Тема урока: Дом (6 класс)

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Дата публикации15.09.2013
Размер29.1 Kb.

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Тема урока: Дом (6 класс).

Цели урока:

  • обучающая: формирование обобщенных знаний по теме ”HOUSE, SWEET HOUSE” и оперирование ими;

  • развивающая: развитие языковых способностей, готовности к коммуникации;

  • воспитательная: формирование устойчивого интереса к дальнейшему изучению английского языка за счет вовлечения учащихся в творческую деятельность и при ознакомлении со страноведческим материалом.

Оборудование: интерактивная доска.

Ход урока.


Good-morning, dear children! I am glad to see you. How are you? Today I am fine too. Tell me, please, what topic did we learnt at the last lesson? (House, home) Well, we have already learnt the names of rooms and furniture. Today we’ll continue to learn this topic.


To begin with, look at the smart board and let’s remember the meaning of these words: a house, a home, a flat, an apartment. Match the words from the left column with their definitions in the right one.

What does the word “a house” mean? Is it right? Sasha, come to the smart board, take a marker and draw a line. What does the word “a home”mean...?

Good for you.


Now, pay attention to this phonetic drill. Let’s pronounce correctly the words you had to learn the topic. Listen and repeat after me all together.

Read on a chain.

Perfect, let’s continue.



Sasha, Masha, take the seats near the computers. You have a test. You should choose the right variant.


… a table in the room.

there are


… many books on the shelf.

there are


… five rooms in my flat.

there are


… a kitchen on the first floor.

there is


… a garden near the house.

there is

Sasha, what is your mark? Excellently for your.


Let’s check how you know the spelling of these words. What letter is missing in the 1st word? Is it right? Sasha, come to the smart board, take a marker and write a letter. Read and translate into Russian the word. Well done. What letter is missing in the 2nd (next/last) word?

Look at the word attentively. Find rooms (kitchen, bathroom). What other rooms do you know? You are right.


Look at these photos. Who can tell me what room is there in the 1st (2nd, next, last) photo? You may use the phrase.

Excellent! These rooms are usually in the Typical British house.


Now, you’ll know about the Typical British house. Let’s divide into 3 groups. You will be the 1st (2nd, 3rd) group. Look at the text about the Typical British house, translate it and make 2 questions. Let’s begin.

Are you ready? Let’s begin with the 1st group. Ask your 1st question. Who can answer the question? Is it right? And now, listen to the question of the 2nd group. Answer the question…

The Typical British House.

There are many different kinds of homes in Britain. Many British people love old houses and these are often more expensive than modern ones. They also love gardening and you will see gardens everywhere you go. Some gardens are small with just one tree and a few flowers. Others are large with plenty of flowers and fruit trees. Their lawns ([lo:n] - газон) are carefully cropped (высажены), their flowerbeds (клумба) are cultivated ([`k٨ltiveitid] - ухожены) because British people are careful about almost ([olmoust] - почти) everything. They call a big garden in front of their house – “front yard”(передний дворик). In the backyard (задний дворик) sometimes there is a swimming pool. British people usually put their postboxes at the end of the driveway (проезд). It is easier for the postman to deliver their post.

Two third of the families in Britain own their houses. A typical British house has got two floors: the ground floor and the first floor (British people say “the ground floor” but the Russian people say “the first floor”). There is a living room, a dining room and a kitchen on the ground floor. And there are bedrooms and a bathroom on the first floor.

A typical British family has got three or four people: mother, father and two children. But old people, young family and unmarried people do not usually live together.


We have a letter. Alice parker is a typical British girl who lives in the Typical British house. Let’s know about her new house. Continue to work in the groups. It is the letter for the 1st group. That one – for the 2nd group. This letter - for the 3rd group. (Показываю и развешиваю) You should choose “a scriber” who will write a letter. Who will be a scriber in the 1st group…? So, “a scriber” will write a letter and other pupils should come to the letter, read some words, remember them and say them to the “scriber”. The team that does this task quickly wins. Are you ready? Let’s begin.

Perfect! I congratulate the 1st team. Thanks for your hard work.

Now, exchange your letters with your classmates and compare the letter with the original letter in the books, page 107. How many mistakes have you found? Perfect! (Not bad! You should be more attentive)

Scan the whole text and answer the question. Does Alice like her new house? Read the sentence. (Our new house is great)


Look at these photos. Alice Parker lives in one of this house. Listen to the text and answer the question: Where does Alice live?

Text: It is a two-storey building. The house is nice and modern. There are many windows in it. So, the rooms are light and large. They are comfortable. The house is white. The place is wonderful because there is a beautiful river and forest near the house.

Who can answer the question? And how do you think?

Let’s check yourself. You are right.


Now, let’s play a game. Image you are realtors. Риэлторы – люди, занимающиеся покупкой и продажей домов. Each group should write an advertisement of one of these houses. You may use these words and your vocabulary. (Раздаю карточки и говорю, какой домик описывать) Are you ready? Let’s begin.

Are you ready? Listen to the advertisement of the 1st group. Listen attentively and try to guess the house. What house is it about? Is it right? I see that you are very creative pupils. (It was very interesting! Good for you! Thank you for your interesting advertisement!)


Home task.
Write a letter about your own house.

ou have already learnt to describe the British houses. At home you will prepare a letter about your house.

73 Apple Road


Norfolk NR 46 GK

Great Britain

t the last lesson we talked about the structure of the letter in the British culture. Now, let’s remember the structure of address in Britain. Put it in order. What do the British usually write at first? (the 2nd, the next, the last)
(адрес дан в произвольном порядке)

Let’s try to describe your own house. Who wants to try?


Our lesson is over. We have already learnt many interesting things about British houses. Have you enjoyed our lesson? Choose the card showed your mood.

And this is my mood! Excellent! I like your active work at the lesson.

Sasha …thanks for your excellent work at the lesson.

Masha … thanks for your good work at the lesson. Thank you. See you in a week. Good-bye.

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