Тема: Выбор профессии

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Урок английского языка 9 класс

Учитель Смирнова Надежда Владимировна

МОУ «Краснохолмская сош № 1»

Тема: Выбор профессии.

Цель: развитие речевых навыков по теме «Профессии»

Задачи: 1)Активизация лексики по теме «Профессии» в устной и письменной речи.

- фонетическая отработка лексики по данной теме;

- развитие орфографических навыков по данной теме;

2) Развитие представлений и понятий, связанных с миром профессий: формула «Хочу –

Могу – Надо», мотивы выбора профессии, способности, необходимые для успешной

карьеры в той или иной профессии;

3) Психологическая диагностика профессиональных предпочтений;

4)Развитие навыков чтения и говорения по теме «Выбор профессии»;

5) Воспитывать самостоятельность, ответственность, как при работе над учебными

Задачами, так и в выборе профессии.

Ход урока:

1. Приветствие.

2. Сообщение темы и целей урока.
T: At the age of 15 you have to make some important decisions. In our country a nine-year education is compulsory and after the 9th form students have an opportunity to choose. To enter a university or a college it is necessary to study two more years and take examinations on finishing the 11th form. To get a professional education, students have to enter a technical college or a vocational school and to study for 3 years. The choice depends on their likes and dislikes. Of course, it is not easy to make the right decision.

Today we are going to talk about choosing a profession and learn the formula “Want – Can – Need”
3. Знакомство с формулой «Хочу – Могу – Надо»
T: There is a formula “Want – Can – Need” in the psychology.

The word “Want” means our wishes, dreams.

The word “Can” means our abilities, talents.

The word “Need” means professions in which our country needs.
4. Лексико-фонетическая разминка
T: Let’s begin our work with game “Snowball”. It helps us answer the first question: “What do you want to be?” and review kinds of professions.

P1: I want to be a …

P2: … wants to be a … I want to be a …
5. Речевая разминка
T: Professions can be attractive and not attractive. Look at the interactive board and translate the qualities that make the profession attractive.










T: The next question: Why do you choose this profession?

P: I want to be a … because it is … profession.
6. Введение новой лексики. Введение понятия «мотив».
T: But when choosing a future career, it’s a good idea take different factors into account.

What’s important for you in choosing a profession?
Motives of choosing a profession

Motives of choosing a profession



Friends’ example

Parents’ advice

Good conditions of work

High salary

Possibility to find work


Possibility to get education

Prestigious job

T: Make the rating of your motives of choosing a profession.

What motive is on the first (second…) place for you?

Please, give me your leaves and at the end of our lesson I’m talking those main motives in your form.
7. Развитие навыков чтения. Проверка домашней работы.
T: Return to the formula. And now let’s talk about abilities whose needs for success in profession.

Check your homework. Read about the necessary characteristics of a person who want to be a doctor, an accountant, an architect, a driver and a lawyer.

T: Everybody should think if he has the necessary characteristics for chosen profession.

Learn about the necessary characteristics of a person who wants to be a doctor:

  1. Sense of compassion: all people that come to the doctor are either sick or injured or other. To help all of them the sense of compassion is needed.

  2. Knowledge of human anatomy: it helps to sec what organ is injured. If a doctor is a surgeon, this knowledge is essentiall for eon-ducting successful operations.

  3. Knowledge of human psychology: some diseases arc caused not by outer factors like viruses or microorganisms, but by inner factors, for example psychological trauma. The doctor should see behind the lines.

  4. Patience: every treatment takes certain time. Patience is
    needed to overcome difficulties and help the patient to recover from
    a disease.

  5. Ability to learn until you arc a hundred: every year new ver-
    sions of medical equipment are produced by scientists and inventors.
    A doctor should know how to operate modern equipment.

Learn about the necessary characteristics of a person who
wants to become an accountant.

  1. Ability to work on one problem: in order to complete the work, an accountant should concentrate on it and not be distracted by anything.

  2. Good memory: he/she should memorize laws and orders of the Ministry of finance, and Taxation Service, and other governmental establishments.

c) Persistence: an accountant should go to the end and solve
every problem set in front of him/her.

Learn about the necessary characteristics of a person who wants to become an architect:

  1. A good eye and a steady hand: these characteristics are important to implement safe and nice projects.

  2. Patience and attentiveness: it is necessary to be patient and attentive while drawing plans of a building. All measurements must be done properly!

  3. Good math skills: although nowadays most of the programs are computer-based, still it is necessary to check formulae and calculations.

  4. Knowledge of building materials: there arc probably over a hundred materials, which arc used in construction. All the materials should be used properly, taking into account weather conditions, number of stories and what not.

Learn about the necessary characteristics of a person who
wants to become a driver.

  1. Good eyesight: eyes are very vulnerable because they arc tensed while a driver is at work. Л driver should sec what is in front of the bus and what is in far away distance.

  2. Good physical reaction: as there are many drivers who don't know the road rules well or drink while driving, it is necessary to avoid extreme situations on the road.

  3. Good memory: a driver should remember the meaning of all road signs, as they are on the road to help the driver find the right way or make the trip more comfortable and safe to passengers.

Learn about the necessary characteristics of a person who
wants to become a lawyer.

a) Good memory: it is necessary to remember a lot of information: laws, cases, etc.

  1. Eloquence: this is necessary to persuade opponents in court.

  2. Ability to give speeches in public: not everybody can do that. For a lawyer as he constantly works with people this quality is necessary.

8. Лексико-орфографическая работа.
T: Solve the crossword.






























9. Работа с учебником. Профориентация.
T: Open your books at page 143. What would like to be? Do you know what type of job you would like to have? Answer the questions and see what the career specialist says about you? You must put a cross in the box marked Yes or No.

Check your answer and add up your score. Read your result.
10. Домашнее задание
T: Today we have discussed what profession you want, what you must know choosing a profession. But your homework is to learn what professions are necessary in our region or our country.
11. Итог урока

T: Our lesson is over. Thank you for work. Good-bye.

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