без ущерба для содержания текста.

В) Найдите ответы на вопросы, предложенные после текста.

С) Найдите ключевые предложения в абзацах.

Д) Опираясь на предыдущие задания, напишите реферат статьи.

2) Упражнения на английском языке.

a) Arrange the words to form a sentence:

1. Smoking, banned, in, places, already, is, public, Ireland, in.

2. A, ban, public, will, smoking, on, fewer, cases, in, result, of, cancer, lung.

3. The, methods, anti-smoking, government’s, so, used, far, are, cigarette, parks, on, the, warning, of, use.

b) Complete the following:

1. The Chernobyl disaster is thought to be …

2. One of the causes of the accidents was…

3. Most of the people who died as a result of the explosion were…

c) Write some sentences beginning with:

In general…

It is clear that…

It is surely known…

d) Suggest a suitable title for the passage.

e) Express the main idea of the text in English.

f) Express the main idea of each part so that the précis of the article should not exceed one third.

g) Write a précis of the text in Russian.

h) Render the précis in English.

Упражнения на составление аннотаций.

Прежде чем перейти к работе с аннотацией необходимо, чтобы ученики ознакомились с образцами и научились работать с ними. Это во многом облегчит работу по составлению аннотаций в дальнейшем. Для этого предлагаются следующие упражнения.

Task 1. Which of the following books may be helpful for academic purposes?

Даны аннотации на следующие английские словари и учебники:

Longman Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs; Oxford Dictionary of English Idioms; English Phonetics and Phonology; Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary etc.

Reading and Writing Targets 1, 2 and 3. Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley

Пример аннотации на пособие по развитию навыков письменной речи.

Reading and Writing Targets is a full-colour, three-level supplementary course which develops reading and writing skills at beginner to pre-intermediate levels. The course can be used alongside a main coursebook at secondary level in order to reinforce the learners’ reading and writing skills. Key features: a variety of texts, based on real-life situations, which develop reading and provide models for the learner’s own written work; lexical and grammar exercises which familiarize learners with all the vocabulary and grammatical structures necessary to produce a successful piece of writing; useful writing tips and paragraph plans which give the learner step-by-step guidance.

Task 2. Read the information given in the advertisement. Specify the aim of each course and choose most tempting to you. Motivate your choice. Information about academic courses: Astronomy, The nineteenth-century novel, beginner’s level, Art history, Cellular and Molecular Biology.

Учащимся предлагаются несколько рекламных проспектов о различных учебных курсах. Их задача – определить специфику каждого курса и выбрать наиболее подходящий для них. Также необходимо объяснить свой выбор.

Task 3. Study the following information. Write an advertisement about your favourite course by analogy.

Information about: Democracy: From Classical to the Present.
Предложены речевые модели для создания вторичных текстов.


Emphatic attitudes:

  • The range of…is clearly presented

  • This…is certainly wide

  • Should certainly be part of…

  • Surely… this invention will revise computing

Emphatic qualification:

  • This new notion…is no longer determinate

  • This distinction… holds to a marked extent

  • The new data/findings… solve the problem

  • The new results…provide support for…

  • Here… a new set of problems arises

  • This problem…is by no means new

  • Such methods require special comment/concern

  • This definition has its specific problems

Emphatic quantification:

  • This is the most elementary information of all

  • The most basic feature/usual pattern/recent estimate is…

  • The problem most likely lies in …

  • Here …much research remains to be done

  • This volume provides much insight into the problem

  • Much depends here on…/has been written on the subject

  • This method provides…

  • Various studies on…have noted that…

Emphatic operators:

  • There is a wide variety of

  • This book is very well done in every respect


  • It is important to compare…and…because…

  • Our goal is to survey…in order to study

  • We attempt to identify…in order to establish…

  • It is hardly necessary to do this… in order to describe

  • to assess,…nevertheless, whether, we turned to

  • It is difficult to determine/we have no idea…whether…

  • the difference between… and…is one of degree


  • …can be explained as…due to the influence of…

  • We don’t evaluate… without studying

  • Problems in using…can be avoided…with current methods

  • …are discovered every year as well as…


  • The statistics are revealing,…but let us look behind the statistics

  • The theory behind this change…in consumption patterns relies on…

  • There is association/tension between…

  • This confusion arose because of lack of distinction between…and…

Rhematization (by inversion):

  • In such descriptions, it is…that is significant

  • In this area of study much research remains to be done

  • This is where …becomes relevant

  • Whether…includes…is an open question

Emphatic connectors:

  • In detail, however, we shall see that…

  • Before looking at this matter, however, it is worth noting that…

  • This approach is the most…; nevertheless it is informative to present

  • It may be helpful nevertheless to summarize

Periods and dating:

  • These findings were collected over a three year period

  • Time needed to create a CD-ROM varies widely

  • In the past few years, experts have debated

  • Within a few years…


  • Current notions about…stem from

  • The state of research nowadays is characterized by…

  • …plays a central role in modern…

  • The present theory disregards…

  • In recent years a method of…

  • This old result is overlooked in recent publications

  • Many researchers today suspect that…

  • These issues do not so far seem to have a solution


  • We have to determine the amount of…

  • The amount/volume of…will vary according to

  • The degree/level of concentration

  • In this regime a new set of problems arises

  • …is represented by a sum of functions

  • There is a wealth of...

Quantitative changes:

  • Such attitudes would serve only to reinforce…

  • Investigation reveals many features that reinforce the analogy

Dimensions and distances:

  • A large number of critics

  • A wide variety of…

  • The range of…is certainly wide


Self- reference:

  • Here we attempt to show that…

  • At present I’m going/intended/want to discuss/review

  • At this point it will be useful to introduce some terminology

  • Below/in what follows I shall establish the difference between…and…

  • In this section I want to turn to examples of…

  • A question I would like to address at this point is whether…

Indirect reference/comments:

  • This article analyzes…accounting for its properties

  • Here a view of…is assumed…that is based on the work of…

  • In order to examine…it is essential to have a clear view of…

  • There may be some significant relationship between…and…

  • This is supported by the fact that…

  • With respect to …it is interesting to note that…


  • One difference between…and…is that;…we can explain this difference

  • The relevant data are shown in,…where we see that…

  • Given this notion of…,we can explain the lack of…

  • Another question arises, to answer this question, we will first turn to…

  • We will now compare…and…

  • We put aside for now the question of…

  • We need to consider only…/some other way of distinguishing…from…

  • We will consider each of these items in turn

  • A consequence of this view is that…we can account for the fact that…

Modalities: suppositions, opinions, proposals, caution, inferences

  • there are three ways …in which the notion of…may be construed

  • there may well be… some significant relationship between…and…

  • …may be discovered to be equivalent to…/may be said to belong to…

  • Perhaps the best way to come at the issue…is by asking the question of…

  • These factors appear to be at work…in determining…

  • This discussion has demonstrated that…one cannot simply say…

  • The question must be asked…as to what…is intended to represent

  • In cases of …a detailed investigation of …is needed

  • These aspects need further investigation

Dropping the subject/prospecting:

  • We need not discuss this issue here/will not undertake such an analysis here

  • …cannot be discussed/pursued here/can be excluded for my purposes

  • The study of…/an investigation into…is beyond our present scope/the scope of this article

  • For the purposes of this review,…it wouldn’t be productive to pursue this question further

  • These issues cannot be discussed in sufficient detail here

  • There is no need to repeat here the details of…

  • Such an analysis must be rejected in favor of…

  • That would be a story for another day

  • For these reasons, consideration of …other sorts of approach will have to be left for further investigation

Extending the exposition (human realia; education; computers):

  • The authors of…trace the roots of/examine/focus on/deal with

  • Many scholars tend to identify the scope of…in a narrow sense

  • Investigators have found it difficult to control…

  • Some researchers suspect/agree (operate on assumption) that…

  • These researchers have now obtained the evidence/are revealing the details of…

  • By studying…the researchers can design…

  • Scientists in other fields believe/maintain/have discovered that…

  • Scientists who wish to gain…have yet to identify…/should confirm these results/must make indirect estimates

  • In the 21st century, scientists will introduce…

  • The main questions that specialists now debate are…and…

  • To solve the problem, theorists turned to…

  • The editor’s choice seems to conform to…

  • The book’s clear discussion of…is readily accessible to the general reader

  • …is a matter of great controversy in the scientific community

  • At the conference dedicated to…,…spoke about…

  • This society is based on…

  • The problem with providing compulsory /elementary/general/ higher/ professional/ secondary/ college/ university education is that…

  • This field has its own theoretical orientation and…a set of educational procedures and methods

  • This textbook is suitable for advanced/ basic/ introductory/ literary courses in logic

  • The use of computers to solve the problem…is enabling predictions of…

  • Computer climates models estimate/ show that…

- …is currently an active area of computer science research

  • Multimedia is information presented in a combination of…and…

  • Programs written in this style…respond to…/convert…into…/proved difficult to check out

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